blob: 937108382b974e3f8cef6b6243900e8bc2e199af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package token
import (
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Positions
// Position describes an arbitrary source position
// including the file, line, and column location.
// A Position is valid if the line number is > 0.
type Position struct {
Filename string // filename, if any
Offset int // offset, starting at 0
Line int // line number, starting at 1
Column int // column number, starting at 1 (byte count)
// RelPos Pos // relative position information
// IsValid reports whether the position is valid.
func (pos *Position) IsValid() bool { return pos.Line > 0 }
// String returns a string in one of several forms:
// file:line:column valid position with file name
// line:column valid position without file name
// file invalid position with file name
// - invalid position without file name
func (pos Position) String() string {
s := pos.Filename
if pos.IsValid() {
if s != "" {
s += ":"
s += fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", pos.Line, pos.Column)
if s == "" {
s = "-"
return s
// Pos is a compact encoding of a source position within a file, as well as
// relative positioning information. It can be converted into a Position for a
// more convenient, but much larger, representation.
type Pos struct {
file *File
offset int
// File returns the file that contains the position p or nil if there is no
// such file (for instance for p == NoPos).
func (p Pos) File() *File {
if p.index() == 0 {
return nil
return p.file
func (p Pos) Line() int {
if p.file == nil {
return 0
return p.Position().Line
func (p Pos) Column() int {
if p.file == nil {
return 0
return p.Position().Column
func (p Pos) Filename() string {
if p.file == nil {
return ""
return p.Position().Filename
func (p Pos) Position() Position {
if p.file == nil {
return Position{}
return p.file.Position(p)
func (p Pos) String() string {
return p.Position().String()
// NoPos is the zero value for Pos; there is no file and line information
// associated with it, and NoPos().IsValid() is false. NoPos is always
// smaller than any other Pos value. The corresponding Position value
// for NoPos is the zero value for Position.
var NoPos = Pos{}
// RelPos indicates the relative position of token to the previous token.
type RelPos int
const (
// NoRelPos indicates no relative position is specified.
NoRelPos RelPos = iota
// Elided indicates that the token for which this position is defined is
// not rendered at all.
// NoSpace indicates there is no whitespace after this token.
// Blank means there is horizontal space after this token.
// Newline means there is a single newline after this token.
// NewSection means there are two or more newlines after this token.
relMask = 0xf
relShift = 4
var relNames = []string{
"invalid", "elided", "nospace", "blank", "newline", "section",
func (p RelPos) String() string { return relNames[p] }
func (p RelPos) Pos() Pos {
return Pos{nil, int(p)}
// HasRelPos repors whether p has a relative position.
func (p Pos) HasRelPos() bool {
return p.offset&relMask != 0
func (p Pos) Before(q Pos) bool {
return p.file == q.file && p.Offset() < q.Offset()
// Offset reports the byte offset relative to the file.
func (p Pos) Offset() int {
return p.Position().Offset
// Add creates a new position relative to the p offset by n.
func (p Pos) Add(n int) Pos {
return Pos{p.file, p.offset + toPos(index(n))}
// IsValid reports whether the position is valid.
func (p Pos) IsValid() bool {
return p != NoPos
// IsNewline reports whether the relative information suggests this node should
// be printed on a new lien.
func (p Pos) IsNewline() bool {
return p.RelPos() >= Newline
func (p Pos) WithRel(rel RelPos) Pos {
return Pos{p.file, p.offset&^relMask | int(rel)}
func (p Pos) RelPos() RelPos {
return RelPos(p.offset & relMask)
func (p Pos) index() index {
return index(p.offset) >> relShift
func toPos(x index) int {
return (int(x) << relShift)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File
type index int
// A File has a name, size, and line offset table.
type File struct {
mutex sync.RWMutex
name string // file name as provided to AddFile
base index // Pos index range for this file is [base...base+size]
size index // file size as provided to AddFile
// lines and infos are protected by set.mutex
lines []index // lines contains the offset of the first character for each line (the first entry is always 0)
infos []lineInfo
// NewFile returns a new file.
func NewFile(filename string, base, size int) *File {
if base < 0 {
base = 1
return &File{sync.RWMutex{}, filename, index(base), index(size), []index{0}, nil}
// Name returns the file name of file f as registered with AddFile.
func (f *File) Name() string {
// Base returns the base offset of file f as registered with AddFile.
func (f *File) Base() int {
return int(f.base)
// Size returns the size of file f as registered with AddFile.
func (f *File) Size() int {
return int(f.size)
// LineCount returns the number of lines in file f.
func (f *File) LineCount() int {
n := len(f.lines)
return n
// AddLine adds the line offset for a new line.
// The line offset must be larger than the offset for the previous line
// and smaller than the file size; otherwise the line offset is ignored.
func (f *File) AddLine(offset int) {
x := index(offset)
if i := len(f.lines); (i == 0 || f.lines[i-1] < x) && x < f.size {
f.lines = append(f.lines, x)
// MergeLine merges a line with the following line. It is akin to replacing
// the newline character at the end of the line with a space (to not change the
// remaining offsets). To obtain the line number, consult e.g. Position.Line.
