internal/core/eval: simplify validators upon evaluator

Fixes #545

Change-Id: Ie4a7ca80b6be7a13c3547a31c3f85447fb174d55
Reviewed-by: Marcel van Lohuizen <>
Reviewed-by: CUE cueckoo <>
diff --git a/cue/testdata/basicrewrite/001_regexp.txtar b/cue/testdata/basicrewrite/001_regexp.txtar
index 52ce85a..3da41ea 100644
--- a/cue/testdata/basicrewrite/001_regexp.txtar
+++ b/cue/testdata/basicrewrite/001_regexp.txtar
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@
 b4: "foo"
 s1: !="b" & =~"c"     // =~"c"
-s2: !="b" & =~"[a-z]" // != "b" & =~"[a-z]"
+s2: =~"c" & !="b"     // =~"c"
+s3: !="b" & =~"[a-z]" // != "b" & =~"[a-z]"
+s4: =~"[a-z]" & !="b" // != "b" & =~"[a-z]"
 e1: "foo" =~ 1
 e2: "foo" !~ true
@@ -55,7 +57,9 @@
   b4: !~"[a-z]{4}"
   b4: "foo"
   s1: (!="b" & =~"c")
-  s2: (!="b" & =~"[a-z]")
+  s2: (=~"c" & !="b")
+  s3: (!="b" & =~"[a-z]")
+  s4: (=~"[a-z]" & !="b")
   e1: ("foo" =~ 1)
   e2: ("foo" !~ true)
   e3: (!="a" & <5)
@@ -66,9 +70,9 @@
 b3: invalid value "foo" (out of bound =~"[a-z]{4}"):
 e1: cannot use 1 (type int) as type (string|bytes):
-    ./in.cue:18:5
+    ./in.cue:20:5
 e2: cannot use true (type bool) as type (string|bytes):
-    ./in.cue:19:5
+    ./in.cue:21:5
@@ -84,15 +88,17 @@
     //     ./in.cue:10:5
   b4: (string){ "foo" }
-  s1: (string){ &(!="b", =~"c") }
-  s2: (string){ &(!="b", =~"[a-z]") }
+  s1: (string){ =~"c" }
+  s2: (string){ =~"c" }
+  s3: (string){ &(!="b", =~"[a-z]") }
+  s4: (string){ &(=~"[a-z]", !="b") }
   e1: (_|_){
     // [eval] e1: cannot use 1 (type int) as type (string|bytes):
-    //     ./in.cue:18:5
+    //     ./in.cue:20:5
   e2: (_|_){
     // [eval] e2: cannot use true (type bool) as type (string|bytes):
-    //     ./in.cue:19:5
+    //     ./in.cue:21:5
   e3: (_|_){
     // [eval] e3: conflicting values !="a" and <5 (mismatched types string and number)
diff --git a/cue/testdata/eval/issue545.txtar b/cue/testdata/eval/issue545.txtar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a069ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cue/testdata/eval/issue545.txtar
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+title: Simplification of validators.
+-- in.cue --
+package main
+import (
+    "strings"
+    "time"
+t1: {
+    #Test: {
+        #HTTP:  =~"^http://"
+        #SSH:   !~"^ssh://"
+        #USER:  strings.MinRunes(3)
+        source: #HTTP | #SSH | #USER | #Test
+    }
+    foo: #Test & {
+        source: "http://blablabla"
+    }
+    bar: #Test & {
+        source: foo
+    }
+t2: {
+    str: "foo"
+    a: =~str
+    b: =~"foo"
+    c: a & b & a & b
+    d: time.Time
+    e: time.Time()
+    f: d & e & d & e
+-- out/eval --
+  t1: (struct){
+    #Test: (#struct){
+      #HTTP: (string){ =~"^http://" }
+      #SSH: (string){ !~"^ssh://" }
+      #USER: (string){ strings.MinRunes(3) }
+      source: (string){ |((string){ =~"^http://" }, (string){ !~"^ssh://" }, (string){ strings.MinRunes(3) }) }
+    }
+    foo: (#struct){
+      #HTTP: (string){ =~"^http://" }
+      #SSH: (string){ !~"^ssh://" }
+      #USER: (string){ strings.MinRunes(3) }
+      source: (string){ "http://blablabla" }
+    }
+    bar: (#struct){
+      #HTTP: (string){ =~"^http://" }
+      #SSH: (string){ !~"^ssh://" }
+      #USER: (string){ strings.MinRunes(3) }
+      source: (#struct){
+        #HTTP: (string){ =~"^http://" }
+        #SSH: (string){ !~"^ssh://" }
+        #USER: (string){ strings.MinRunes(3) }
+        source: (string){ "http://blablabla" }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  t2: (struct){
+    str: (string){ "foo" }
+    a: (string){ =~"foo" }
+    b: (string){ =~"foo" }
+    c: (string){ =~"foo" }
+    d: (string){ time.Time }
