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Types and Values


Ranges define an inclusive range of valid values. They work on numbers, strings, and bytes.

The type of a range is the unification of the types of the start and end value.

Unifying two ranges results in the overlapping range or an error if there is no overlap.

rn: 3..5       // type int | float
ri: 3..5 & int // type int
rf: 3..5.0     // type float
rs: "a".."mo"

    a: rn & 3.5
    b: ri & 3.5
    c: rf & 3
    d: "ma"
    e: "mu"

    r1: 0..7 & 3..10
a:  3.5
b:  _|_
c:  3
d:  "ma"
e:  _|_
r1: 3..7