| <!-- |
| Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors |
| |
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| --> |
| |
| # The CUE Language Specification |
| |
| ## Introduction |
| |
| This is a reference manual for the CUE data constraint language. |
| CUE, pronounced cue or Q, is a general-purpose and strongly typed |
| constraint-based language. |
| It can be used for data templating, data validation, code generation, scripting, |
| and many other applications involving structured data. |
| The CUE tooling, layered on top of CUE, provides |
| a general purpose scripting language for creating scripts as well as |
| simple servers, also expressed in CUE. |
| |
| CUE was designed with cloud configuration, and related systems, in mind, |
| but is not limited to this domain. |
| It derives its formalism from relational programming languages. |
| This formalism allows for managing and reasoning over large amounts of |
| data in a straightforward manner. |
| |
| The grammar is compact and regular, allowing for easy analysis by automatic |
| tools such as integrated development environments. |
| |
| This document is maintained by mpvl@golang.org. |
| CUE has a lot of similarities with the Go language. This document draws heavily |
| from the Go specification as a result, Copyright 2009–2018, The Go Authors. |
| |
| CUE draws its influence from many languages. |
| Its main influences were BCL/ GCL (internal to Google), |
| LKB (LinGO), Go, and JSON. |
| Others are Swift, Javascript, Prolog, NCL (internal to Google), Jsonnet, HCL, |
| Flabbergast, JSONPath, Haskell, Objective-C, and Python. |
| |
| |
| ## Notation |
| |
| The syntax is specified using Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF): |
| |
| ``` |
| Production = production_name "=" [ Expression ] "." . |
| Expression = Alternative { "|" Alternative } . |
| Alternative = Term { Term } . |
| Term = production_name | token [ "…" token ] | Group | Option | Repetition . |
| Group = "(" Expression ")" . |
| Option = "[" Expression "]" . |
| Repetition = "{" Expression "}" . |
| ``` |
| |
| Productions are expressions constructed from terms and the following operators, |
| in increasing precedence: |
| |
| ``` |
| | alternation |
| () grouping |
| [] option (0 or 1 times) |
| {} repetition (0 to n times) |
| ``` |
| |
| Lower-case production names are used to identify lexical tokens. Non-terminals |
| are in CamelCase. Lexical tokens are enclosed in double quotes "" or back quotes |
| ``. |
| |
| The form a … b represents the set of characters from a through b as |
| alternatives. The horizontal ellipsis … is also used elsewhere in the spec to |
| informally denote various enumerations or code snippets that are not further |
| specified. The character … (as opposed to the three characters ...) is not a |
| token of the Go language. |
| |
| |
| ## Source code representation |
| |
| Source code is Unicode text encoded in UTF-8. |
| Unless otherwise noted, the text is not canonicalized, so a single |
| accented code point is distinct from the same character constructed from |
| combining an accent and a letter; those are treated as two code points. |
| For simplicity, this document will use the unqualified term character to refer |
| to a Unicode code point in the source text. |
| |
| Each code point is distinct; for instance, upper and lower case letters are |
| different characters. |
| |
| Implementation restriction: For compatibility with other tools, a compiler may |
| disallow the NUL character (U+0000) in the source text. |
| |
| Implementation restriction: For compatibility with other tools, a compiler may |
| ignore a UTF-8-encoded byte order mark (U+FEFF) if it is the first Unicode code |
| point in the source text. A byte order mark may be disallowed anywhere else in |
| the source. |
| |
| |
| ### Characters |
| |
| The following terms are used to denote specific Unicode character classes: |
| |
| ``` |
| newline = /* the Unicode code point U+000A */ . |
| unicode_char = /* an arbitrary Unicode code point except newline */ . |
| unicode_letter = /* a Unicode code point classified as "Letter" */ . |
| unicode_digit = /* a Unicode code point classified as "Number, decimal digit" */ . |
| ``` |
| |
| In The Unicode Standard 8.0, Section 4.5 "General Category" defines a set of |
| character categories. |
| CUE treats all characters in any of the Letter categories Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, or Lo |
| as Unicode letters, and those in the Number category Nd as Unicode digits. |
| |
| |
| ### Letters and digits |
| |
| The underscore character _ (U+005F) is considered a letter. |
| |
| ``` |
| letter = unicode_letter | "_" . |
| decimal_digit = "0" … "9" . |
| octal_digit = "0" … "7" . |
| hex_digit = "0" … "9" | "A" … "F" | "a" … "f" . |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ## Lexical elements |
| |
| ### Comments |
| Comments serve as program documentation. There are two forms: |
| |
| 1. Line comments start with the character sequence // and stop at the end of the line. |
| 2. General comments start with the character sequence /* and stop with the first subsequent character sequence */. |
| |
| A comment cannot start inside string literal or inside a comment. |
| A general comment containing no newlines acts like a space. |
| Any other comment acts like a newline. |
| |
| |
| ### Tokens |
| |
| Tokens form the vocabulary of the CUE language. There are four classes: |
| identifiers, keywords, operators and punctuation, and literals. White space, |
| formed from spaces (U+0020), horizontal tabs (U+0009), carriage returns |
| (U+000D), and newlines (U+000A), is ignored except as it separates tokens that |
| would otherwise combine into a single token. Also, a newline or end of file may |
| trigger the insertion of a comma. While breaking the input into tokens, the |
| next token is the longest sequence of characters that form a valid token. |
| |
| |
| ### Commas |
| |
| The formal grammar uses commas "," as terminators in a number of productions. |
| CUE programs may omit most of these commas using the following two rules: |
| |
| When the input is broken into tokens, a comma is automatically inserted into |
| the token stream immediately after a line's final token if that token is |
| |
| - an identifier |
| - null, true, false, bottom, or an integer, floating-point, or string literal |
| - one of the characters ), ], or } |
| |
| |
| Although commas are automatically inserted, the parser will require |
| explicit commas between two list elements. |
| |
| To reflect idiomatic use, examples in this document elide commas using |
| these rules. |
| |
| |
| ### Identifiers |
| |
| Identifiers name entities such as fields and aliases. |
| An identifier is a sequence of one or more letters and digits. |
| It may not be `_`. |
| The first character in an identifier must be a letter. |
| |
| <!-- |
| TODO: allow identifiers as defined in Unicode UAX #31 |
| (https://unicode.org/reports/tr31/). |
| |
| Identifiers are normalized using the NFC normal form. |
| --> |
| |
| ``` |
| identifier = letter { letter | unicode_digit } . |
| ``` |
| |
| ``` |
| a |
| _x9 |
| fieldName |
| αβ |
| ``` |
| |
| <!-- TODO: Allow Unicode identifiers TR 32 http://unicode.org/reports/tr31/ --> |
| |
| Some identifiers are [predeclared](#predeclared-identifiers). |
| |
| |
| ### Keywords |
| |
| CUE has a limited set of keywords. |
| All keywords may be used as labels (field names). |
| They cannot, however, be used as identifiers to refer to the same name. |
| |
| |
| #### Values |
| |
| The following keywords are values. |
| |
| ``` |
| null true false |
| ``` |
| |
| These can never be used to refer to a field of the same name. |
| This restriction is to ensure compatibility with JSON configuration files. |
| |
| |
| #### Preamble |
| |
| The following keywords are used at the preamble of a CUE file. |
| After the preamble, they may be used as identifiers to refer to namesake fields. |
| |
| ``` |
| package import |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| #### Comprehension clauses |
| |
| The following keywords are used in comprehensions. |
| |
| ``` |
| for in if let |
| ``` |
| |
| The keywords `for`, `if` and `let` cannot be used as identifiers to |
| refer to fields. All others can. |
| |
| <!-- |
| TODO: |
| reduce [to] |
| order [by] |
| --> |
| |
| |
| #### Arithmetic |
| |
| The following pseudo keywords can be used as operators in expressions. |
| |
| ``` |
| div mod quo rem |
| ``` |
| |
| These may be used as identifiers to refer to fields in all other contexts. |
| |
| |
| ### Operators and punctuation |
| |
| The following character sequences represent operators and punctuation: |
| |
| ``` |
| + & && == != ( ) |
| - | || < <= [ ] |
| * : ! > >= { } |
| / :: ; = ... .. . |
| div mod quo rem _|_ <- , |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### Integer literals |
| |
| An integer literal is a sequence of digits representing an integer value. |
| An optional prefix sets a non-decimal base: 0 for octal, |
| 0x or 0X for hexadecimal, and 0b for binary. |
| In hexadecimal literals, letters a-f and A-F represent values 10 through 15. |
| All integers allow interstitial underscores "_"; |
| these have no meaning and are solely for readability. |
| |
| Decimal integers may have a SI or IEC multiplier. |
| Multipliers can be used with fractional numbers. |
| When multiplying a fraction by a multiplier, the result is truncated |
| towards zero if it is not an integer. |
| |
| ``` |
| int_lit = decimal_lit | octal_lit | binary_lit | hex_lit . |
| decimals = ( "0" … "9" ) { [ "_" ] decimal_digit } . |
| decimal_lit = ( "1" … "9" ) { [ "_" ] decimal_digit } [ [ "." decimals ] multiplier ] | |
| "." decimals multiplier. |
| octal_lit = "0" octal_digit { [ "_" ] octal_digit } . |
| binary_lit = "0b" binary_digit { binary_digit } . |
| hex_lit = "0" ( "x" | "X" ) hex_digit { [ "_" ] hex_digit } . |
| multiplier = ( "K" | "M" | "G" | "T" | "P" | "E" | "Y" | "Z" ) [ "i" ] |
| ``` |
| <!-- TODO(mpvl): implement "K" instead of "k" --> |
| <!-- |
| TODO: consider 0o766 notation for octal. |
| ---> |
| |
| ``` |
| 42 |
| 1.5Gi |
| 0600 |
| 0xBad_Face |
| 170_141_183_460_469_231_731_687_303_715_884_105_727 |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Decimal floating-point literals |
| |
| A decimal floating-point literal is a representation of |
| a decimal floating-point value (a _float_). |
| It has an integer part, a decimal point, a fractional part, and an |
| exponent part. |
| The integer and fractional part comprise decimal digits; the |
| exponent part is an `e` or `E` followed by an optionally signed decimal exponent. |
| One of the integer part or the fractional part may be elided; one of the decimal |
| point or the exponent may be elided. |
| |
| ``` |
| decimal_lit = decimals "." [ decimals ] [ exponent ] | |
| decimals exponent | |
| "." decimals [ exponent ] . |
| exponent = ( "e" | "E" ) [ "+" | "-" ] decimals . |
| ``` |
| |
| ``` |
| 0. |
| 72.40 |
| 072.40 // == 72.40 |
| 2.71828 |
| 1.e+0 |
| 6.67428e-11 |
| 1E6 |
| .25 |
| .12345E+5 |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### String and byte sequence literals |
| |
| A string literal represents a string constant obtained from concatenating a |
| sequence of characters. |
| Byte sequences are a sequence of bytes. |
| |
| String and byte sequence literals are character sequences between, |
| respectively, double and single quotes, as in `"bar"` and `'bar'`. |
| Within the quotes, any character may appear except newline and, |
| respectively, unescaped double or single quote. |
| String literals may only be valid UTF-8. |
| Byte sequences may contain any sequence of bytes. |
| |
| Several backslash escapes allow arbitrary values to be encoded as ASCII text |
| in interpreted strings. |
| There are four ways to represent the integer value as a numeric constant: `\x` |
| followed by exactly two hexadecimal digits; \u followed by exactly four |
| hexadecimal digits; `\U` followed by exactly eight hexadecimal digits, and a |
| plain backslash `\` followed by exactly three octal digits. |
| In each case the value of the literal is the value represented by the |
| digits in the corresponding base. |
| Hexadecimal and octal escapes are only allowed within byte sequences |
| (single quotes). |
| |
| Although these representations all result in an integer, they have different |
| valid ranges. |
| Octal escapes must represent a value between 0 and 255 inclusive. |
| Hexadecimal escapes satisfy this condition by construction. |
| The escapes `\u` and `\U` represent Unicode code points so within them |
| some values are illegal, in particular those above `0x10FFFF`. |
| Surrogate halves are allowed to be compatible with JSON, |
| but are translated into their non-surrogate equivalent internally. |
| |
| The three-digit octal (`\nnn`) and two-digit hexadecimal (`\xnn`) escapes |
| represent individual bytes of the resulting string; all other escapes represent |
| the (possibly multi-byte) UTF-8 encoding of individual characters. |
| Thus inside a string literal `\377` and `\xFF` represent a single byte of |
| value `0xFF=255`, while `ÿ`, `\u00FF`, `\U000000FF` and `\xc3\xbf` represent |
| the two bytes `0xc3 0xbf` of the UTF-8 |
| encoding of character `U+00FF`. |
| |
| After a backslash, certain single-character escapes represent special values: |
| |
| ``` |
| \a U+0007 alert or bell |
| \b U+0008 backspace |
| \f U+000C form feed |
| \n U+000A line feed or newline |
| \r U+000D carriage return |
| \t U+0009 horizontal tab |
| \v U+000b vertical tab |
| \/ U+002f slash (solidus) |
| \\ U+005c backslash |
| \' U+0027 single quote (valid escape only within single quoted literals) |
| \" U+0022 double quote (valid escape only within double quoted literals) |
| ``` |
| |
| The escape `\(` is used as an escape for string interpolation. |
| A `\(` must be followed by a valid CUE Expression, followed by a `)`. |
| |
| All other sequences starting with a backslash are illegal inside literals. |
| |
| ``` |
| escaped_char = `\` ( "a" | "b" | "f" | "n" | "r" | "t" | "v" | `\` | "'" | `"` ) . |
| unicode_value = unicode_char | little_u_value | big_u_value | escaped_char . |
| byte_value = octal_byte_value | hex_byte_value . |
| octal_byte_value = `\` octal_digit octal_digit octal_digit . |
| hex_byte_value = `\` "x" hex_digit hex_digit . |
| little_u_value = `\` "u" hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit . |
| big_u_value = `\` "U" hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit |
| hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit . |
| |
| string_lit = interpreted_string_lit | |
| interpreted_bytes_lit | |
| multiline_lit . |
| |
| interpolation = "\(" Expression ")" . |
| interpreted_string_lit = `"` { unicode_value | interpolation } `"` . |
| interpreted_bytes_lit = `"` { unicode_value | interpolation | byte_value } `"` . |
| ``` |
| |
| ``` |
| `abc` // same as "abc" |
| `\n |
| \n` // same as "\\n\n\\n" |
| 'a\000\xab' |
| '\007' |
| '\377' |
| '\xa' // illegal: too few hexadecimal digits |
| "\n" |
| "\"" // same as `"` |
| 'Hello, world!\n' |
| "Hello, \( name )!" |
| "日本語" |
| "\u65e5本\U00008a9e" |
| "\xff\u00FF" |
| "\uD800" // illegal: surrogate half |
| "\U00110000" // illegal: invalid Unicode code point |
| ``` |
| |
| These examples all represent the same string: |
| |
| ``` |
| "日本語" // UTF-8 input text |
| '日本語' // UTF-8 input text as byte sequence |
| `日本語` // UTF-8 input text as a raw literal |
| "\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e" // the explicit Unicode code points |
| "\U000065e5\U0000672c\U00008a9e" // the explicit Unicode code points |
| "\xe6\x97\xa5\xe6\x9c\xac\xe8\xaa\x9e" // the explicit UTF-8 bytes |
| ``` |
| |
| If the source code represents a character as two code points, such as a |
| combining form involving an accent and a letter, the result will appear as two |
| code points if placed in a string literal. |
| |
| Each of the interpreted string variants have a multiline equivalent. |
| Multiline interpreted strings are like their single-line equivalent, |
| but allow newline characters. |
| Carriage return characters (`\r`) inside raw string literals are discarded from |
| the raw string value. |
| |
| Multiline interpreted strings and byte sequences respectively start with |
| a triple double quote (`"""`) or triple single quote (`'''`), |
| immediately followed by a newline, which is discarded from the string contents. |
| The string is closed by a matching triple quote, which must be by itself |
| on a newline, preceded by optional whitespace. |
| The whitespace before a closing triple quote must appear before any non-empty |
| line after the opening quote and will be removed from each of these |
| lines in the string literal. |
| A closing triple quote may not appear in the string. |
| To include it is suffices to escape one of the quotes. |
| |
| ``` |
| multiline_lit = multiline_string_lit | multiline_bytes_lit . |
| multiline_string_lit = `"""` newline |
| { unicode_char | interpolation | newline } |
| newline `"""` . |
| multiline_bytes_lit = "'''" newline |
| { unicode_char | interpolation | newline | byte_value } |
| newline "'''" . |
| ``` |
| |
| ``` |
| """ |
| lily: |
| out of the water |
| out of itself |
| |
| bass |
| picking bugs |
| off the moon |
| — Nick Virgilio, Selected Haiku, 1988 |
| """ |
| ``` |
| |
| This represents the same string as: |
| |
| ``` |
| "lily:\nout of the water\nout of itself\n\n" + |
| "bass\npicking bugs\noff the moon\n" + |
| " — Nick Virgilio, Selected Haiku, 1988" |
| ``` |
| |
| <!-- TODO: other values |
| |
| Support for other values: |
| - Duration literals |
| - regular expessions: `re("[a-z]")` |
| --> |
| |
| |
| ## Values |
| |
| In addition to simple values like `"hello"` and `42.0`, CUE has _structs_. |
| A struct is a map from labels to values, like `{a: 42.0, b: "hello"}`. |
| Structs are CUE's only way of building up complex values; |
| lists, which we will see later, |
| are defined in terms of structs. |
| |
| All possible values are ordered in a lattice, |
| a partial order where every two elements have a single greatest lower bound. |
| A value `a` is an _instance_ of a value `b`, |
| denoted `a ⊑ b`, if `b == a` or `b` is more general than `a`, |
| that is if `a` orders before `b` in the partial order |
| (`⊑` is _not_ a CUE operator). |
| We also say that `b` _subsumes_ `a` in this case. |
| In graphical terms, `b` is "above" `a` in the lattice. |
| |
| At the top of the lattice is the single ancestor of all values, called |
| _top_, denoted `_` in CUE. |
| Every value is an instance of top. |
| |
| At the bottom of the lattice is the value called _bottom_, denoted `_|_`. |
| A bottom value usually indicates an error. |
| Bottom is an instance of every value. |
| |
| An _atom_ is any value whose only instances are itself and bottom. |
| Examples of atoms are `42.0`, `"hello"`, `true`, `null`. |
| |
| A value is _concrete_ if it is either an atom, or a struct all of whose |
| field values are themselves concrete, recursively. |
| |
| CUE's values also include what we normally think of as types, like `string` and |
| `float`. |
| But CUE does not distinguish between types and values; only the |
| relationship of values in the lattice is important. |
| Each CUE "type" subsumes the concrete values that one would normally think |
| of as part of that type. |
| For example, "hello" is an instance of `string`, and `42.0` is an instance of |
| `float`. |
| In addition to `string` and `float`, CUE has `null`, `int`, `bool` and `bytes`. |
| We informally call these CUE's "basic types". |
| |
| |
| ``` |
| false ⊑ bool |
| true ⊑ bool |
| true ⊑ true |
| 5.0 ⊑ float |
| bool ⊑ _ |
| _|_ ⊑ _ |
| _|_ ⊑ _|_ |
| |
| _ ⋢ _|_ |
| _ ⋢ bool |
| int ⋢ bool |
| bool ⋢ int |
| false ⋢ true |
| true ⋢ false |
| float ⋢ 5.0 |
| 5 ⋢ 6 |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### Unification |
| |
| The _unification_ of values `a` and `b`, denoted as `a & b` in CUE, |
| is defined as the greatest lower bound of `a` and `b`. (That is, the |
| value `u` such that `u ⊑ a` and `u ⊑ b`, |
| and for any other value `v` for which `v ⊑ a` and `v ⊑ b` |
| it holds that `v ⊑ u`.) |
| Since CUE values form a lattice, the greatest lower bound of two CUE values is always unique. |
| The unification of `a` with itself is always `a`. |
| The unification of a value `a` and `b` where `a ⊑ b` is always `a`. |
| |
| Unification is commutative, transitive, and reflexive. |
| As a consequence, order of evaluation is irrelevant, a property that is key |
| to many of the constructs in the CUE language as well as the tooling layered |
| on top of it. |
| |
| Syntactically, unification is a [binary expression](#Operands). |
| <!-- TODO: explicitly mention that disjunction is not a binary operation |
| but a definition of a single value?--> |
| |
| ### Disjunction |
| |
| A _disjunction_ of two values `a` and `b`, denoted as `a | b` in CUE, |
| defines the smallest value `d` such that `a ⊑ d` and `b ⊑ d`. |
| This style of disjunctions is sometimes also referred to as sum types. |
| |
| These all follow from the definition of disjunction: |
| - The disjunction of `a` with itself is always `a`. |
| - The disjunction of a value `a` and `b` where `a ⊑ b` is always `b`. |
| - The disjunction of a value `a` with bottom is always `a`. |
| - The disjunction of two bottom values is bottom. |
| |
| Elements that evaluate to bottom are eliminated from a disjunction. |
| A disjunction evaluates to bottom (`_|_`) if it has no elements |
| after such elimination. |
| |
| Syntactically, disjunction is a [binary expression](#Operands). |
| |
| The unification of a disjunction with another value is equal to the disjunction |
| composed of the unification of this value with all of the original elements |
| of the disjunction. |
| In other words, unification distributes over disjunction. |
| So |
| |
| ``` |
| (a_0 | ... |a_n) & b ==> a_0&b | ... | a_n&b, |
| ``` |
| |
| with values evaluating to bottom removed from the resulting disjunction. |
| |
| ``` |
| Expression Result |
| ({a:1} | {b:2}) & {c:3} {a:1, c:3} | {b:2, c:3} |
| (int | string) & "foo" "foo" |
| ("a" | "b") & "c" _|_ |
| ``` |
| |
| Unification of two disjunctions is defined to retain a strict ordering |
| of the elements of the resulting disjunction: |
| |
| ``` |
| (a_0 | ... | a_n) & (b_0 | ... | b_m) => |
| a_0&b_0 | ... | a_n&b_0 | a_0&b_1 | ... | a_n&b_m |
| ``` |
| <!-- Note that there are several variants of ordering that would work here. |
| It only matters that there exists a pre-determined order. |
| --> |
| |
| The _first value_ of a disjunction is the first element in a disjunction |
| after eliminating values evaluating to bottom. |
| The ordering is irrelevant for the placement of a disjunction within the |
| lattice of values, but it is relevant for default values, which we will |
| discuss next. |
| |
| #### Default values |
| |
| A disjunction evaluates to its _default_ value if it is used as a value for any |
| operation other than unification or disjunction. |
| The default value of a disjunction is its first value or |
| bottom in case of a manifest failure. |
| A _manifest failure_ occurs if |
| the disjunction resulted from the unification of two or more disjunctions and |
| these disjunctions can be unified in different orders such that they |
| result in different first values. |
| |
| <!-- TODO(mpvl): consider it to be a manifest failure if if non-concrete |
| values are used in expressions requiring concrete values. |
| --> |
| |
| A default value is chosen if the disjunction is not used |
| in a unification or disjunction operation. |
| This means that in practice, a default is chosen for almost any expression |
| that does not involve `&` and `|`, including slices, indices, selectors, |
| and all but a few explicitly marked builtin functions. |
| |
| ``` |
| Expression Default |
| "tcp" | "udp" "tcp" |
| 1 | int 1 |
| string | 1.0 string |
| |
| ("tcp"|"udp") & ("tcp"|"udp") "tcp" |
| ("tcp"|"udp") & ("udp"|"tcp") _|_ // ambiguous: no unique first value |
| ``` |
| |
| A disjunction always evaluates to the same default value, regardless of |
| the context in which the value is used. |
| For instance, `[1, 3]["a" | 1]` will result in an error, as `"a"` will be |
| selected as the default value. |
| |
| |
| ``` |
| [1, 2]["a" | 1] // _|_ // "a" is not an integer value |
| [1, 2][("a" | 1) & int] // 2 |
| ``` |
| |
| Implementations should report an error for a disjunction `a | ... | b`, |
| where `b` is an instance of `a`, as `b` will be superfluous and can never |
| be selected as a default. |
| |
| |
| ### Bottom and errors |
| |
| Any evaluation error in CUE results in a bottom value, respresented by |
| the token '_|_'. |
| Bottom is an instance of every other value. |
| Any evaluation error is represented as bottom. |
| |
| Implementations may associate error strings with different instances of bottom; |
| logically they all remain the same value. |
| |
| |
| ### Top |
| |
| Top is represented by the underscore character '_', lexically an identifier. |
| Unifying any value `v` with top results `v` itself. |
| |
| ``` |
| Expr Result |
| _ & 5 5 |
| _ & _ _ |
| _ & _|_ _|_ |
| _ | _|_ _ |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### Null |
| |
| The _null value_ is represented with the keyword `null`. |
| It has only one parent, top, and one child, bottom. |
| It is unordered with respect to any other value. |
| |
| ``` |
| null_lit = "null" |
| ``` |
| |
| ``` |
| null & 8 _|_ |
| null & _ null |
| null & _|_ _|_ |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### Boolean values |
| |
| A _boolean type_ represents the set of Boolean truth values denoted by |
| the keywords `true` and `false`. |
| The predeclared boolean type is `bool`; it is a defined type and a separate |
| element in the lattice. |
| |
| ``` |
| boolean_lit = "true" | "false" |
| ``` |
| |
| ``` |
| bool & true true |
| true & true true |
| true & false _|_ |
| bool & (false|true) false | true |
| bool & (true|false) true | false |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### Numeric values |
| |
| The _integer type_ represents the set of all integral numbers. |
| The _decimal floating-point type_ represents the set of all decimal floating-point |
| numbers. |
| They are two distinct types. |
| The predeclared integer and decimal floating-point types are `int` and `float`; |
| they are defined types. |
| |
| A decimal floating-point literal always has type `float`; |
| it is not an instance of `int` even if it is an integral number. |
| |
| An integer literal has both type `int` and `float`, with the integer variant |
| being the default if no other constraints are applied. |
| Expressed in terms of disjunction and [type conversion](#conversions), |
| the literal `1`, for instance, is defined as `int(1) | float(1)`. |
| Hexadecimal, octal, and binary integer literals are always of type `int`. |
| |
| Numeric literals are exact values of arbitrary precision. |
| If the operation permits it, numbers should be kept in arbitrary precision. |
| |
| Implementation restriction: although numeric values have arbitrary precision |
| in the language, implementations may implement them using an internal |
| representation with limited precision. |
| That said, every implementation must: |
| |
| - Represent integer values with at least 256 bits. |
| - Represent floating-point values, with a mantissa of at least 256 bits and |
| a signed binary exponent of at least 16 bits. |
| - Give an error if unable to represent an integer value precisely. |
| - Give an error if unable to represent a floating-point value due to overflow. |
| - Round to the nearest representable value if unable to represent |
| a floating-point value due to limits on precision. |
| These requirements apply to the result of any expression except for builtin |
| functions for which an unusual loss of precision must be explicitly documented. |
| |
| |
| ### Strings |
| |
| The _string type_ represents the set of all possible UTF-8 strings, |
| not allowing surrogates. |
| The predeclared string type is `string`; it is a defined type. |
| |
| Strings are designed to be unicode-safe. |
| Comparison is done using canonical forms ("é" == "e\u0301"). |
| A string element is an |
| [extended grapheme cluster](https://unicode.org/reports/tr29/#Grapheme_Cluster_Boundaries), |
| which is an approximation of a human-readable character. |
| |
| The length of a string `s` (its size in bytes) can be discovered using |
| the built-in function len. |
| A string's extended grapheme cluster can be accessed by integer index |
| 0 through len(s)-1 for any byte that is part of that grapheme cluster. |
| |
| To access the individual bytes of a string one should convert it to |
| a sequence of bytes first. |
| |
| |
| ### Ranges |
| |
| A _range type_, syntactically a [binary expression](#Operands), defines |
| a (possibly infinite) disjunction of concrete values that can be represented |
| as a contiguous range. |
| A concrete value `c` unifies with `a..b` if `a <= c` and `c <= b`. |
| Ranges can be defined on numbers and strings. |
| |
| A range of numbers `a..b` defines an inclusive range for integers and |
| floating-point numbers. |
| |
| Remember that an integer literal represents both an `int` and `float`: |
| ``` |
| 2 & 1..5 // 2, where 2 is either an int or float. |
| 2.5 & 1..5 // 2.5 |
| 2 & 1.0..3.0 // 2.0 |
| 2 & 1..3.0 // 2.0 |
| 2.5 & int & 1..5 // _|_ |
| 2.5 & float & 1..5 // 2.5 |
| int & 2 & 1.0..3.0 // _|_ |
| 2.5 & (int & 1)..5 // _|_ |
| 0..7 & 3..10 // 3..7 |
| "foo" & "a".."n" // "foo" |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### Structs |
| |
| A _struct_ is a set of elements called _fields_, each of |
| which has a name, called a _label_, and value. |
| |
| We say a label is defined for a struct if the struct has a field with the |
| corresponding label. |
| The value for a label `f` of struct `a` is denoted `f.a`. |
| A struct `a` is an instance of `b`, or `a ⊑ b`, if for any label `f` |
| defined for `b`, label `f` is also defined for `a` and `a.f ⊑ b.f`. |
| Note that if `a` is an instance of `b` it may have fields with labels that |
| are not defined for `b`. |
| |
| The (unique) struct with no fields, written `{}`, has every struct as an |
| instance. It can be considered the type of all structs. |
| |
| The successful unification of structs `a` and `b` is a new struct `c` which |
| has all fields of both `a` and `b`, where |
| the value of a field `f` in `c` is `a.f & b.f` if `f` is in both `a` and `b`, |
| or just `a.f` or `b.f` if `f` is in just `a` or `b`, respectively. |
| Any [references](#References) to `a` or `b` |
| in their respective field values need to be replaced with references to `c`. |
| The result of a unification is bottom (`_|_`) if any of its fields evaluates |
| to bottom, recursively. |
| |
| A field name may also be an interpolated string. |
| Identifiers used in such strings are evaluated within |
| the scope of the struct in which the label is defined. |
| |
| Syntactically, a struct literal may contain multiple fields with |
| the same label, the result of which is a single field with a value |
| that is the unification of the values of those fields. |
| |
| A TemplateLabel indicates a template value that is to be unified with |
| the values of all fields within a struct. |
| The identifier of a template label binds to the field name of each |
| field and is visible within the template value. |
| |
| ``` |
| StructLit = "{" [ { Declaration "," } Declaration ] "}" . |
| Declaration = FieldDecl | AliasDecl | ComprehensionDecl . |
| FieldDecl = Label { Label } ":" Expression . |
| |
| AliasDecl = Label "=" Expression . |
| Label = identifier | interpreted_string_lit | TemplateLabel . |
| TemplateLabel = "<" identifier ">" . |
| Tag = "#" identifier [ ":" json_string ] . |
| ``` |
| |
| ``` |
| {a: 1} ⊑ {} |
| {a: 1, b: 1} ⊑ {a: 1} |
| {a: 1} ⊑ {a: int} |
| {a: 1, b: 1} ⊑ {a: int, b: float} |
| |
| {} ⋢ {a: 1} |
| {a: 2} ⋢ {a: 1} |
| {a: 1} ⋢ {b: 1} |
| ``` |
| |
| ``` |
| Expression Result |
| {a: int, a: 1} {a: int(1)} |
| {a: int} & {a: 1} {a: int(1)} |
| {a: 1..7} & {a: 5..9} {a: 5..7} |
| {a: 1..7, a: 5..9} {a: 5..7} |
| |
| {a: 1} & {b: 2} {a: 1, b: 2} |
| {a: 1, b: int} & {b: 2} {a: 1, b: int(2)} |
| |
| {a: 1} & {a: 2} _|_ |
| ``` |
| |
| In addition to fields, a struct literal may also define aliases. |
| Aliases name values that can be referred to within the [scope](#declarations-and-scopes) of their |
| definition, but are not part of the struct: aliases are irrelevant to |
| the partial ordering of values and are not emitted as part of any |
| generated data. |
| The name of an alias must be unique within the struct literal. |
| |
| ``` |
| // The empty struct. |
| {} |
| |
| // A struct with 3 fields and 1 alias. |
| { |
| alias = 3 |
| |
| foo: 2 |
| bar: "a string" |
| |
| "not an ident": 4 |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| A field whose value is a struct with a single field may be written as |
| a sequence of the two field names, |
| followed by a colon and the value of that single field. |
| |
| ``` |
| job myTask replicas: 2 |
| ``` |
| expands to |
| ``` |
| job: { |
| myTask: { |
| replicas: 2 |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### Lists |
| |
| A list literal defines a new value of type list. |
| A list may be open or closed. |
| An open list is indicated with a `...` at the end of an element list, |
| optionally followed by a value for the remaining elements. |
| |
| The length of a closed list is the number of elements it contains. |
| The length of an open list is the its number of elements as a lower bound |
| and an unlimited number of elements as its upper bound. |
| |
| ``` |
| ListLit = "[" [ ElementList [ "," [ "..." [ Element ] ] ] "]" . |
| ElementList = Element { "," Element } . |
| Element = Expression | LiteralValue . |
| ``` |
| <!--- |
| KeyedElement = Element . |
| ---> |
| |
| Lists can be thought of as structs: |
| |
| ``` |
| List: null | { |
| Elem: _ |
| Tail: List |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| For closed lists, `Tail` is `null` for the last element, for open lists it is |
| `null | List`. |
| For instance, the open list [ 1, 2, ... ] can be represented as: |
| ``` |
| open: List & { Elem: 1, Tail: { Elem: 2 } } |
| ``` |
| and the closed version of this list, [ 1, 2 ], as |
| ``` |
| closed: List & { Elem: 1, Tail: { Elem: 2, Tail: null } } |
| ``` |
| |
| Using this representation, the subsumption rule for lists can |
| be derived from those of structs. |
| Implementations are not required to implement lists as structs. |
| The `Elem` and `Tail` fields are not special and `len` will not work as |
| expected in these cases. |
| |
| |
| ## Declarations and Scopes |
| |
| |
| ### Blocks |
| |
| A _block_ is a possibly empty sequence of declarations. |
| The braces of a struct literal `{ ... }` form a block, but there are |
| others as well: |
| |
| - The _universe block_ encompasses all CUE source text. |
| - Each [package](#modules-instances-and-packages) has a _package block_ |
| containing all CUE source text in that package. |
| - Each file has a _file block_ containing all CUE source text in that file. |
| - Each `for` and `let` clause in a [comprehension](#comprehensions) |
| is considered to be its own implicit block. |
| |
| Blocks nest and influence [scoping]. |
| |
| |
| ### Declarations and scope |
| |
| A _declaration_ binds an identifier to a field, alias, or package. |
| Every identifier in a program must be declared. |
| Other than for fields, |
| no identifier may be declared twice within the same block. |
| For fields an identifier may be declared more than once within the same block, |
| resulting in a field with a value that is the result of unifying the values |
| of all fields with the same identifier. |
| |
| ``` |
| TopLevelDecl = Declaration | Emit . |
| Emit = Operand . |
| ``` |
| |
| The _scope_ of a declared identifier is the extent of source text in which the |
| identifier denotes the specified field, alias, or package. |
| |
| CUE is lexically scoped using blocks: |
| |
| 1. The scope of a [predeclared identifier](#predeclared-identifiers) is the universe block. |
| 1. The scope of an identifier denoting a field or alias |
| declared at top level (outside any struct literal) is the file block. |
| 1. The scope of the package name of an imported package is the file block of the |
| file containing the import declaration. |
| 1. The scope of a field or alias identifier declared inside a struct literal |
| is the innermost containing block. |
| |
| An identifier declared in a block may be redeclared in an inner block. |
| While the identifier of the inner declaration is in scope, it denotes the entity |
| declared by the inner declaration. |
| |
| The package clause is not a declaration; |
| the package name does not appear in any scope. |
| Its purpose is to identify the files belonging to the same package |
| and to specify the default name for import declarations. |
| |
| |
| ### Predeclared identifiers |
| |
| ``` |
| Functions |
| len required close open |
| |
| Types |
| null The null type and value |
| bool All boolean values |
| int All integral numbers |
| float All decimal floating-point numbers |
| string Any valid UTF-8 sequence |
| bytes Any vallid byte sequence |
| |
| Derived Value |
| number int | float |
| uint 0..int |
| uint8 0..255 |
| int8 -128..127 |
| uint16 0..65536 |
| int16 -32_768...32_767 |
| rune 0..0x10FFFF |
| uint32 0..4_294_967_296 |
| int32 -2_147_483_648..2_147_483_647 |
| uint64 0..18_446_744_073_709_551_615 |
| int64 -9_223_372_036_854_775_808..9_223_372_036_854_775_807 |
| uint128 340_282_366_920_938_463_463_374_607_431_768_211_455 |
| int128 -170_141_183_460_469_231_731_687_303_715_884_105_728.. |
| 170_141_183_460_469_231_731_687_303_715_884_105_727 |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### Exported and manifested identifiers |
| |
| An identifier of a package may be exported to permit access to it |
| from another package. |
| An identifier is exported if both: |
| the first character of the identifier's name is not a Unicode lower case letter |
| (Unicode class "Ll") or the underscore "_"; and |
| the identifier is declared in the file block. |
| All other identifiers are not exported. |
| |
| An identifier that starts with the underscore "_" is not |
| emitted in any data output. |
| Quoted labels that start with an underscore are emitted, however. |
| |
| ### Uniqueness of identifiers |
| |
| Given a set of identifiers, an identifier is called unique if it is different |
| from every other in the set, after applying normalization following |
| Unicode Annex #31. |
| Two identifiers are different if they are spelled differently. |
| <!-- |
| or if they appear in different packages and are not exported. |
| ---> |
| Otherwise, they are the same. |
| |
| |
| ### Field declarations |
| |
| A field declaration binds a label (the name of the field) to an expression. |
| The name for a quoted string used as label is the string it represents. |
| Tne name for an identifier used as a label is the identifier itself. |
| Quoted strings and identifiers can be used used interchangeably, with the |
| exception of identifiers starting with an underscore '_'. |
| The latter represent hidden fields and are treated in a different namespace. |
| |
| |
| ### Alias declarations |
| |
| An alias declaration binds an identifier to the given expression. |
| |
| Within the scope of the identifier, it serves as an _alias_ for that |
| expression. |
| The expression is evaluated in the scope as it was declared. |
| |
| |
| ## Expressions |
| |
| An expression specifies the computation of a value by applying operators and |
| built-in functions to operands. |
| |
| |
| ### Operands |
| |
| Operands denote the elementary values in an expression. |
| An operand may be a literal, a (possibly qualified) identifier denoting |
| field, alias, or a parenthesized expression. |
| |
| ``` |
| Operand = Literal | OperandName | ListComprehension | "(" Expression ")" . |
| Literal = BasicLit | ListLit | StructLit . |
| BasicLit = int_lit | float_lit | string_lit | |
| null_lit | bool_lit | bottom_lit | top_lit . |
| OperandName = identifier | QualifiedIdent. |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Qualified identifiers |
| |
| A qualified identifier is an identifier qualified with a package name prefix. |
| |
| ``` |
| QualifiedIdent = PackageName "." identifier . |
| ``` |
| |
| A qualified identifier accesses an identifier in a different package, |
| which must be [imported]. |
| The identifier must be declared in the [package block] of that package. |
| |
| ``` |
| math.Sin // denotes the Sin function in package math |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### Primary expressions |
| |
| Primary expressions are the operands for unary and binary expressions. |
| |
| ``` |
| PrimaryExpr = |
| Operand | |
| Conversion | |
| PrimaryExpr Selector | |
| PrimaryExpr Index | |
| PrimaryExpr Slice | |
| PrimaryExpr Arguments . |
| |
| Selector = "." identifier . |
| Index = "[" Expression "]" . |
| Slice = "[" [ Expression ] ":" [ Expression ] "]" |
| Argument = Expression . |
| Arguments = "(" [ ( Argument { "," Argument } ) [ "..." ] [ "," ] ] ")" . |
| ``` |
| <!--- |
| Argument = Expression | ( identifer ":" Expression ). |
| ---> |
| |
| ``` |
| x |
| 2 |
| (s + ".txt") |
| f(3.1415, true) |
| m["foo"] |
| s[i : j + 1] |
| obj.color |
| f.p[i].x |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### Selectors |
| |
| For a [primary expression] `x` that is not a [package name], |
| the selector expression |
| |
| ``` |
| x.f |
| ``` |
| |
| denotes the field `f` of the value `x`. |
| The identifier `f` is called the field selector. |
| The type of the selector expression is the type of `f`. |
| If `x` is a package name, see the section on [qualified identifiers]. |
| |
| Otherwise, if `x` is not a struct, or if `f` does not exist in `x`, |
| the result of the expression is bottom (an error). |
| |
| ``` |
| T: { |
| x: int |
| y: 3 |
| } |
| |
| a: T.x // int |
| b: T.y // 3 |
| c: T.z // _|_ // field 'z' not found in T |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### Index expressions |
| |
| A primary expression of the form |
| |
| ``` |
| a[x] |
| ``` |
| |
| denotes the element of the list, string, bytes, or struct `a` indexed by `x`. |
| The value `x` is called the index or field name, respectively. |
| The following rules apply: |
| |
| If `a` is not a struct: |
| |
| - the index `x` must be a concrete integer. |
| If `x` is a disjunction, the default, if any will be selected without unifying |
| `x` with `int` beforehand. |
| - the index `x` is in range if `0 <= x < len(a)`, otherwise it is out of range |
| |
| The result of `a[x]` is |
| |
| for `a` of list type (including single quoted strings, which are lists of bytes): |
| |
| - the list element at index `x`, if `x` is within range, where only the |
| explicitly defined values of an open-ended list are considered |
| - bottom (an error), otherwise |
| |
| for `a` of string type: |
| |
| - the grapheme cluster at the `x`th byte (type string), if `x` is within range |
| where `x` may match any byte of the grapheme cluster |
| - bottom (an error), otherwise |
| |
| for `a` of struct type: |
| |
| - the value of the field named `x` of struct `a`, if this field exists |
| - bottom (an error), otherwise |
| |
| ``` |
| [ 1, 2 ][1] // 2 |
| [ 1, 2 ][2] // _|_ |
| [ 1, 2, ...][2] // _|_ |
| "He\u0300?"[0] // "H" |
| "He\u0300?"[1] // "e\u0300" |
| "He\u0300?"[2] // "e\u0300" |
| "He\u0300?"[3] // "e\u0300" |
| "He\u0300?"[4] // "?" |
| "He\u0300?"[5] // _|_ |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### Slice expressions |
| |
| Slice expressions construct a substring or slice from a string or list. |
| |
| For strings or lists, the primary expression |
| ``` |
| a[low : high] |
| ``` |
| constructs a substring or slice. The indices `low` and `high` must be |
| concrete integers and select |
| which elements of operand `a` appear in the result. |
| The result has indices starting at 0 and length equal to `high` - `low`. |
| After slicing the list `a` |
| <!-- TODO(jba): how does slicing open lists work? --> |
| |
| ``` |
| a := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] |
| s := a[1:4] |
| ``` |
| the list s has length 3 and elements |
| ``` |
| s[0] == 2 |
| s[1] == 3 |
| s[2] == 4 |
| ``` |
| For convenience, any of the indices may be omitted. |
| A missing `low` index defaults to zero; a missing `high` index defaults |
| to the length of the sliced operand: |
| ``` |
| a[2:] // same as a[2 : len(a)] |
| a[:3] // same as a[0 : 3] |
| a[:] // same as a[0 : len(a)] |
| ``` |
| |
| Indices are in range if `0 <= low <= high <= len(a)`, |
| otherwise they are out of range. |
| For strings, the indices selects the start of the extended grapheme cluster |
| at byte position indicated by the index. |
| If any of the slice values is out of range or if `low > high`, the result of |
| a slice is bottom (error). |
| |
| ``` |
| "He\u0300?"[:2] // "He\u0300" |
| "He\u0300?"[1:2] // "e\u0300" |
| "He\u0300?"[4:5] // "e\u0300?" |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| The result of a successful slice operation is a value of the same type |
| as the operand. |
| |
| |
| ### Operators |
| |
| Operators combine operands into expressions. |
| |
| ``` |
| Expression = UnaryExpr | Expression binary_op Expression . |
| UnaryExpr = PrimaryExpr | unary_op UnaryExpr . |
| |
| binary_op = "|" | "&" | "||" | "&&" | rel_op | add_op | mul_op | ".." . |
| rel_op = "==" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" . |
| add_op = "+" | "-" . |
| mul_op = "*" | "/" | "%" | "div" | "mod" | "quo" | "rem" . |
| |
| unary_op = "+" | "-" | "!" . |
| ``` |
| <!-- TODO: consider adding unary_op: "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" --> |
| |
| Comparisons are discussed [elsewhere](#Comparison-operators). |
| For other binary operators, the operand |
| types must unify. |
| <!-- TODO: durations |
| unless the operation involves durations. |
| |
| Except for duration operations, if one operand is an untyped [literal] and the |
| other operand is not, the constant is [converted] to the type of the other |
| operand. |
| --> |
| |
| |
| #### Operator precedence |
| |
| Unary operators have the highest precedence. |
| |
| There are eight precedence levels for binary operators. |
| The `..` operator (range) binds strongest, followed by |
| multiplication operators, addition operators, comparison operators, |
| `&&` (logical AND), `||` (logical OR), `&` (unification), |
| and finally `|` (disjunction): |
| |
| ``` |
| Precedence Operator |
| 8 .. |
| 7 * / % div mod quo rem |
| 6 + - |
| 5 == != < <= > >= |
| 4 && |
| 3 || |
| 2 & |
| 1 | |
| ``` |
| |
| Binary operators of the same precedence associate from left to right. |
| For instance, `x / y * z` is the same as `(x / y) * z`. |
| |
| ``` |
| +x |
| 23 + 3*x[i] |
| x <= f() |
| f() || g() |
| x == y+1 && y == z-1 |
| 2 | int |
| { a: 1 } & { b: 2 } |
| ``` |
| |
| #### Arithmetic operators |
| |
| Arithmetic operators apply to numeric values and yield a result of the same type |
| as the first operand. The three of the four standard arithmetic operators |
| `(+, -, *)` apply to integer and decimal floating-point types; |
| `+` and `*` also apply to lists and strings. |
| `/` and `%` only apply to decimal floating-point types and |
| `div`, `mod`, `quo`, and `rem` only apply to integer types. |
| |
| ``` |
| + sum integers, floats, lists, strings |
| - difference integers, floats |
| * product integers, floats, lists, strings |
| / quotient floats |
| % remainder floats |
| div division integers |
| mod modulo integers |
| quo quotient integers |
| rem remainder integers |
| ``` |
| |
| #### Integer operators |
| |
| For two integer values `x` and `y`, |
| the integer quotient `q = x div y` and remainder `r = x mod y ` |
| implement Euclidean division and |
| satisfy the following relationship: |
| |
| ``` |
| r = x - y*q with 0 <= r < |y| |
| ``` |
| where `|y|` denotes the absolute value of `y`. |
| |
| ``` |
| x y x div y x mod y |
| 5 3 1 2 |
| -5 3 -2 1 |
| 5 -3 -1 2 |
| -5 -3 2 1 |
| ``` |
| |
| For two integer values `x` and `y`, |
| the integer quotient `q = x quo y` and remainder `r = x rem y ` |
| implement truncated division and |
| satisfy the following relationship: |
| |
| ``` |
| x = q*y + r and |r| < |y| |
| ``` |
| |
| with `x quo y` truncated towards zero. |
| |
| ``` |
| x y x quo y x rem y |
| 5 3 1 2 |
| -5 3 -1 -2 |
| 5 -3 -1 2 |
| -5 -3 1 -2 |
| ``` |
| |
| A zero divisor in either case results in bottom (an error). |
| |
| For integer operands, the unary operators `+` and `-` are defined as follows: |
| |
| ``` |
| +x is 0 + x |
| -x negation is 0 - x |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| #### Decimal floating-point operators |
| |
| For decimal floating-point numbers, `+x` is the same as `x`, |
| while -x is the negation of x. |
| The result of a floating-point division by zero is bottom (an error). |
| <!-- TODO: consider making it +/- Inf --> |
| |
| An implementation may combine multiple floating-point operations into a single |
| fused operation, possibly across statements, and produce a result that differs |
| from the value obtained by executing and rounding the instructions individually. |
| |
| |
| #### List operators |
| |
| Lists can be concatenated using the `+` operator. |
| For lists `a` and `b`, |
| ``` |
| a + b |
| ``` |
| will produce an open list if `b` is open. |
| If list `a` is open, only the existing elements will be involved in the |
| concatenation. |
| |
| ``` |
| [ 1, 2 ] + [ 3, 4 ] // [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] |
| [ 1, 2, ... ] + [ 3, 4 ] // [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] |
| [ 1, 2 ] + [ 3, 4, ... ] // [ 1, 2, 3, 4, ... ] |
| ``` |
| |
| Lists can be multiplied using the `*` operator. |
| ``` |
| 3*[1,2] // [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2] |
| |
| [1, 2, ...int] // open list of two elements with element type int |
| 4*[byte] // [byte, byte, byte, byte] |
| [...byte] // byte list or arbitrary length |
| (0..5)*[byte] // byte list of size 0 through 5 |
| |
| // list with alternating elements of type string and int |
| uint*[string, int] |
| ``` |
| <!-- jba: You don't show multiplication of open lists. Is it allowed? --> |
| |
| The following illustrate how typed lists can be encoded as structs: |
| ``` |
| ip: 4*[byte] |
| ipT: { |
| Elem: byte |
| Tail: { |
| Elem: byte |
| Tail: { |
| Elem: byte |
| Tail: { |
| Elem: byte |
| Tail: null |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| rangeList: (1..2)*[int] |
| rangeListT: { |
| Elem: int |
| Tail: { |
| Elem: int |
| Tail: null | { |
| Elem: int |
| Tail: null |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| strIntList: uint*[string, int] |
| strIntListT: null | { |
| Elem: string |
| Tail: { |
| Elem: int |
| Tail: strIntListT |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| <!-- TODO(mpvl): should we disallow multiplication with a range? |
| If so, how does one specify a list with a range of possible lengths? --> |
| |
| <!-- jba: Clarify the allowed values for the non-list operand. And must that be |
| the left operand? --> |
| |
| #### String operators |
| |
| Strings can be concatenated using the `+` operator: |
| ``` |
| s := "hi " + name + " and good bye" |
| ``` |
| String addition creates a new string by concatenating the operands. |
| |
| A string can be repeated by multiplying it: |
| |
| ``` |
| s: "etc. "*3 // "etc. etc. etc. " |
| ``` |
| <!-- jba: Do these work for byte sequences? If not, why not? --> |
| |
| ##### Comparison operators |
| |
| Comparison operators compare two operands and yield an untyped boolean value. |
| |
| ``` |
| == equal |
| != not equal |
| < less |
| <= less or equal |
| > greater |
| >= greater or equal |
| ``` |
| |
| In any comparison, the types of the two operands must unify. |
| |
| The equality operators `==` and `!=` apply to operands that are comparable. |
| The ordering operators `<`, `<=`, `>`, and `>=` apply to operands that are ordered. |
| These terms and the result of the comparisons are defined as follows: |
| |
| - Boolean values are comparable. |
| Two boolean values are equal if they are either both true or both false. |
| - Integer values are comparable and ordered, in the usual way. |
| - Floating-point values are comparable and ordered, as per the definitions |
| for binary coded decimals in the IEEE-754-2008 standard. |
| - String values are comparable and ordered, lexically byte-wise after |
| normalization to Unicode normal form NFC. |
| - Struct are not comparable. |
| Two struct values are equal if their corresponding non-blank fields are equal. |
| - Lists are comparable. |
| Two list values are equal if their corresponding elements are equal. |
| ``` |
| c: 3 < 4 |
| |
| x: int |
| y: int |
| |
| b3: x == y // b3 has type bool |
| ``` |
| |
| <!-- jba |
| I think I know what `3 < a` should mean if |
| |
| a: 1..5 |
| |
| It should be a constraint on `a` that can be evaluated once `a`'s value is known more precisely. |
| |
| But what does `3 < 1..5` mean? We'll never get more information, so it must have a definite value. |
| --> |
| |
| #### Logical operators |
| |
| Logical operators apply to boolean values and yield a result of the same type |
| as the operands. The right operand is evaluated conditionally. |
| |
| ``` |
| && conditional AND p && q is "if p then q else false" |
| || conditional OR p || q is "if p then true else q" |
| ! NOT !p is "not p" |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| <!-- |
| |
| 3.14 / 0.0 // illegal: division by zero |
| Illegal conversions always apply to CUE. |
| |
| Implementation restriction: A compiler may use rounding while computing untyped floating-point or complex constant expressions; see the implementation restriction in the section on constants. This rounding may cause a floating-point constant expression to be invalid in an integer context, even if it would be integral when calculated using infinite precision, and vice versa. |
| --> |
| |
| ### Conversions |
| Conversions are expressions of the form `T(x)` where `T` and `x` are |
| expressions. |
| The result is always an instance of `T`. |
| |
| ``` |
| Conversion = Expression "(" Expression [ "," ] ")" . |
| ``` |
| |
| <!--- |
| |
| A literal value `x` can be converted to type T if `x` is representable by a |
| value of `T`. |
| |
| As a special case, an integer literal `x` can be converted to a string type |
| using the same rule as for non-constant x. |
| |
| Converting a literal yields a typed value as result. |
| |
| ``` |
| uint(iota) // iota value of type uint |
| float32(2.718281828) // 2.718281828 of type float32 |
| complex128(1) // 1.0 + 0.0i of type complex128 |
| float32(0.49999999) // 0.5 of type float32 |
| float64(-1e-1000) // 0.0 of type float64 |
| string('x') // "x" of type string |
| string(0x266c) // "♬" of type string |
| MyString("foo" + "bar") // "foobar" of type MyString |
| string([]byte{'a'}) // not a constant: []byte{'a'} is not a constant |
| (*int)(nil) // not a constant: nil is not a constant, *int is not a boolean, numeric, or string type |
| int(1.2) // illegal: 1.2 cannot be represented as an int |
| string(65.0) // illegal: 65.0 is not an integer constant |
| ``` |
| ---> |
| |
| A conversion is always allowed if `x` is an instance of `T`. |
| |
| If `T` and `x` of different underlying type, a conversion is allowed if |
| `x` can be converted to a value `x'` of `T`'s type, and |
| `x'` is an instance of `T`. |
| A value `x` can be converted to the type of `T` in any of these cases: |
| |
| - `x` is a struct and is subsumed by `T`. |
| - `x` and `T` are both integer or floating points. |
| - `x` is an integer or a byte sequence and `T` is a string. |
| - `x` is a string and `T` is a byte sequence. |
| |
| Specific rules apply to conversions between numeric types, structs, |
| or to and from a string type. These conversions may change the representation |
| of `x`. |
| All other conversions only change the type but not the representation of x. |
| |
| |
| #### Conversions between numeric ranges |
| For the conversion of numeric values, the following rules apply: |
| |
| 1. Any integer value can be converted into any other integer value |
| provided that it is within range. |
| 2. When converting a decimal floating-point number to an integer, the fraction |
| is discarded (truncation towards zero). TODO: or disallow truncating? |
| |
| ``` |
| a: uint16(int(1000)) // uint16(1000) |
| b: uint8(1000) // _|_ // overflow |
| c: int(2.5) // 2 TODO: TBD |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| #### Conversions to and from a string type |
| |
| Converting a list of bytes to a string type yields a string whose successive |
| bytes are the elements of the slice. |
| Invalid UTF-8 is converted to `"\uFFFD"`. |
| |
| ``` |
| string('hell\xc3\xb8') // "hellø" |
| string(bytes([0x20])) // " " |
| ``` |
| |
| As string value is always convertible to a list of bytes. |
| |
| ``` |
| bytes("hellø") // 'hell\xc3\xb8' |
| bytes("") // '' |
| ``` |
| |
| <!--- |
| #### Conversions between list types |
| |
| Conversions between list types are possible only if `T` strictly subsumes `x` |
| and the result will be the unification of `T` and `x`. |
| |
| If we introduce named types this would be different from IP & [10, ...] |
| |
| Consider removing this until it has a different meaning. |
| |
| ``` |
| IP: 4*[byte] |
| Private10: IP([10, ...]) // [10, byte, byte, byte] |
| ``` |
| ---> |
| |
| #### Conversions between struct types |
| |
| A conversion from `x` to `T` |
| is applied using the following rules: |
| |
| 1. `x` must be an instance of `T`, |
| 2. all fields defined for `x` that are not defined for `T` are removed from |
| the result of the conversion, recursively. |
| |
| <!-- jba: I don't think you say anywhere that the matching fields are unified. |
| --> |
| ``` |
| T: { |
| a: { b: 1..10 } |
| } |
| |
| x1: { |
| a: { b: 8, c: 10 } |
| d: 9 |
| } |
| |
| c1: T(x1) // { a: { b: 8 } } |
| c2: T({}) // _|_ // missing field 'a' in '{}' |
| c3: T({ a: {b: 0} }) // _|_ // field a.b does not unify (0 & 1..10) |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### Calls |
| |
| Calls can be made to core library functions, called builtins. |
| Given an expression `f` of function type F, |
| ``` |
| f(a1, a2, … an) |
| ``` |
| calls `f` with arguments a1, a2, … an. Arguments must be expressions |
| of which the values are an instance of the parameter types of `F` |
| and are evaluated before the function is called. |
| |
| ``` |
| a: math.Atan2(x, y) |
| ``` |
| |
| In a function call, the function value and arguments are evaluated in the usual |
| order. |
| After they are evaluated, the parameters of the call are passed by value |
| to the function and the called function begins execution. |
| The return parameters |
| of the function are passed by value back to the calling function when the |
| function returns. |
| |
| |
| ### Comprehensions |
| |
| Lists and fields can be constructed using comprehensions. |
| |
| Each define a clause sequence that consists of a sequence of `for`, `if`, and |
| `let` clauses, nesting from left to right. |
| The `for` and `let` clauses each define a new scope in which new values are |
| bound to be available for the next clause. |
| |
| The `for` clause binds the defined identifiers, on each iteration, to the next |
| value of some iterable value in a new scope. |
| A `for` clause may bind one or two identifiers. |
| If there is one identifier, it binds it to the value, for instance |
| a list element, a struct field value or a range element. |
| If there are two identifiers, the first value will be the key or index, |
| if available, and the second will be the value. |
| |
| An `if` clause, or guard, specifies an expression that terminates the current |
| iteration if it evaluates to false. |
| |
| The `let` clause binds the result of an expression to the defined identifier |
| in a new scope. |
| |
| A current iteration is said to complete if the innermost block of the clause |
| sequence is reached. |
| |
| _List comprehensions_ specify a single expression that is evaluated and included |
| in the list for each completed iteration. |
| |
| _Field comprehensions_ follow a `Field` with a clause sequence, where the |
| label and value of the field are evaluated for each iteration. |
| The label must be an identifier or interpreted_string_lit, where the |
| later may be a string interpolation that refers to the identifiers defined |
| in the clauses. |
| Values of iterations that map to the same label unify into a single field. |
| |
| ``` |
| ComprehensionDecl = Field [ "<-" ] Clauses . |
| ListComprehension = "[" Expression [ "<-" ] Clauses "]" . |
| |
| Clauses = Clause { Clause } . |
| Clause = ForClause | GuardClause | LetClause . |
| ForClause = "for" identifier [ ", " identifier] "in" Expression . |
| GuardClause = "if" Expression . |
| LetClause = "let" identifier "=" Expression . |
| ``` |
| |
| ``` |
| a: [1, 2, 3, 4] |
| b: [ x+1 for x in a if x > 1] // [3, 4, 5] |
| |
| c: { "\(x)": x + y for x in a if x < 4 let y = 1 } |
| d: { "1": 2, "2": 3, "3": 4 } |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### String interpolation |
| |
| String interpolation allows constructing strings by replacing placeholder |
| expressions with their string representation. |
| String interpolation may be used in single- and double-quoted strings, as well |
| as their multiline equivalent. |
| |
| A placeholder consists of "\(" followed by an expression and a ")". The |
| expression is evaluated within the scope within which the string is defined. |
| |
| ``` |
| a: "World" |
| b: "Hello \( a )!" // Hello World! |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ## Builtin Functions |
| |
| Built-in functions are predeclared. They are called like any other function. |
| |
| |
| ### `len` |
| |
| The built-in function `len` takes arguments of various types and return |
| a result of type int. |
| |
| ``` |
| Argument type Result |
| |
| string string length in bytes |
| bytes length of byte sequence |
| list list length, smallest length for an open list |
| struct number of distinct fields |
| ``` |
| |
| ``` |
| Expression Result |
| len("Hellø") 6 |
| len([1, 2, 3]) 3 |
| len([1, 2, ...]) 2 |
| len({a:1, b:2}) 2 |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### `required` |
| |
| The built-in function `required` discards the default mechanism of |
| a disjunction. |
| |
| ``` |
| "tcp" | "udp" // default is "tcp" |
| required("tcp" | "udp") // no default, user must specify either "tcp" or "udp" |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ## Modules, instances, and packages |
| |
| CUE configurations are constructed combining _instances_. |
| An instance, in turn, is constructed from one or more source files belonging |
| to the same _package_ that together declare the data representation. |
| Elements of this data representation may be exported and used |
| in other instances. |
| |
| ### Source file organization |
| |
| Each source file consists of an optional package clause defining collection |
| of files to which it belongs, |
| followed by a possibly empty set of import declarations that declare |
| packages whose contents it wishes to use, followed by a possibly empty set of |
| declarations. |
| |
| |
| ``` |
| SourceFile = [ PackageClause "," ] { ImportDecl "," } { TopLevelDecl "," } . |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Package clause |
| |
| A package clause is an optional clause that defines the package to which |
| a source file the file belongs. |
| |
| ``` |
| PackageClause = "package" PackageName . |
| PackageName = identifier . |
| ``` |
| |
| The PackageName must not be the blank identifier. |
| |
| ``` |
| package math |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Modules and instances |
| A _module_ defines a tree of directories, rooted at the _module root_. |
| |
| All source files within a module with the same package belong to the same |
| package. |
| <!-- jba: I can't make sense of the above sentence. --> |
| A module may define multiple packages. |
| |
| An _instance_ of a package is any subset of files belonging |
| to the same package. |
| <!-- jba: Are you saying that --> |
| <!-- if I have a package with files a, b and c, then there are 8 instances of --> |
| <!-- that package, some of which are {a, b}, {c}, {b, c}, and so on? What's the --> |
| <!-- purpose of that definition? --> |
| It is interpreted as the concatenation of these files. |
| |
| An implementation may impose conventions on the layout of package files |
| to determine which files of a package belongs to an instance. |
| For example, an instance may be defined as the subset of package files |
| belonging to a directory and all its ancestors. |
| <!-- jba: OK, that helps a little, but I still don't see what the purpose is. --> |
| |
| ### Import declarations |
| |
| An import declaration states that the source file containing the declaration |
| depends on definitions of the _imported_ package (§Program initialization and |
| execution) and enables access to exported identifiers of that package. |
| The import names an identifier (PackageName) to be used for access and an |
| ImportPath that specifies the package to be imported. |
| |
| ``` |
| ImportDecl = "import" ( ImportSpec | "(" { ImportSpec ";" } ")" ) . |
| ImportSpec = [ "." | PackageName ] ImportPath . |
| ImportPath = `"` { unicode_value } `"` . |
| ``` |
| |
| The PackageName is used in qualified identifiers to access exported identifiers |
| of the package within the importing source file. |
| It is declared in the file block. |
| If the PackageName is omitted, it defaults to the identifier specified in the |
| package clause of the imported instance. |
| If an explicit period (.) appears instead of a name, all the instances's |
| exported identifiers declared in that instances's package block will be declared |
| in the importing source file's file block |
| and must be accessed without a qualifier. |
| <!-- jba: Can you omit this feature? It's likely to only decrease readability, |
| as we know from Go. --> |
| |
| The interpretation of the ImportPath is implementation-dependent but it is |
| typically either the path of a builtin package or a fully qualifying location |
| of an instance within a source code repository. |
| |
| Implementation restriction: An interpreter may restrict ImportPaths to non-empty |
| strings using only characters belonging to Unicode's L, M, N, P, and S general |
| categories (the Graphic characters without spaces) and may also exclude the |
| characters !"#$%&'()*,:;<=>?[\]^`{|} and the Unicode replacement character |
| U+FFFD. |
| |
| Assume we have package containing the package clause "package math", |
| which exports function Sin at the path identified by "lib/math". |
| This table illustrates how Sin is accessed in files |
| that import the package after the various types of import declaration. |
| |
| ``` |
| Import declaration Local name of Sin |
| |
| import "lib/math" math.Sin |
| import m "lib/math" m.Sin |
| import . "lib/math" Sin |
| ``` |
| |
| An import declaration declares a dependency relation between the importing and |
| imported package. It is illegal for a package to import itself, directly or |
| indirectly, or to directly import a package without referring to any of its |
| exported identifiers. |
| |
| |
| ### An example package |
| |
| TODO |
| |
| ## Interpretation |
| |
| CUE was inspired by a formalism known as |
| typed attribute structures [Carpenter 1992] or |
| typed feature structures [Copestake 2002], |
| which are used in linguistics to encode grammars and |
| lexicons. Being able to effectively encode large amounts of data in a rigorous |
| manner, this formalism seemed like a great fit for large-scale configuration. |
| |
| Although CUE configurations are specified as trees, not graphs, implementations |
| can benefit from considering them as graphs when dealing with cycles, |
| and effectively turning them into graphs when applying techniques like |
| structure sharing. |
| Dealing with cycles is well understood for typed attribute structures |
| and as CUE configurations are formally closely related to them, |
| we can benefit from this knowledge without reinventing the wheel. |
| |
| |
| ### Formal definition |
| |
| <!-- |
| The previous section is equivalent to the below text with the main difference |
| that it is only defined for trees. Technically, structs are more akin dags, |
| but that is hard to explain at this point and also unnecessarily pedantic. |
| We keep the definition closer to trees and will layer treatment |
| of cycles on top of these definitions to achieve the same result (possibly |
| without the benefits of structure sharing of a dag). |
| |
| A _field_ is a field name, or _label_ and a protype. |
| A _struct_ is a set of _fields_ with unique labels for each field. |
| --> |
| |
| A CUE configuration can be defined in terms of constraints, which are |
| analogous to typed attribute structures referred to above. |
| |
| #### Definition of basic values |
| |
| > A _basic value_ is any CUE value that is not a struct (or, by |
| > extension, a list). |
| > All basic values are partially ordered in a lattice, such that for any |
| > basic value `a` and `b` there is a unique greatest lower bound |
| > defined for the subsumption relation `a ⊑ b`. |
| |
| ``` |
| Basic values |
| null |
| true |
| bool |
| 3.14 |
| string |
| "Hello" |
| 0..10 |
| <8 |
| re("Hello .*!") |
| ``` |
| |
| The basic values correspond to their respective types defined earlier. |
| |
| Struct (and by extension lists), are represented by the abstract notion of |
| a typed feature structure. |
| Each node in a configuration, including the root node, |
| is associated with a constraint. |
| |
| |
| #### Definition of a typed feature structures and substructures |
| |
| <!-- jba: This isn't adding understanding. I'd rather you omitted it and |
| added a bit of rigor to the above spec. Or at a minimum, translate the |
| formalism into the terms you use above. |
| --> |
| |
| > A typed feature structure_ defined for a finite set of labels `Label` |
| > is directed acyclic graph with labeled |
| > arcs and values, represented by a tuple `C = <Q, q0, υ, δ>`, where |
| > |
| > 1. `Q` is the finite set of nodes, |
| > 1. `q0 ∈ Q`, is the root node, |
| > 1. `υ: Q → T` is the total node typing function, |
| > for a finite set of possible terms `T`. |
| > 1. `δ: Label × Q → Q` is the partial feature function, |
| > |
| > subject to the following conditions: |
| > |
| > 1. there is no node `q` or label `l` such that `δ(q, l) = q0` (root) |
| > 2. for every node `q` in `Q` there is a path `π` (i.e. a sequence of |
| > members of Label) such that `δ(q0, π) = q` (unique root, correctness) |
| > 3. there is no node `q` or path `π` such that `δ(q, π) = q` (no cycles) |
| > |
| > where `δ` is extended to be defined on paths as follows: |
| > |
| > 1. `δ(q, ϵ) = q`, where `ϵ` is the empty path |
| > 2. `δ(q, l∙π) = δ(δ(l, q), π)` |
| > |
| > The _substructures_ of a typed feature structure are the |
| > typed feature structures rooted at each node in the structure. |
| > |
| > The set of all possible typed feature structures for a given label |
| > set is denoted as `𝒞`<sub>`Label`</sub>. |
| > |
| > The set of _terms_ for label set `Label` is recursively defined as |
| > |
| > 1. every basic value: `P ⊆ T` |
| > 1. every constraint in `𝒞`<sub>`Label`</sub> is a term: `𝒞`<sub>`Label`</sub>` ⊆ T` |
| > a _reference_ may refer to any substructure of `C`. |
| > 1. for every `n` values `t₁, ..., tₙ`, and every `n`-ary function symbol |
| > `f ∈ F_n`, the value `f(t₁,...,tₙ) ∈ T`. |
| > |
| |
| |
| This definition has been taken and modified from [Carpenter, 1992] |
| and [Copestake, 2002]. |
| |
| Without loss of generality, we will henceforth assume that the given set |
| of labels is constant and denote `𝒞`<sub>`Label`</sub> as `𝒞`. |
| |
| In CUE configurations, the abstract constraints implicated by `υ` |
| are CUE expressions. |
| Literal structs can be treated as part of the original typed feature structure |
| and do not need evaluation. |
| Any other expression is evaluated and unified with existing values of that node. |
| |
| References in expressions refer to other nodes within the `C` and represent |
| a copy of the substructure `C'` of `C` rooted at these nodes. |
| Any references occuring in terms assigned to nodes of `C'` are be updated to |
| point to the equivalent node in a copy of `C'`. |
| <!-- TODO: define formally. Right now this is implied already by the |
| definition of evaluation functions and unification: unifying |
| the original TFS' structure of the constraint with the current node |
| preserves the structure of the original graph by definition. |
| This is getting very implicit, though. |
| --> |
| The functions defined by `F` correspond to the binary and unary operators |
| and interpolation construct of CUE, as well as builtin functions. |
| |
| CUE allows duplicate labels within a struct, while the definition of |
| typed feature structures does not. |
| A duplicate label `l` with respective values `a` and `b` is represented in |
| a constraint as a single label with term `&(a, b)`, |
| the unification of `a` and `b`. |
| Multiple labels may be recursively combined in any order. |
| |
| <!-- unnecessary, probably. |
| #### Definition of evaluated value |
| |
| > A fully evaluated value, `T_evaluated ⊆ T` is a subset of `T` consisting |
| > only of atoms, typed attribute structures and constraint functions. |
| > |
| > A value is called _ground_ if it is an atom or typed attribute structure. |
| |
| #### Unification of evaluated values |
| |
| > A fully evaluated value, `T_evaluated ⊆ T` is a subset of `T` consisting |
| > only of atoms, typed attribute structures and constraint functions. |
| > |
| > A value is called _ground_ if it is an atom or typed attribute structure. |
| --> |
| |
| #### Definition of subsumption and unification on typed attribute structure |
| |
| > For a given collection of constraints `𝒞`, |
| > we define `π ≡`<sub>`C`</sub> `π'` to mean that typed feature structure `C ∈ 𝒞` |
| > contains path equivalence between the paths `π` and `π'` |
| > (i.e. `δ(q0, π) = δ(q0, π')`, where `q0` is the root node of `C`); |
| > and `𝒫`<sub>`C`</sub>`(π) = c` to mean that |
| > the typed feature structure at the path `π` in `C` |
| > is `c` (i.e. `𝒫`<sub>`C`</sub>`(π) = c` if and only if `υ(δ(q0, π)) == c`, |
| > where `q0` is the root node of `C`). |
| > Subsumption is then defined as follows: |
| > `C ∈ 𝒞` subsumes `C' ∈ 𝒞`, written `C' ⊑ C`, if and only if: |
| > |
| > - `π ≡`<sub>`C`</sub> `π'` implies `π ≡`<sub>`C'`</sub> `π'` |
| > - `𝒫`<sub>`C`</sub>`(π) = c` implies`𝒫`<sub>`C'`</sub>`(π) = c` and `c' ⊑ c` |
| > |
| > The unification of `C` and `C'`, denoted `C ⊓ C'`, |
