doc/ref/ perpare for allowing a.4.f

- Update the comma elision rule to reflect the addition
  of new keywords and other syntax.
- Also limit the places where floating points are allowed.
- Remove integer division operators and reintroduce as
- This also makes the first step to unify integral and
  floating point numbers into a single type by unifying
  the section on literals.

This allows integer numbers to be used as selectors, as in
instead of

The only ambiguity that would remain is in

	if .5 == foo {}

Which would tokenize as `if`, `.`, `5`, `==`, ...
But that seems worth the potential gain. This will be
mitigated if we let `cue fmt` rewrite `.5` to `0.5`,
not unlike popular spreadsheets do.

The integer division operators also have to be removed
to make this work. In this CL they are redefined as
builtins. This seems far nicer anyway and removes some
complexity from a feature that is otherwise not used
much. Defining them as builtins also seems to improve
discoverablity / documentation.

Allowing `a.5` results in a far more regular syntax.

The main drawback of this syntax is is that it will not
be possible to elide commas in lists. This is already
not allowed.

Adding this restriction will still allows to either allow
`[ a .5 b ]` or `a.b.5`, or neither down the road.
This change makes it clear, however, that allowing
numbers as selectors can be achieved without
disallowing `.5` to be a valid floating point.

Change-Id: Iabd8f7fd88a3e5ec602aa1f110f75aa5cffe3256
Reviewed-by: Marcel van Lohuizen <>
diff --git a/doc/ref/ b/doc/ref/
index 56a623e..e7260a7 100644
--- a/doc/ref/
+++ b/doc/ref/
@@ -162,9 +162,9 @@
 When the input is broken into tokens, a comma is automatically inserted into
 the token stream immediately after a line's final token if that token is
-- an identifier
-- null, true, false, bottom, or an integer, floating-point, or string literal
-- one of the characters ), ], or }
+- an identifier, keyword, or bottom
+- a number or string literal, including an interpolation
+- one of the characters `)`, `]`, `}`, or `?`
 Although commas are automatically inserted, the parser will require
@@ -257,23 +257,15 @@
-#### Arithmetic
-The following pseudo keywords can be used as operators in expressions.
-div          mod          quo          rem
 ### Operators and punctuation
 The following character sequences represent operators and punctuation:
-+     div   &&    ==    <     =     (     )
--     mod   ||    !=    >     :     {     }
-*     quo   &     =~    <=    ?     [     ]     ,
-/     rem   |     !~    >=    !     _|_   ...   .
++     &&    ==    <     =     (     )
+-     ||    !=    >     :     {     }
+*     &     =~    <=    ?     [     ]     ,
+/     |     !~    >=    !     _|_   ...   .
 Free tokens:  ; ~ ^
@@ -286,19 +278,9 @@
-### Integer literals
+### Numeric literals
-An integer literal is a sequence of digits representing an integer value.
-An optional prefix sets a non-decimal base: 0o for octal,
-0x or 0X for hexadecimal, and 0b for binary.
-In hexadecimal literals, letters a-f and A-F represent values 10 through 15.
-All integers allow interstitial underscores "_";
-these have no meaning and are solely for readability.
-Decimal integers may have a SI or IEC multiplier.
-Multipliers can be used with fractional numbers.
-When multiplying a fraction by a multiplier, the result is truncated
-towards zero if it is not an integer.
+There are several kinds of numeric literals.
 int_lit     = decimal_lit | si_lit | octal_lit | binary_lit | hex_lit .
@@ -316,23 +298,30 @@
               "." decimals [ exponent ].
 exponent    = ( "e" | "E" ) [ "+" | "-" ] decimals .
-TODO: consider allowing Exo (and up), if not followed by a sign
-or number. Alternatively one could only allow Ei, Yi, and Zi.
+An _integer literal_ is a sequence of digits representing an integer value.
+An optional prefix sets a non-decimal base: 0o for octal,
+0x or 0X for hexadecimal, and 0b for binary.
+In hexadecimal literals, letters a-f and A-F represent values 10 through 15.
+All integers allow interstitial underscores "_";
+these have no meaning and are solely for readability.
+Integer literals may have an SI or IEC multiplier.
+Multipliers can be used with fractional numbers.
+When multiplying a fraction by a multiplier, the result is truncated
+towards zero if it is not an integer.
+1.5G    // 1_000_000_000
+1.3Ki   // 1.3 * 1024 = trunc(1331.2) = 1331
-### Decimal floating-point literals
-A decimal floating-point literal is a representation of
+A _decimal floating-point literal_ is a representation of
 a decimal floating-point value (a _float_).
 It has an integer part, a decimal point, a fractional part, and an
 exponent part.
@@ -342,13 +331,6 @@
 point or the exponent may be elided.
-decimal_lit = decimals "." [ decimals ] [ exponent ] |
-            decimals exponent |
-            "." decimals [ exponent ] .
-exponent  = ( "e" | "E" ) [ "+" | "-" ] decimals .
 072.40  // == 72.40
@@ -360,6 +342,25 @@
+TODO: consider allowing Exo (and up), if not followed by a sign
