blob: 947dd19dd3696f3be06e1de67cc5d6d11db50cb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package eval
// TODO: rename this file to fieldset.go
import (
// fieldSet represents the fields for a single struct literal, along
// the constraints of fields that may be added.
type fieldSet struct {
next *fieldSet
pos adt.Node
// TODO: look at consecutive identical environments to figure out
// what belongs to same definition?
env *adt.Environment
id adt.ID
// field marks the optional conjuncts of all explicit fields.
// Required fields are marked as empty
fields []field
// literal map[adt.Feature][]adt.Node
// excluded are all literal fields that already exist.
bulk []bulkField
additional []adt.Expr
isOpen bool // has a ...
func (o *fieldSet) OptionalTypes() (mask adt.OptionalType) {
for _, f := range o.fields {
if len(f.optional) > 0 {
mask = adt.HasField
for _, b := range o.bulk {
if b.expr == nil {
mask |= adt.HasDynamic
} else {
mask |= adt.HasPattern
if o.additional != nil {
mask |= adt.HasAdditional
if o.isOpen {
mask |= adt.IsOpen
return mask
type field struct {
label adt.Feature
optional []adt.Node
type bulkField struct {
check fieldMatcher
expr adt.Node // *adt.BulkOptionalField // Conjunct
func (o *fieldSet) Accept(c *adt.OpContext, f adt.Feature) bool {
if len(o.additional) > 0 {
return true
if o.fieldIndex(f) >= 0 {
return true
for _, b := range o.bulk {
if b.check.Match(c, f) {
return true
return false
// MatchAndInsert finds matching optional parts for a given Arc and adds its
// conjuncts. Bulk fields are only applied if no fields match, and additional
// constraints are only added if neither regular nor bulk fields match.
func (o *fieldSet) MatchAndInsert(c *adt.OpContext, arc *adt.Vertex) {
env := o.env
// Match normal fields
p := 0
for ; p < len(o.fields); p++ {
if o.fields[p].label == arc.Label {
if p < len(o.fields) {
for _, e := range o.fields[p].optional {
arc.AddConjunct(adt.MakeConjunct(env, e,
if !arc.Label.IsRegular() {
bulkEnv := *env
bulkEnv.DynamicLabel = arc.Label
// match bulk optional fields / pattern properties
matched := false
for _, f := range o.bulk {
if f.check.Match(c, arc.Label) {
matched = true
if f.expr != nil {
arc.AddConjunct(adt.MakeConjunct(&bulkEnv, f.expr,
if matched {
// match others
for _, x := range o.additional {
arc.AddConjunct(adt.MakeConjunct(env, x,
func (o *fieldSet) fieldIndex(f adt.Feature) int {
for i := range o.fields {
if o.fields[i].label == f {
return i
return -1
func (o *fieldSet) MarkField(c *adt.OpContext, x *adt.Field) {
if o.fieldIndex(x.Label) < 0 {
o.fields = append(o.fields, field{label: x.Label})
func (o *fieldSet) AddOptional(c *adt.OpContext, x *adt.OptionalField) {
p := o.fieldIndex(x.Label)
if p < 0 {
p = len(o.fields)
o.fields = append(o.fields, field{label: x.Label})
o.fields[p].optional = append(o.fields[p].optional, x)
func (o *fieldSet) AddDynamic(c *adt.OpContext, env *adt.Environment, x *adt.DynamicField) {
// not in bulk: count as regular field?
o.bulk = append(o.bulk, bulkField{dynamicMatcher{env, x.Key}, nil})
func (o *fieldSet) AddBulk(c *adt.OpContext, x *adt.BulkOptionalField) {
v, ok := c.Evaluate(o.env, x.Filter)
if !ok {
// TODO: handle dynamically
if m := o.getMatcher(c, v); m != nil {
o.bulk = append(o.bulk, bulkField{m, x})
func (o *fieldSet) getMatcher(c *adt.OpContext, v adt.Value) fieldMatcher {
switch f := v.(type) {
case *adt.Top:
return typeMatcher(adt.TopKind)
case *adt.BasicType:
return typeMatcher(f.K)
return o.newPatternMatcher(c, v)
func (o *fieldSet) AddEllipsis(c *adt.OpContext, x *adt.Ellipsis) {
expr := x.Value
if x.Value == nil {
o.isOpen = true
expr = &adt.Top{}
o.additional = append(o.additional, expr)
type fieldMatcher interface {
Match(c *adt.OpContext, f adt.Feature) bool
type typeMatcher adt.Kind
func (m typeMatcher) Match(c *adt.OpContext, f adt.Feature) bool {
switch f.Typ() {
case adt.StringLabel:
return adt.Kind(m)&adt.StringKind != 0
case adt.IntLabel:
return adt.Kind(m)&adt.IntKind != 0
return false
type dynamicMatcher struct {
env *adt.Environment
expr adt.Expr
func (m dynamicMatcher) Match(c *adt.OpContext, f adt.Feature) bool {
if !f.IsRegular() || !f.IsString() {
return false
v, ok := c.Evaluate(m.env, m.expr)
if !ok {
return false
s, ok := v.(*adt.String)
if !ok {
return false
return f.SelectorString(c) == s.Str
type patternMatcher adt.Conjunct
func (m patternMatcher) Match(c *adt.OpContext, f adt.Feature) bool {
v := adt.Vertex{}
label := f.ToValue(c)
v.AddConjunct(adt.MakeRootConjunct(m.Env, label))
b, _ := v.Value.(*adt.Bottom)
return b == nil
func (o *fieldSet) newPatternMatcher(ctx *adt.OpContext, x adt.Value) fieldMatcher {
c := adt.MakeRootConjunct(o.env, x)
return patternMatcher(c)