// MergeLine will panic if given an invalid line number.
func (f *File) MergeLine(line int) {
if line <= 0 {
panic("illegal line number (line numbering starts at 1)")
defer f.mutex.Unlock()
if line >= len(f.lines) {
panic("illegal line number")
// To merge the line numbered <line> with the line numbered <line+1>,
// we need to remove the entry in lines corresponding to the line
// numbered <line+1>. The entry in lines corresponding to the line
// numbered <line+1> is located at index <line>, since indices in lines
// are 0-based and line numbers are 1-based.
copy(f.lines[line:], f.lines[line+1:])
f.lines = f.lines[:len(f.lines)-1]
// SetLines sets the line offsets for a file and reports whether it succeeded.
// The line offsets are the offsets of the first character of each line;
// for instance for the content "ab\nc\n" the line offsets are {0, 3}.
// An empty file has an empty line offset table.
// Each line offset must be larger than the offset for the previous line
// and smaller than the file size; otherwise SetLines fails and returns
// false.
// Callers must not mutate the provided slice after SetLines returns.
func (f *File) SetLines(lines []int) bool {
// verify validity of lines table
size := f.size
for i, offset := range lines {
if i > 0 && offset <= lines[i-1] || size <= index(offset) {
return false
// set lines table
f.lines = f.lines[:0]
for _, l := range lines {
f.lines = append(f.lines, index(l))
return true
// SetLinesForContent sets the line offsets for the given file content.
// It ignores position-altering //line comments.
func (f *File) SetLinesForContent(content []byte) {
var lines []index
line := index(0)
for offset, b := range content {
if line >= 0 {
lines = append(lines, line)
line = -1
if b == '\n' {
line = index(offset) + 1
// set lines table
f.lines = lines
// A lineInfo object describes alternative file and line number
// information (such as provided via a //line comment in a .go
// file) for a given file offset.
type lineInfo struct {
// fields are exported to make them accessible to gob
Offset int
Filename string
Line int
// AddLineInfo adds alternative file and line number information for
// a given file offset. The offset must be larger than the offset for
// the previously added alternative line info and smaller than the
// file size; otherwise the information is ignored.
// AddLineInfo is typically used to register alternative position
// information for //line filename:line comments in source files.
func (f *File) AddLineInfo(offset int, filename string, line int) {
x := index(offset)
if i := len(f.infos); i == 0 || index(f.infos[i-1].Offset) < x && x < f.size {
f.infos = append(f.infos, lineInfo{offset, filename, line})
// Pos returns the Pos value for the given file offset;
// the offset must be <= f.Size().
// f.Pos(f.Offset(p)) == p.
func (f *File) Pos(offset int, rel RelPos) Pos {
if index(offset) > f.size {
panic("illegal file offset")
return Pos{f, toPos(f.base+index(offset)) + int(rel)}
// Offset returns the offset for the given file position p;
// p must be a valid Pos value in that file.
// f.Offset(f.Pos(offset)) == offset.
func (f *File) Offset(p Pos) int {
x := p.index()
if x < f.base || x > f.base+index(f.size) {
panic("illegal Pos value")
return int(x - f.base)
// Line returns the line number for the given file position p;
// p must be a Pos value in that file or NoPos.
func (f *File) Line(p Pos) int {
return f.Position(p).Line
func searchLineInfos(a []lineInfo, x int) int {
return sort.Search(len(a), func(i int) bool { return a[i].Offset > x }) - 1
// unpack returns the filename and line and column number for a file offset.
// If adjusted is set, unpack will return the filename and line information
// possibly adjusted by //line comments; otherwise those comments are ignored.
func (f *File) unpack(offset index, adjusted bool) (filename string, line, column int) {
filename =
if i := searchInts(f.lines, offset); i >= 0 {
line, column = int(i+1), int(offset-f.lines[i]+1)
if adjusted && len(f.infos) > 0 {
// almost no files have extra line infos
if i := searchLineInfos(f.infos, int(offset)); i >= 0 {
alt := &f.infos[i]
filename = alt.Filename
if i := searchInts(f.lines, index(alt.Offset)); i >= 0 {
line += alt.Line - i - 1
func (f *File) position(p Pos, adjusted bool) (pos Position) {
offset := p.index() - f.base
pos.Offset = int(offset)
pos.Filename, pos.Line, pos.Column = f.unpack(offset, adjusted)
// PositionFor returns the Position value for the given file position p.
// If adjusted is set, the position may be adjusted by position-altering
// //line comments; otherwise those comments are ignored.
// p must be a Pos value in f or NoPos.
func (f *File) PositionFor(p Pos, adjusted bool) (pos Position) {
x := p.index()
if p != NoPos {
if x < f.base || x > f.base+f.size {
panic("illegal Pos value")
pos = f.position(p, adjusted)
// Position returns the Position value for the given file position p.
// Calling f.Position(p) is equivalent to calling f.PositionFor(p, true).
func (f *File) Position(p Pos) (pos Position) {
return f.PositionFor(p, true)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper functions
func searchInts(a []index, x index) int {
// This function body is a manually inlined version of:
// return sort.Search(len(a), func(i int) bool { return a[i] > x }) - 1
// With better compiler optimizations, this may not be needed in the
// future, but at the moment this change improves the go/printer
// benchmark performance by ~30%. This has a direct impact on the
// speed of gofmt and thus seems worthwhile (2011-04-29).
// TODO(gri): Remove this when compilers have caught up.
i, j := 0, len(a)
for i < j {
h := i + (j-i)/2 // avoid overflow when computing h
// i ≤ h < j
if a[h] <= x {
i = h + 1
} else {
j = h
return i - 1