| # Implementing CUE |
| |
| |
| > NOTE: this is a working document attempting to describe CUE in a way |
| > relatable to existing graph unification systems. It is mostly |
| > redundant to [the spec](./spec.md). Unless one is interested in |
| > understanding how to implement CUE or how it relates to the existing |
| > body of research, read the spec instead. |
| |
| |
| CUE is modeled after typed feature structure and graph unification systems |
| such as LKB. |
| There is a wealth of research related to such systems and graph unification in |
| general. |
| This document describes the core semantics of CUE in a notation |
| that allows relating it to this existing body of research. |
| |
| |
| ## Background |
| |
| CUE was inspired by a formalism known as |
| typed attribute structures [Carpenter 1992] or |
| typed feature structures [Copestake 2002], |
| which are used in linguistics to encode grammars and |
| lexicons. Being able to effectively encode large amounts of data in a rigorous |
| manner, this formalism seemed like a great fit for large-scale configuration. |
| |
| Although CUE configurations are specified as trees, not graphs, implementations |
| can benefit from considering them as graphs when dealing with cycles, |
| and effectively turning them into graphs when applying techniques like |
| structure sharing. |
| Dealing with cycles is well understood for typed attribute structures |
| and as CUE configurations are formally closely related to them, |
| we can benefit from this knowledge without reinventing the wheel. |
| |
| ## Formal Definition |
| |
| |
| <!-- |
| The previous section is equivalent to the below text with the main difference |
| that it is only defined for trees. Technically, structs are more akin dags, |
| but that is hard to explain at this point and also unnecessarily pedantic. |
| We keep the definition closer to trees and will layer treatment |
| of cycles on top of these definitions to achieve the same result (possibly |
| without the benefits of structure sharing of a dag). |
| |
| A _field_ is a field name, or _label_ and a protype. |
| A _struct_ is a set of _fields_ with unique labels for each field. |
| --> |
| |
| A CUE configuration can be defined in terms of constraints, which are |
| analogous to typed attribute structures referred to above. |
| |
| ### Definition of basic values |
| |
| > A _basic value_ is any CUE value that is not a struct (or, by |
| > extension, a list). |
| > All basic values are partially ordered in a lattice, such that for any |
| > basic value `a` and `b` there is a unique greatest lower bound |
| > defined for the subsumption relation `a ⊑ b`. |
| |
| ``` |
| Basic values |
| null |
| true |
| bool |
| 3.14 |
| string |
| "Hello" |
| >=0 |
| <8 |
| re("Hello .*!") |
| ``` |
| |
| The basic values correspond to their respective types defined earlier. |
| |
| Struct (and by extension lists), are represented by the abstract notion of |
| a typed feature structure. |
| Each node in a configuration, including the root node, |
| is associated with a constraint. |
| |
| |
| ### Definition of a typed feature structures and substructures |
| |
| <!-- jba: This isn't adding understanding. I'd rather you omitted it and |
| added a bit of rigor to the above spec. Or at a minimum, translate the |
| formalism into the terms you use above. |
| --> |
| |
| > A typed feature structure_ defined for a finite set of labels `Label` |
| > is directed acyclic graph with labeled |
| > arcs and values, represented by a tuple `C = <Q, q0, υ, δ>`, where |
| > |
| > 1. `Q` is the finite set of nodes, |
| > 1. `q0 ∈ Q`, is the root node, |
| > 1. `υ: Q → T` is the total node typing function, |
| > for a finite set of possible terms `T`. |
| > 1. `δ: Label × Q → Q` is the partial feature function, |
| > |
| > subject to the following conditions: |
| > |
| > 1. there is no node `q` or label `l` such that `δ(q, l) = q0` (root) |
| > 2. for every node `q` in `Q` there is a path `π` (i.e. a sequence of |
| > members of Label) such that `δ(q0, π) = q` (unique root, correctness) |
| > 3. there is no node `q` or path `π` such that `δ(q, π) = q` (no cycles) |
| > |
| > where `δ` is extended to be defined on paths as follows: |
| > |
| > 1. `δ(q, ϵ) = q`, where `ϵ` is the empty path |
| > 2. `δ(q, l∙π) = δ(δ(l, q), π)` |
| > |
| > The _substructures_ of a typed feature structure are the |
| > typed feature structures rooted at each node in the structure. |
| > |
| > The set of all possible typed feature structures for a given label |
| > set is denoted as `𝒞`<sub>`Label`</sub>. |
| > |
| > The set of _terms_ for label set `Label` is recursively defined as |
| > |
| > 1. every basic value: `P ⊆ T` |
| > 1. every constraint in `𝒞`<sub>`Label`</sub> is a term: `𝒞`<sub>`Label`</sub>` ⊆ T` |
| > a _reference_ may refer to any substructure of `C`. |
| > 1. for every `n` values `t₁, ..., tₙ`, and every `n`-ary function symbol |
| > `f ∈ F_n`, the value `f(t₁,...,tₙ) ∈ T`. |
| > |
| |
| |
| This definition has been taken and modified from [Carpenter, 1992] |
| and [Copestake, 2002]. |
| |
| Without loss of generality, we will henceforth assume that the given set |
| of labels is constant and denote `𝒞`<sub>`Label`</sub> as `𝒞`. |
| |
| In CUE configurations, the abstract constraints implicated by `υ` |
| are CUE expressions. |
| Literal structs can be treated as part of the original typed feature structure |
| and do not need evaluation. |
| Any other expression is evaluated and unified with existing values of that node. |
| |
| References in expressions refer to other nodes within the `C` and represent |
| a copy of the substructure `C'` of `C` rooted at these nodes. |
| Any references occurring in terms assigned to nodes of `C'` are be updated to |
| point to the equivalent node in a copy of `C'`. |
| <!-- TODO: define formally. Right now this is implied already by the |
| definition of evaluation functions and unification: unifying |
| the original TFS' structure of the constraint with the current node |
| preserves the structure of the original graph by definition. |
| This is getting very implicit, though. |
| --> |
| The functions defined by `F` correspond to the binary and unary operators |
| and interpolation construct of CUE, as well as builtin functions. |
| |
| CUE allows duplicate labels within a struct, while the definition of |
| typed feature structures does not. |
| A duplicate label `l` with respective values `a` and `b` is represented in |
| a constraint as a single label with term `&(a, b)`, |
| the unification of `a` and `b`. |
| Multiple labels may be recursively combined in any order. |
| |
| <!-- unnecessary, probably. |
| #### Definition of evaluated value |
| |
| > A fully evaluated value, `T_evaluated ⊆ T` is a subset of `T` consisting |
| > only of atoms, typed attribute structures and constraint functions. |
| > |
| > A value is called _ground_ if it is an atom or typed attribute structure. |
| |
| #### Unification of evaluated values |
| |
| > A fully evaluated value, `T_evaluated ⊆ T` is a subset of `T` consisting |
| > only of atoms, typed attribute structures and constraint functions. |
| > |
| > A value is called _ground_ if it is an atom or typed attribute structure. |
| --> |
| |
| ### Definition of subsumption and unification on typed attribute structure |
| |
| > For a given collection of constraints `𝒞`, |
| > we define `π ≡`<sub>`C`</sub> `π'` to mean that typed feature structure `C ∈ 𝒞` |
| > contains path equivalence between the paths `π` and `π'` |
| > (i.e. `δ(q0, π) = δ(q0, π')`, where `q0` is the root node of `C`); |
| > and `𝒫`<sub>`C`</sub>`(π) = c` to mean that |
| > the typed feature structure at the path `π` in `C` |
| > is `c` (i.e. `𝒫`<sub>`C`</sub>`(π) = c` if and only if `υ(δ(q0, π)) == c`, |
| > where `q0` is the root node of `C`). |
| > Subsumption is then defined as follows: |
| > `C ∈ 𝒞` subsumes `C' ∈ 𝒞`, written `C' ⊑ C`, if and only if: |
| > |
| > - `π ≡`<sub>`C`</sub> `π'` implies `π ≡`<sub>`C'`</sub> `π'` |
| > - `𝒫`<sub>`C`</sub>`(π) = c` implies`𝒫`<sub>`C'`</sub>`(π) = c` and `c' ⊑ c` |
| > |
| > The unification of `C` and `C'`, denoted `C ⊓ C'`, |
| > is the greatest lower bound of `C` and `C'` in `𝒞` ordered by subsumption. |
| |
| <!-- jba: So what does this get you that you don't already have from the |
| various "instance-of" definitions in the main spec? I thought those were |
| sufficiently precise. Although I admit that references and cycles |
| are still unclear to me. --> |
| |
| Like with the subsumption relation for basic values, |
| the subsumption relation for constraints determines the mutual placement |
| of constraints within the partial order of all values. |
| |
| |
| ### Evaluation function |
| |
| > The evaluation function is given by `E: T -> 𝒞`. |
| > The unification of two typed feature structures is evaluated as defined above. |
| > All other functions are evaluated according to the definitions found earlier |
| > in this spec. |
| > An error is indicated by `_|_`. |
| |
| #### Definition of well-formedness |
| |
| > We say that a given typed feature structure `C = <Q, q0, υ, δ> ∈ 𝒞` is |
| > a _well-formed_ typed feature structure if and only if for all nodes `q ∈ Q`, |
| > the substructure `C'` rooted at `q`, |
| > is such that `E(υ(q)) ∈ 𝒞` and `C' = <Q', q, δ', υ'> ⊑ E(υ(q))`. |
| |
| <!-- Also, like Copestake, define appropriate features? |
| Appropriate features are useful for detecting unused variables. |
| |
| Appropriate features could be introduced by distinguishing between: |
| |
| a: MyStruct // appropriate features are MyStruct |
