internal/core/adt: initial commit

Defines Abstract Data Types. These are internal
types used by the CUE evaluator.

Change-Id: Ibb109bf3b5d63525199cab05ec609595bee0a5bf
Reviewed-by: Marcel van Lohuizen <>
Reviewed-by: CUE cueckoo <>
diff --git a/internal/core/adt/op.go b/internal/core/adt/op.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6383290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/core/adt/op.go
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package adt
+import ""
+// Op indicates the operation at the top of an expression tree of the expression
+// use to evaluate a value.
+type Op int
+func (o Op) String() string {
+	return opToString[o]
+// Values of Op.
+const (
+	NoOp Op = iota
+	AndOp
+	OrOp
+	SelectorOp
+	IndexOp
+	SliceOp
+	CallOp
+	BoolAndOp
+	BoolOrOp
+	EqualOp
+	NotOp
+	NotEqualOp
+	LessThanOp
+	LessEqualOp
+	GreaterThanOp
+	GreaterEqualOp
+	MatchOp
+	NotMatchOp
+	AddOp
+	SubtractOp
+	MultiplyOp
+	FloatQuotientOp
+	IntQuotientOp
+	IntRemainderOp
+	IntDivideOp
+	IntModuloOp
+	InterpolationOp
+var opToString = map[Op]string{
+	AndOp:           "&",
+	OrOp:            "|",
+	BoolAndOp:       "&&",
+	BoolOrOp:        "||",
+	EqualOp:         "==",
+	NotOp:           "!",
+	NotEqualOp:      "!=",
+	LessThanOp:      "<",
+	LessEqualOp:     "<=",
+	GreaterThanOp:   ">",
+	GreaterEqualOp:  ">=",
+	MatchOp:         "=~",
+	NotMatchOp:      "!~",
+	AddOp:           "+",
+	SubtractOp:      "-",
+	MultiplyOp:      "*",
+	FloatQuotientOp: "/",
+	IntQuotientOp:   "quo",
+	IntRemainderOp:  "rem",
+	IntDivideOp:     "div",
+	IntModuloOp:     "mod",
+	SelectorOp: ".",
+	IndexOp:    "[]",
+	SliceOp:    "[:]",
+	CallOp:     "()",
+	InterpolationOp: `\()`,
+// OpFromToken converts a token.Token to an Op.
+func OpFromToken(t token.Token) Op {
+	return tokenMap[t]
+// Token returns the token.Token corresponding to the Op.
+func (op Op) Token() token.Token {
+	return opMap[op]
+var tokenMap = map[token.Token]Op{
+	token.OR:  OrOp,  // |
+	token.AND: AndOp, // &
+	token.ADD: AddOp,           // +
+	token.SUB: SubtractOp,      // -
+	token.MUL: MultiplyOp,      // *
+	token.QUO: FloatQuotientOp, // /
+	token.IDIV: IntDivideOp,    // div
+	token.IMOD: IntModuloOp,    // mod
+	token.IQUO: IntQuotientOp,  // quo
+	token.IREM: IntRemainderOp, // rem
+	token.LAND: BoolAndOp, // &&
+	token.LOR:  BoolOrOp,  // ||
+	token.EQL: EqualOp,       // ==
+	token.LSS: LessThanOp,    // <
+	token.GTR: GreaterThanOp, // >
+	token.NOT: NotOp,         // !
+	token.NEQ:  NotEqualOp,     // !=
+	token.LEQ:  LessEqualOp,    // <=
+	token.GEQ:  GreaterEqualOp, // >=
+	token.MAT:  MatchOp,        // =~
+	token.NMAT: NotMatchOp,     // !~
+var opMap = map[Op]token.Token{}
+func init() {
+	for t, o := range tokenMap {
+		opMap[o] = t
+	}