doc/ref: introduce regular expression syntax

This is one sorely missing feature of a data constraint
language. Now we have unary constraints, the
syntax and semantics for it naturally arises.

Also fixed a comment about the role of null.

Fixes cuelang/cue#12.

Change-Id: I921e39bb5d8dda667f7b9ad7c79a126411853da6
diff --git a/doc/ref/ b/doc/ref/
index 0b56d40..dd1df4d 100644
--- a/doc/ref/
+++ b/doc/ref/
@@ -269,14 +269,15 @@
 The following character sequences represent operators and punctuation:
-+    div   &&    ==    !=    (    )
--    mod   ||    <     <=    [    ]
-*    quo   !     >     >=    {    }
-/    rem   &     :     <-    ;    ,
-%    _|_   |     =           ...  .
++     div   &&    ==    <     .     (     )
+-     mod   ||    !=    >     :     {     }
+*     quo   &     =~    <=    =     [     ]
+/     rem   |     !~    >=    <-    ...   ,
+%           _|_   !           ;
 <!-- :: for "is-a" definitions -->
 ### Integer literals
 An integer literal is a sequence of digits representing an integer value.
@@ -1586,12 +1587,18 @@
 <=    less or equal
 >     greater
 >=    greater or equal
+=~    matches regular expression
+!~    does not match regular expression
+<!-- regular expression operator inspired by Bash, Perl, and Ruby. -->
-In any comparison, the types of the two operands must unify.
+In any comparison, the types of the two operands must unify or one of the
+operands must be null.
 The equality operators `==` and `!=` apply to operands that are comparable.
 The ordering operators `<`, `<=`, `>`, and `>=` apply to operands that are ordered.
+The matching operators `=~` and `!~` apply to a string and regular
+expression operand.
 These terms and the result of the comparisons are defined as follows:
 - Null is comparable with itself and any other type.
@@ -1605,11 +1612,25 @@
   normalization to Unicode normal form NFC.
 - Struct are not comparable.
 - Lists are not comparable.
+- The regular expression syntax is the one accepted by RE2,
+  described in,
+  except for `\C`.
+- `s =~ r` is true if `s` matches the regular expression `r`.
+- `s !~ r` is true if `s` does not match regular expression `r`.
+<!-- TODO: Implementations should adopt an algorithm that runs in linear time? -->
+<!-- Consider implementing Level 2 of Unicode regular expresssion. -->
-a: 3 < 4       // true
-b: null == 2   // false
-c: null != {}  // true
-d: {} == {}    // _|_: structs are not comparable against structs
+3 < 4       // true
+null == 2   // false
+null != {}  // true
+{} == {}    // _|_: structs are not comparable against structs
+"Wild cats" =~ "cat"   // true
+"Wild cats" !~ "dog"   // true
+"foo" =~ "^[a-z]{3}$"  // true
+"foo" =~ "^[a-z]{4}$"  // false
 <!-- jba