blob: 522f023c71fc6e4d3a1c8833e9fc37eb2dc474c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// TODO: make this package public in
// once stabalized.
package encoding
import (
type Decoder struct {
cfg *Config
closer io.Closer
next func() (ast.Expr, error)
rewriteFunc rewriteFunc
interpretFunc interpretFunc
interpretation build.Interpretation
expr ast.Expr
file *ast.File
filename string // may change on iteration for some formats
id string
index int
err error
type interpretFunc func(*cue.Instance) (file *ast.File, id string, err error)
type rewriteFunc func(*ast.File) (file *ast.File, err error)
// ID returns a canonical identifier for the decoded object or "" if no such
// identifier could be found.
func (i *Decoder) ID() string {
func (i *Decoder) Filename() string { return i.filename }
// Interpretation returns the current interpretation detected by Detect.
func (i *Decoder) Interpretation() build.Interpretation {
return i.interpretation
func (i *Decoder) Index() int { return i.index }
func (i *Decoder) Done() bool { return i.err != nil }
func (i *Decoder) Next() {
if i.err != nil {
// Decoder level
i.file = nil
i.expr, i.err =
if i.err != nil {
func (i *Decoder) doInterpret() {
if i.rewriteFunc != nil {
i.file = i.File()
var err error
i.file, err = i.rewriteFunc(i.file)
if err != nil {
i.err = err
if i.interpretFunc != nil {
var r cue.Runtime
i.file = i.File()
inst, err := r.CompileFile(i.file)
if err != nil {
i.err = err
i.file,, i.err = i.interpretFunc(inst)
func toFile(x ast.Expr) *ast.File {
return internal.ToFile(x)
func valueToFile(v cue.Value) *ast.File {
return internal.ToFile(v.Syntax())
func (i *Decoder) File() *ast.File {
if i.file != nil {
return i.file
return toFile(i.expr)
func (i *Decoder) Err() error {
if i.err == io.EOF {
return nil
return i.err
func (i *Decoder) Close() {
type Config struct {
Mode filetypes.Mode
// Out specifies an overwrite destination.
Out io.Writer
Stdin io.Reader
Stdout io.Writer
PkgName string // package name for files to generate
Force bool // overwrite existing files.
Strict bool
Stream bool // will potentially write more than one document per file
AllErrors bool
Schema cue.Value // used for schema-based decoding
EscapeHTML bool
ProtoPath []string
Format []format.Option
ParseFile func(name string, src interface{}) (*ast.File, error)
// NewDecoder returns a stream of non-rooted data expressions. The encoding
// type of f must be a data type, but does not have to be an encoding that
// can stream. stdin is used in case the file is "-".
func NewDecoder(f *build.File, cfg *Config) *Decoder {
if cfg == nil {
cfg = &Config{}
i := &Decoder{filename: f.Filename, cfg: cfg} = func() (ast.Expr, error) {
if i.err != nil {
return nil, i.err
return nil, io.EOF
if file, ok := f.Source.(*ast.File); ok {
i.file = file
i.closer = ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(""))
i.validate(file, f)
return i
rc, err := reader(f, cfg.Stdin)
i.closer = rc
i.err = err
if err != nil {
return i
// For now we assume that all encodings require UTF-8. This will not be the
// case for some binary protocols. We need to exempt those explicitly here
// once we introduce them.
// TODO: this code also allows UTF16, which is too permissive for some
// encodings. Switch to unicode.UTF8Sig once available.
t := unicode.BOMOverride(unicode.UTF8.NewDecoder())
r := transform.NewReader(rc, t)
switch f.Interpretation {
case "":
case build.Auto:
openAPI := openAPIFunc(cfg, f)
jsonSchema := jsonSchemaFunc(cfg, f)
i.interpretFunc = func(inst *cue.Instance) (file *ast.File, id string, err error) {
switch i.interpretation = Detect(inst.Value()); i.interpretation {
case build.JSONSchema:
return jsonSchema(inst)
case build.OpenAPI:
return openAPI(inst)
return i.file, "", i.err
case build.OpenAPI:
i.interpretation = build.OpenAPI
i.interpretFunc = openAPIFunc(cfg, f)
case build.JSONSchema:
i.interpretation = build.JSONSchema
i.interpretFunc = jsonSchemaFunc(cfg, f)
case build.ProtobufJSON:
i.interpretation = build.ProtobufJSON
i.rewriteFunc = protobufJSONFunc(cfg, f)
i.err = fmt.Errorf("unsupported interpretation %q", f.Interpretation)
path := f.Filename
switch f.Encoding {
case build.CUE:
if cfg.ParseFile == nil {
i.file, i.err = parser.ParseFile(path, r, parser.ParseComments)
} else {
i.file, i.err = cfg.ParseFile(path, r)
i.validate(i.file, f)
if i.err == nil {
case build.JSON, build.JSONL: = json.NewDecoder(nil, path, r).Extract
case build.YAML:
d, err := yaml.NewDecoder(path, r)
i.err = err = d.Decode
case build.Text:
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
i.err = err
i.expr = ast.NewString(string(b))
case build.Binary:
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
i.err = err
s := literal.Bytes.WithTabIndent(1).Quote(string(b))
i.expr = ast.NewLit(token.STRING, s)
case build.Protobuf:
paths := &protobuf.Config{
Paths: cfg.ProtoPath,
PkgName: cfg.PkgName,
i.file, i.err = protobuf.Extract(path, r, paths)
case build.TextProto:
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
i.err = err
if err == nil {
d := textproto.NewDecoder()
i.expr, i.err = d.Parse(cfg.Schema, path, b)
i.err = fmt.Errorf("unsupported encoding %q", f.Encoding)
return i
func jsonSchemaFunc(cfg *Config, f *build.File) interpretFunc {
return func(i *cue.Instance) (file *ast.File, id string, err error) {
id = f.Tags["id"]
if id == "" {
id, _ = i.Lookup("$id").String()
if id != "" {
u, err := url.Parse(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.Wrapf(err, token.NoPos, "invalid id")
u.Scheme = ""
id = strings.TrimPrefix(u.String(), "//")
cfg := &jsonschema.Config{
ID: id,
PkgName: cfg.PkgName,
Strict: cfg.Strict,
file, err = jsonschema.Extract(i, cfg)
// TODO: simplify currently erases file line info. Reintroduce after fix.