+    e: (string){ time.Time() }
+    f: (string){ time.Time }
+  }
+-- out/compile --
+--- in.cue
+  t1: {
+    #Test: {
+      #HTTP: =~"^http://"
+      #SSH: !~"^ssh://"
+      #USER: 〈import;strings〉.MinRunes(3)
+      source: (〈0;#HTTP〉|〈0;#SSH〉|〈0;#USER〉|〈1;#Test〉)
+    }
+    foo: (〈0;#Test〉 & {
+      source: "http://blablabla"
+    })
+    bar: (〈0;#Test〉 & {
+      source: 〈1;foo〉
+    })
+  }
+  t2: {
+    str: "foo"
+    a: =~〈0;str〉
+    b: =~"foo"
+    c: (((〈0;a〉 & 〈0;b〉) & 〈0;a〉) & 〈0;b〉)
+    d: 〈import;time〉.Time
+    e: 〈import;time〉.Time()
+    f: (((〈0;d〉 & 〈0;e〉) & 〈0;d〉) & 〈0;e〉)
+  }
diff --git a/cue/testdata/resolve/011_bounds.txtar b/cue/testdata/resolve/011_bounds.txtar
index 4d7e3c8..6dfa594 100644
--- a/cue/testdata/resolve/011_bounds.txtar
+++ b/cue/testdata/resolve/011_bounds.txtar
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
   s2: (number){ &(>=0, <=10) }
   s3: (number){ >5 }
   s4: (number){ <10 }
-  s5: (number){ &(!=2, !=2) }
+  s5: (number){ !=2 }
   s6: (number){ &(>=2, !=2) }
   s7: (number){ &(>=2, !=2) }
   s8: (number){ >5 }
diff --git a/internal/core/adt/simplify.go b/internal/core/adt/simplify.go
index cc35653..2c2e52b 100644
--- a/internal/core/adt/simplify.go
+++ b/internal/core/adt/simplify.go
@@ -33,11 +33,14 @@
 	switch {
 	case xCat == yCat:
-		if x.Op == NotEqualOp || x.Op == MatchOp || x.Op == NotMatchOp {
+		switch x.Op {
+		// NOTE: EqualOp should not happen, but include it defensively.
+		// Maybe an API would use it, for instance.
+		case EqualOp, NotEqualOp, MatchOp, NotMatchOp:
 			if test(ctx, EqualOp, xv, yv) {
 				return x
-			break // unify the two bounds
+			return nil // keep both bounds
 		// xCat == yCat && x.Op != NotEqualOp
@@ -193,3 +196,46 @@
 	return false
+// SimplifyValidator simplifies non-bound validators.
+// Currently this only checks for pure equality. In the future this can be used
+// to simplify certain builtin validators analogously to how we simplify bounds
+// now.
+func SimplifyValidator(ctx *OpContext, v, w Validator) Validator {
+	switch x := v.(type) {
+	case *Builtin:
+		switch y := w.(type) {
+		case *Builtin:
+			if x == y {
+				return x
+			}
+		case *BuiltinValidator:
+			if y.Builtin == x && len(y.Args) == 0 {
+				return x
+			}
+		}
+	case *BuiltinValidator:
+		switch y := w.(type) {
+		case *Builtin:
+			return SimplifyValidator(ctx, y, x)
+		case *BuiltinValidator:
+			if x == y {
+				return x
+			}
+			if x.Builtin != y.Builtin || len(x.Args) != len(y.Args) {
+				return nil
+			}
+			for i, a := range x.Args {
+				if !test(ctx, EqualOp, a, y.Args[i]) {
+					return nil
+				}
+			}
+			return x
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/internal/core/eval/eval.go b/internal/core/eval/eval.go
index 5ab7c60..556d1a3 100644
--- a/internal/core/eval/eval.go
+++ b/internal/core/eval/eval.go
@@ -1294,11 +1294,36 @@
 			n.lowerBound = x
 		case adt.EqualOp, adt.NotEqualOp, adt.MatchOp, adt.NotMatchOp:
-			n.checks = append(n.checks, x)
+			// This check serves as simplifier, but also to remove duplicates.
+			k := 0
+			match := false
+			for _, c := range n.checks {
+				if y, ok := c.(*adt.BoundValue); ok {
+					switch z := adt.SimplifyBounds(ctx, n.kind, x, y); {
+					case z == y:
+						match = true
+					case z == x:
+						continue
+					}
+				}
+				n.checks[k] = c
+				k++
+			}
+			n.checks = n.checks[:k]
+			if !match {
+				n.checks = append(n.checks, x)
+			}
 	case adt.Validator:
+		// This check serves as simplifier, but also to remove duplicates.
+		for i, y := range n.checks {
+			if b := adt.SimplifyValidator(ctx, x, y); b != nil {
+				n.checks[i] = b
+				return
+			}
+		}
 		n.checks = append(n.checks, x)
 	case *adt.Vertex: