blob: 759785c3967b8ada187a86306bc13b78650a0c46 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cuetxtar
import (
// A TxTarTest represents a test run that process all CUE tests in the txtar
// format rooted in a given directory.
type TxTarTest struct {
// Run TxTarTest on this directory.
Root string
// Name is a unique name for this test. The golden file for this test is
// derived from the out/<name> file in the .txtar file.
// TODO: by default derive from the current base directory name.
Name string
// If Update is true, TestTxTar will update the out/Name file if it differs
// from the original input. The user must set the output in Gold for this
// to be detected.
Update bool
// Skip is a map of tests to skip to their skip message.
Skip map[string]string
// ToDo is a map of tests that should be skipped now, but should be fixed.
ToDo map[string]string
// A Test represents a single test based on a .txtar file.
// A Test embeds *testing.T and should be used to report errors.
// A Test also embeds a *bytes.Buffer which is used to report test results,
// which are compared against the golden file for the test in the TxTar archive.
// If the test fails and the update flag is set to true, the Archive will be
// updated and written to disk.
type Test struct {
// Allow Test to be used as a T.
prefix string
buf *bytes.Buffer // the default buffer
outFiles []file
Archive *txtar.Archive
// The absolute path of the current test directory.
Dir string
hasGold bool
func (t *Test) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
if t.buf == nil {
t.buf = &bytes.Buffer{}
t.outFiles = append(t.outFiles, file{t.prefix, t.buf})
return t.buf.Write(b)
type file struct {
name string
buf *bytes.Buffer
func (t *Test) HasTag(key string) bool {
prefix := []byte("#" + key)
s := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(t.Archive.Comment))
for s.Scan() {
b := s.Bytes()
if bytes.Equal(bytes.TrimSpace(b), prefix) {
return true
return false
func (t *Test) Value(key string) (value string, ok bool) {
prefix := []byte("#" + key + ":")
s := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(t.Archive.Comment))
for s.Scan() {
b := s.Bytes()
if bytes.HasPrefix(b, prefix) {
return string(bytes.TrimSpace(b[len(prefix):])), true
return "", false
// Bool searches for a line starting with #key: value in the comment and
// returns true if the key exists and the value is true.
func (t *Test) Bool(key string) bool {
s, ok := t.Value(key)
return ok && s == "true"
// Rel converts filename to a normalized form so that it will given the same
// output across different runs and OSes.
func (t *Test) Rel(filename string) string {
rel, err := filepath.Rel(t.Dir, filename)
if err != nil {
return filepath.Base(filename)
return filepath.ToSlash(rel)
// WriteErrors writes strings and
func (t *Test) WriteErrors(err errors.Error) {
if err != nil {
errors.Print(t, err, &errors.Config{
Cwd: t.Dir,
ToSlash: true,
// Write file in a directory.
func (t *Test) WriteFile(f *ast.File) {
// TODO: use FileWriter instead in separate CL.
fmt.Fprintln(t, "==", filepath.Base(f.Filename))
_, _ = t.Write(formatNode(t.T, f))
// Writer returns a Writer with the given name.
func (t *Test) Writer(name string) io.Writer {
switch name {
case "":
name = t.prefix
name = path.Join(t.prefix, name)
for _, f := range t.outFiles {
if == name {
return f.buf
w := &bytes.Buffer{}
t.outFiles = append(t.outFiles, file{name, w})
if name == t.prefix {
t.buf = w
return w
func formatNode(t *testing.T, n ast.Node) []byte {
b, err := format.Node(n)
if err != nil {
return b
// ValidInstances returns the valid instances for this .txtar file or skips the
// test if there is an error loading the instances.
func (t *Test) ValidInstances(args ...string) []*build.Instance {
a := t.RawInstances(args...)
for _, i := range a {
if i.Err != nil {
if t.hasGold {
t.Fatal("Parse error: ", i.Err)
t.Skip("Parse error: ", i.Err)
return a
// RawInstances returns the intstances represented by this .txtar file. The
// returned instances are not checked for errors.
func (t *Test) RawInstances(args ...string) []*build.Instance {
return Load(t.Archive, t.Dir, args...)
// Load loads the intstances of a txtar file. By default, it only loads
// files in the root directory. Relative files in the archive are given an
// absolution location by prefixing it with dir.
func Load(a *txtar.Archive, dir string, args ...string) []*build.Instance {
auto := len(args) == 0
overlay := map[string]load.Source{}
for _, f := range a.Files {
if auto && !strings.Contains(f.Name, "/") {
args = append(args, f.Name)
overlay[filepath.Join(dir, f.Name)] = load.FromBytes(f.Data)
cfg := &load.Config{
Dir: dir,
Overlay: overlay,
return load.Instances(args, cfg)
// Run runs tests defined in txtar files in root or its subdirectories.
// Only tests for which an `old/name` test output file exists are run.
func (x *TxTarTest) Run(t *testing.T, f func(tc *Test)) {
dir, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
root := x.Root
err = filepath.Walk(root, func(fullpath string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
if info.IsDir() || filepath.Ext(fullpath) != ".txtar" {
return nil
str := filepath.ToSlash(fullpath)
p := strings.Index(str, "/testdata/")
testName := str[p+len("/testdata/") : len(str)-len(".txtar")]
t.Run(testName, func(t *testing.T) {
a, err := txtar.ParseFile(fullpath)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error parsing txtar file: %v", err)
tc := &Test{
T: t,
Archive: a,
Dir: filepath.Dir(filepath.Join(dir, fullpath)),
prefix: path.Join("out", x.Name),
for _, f := range a.Files {
// TODO: not entirely correct.
if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, tc.prefix) {
tc.hasGold = true
if tc.HasTag("skip") {
if msg, ok := x.Skip[testName]; ok {
if msg, ok := x.ToDo[testName]; ok {
update := false
for _, sub := range tc.outFiles {
var gold *txtar.File
for i, f := range a.Files {
if f.Name == {
gold = &a.Files[i]
result := sub.buf.Bytes()
switch {
case gold == nil:
a.Files = append(a.Files, txtar.File{Name:})
gold = &a.Files[len(a.Files)-1]
case bytes.Equal(gold.Data, result):
if x.Update || cuetest.UpdateGoldenFiles {
update = true
gold.Data = result
t.Errorf("result for %s differs:\n%s",,
cmp.Diff(string(gold.Data), string(result)))
if update {
err = ioutil.WriteFile(fullpath, txtar.Format(a), 0644)
if err != nil {
return nil
if err != nil {