// file, err = simplify(file, err)
return file, id, err
func openAPIFunc(c *Config, f *build.File) interpretFunc {
cfg := &openapi.Config{PkgName: c.PkgName}
return func(i *cue.Instance) (file *ast.File, id string, err error) {
file, err = openapi.Extract(i, cfg)
// TODO: simplify currently erases file line info. Reintroduce after fix.
// file, err = simplify(file, err)
return file, "", err
func protobufJSONFunc(cfg *Config, file *build.File) rewriteFunc {
return func(f *ast.File) (*ast.File, error) {
if !cfg.Schema.Exists() {
return f, errors.Newf(token.NoPos,
"no schema specified for protobuf interpretation.")
return f, jsonpb.NewDecoder(cfg.Schema).RewriteFile(f)
func reader(f *build.File, stdin io.Reader) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
switch s := f.Source.(type) {
case nil:
// Use the file name.
case string:
return ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(s)), nil
case []byte:
return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(s)), nil
case *bytes.Buffer:
// is io.Reader, but it needs to be readable repeatedly
if s != nil {
return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(s.Bytes())), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid source type %T", f.Source)
// TODO: should we allow this?
if f.Filename == "-" {
return ioutil.NopCloser(stdin), nil
return os.Open(f.Filename)
func shouldValidate(i *filetypes.FileInfo) bool {
// TODO: We ignore attributes for now. They should be enabled by default.
return false ||
!i.Definitions ||
!i.Data ||
!i.Optional ||
!i.Constraints ||
!i.References ||
!i.Cycles ||
!i.KeepDefaults ||
!i.Incomplete ||
!i.Imports ||
type validator struct {
allErrors bool
count int
errs errors.Error
fileinfo *filetypes.FileInfo
func (d *Decoder) validate(f *ast.File, b *build.File) {
if d.err != nil {
fi, err := filetypes.FromFile(b, filetypes.Input)
if err != nil {
d.err = err
if !shouldValidate(fi) {
v := validator{fileinfo: fi, allErrors: d.cfg.AllErrors}
ast.Walk(f, v.validate, nil)
d.err = v.errs
func (v *validator) validate(n ast.Node) bool {
if v.count > 10 {
return false
i := v.fileinfo
// TODO: Cycles
ok := true
check := func(n ast.Node, option bool, s string, cond bool) {
if !option && cond {
v.errs = errors.Append(v.errs, errors.Newf(n.Pos(),
"%s not allowed in %s mode", s, v.fileinfo.Form))
ok = false
// For now we don't make any distinction between these modes.
constraints := i.Constraints && i.Incomplete && i.Optional && i.References
check(n, i.Docs, "comments", len(ast.Comments(n)) > 0)
switch x := n.(type) {
case *ast.CommentGroup:
check(n, i.Docs, "comments", len(ast.Comments(n)) > 0)
return false
case *ast.ImportDecl, *ast.ImportSpec:
check(n, i.Imports, "imports", true)
case *ast.Field:
check(n, i.Definitions, "definitions",
x.Token == token.ISA || internal.IsDefinition(x.Label))
check(n, i.Data, "regular fields", internal.IsRegularField(x))
check(n, constraints, "optional fields", x.Optional != token.NoPos)
_, _, err := ast.LabelName(x.Label)
check(n, constraints, "optional fields", err != nil)
check(n, i.Attributes, "attributes", len(x.Attrs) > 0)
ast.Walk(x.Value, v.validate, nil)
return false
case *ast.UnaryExpr:
switch x.Op {
case token.MUL:
check(n, i.KeepDefaults, "default values", true)
case token.SUB, token.ADD:
// The parser represents negative numbers as an unary expression.
// Allow one `-` or `+`.
_, ok := x.X.(*ast.BasicLit)
check(n, constraints, "expressions", !ok)
case token.LSS, token.LEQ, token.EQL, token.GEQ, token.GTR,
token.NEQ, token.NMAT, token.MAT:
check(n, constraints, "constraints", true)
check(n, constraints, "expressions", true)
case *ast.BinaryExpr, *ast.ParenExpr, *ast.IndexExpr, *ast.SliceExpr,
*ast.CallExpr, *ast.Comprehension, *ast.Interpolation:
check(n, constraints, "expressions", true)
case *ast.Ellipsis:
check(n, constraints, "ellipsis", true)
case *ast.Ident, *ast.SelectorExpr, *ast.Alias, *ast.LetClause:
check(n, i.References, "references", true)
// Other types are either always okay or handled elsewhere.
return ok
// simplify reformats a File. To be used as a wrapper for Extract functions.
// It currently does so by formatting the file using fmt.Format and then
// reparsing it. This is not ideal, but the package format does not provide a
// way to do so differently.
func simplify(f *ast.File, err error) (*ast.File, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// This needs to be a function that modifies f in order to maintain line
// number information.
b, err := format.Node(f, format.Simplify())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return parser.ParseFile(f.Filename, b, parser.ParseComments)