| a: {a : 1} |
| |
| and |
| |
| a: MyStruct & { a: 1 } // appropriate features are those of MyStruct + 'a' |
| |
| This is way too subtle, though. |
| |
| Alternatively: use Haskell's approach: |
| |
| a :: MyStruct // define a to be MyStruct any other features are allowed but |
| // discarded from the model. Unused features are an error. |
| |
| Let's first try to see if we can get away with static usage analysis. |
| A variant would be to define appropriate features unconditionally, but enforce |
| them only for unused variables, with some looser definition of unused. |
| --> |
| |
| The _evaluation_ of a CUE configuration represented by `C` |
| is defined as the process of making `C` well-formed. |
| |
| <!-- |
| ore abstractly, we can define this structure as the tuple |
| `<≡, 𝒫>`, where |
| |
| - `≡ ⊆ Path × Path` where `π ≡ π'` if and only if `Δ(π, q0) = Δ(π', q0)` (path equivalence) |
| - `P: Path → ℙ` is `υ(Δ(π, q))` (path value). |
| |
| A struct `a = <≡, 𝒫>` subsumes a struct `b = <≡', 𝒫'>`, or `a ⊑ b`, |
| if and only if |
| |
| - `π ≡ π'` implied `π ≡' π'`, and |
| - `𝒫(π) = v` implies `𝒫'(π) = v'` and `v' ⊑ v` |
| --> |
| |
| ### References |
| Theory: |
| - [1992] Bob Carpenter, "The logic of typed feature structures."; |
| Cambridge University Press, ISBN:0-521-41932-8 |
| - [2002] Ann Copestake, "Implementing Typed Feature Structure Grammars."; |
| CSLI Publications, ISBN 1-57586-261-1 |
| |
| Some graph unification algorithms: |
| |
| - [1985] Fernando C. N. Pereira, "A structure-sharing representation for |
| unification-based grammar formalisms."; In Proc. of the 23rd Annual Meeting of |
| the Association for Computational Linguistics. Chicago, IL |
| - [1991] H. Tomabechi, "Quasi-destructive graph unifications.."; In Proceedings |
| of the 29th Annual Meeting of the ACL. Berkeley, CA |
| - [1992] Hideto Tomabechi, "Quasi-destructive graph unifications with structure- |
| sharing."; In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on |
| Computational Linguistics (COLING-92), Nantes, France. |
| - [2001] Marcel van Lohuizen, "Memory-efficient and thread-safe |
| quasi-destructive graph unification."; In Proceedings of the 38th Meeting of |
| the Association for Computational Linguistics. Hong Kong, China. |
| |
| |
| ## Implementation |
| |
| The _evaluation_ of a CUE configuration `C` is defined as the process of |
| making `C` well-formed. |
| |
| |
| This section does not define any operational semantics. |
| As the unification operation is communitive, transitive, and reflexive, |
| implementations have a considerable amount of leeway in |
| choosing an evaluation strategy. |
| Although most algorithms for the unification of typed attribute structure |
| that have been proposed are near `O(n)`, there can be considerable performance |
| benefits of choosing one of the many proposed evaluation strategies over the |
| other. |
| Implementations will need to be verified against the above formal definition. |
| |
| |
| ### Constraint functions |
| |
| A _constraint function_ is a unary function `f` which for any input `a` only |
| returns values that are an instance of `a`. For instance, the constraint |
| function `f` for `string` returns `"foo"` for `f("foo")` and `_|_` for `f(1)`. |
| Constraint functions may take other constraint functions as arguments to |
| produce a more restricting constraint function. |
| For instance, the constraint function `f` for `<=8` returns `5` for `f(5)`, |
| `>=5 & <=8` for `f(>=5)`, and `_|_` for `f("foo")`. |
| |
| |
| Constraint functions play a special role in unification. |
| The unification function `&(a, b)` is defined as |
| |
| - `a & b` if `a` and `b` are two atoms |
| - `a & b` if `a` and `b` are two nodes, respresenting struct |
| - `a(b)` or `b(a)` if either `a` or `b` is a constraint function, respectively. |
| |
| Implementations are free to pick which constraint function is applied if |
| both `a` and `b` are constraint functions, as the properties of unification |
| will ensure this produces identical results. |
| |
| |
| ### References |
| |
| A distinguising feature of CUE's unification algorithm is the use of references. |
| In conventional graph unification for typed feature structures, the structures |
| that are unified into the existing graph are independent and pre-evaluated. |
| In CUE, the typed feature structures indicated by references may still need to |
| be evaluated. |
| Some conventional evaluation strategies may not cope well with references that |
| refer to each other. |
| The simple solution is to deploy a breadth-first evaluation strategy, rather than |
| the more traditional depth-first approach. |
| Other approaches are possible, however, and implementations are free to choose |
| which approach is deployed. |
| |