| > is the greatest lower bound of `C` and `C'` in `𝒞` ordered by subsumption. |
| |
| <!-- jba: So what does this get you that you don't already have from the |
| various "instance-of" definitions in the main spec? I thought those were |
| sufficiently precise. Although I admit that references and cycles |
| are still unclear to me. --> |
| |
| Like with the subsumption relation for basic values, |
| the subsumption relation for constraints determines the mutual placement |
| of constraints within the partial order of all values. |
| |
| |
| #### Evaluation function |
| |
| > The evaluation function is given by `E: T -> 𝒞`. |
| > The unification of two typed feature structures is evaluated as defined above. |
| > All other functions are evaluated according to the definitions found earlier |
| > in this spec. |
| > An error is indicated by `_|_`. |
| |
| #### Definition of well-formedness |
| |
| > We say that a given typed feature structure `C = <Q, q0, υ, δ> ∈ 𝒞` is |
| > a _well-formed_ typed feature structure if and only if for all nodes `q ∈ Q`, |
| > the substructure `C'` rooted at `q`, |
| > is such that `E(υ(q)) ∈ 𝒞` and `C' = <Q', q, δ', υ'> ⊑ E(υ(q))`. |
| |
| <!-- Also, like Copestake, define appropriate features? |
| Appropriate features are useful for detecting unused variables. |
| |
| Appropriate features could be introduced by distinguishing between: |
| |
| a: MyStruct // appropriate features are MyStruct |
| a: {a : 1} |
| |
| and |
| |
| a: MyStruct & { a: 1 } // appropriate features are those of MyStruct + 'a' |
| |
| This is way too subtle, though. |
| |
| Alternatively: use Haskell's approach: |
| |
| a :: MyStruct // define a to be MyStruct any other features are allowed but |
| // discarded from the model. Unused features are an error. |
| |
| Let's first try to see if we can get away with static usage analysis. |
| A variant would be to define appropriate features unconditionally, but enforce |
| them only for unused variables, with some looser definition of unused. |
| --> |
| |
| The _evaluation_ of a CUE configuration represented by `C` |
| is defined as the process of making `C` well-formed. |
| |
| <!-- |
| ore abstractly, we can define this structure as the tuple |
| `<≡, 𝒫>`, where |
| |
| - `≡ ⊆ Path × Path` where `π ≡ π'` if and only if `Δ(π, q0) = Δ(π', q0)` (path equivalence) |
| - `P: Path → ℙ` is `υ(Δ(π, q))` (path value). |
| |
| A struct `a = <≡, 𝒫>` subsumes a struct `b = <≡', 𝒫'>`, or `a ⊑ b`, |
| if and only if |
| |
| - `π ≡ π'` implied `π ≡' π'`, and |
| - `𝒫(π) = v` implies `𝒫'(π) = v'` and `v' ⊑ v` |
| --> |
| |
| #### References |
| Theory: |
| - [1992] Bob Carpenter, "The logic of typed feature structures."; |
| Cambridge University Press, ISBN:0-521-41932-8 |
| - [2002] Ann Copestake, "Implementing Typed Feature Structure Grammars."; |
| CSLI Publications, ISBN 1-57586-261-1 |
| |
| Some graph unification algorithms: |
| |
| - [1985] Fernando C. N. Pereira, "A structure-sharing representation for |
| unification-based grammar formalisms."; In Proc. of the 23rd Annual Meeting of |
| the Association for Computational Linguistics. Chicago, IL |
| - [1991] H. Tomabechi, "Quasi-destructive graph unifications.."; In Proceedings |
| of the 29th Annual Meeting of the ACL. Berkeley, CA |
| - [1992] Hideto Tomabechi, "Quasi-destructive graph unifications with structure- |
| sharing."; In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on |
| Computational Linguistics (COLING-92), Nantes, France. |
| - [2001] Marcel van Lohuizen, "Memory-efficient and thread-safe |
| quasi-destructive graph unification."; In Proceedings of the 38th Meeting of |
| the Association for Computational Linguistics. Hong Kong, China. |
| |
| |
| ### Evaluation |
| |
| The _evaluation_ of a CUE configuration `C` is defined as the process of |
| making `C` well-formed. |
| |
| This document does not define any operational semantics. |
| As the unification operation is communitive, transitive, and reflexive, |
| implementations have a considerable amount of leeway in |
| choosing an evaluation strategy. |
| Although most algorithms for the unification of typed attribute structure |
| that have been proposed are `O(n)`, there can be considerable performance |
| benefits of choosing one of the many proposed evaluation strategies over the |
| other. |
| Implementations will need to be verified against the above formal definition. |
| |
| |
| |
| #### Constraint functions |
| |
| <!-- jba: I don't understand why this section is here. --> |
| |
| A _constraint function_ is a unary function `f` which for any input `a` only |
| returns values that are an instance of `a`. For instance, the constraint |
| function `f` for `string` returns `"foo"` for `f("foo")` and `_|_` for `f(1)`. |
| Constraint functions may take other constraint functions as arguments to |
| produce a more restricting constraint function. |
| For instance, the constraint function `f` for `0..8` returns `5` for `f(5)`, |
| `5..8` for `f(5..10)`, and `_|_` for `f("foo")`. |
| |
| |
| Constraint functions play a special role in unification. |
| The unification function `&(a, b)` is defined as |
| |
| - `a & b` if `a` and `b` are two atoms |
| - `a & b` if `a` and `b` are two nodes, respresenting struct |
| - `a(b)` or `b(a)` if either `a` or `b` is a constraint function, respectively. |
| |
| Implementations are free to pick which constraint function is applied if |
| both `a` and `b` are constraint functions, as the properties of unification |
| will ensure this produces identical results. |
| |
| |
| #### References |
| |
| A distinguising feature of CUE's unification algorithm is the use of references. |
| In conventional graph unification for typed feature structures, the structures |
| that are unified into the existing graph are independent and pre-evaluated. |
| In CUE, the typed feature structures indicated by references may still need to |
| be evaluated. |
| Some conventional evaluation strategies may not cope well with references that |
| refer to each other. |
| The simple solution is to deploy a breadth-first evaluation strategy, rather than |
| the more traditional depth-first approach. |
| Other approaches are possible, however, and implementations are free to choose |
| which approach is deployed. |
| |
| |
| <!-- jba: Looks like the stuff below here is in an early stage, so I didn't |
| read it closely. |
| |
| --> |
| |
| ### Validation |
| |
| TODO: when to proactively do recursive validation |
| |
| ### Cycles |
| |
| TODO: describe precisely which cycles must be resolved by implementations. |
| |
| <!-- |
| Rules: |
| |
| - Unification of atom value `a` with non-concrete atom `b` for node `q`: |
| - set `q` to `a` and schedule the evaluation `a == b` at the end of |
| evaluating `q`: `C` is only correct under the assumption that `q` is `a` |
| so evaluate later. |
| --> |
| |
| A direct cyclic reference between nodes defines a shared node for the paths |
| of the original nodes. |
| |
| - Unification of cycle of references of struct, |
| for instance: `{ a: b, b: c, c: a }` |
| - ignore the cycle and continue evaluating not including the last unification: |
| a unification of a value with itself is itself. As `a` was already included, |
| ignoring the cycle will produce the same result. |
| |
| ``` |
| Configuration Evaluated |
| // c Cycles in nodes of type struct evaluate |
| // ↙︎ ↖ to the fixed point of unifying their. |
| // a → b values |
| |
| a: b // a: { x: 1, y: 3 } |
| b: c // b: { x: 1, y: 3 } |
| c: a // c: { x: 1, y: 3 } |
| |
| a: { x: 1 } |
| b: { y: 3 } |
| ``` |
| |
| <!-- |
| For fields of type struct any cycle that does not result in an infinite |
| structure is allowed. |
| An expresion of type struct only allows unification and disjunction operations. |
| |
| Unification of structs is done by unifying a copy of each of the input structs. |
| A copy of a referenced input struct may itself contain references which are |
| handled with the following rules: |
| - a reference bound to a field that it is being copied is replaced |
| with a new reference pointing to the respective copy, |
| - a reference bound to a field that is not being copied refers to the |
| original field. |
| --> |
| |
| #### Self-referential cycles |
| |
| A graph unification algorithm like Tomabechi [] or Van Lohuizen [] can be used |
| to handle the reference replacement rules and minimize the cost of |
| copying and cycle detection. |
| |
| Unification of lists, which are expressible as structs, follow along the same |
| lines. |
| |
| For an expression `a & b` of any scalar type where exactly one of `a` or `b` is |
| a concrete value, the result may be replaced by this concrete value while |
| adding the expression `a == b` to the list of assertions. |
| |
| ``` |
| // Config Evaluates to |
| x: { x: { |
| a: b + 100 a: _|_ // cycle detected |
| b: a - 100 b: _|_ // cycle detected |
| } } |
| |
| y: x & { y: { |
| a: 200 a: 200 // asserted that 200 == b + 100 |
| b: 100 |
| } } |
| ``` |
| |
| <!-- |
| #### Evaluation cycles |
| |
| For structs, cycles are disallowed |
| |
| Disallowed cycles: |
| |
| A field `a` is _reachable_ from field `b` if there is a selector sequence |
| from `a` to `b`. |
| |
| A reference used in field `a` may not refer to a value that recursively |
| refers to a value that is reachable from `a`. |
| |
| ``` |
| a: b & { c: 3 } |
| |
| b: a.c // illegal reference |
| |
| ``` |
| |
| #### Structural cycles |
| |
| A reference to `Δ(π, q0)` may not recursively refer to `Δ(π', q)`, |
| where `π` is a prefix to `π'`. |
| |
| a: b & { b: _ } |
| |
| |
| ### Validation |
| |
| Implementations are allowed to postpone recursive unification of structures |
| except for in the following cases: |
| |
| - Unification within disjunctions: |
| |
| |
| ### Inference |
| |
| There is currently no logical inference for values of references prescribed. |
| It mostly relies on users defining the value of all variables. |
| The main reason for this is to keep control over run time complexity. |
| However, implementations may be free to do so. |
| Also, later versions of the language may strengthen requirements for resolution. |
| There is no backtracking to try to find possible instantiations of incomplete |
| values. |
| This design keeps run time complexity in check. |
| However, implementations are free to provide additional functionality to |
| resolve incomplete references, for instance by rewriting configurations to |
| augment them with additional constraints that are implied from the current |
| fields. |
| Also, later versions of the language may strengthen requirements |
| for resolution. |
| |
| TODO: examples of situations where variables could be resolved but are not. |
| --> |
| |
| ### Unused values |
| |
| TODO: rules for detection of unused variables |
| |