blob: 21ed8860687ca78c109a5998caca08bd7197cc7a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cue
import (
func (v Value) appendErr(err errors.Error, b *bottom) errors.Error {
return &valueError{
v: v,
err: &adt.Bottom{
Err: errors.Append(err, b.Err),
func (v Value) toErr(b *bottom) (err errors.Error) {
return &valueError{v: v, err: b}
var _ errors.Error = &valueError{}
// A valueError is returned as a result of evaluating a value.
type valueError struct {
v Value
err *bottom
func (e *valueError) Error() string {
return errors.String(e)
func (e *valueError) Position() token.Pos {
src := e.err.Source()
if src == nil {
return token.NoPos
return src.Pos()
func (e *valueError) InputPositions() []token.Pos {
if e.err.Err == nil {
return nil
return e.err.Err.InputPositions()
func (e *valueError) Msg() (string, []interface{}) {
if e.err.Err == nil {
return "", nil
return e.err.Err.Msg()
func (e *valueError) Path() (a []string) {
return e.v.appendPath(nil)
type errCode = adt.ErrorCode
const (
codeNone errCode = 0
codeFatal = adt.EvalError
codeNotExist = adt.NotExistError
codeTypeError = adt.EvalError
codeIncomplete = adt.IncompleteError
codeUser = adt.UserError
codeCycle = adt.CycleError
func isIncomplete(v value) bool {
if err, ok := v.(*bottom); ok {
return err.Code == codeIncomplete || err.Code == codeCycle
return false
func isLiteralBottom(v value) bool {
if err, ok := v.(*bottom); ok {
return err.Code == codeUser
return false
var errNotExists = &adt.Bottom{
Code: codeNotExist,
Err: errors.Newf(token.NoPos, "undefined value"),
func exists(v value) bool {
if err, ok := v.(*bottom); ok {
return err.Code != codeNotExist
return true
func (idx *index) mkErr(src source, args ...interface{}) *bottom {
var e *adt.Bottom
var code errCode = -1
for i, a := range args {
switch x := a.(type) {
case errCode:
code = x
case *bottom:
e = adt.CombineErrors(nil, e, x)
case []*bottom:
for _, b := range x {
e = adt.CombineErrors(nil, e, b)
case errors.Error:
e = adt.CombineErrors(nil, e, &adt.Bottom{Err: x})
case value:
case string:
args := args[i+1:]
// Do not expand message so that errors can be localized.
pos := pos(src)
if code < 0 {
code = 0
e = adt.CombineErrors(nil, e, &adt.Bottom{
Code: code,
Err: errors.Newf(pos, x, args...),
break outer
if code >= 0 {
e.Code = code
return e
func fixArg(idx *index, x interface{}) interface{} {
switch x.(type) {
case uint, int, string:
return x
case value:
return x
t := reflect.TypeOf(x)
// Store all non-ptr types as is, as they cannot change.
if k := t.Kind(); k == reflect.String || k <= reflect.Complex128 {
return x
return fmt.Sprint(x)
func isBottom(x adt.Node) bool {
if x == nil {
return true
b, _ := x.(*adt.Bottom)
return b != nil
func firstBottom(v ...value) *bottom {
for _, b := range v {
if isBottom(b) {
return b.(*bottom)
return nil