blob: 8450601a87f769bbc833a0c6bf080074db1db9e7 [file] [log] [blame]
-- in.cue --
structShorthand: X={b: 3, c: X.b}
// Note that X and Y are subtly different, as they have different bindings:
// one binds to the field, the other to the value. In this case, that does not
// make a difference.
fieldAndValue: X=foo: Y={ 3, #sum: X + Y }
valueCycle: b: X=3+X
-- out/eval --
structShorthand: (struct){
b: (int){ 3 }
c: (int){ 3 }
fieldAndValue: (struct){
foo: (int){
#sum: (int){ 6 }
valueCycle: (struct){
b: (_|_){
// [cycle] cycle error:
// ./in.cue:8:18
-- out/compile --
--- in.cue
structShorthand: {
b: 3
c: 1〉.b
fieldAndValue: {
foo: {
#sum: (〈1;foo〉 + 〈1〉)
valueCycle: {
b: (3 + 0〉)