blob: d9ef845fb82b4803e731eb78fca2f21b8e81e84c [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by cue get go. DO NOT EDIT.
//cue:generate cue get go
// block comment
package pkg1
import (
p2 ""
// Foozer foozes a jaman.
#Foozer: {
Int: int
String: string
NoInline: #NoInline
CustomJSON: #CustomJSON
CustomYAML?: null | #CustomYAML @go(,*CustomYAML)
AnyJSON: _ @go(,json.Marshaler)
AnyText: string @go(,encoding.TextMarshaler)
bar?: int & >10 @go(Bar)
// Time is mapped to CUE's internal type.
Time: time.Time
Barzer: p2.#Barzer
Alias1?: null | p2.#Barzer @go(,*p2.Barzer)
Map: {[string]: null | #CustomJSON} @go(,map[string]*CustomJSON)
Slice1: [] @go(,[]int)
Slice2: [...] @go(,[]interface{})
Slice3?: null | [...] @go(,*[]json.Unmarshaler)
Array1: 5 * [int] @go(,[5]int)
Array2: 5 * [_] @go(,[5]interface{})
Array3?: null | 5*[_] @go(,*[5]json.Marshaler)
Intf: #Interface @protobuf(2,varint,name=intf)
Intf2: _ @go(,interface{})
Intf3: {
Interface: #Interface
} @go(,struct{Interface})
Intf4: _ @go(,"interface{Foo()}")
// Even though this struct as a type implements MarshalJSON, it is known
// that it is really only implemented by the embedded field.
Embed: {
CustomJSON: #CustomJSON
} @go(,struct{CustomJSON})
#Identifier: string // #enumIdentifier
_#internalIdentifier: #Identifier & "internal"
// Level gives an indication of the extent of stuff.
#Level: int // #enumLevel
#Unknown |
#Low |
#Medium |
// Block comment.
// Indented.
// Empty line before.
#Unknown: #Level & 0
#Low: #Level & 1
// Medium is neither High nor Low
#Medium: #Level & 2
#High: #Level & 3
#CustomJSON: _
#CustomYAML: {
_#localType: int
_#localConst: _#localType & 1
#Inline: Kind: string
#NoInline: Kind: string
#Interface: _