+or number. Alternatively one could only allow Ei, Yi, and Zi.
+Neither a `float_lit` nor an `si_lit` may not appear after a token that is:
+- an identifier, keyword, or bottom
+- a number or string literal, including an interpolation
+- one of the characters `)`, `]`, `}`, `?`, or `.`.
+`a + 3.2Ti`  -> `a`, `+`, `3.2Ti`
+`a 3.2Ti`    -> `a`, `3`, `.`, `2`, `Ti`
+`a + .5e3`   -> `a`, `+`, `.5e3`
+`a .5e3`     -> `a`, `.`, `5`, `e3`.
 ### String and byte sequence literals
@@ -2103,7 +2104,7 @@
 binary_op  = "|" | "&" | "||" | "&&" | "==" | rel_op | add_op | mul_op  .
 rel_op     = "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "=~" | "!~" .
 add_op     = "+" | "-" .
-mul_op     = "*" | "/" | "div" | "mod" | "quo" | "rem" .
+mul_op     = "*" | "/" .
 unary_op   = "+" | "-" | "!" | "*" | rel_op .
@@ -2153,7 +2154,7 @@
 Precedence    Operator
-    7             *  / div mod quo rem
+    7             *  /
     6             +  -
     5             ==  !=  <  <=  >  >= =~ !~
     4             &&
@@ -2178,91 +2179,35 @@
 #### Arithmetic operators
 Arithmetic operators apply to numeric values and yield a result of the same type
-as the first operand. The three of the four standard arithmetic operators
-`(+, -, *)` apply to integer and decimal floating-point types;
+as the first operand. The four standard arithmetic operators
+`(+, -, *, /)` apply to integer and decimal floating-point types;
 `+` and `*` also apply to lists and strings.
-`/` only applies to decimal floating-point types and
-`div`, `mod`, `quo`, and `rem` only apply to integer types.
 +    sum                    integers, floats, lists, strings, bytes
 -    difference             integers, floats
 *    product                integers, floats, lists, strings, bytes
-/    quotient               floats
-div  division               integers
-mod  modulo                 integers
-quo  quotient               integers
-rem  remainder              integers
+/    quotient               integers, floats
 For any operator that accepts operands of type `float`, any operand may be
-of type `int` or `float`, in which case the result will be `float` if any
-of the operands is `float` or `int` otherwise.
-For `/` the result is always `float`.
+of type `int` or `float`, in which case the result will be `float`
+if it cannot be represented as an `int` or if any of the operands are `float`,
+or `int` otherwise.
+So the result of `1 / 2` is `0.5` and is of type `float`.
+The result of division by zero is bottom (an error).
+<!-- TODO: consider making it +/- Inf -->
+Integer division is implemented through the builtin functions
+`quo`, `rem`, `div`, and `mod`.
-#### Integer operators
-For two integer values `x` and `y`,
-the integer quotient `q = x div y` and remainder `r = x mod y `
-implement Euclidean division and
-satisfy the following relationship:
-r = x - y*q  with 0 <= r < |y|
-where `|y|` denotes the absolute value of `y`.
- x     y    x div y   x mod y
- 5     3       1         2
--5     3      -2         1
- 5    -3      -1         2
--5    -3       2         1
-For two integer values `x` and `y`,
-the integer quotient `q = x quo y` and remainder `r = x rem y `
-implement truncated division and
-satisfy the following relationship:
-x = q*y + r  and  |r| < |y|
-with `x quo y` truncated towards zero.
- x     y    x quo y   x rem y
- 5     3       1         2
--5     3      -1        -2
- 5    -3      -1         2
--5    -3       1        -2
-A zero divisor in either case results in bottom (an error).
-For integer operands, the unary operators `+` and `-` are defined as follows:
+The unary operators `+` and `-` are defined for numeric values as follows:
 +x                          is 0 + x
 -x    negation              is 0 - x
-#### Decimal floating-point operators
-For decimal floating-point numbers, `+x` is the same as `x`,
-while -x is the negation of x.
-The result of a floating-point division by zero is bottom (an error).
-<!-- TODO: consider making it +/- Inf -->
-An implementation may combine multiple floating-point operations into a single
-fused operation, possibly across statements, and produce a result that differs
-from the value obtained by executing and rounding the instructions individually.
 #### List operators
 Lists can be concatenated using the `+` operator.
@@ -2724,6 +2669,47 @@
 or([])               _|_
+#### `div`, `mod`, `quo` and `rem`
+For two integer values `x` and `y`,
+the integer quotient `q = div(x, y)` and remainder `r = mod(x, y)`
+implement Euclidean division and
+satisfy the following relationship:
+r = x - y*q  with 0 <= r < |y|
+where `|y|` denotes the absolute value of `y`.
+ x     y   div(x, y)  mod(x, y)
+ 5     3        1          2
+-5     3       -2          1
+ 5    -3       -1          2
+-5    -3        2          1
+For two integer values `x` and `y`,
+the integer quotient `q = quo(x, y)` and remainder `r = rem(x, y)`
+implement truncated division and
+satisfy the following relationship:
+x = q*y + r  and  |r| < |y|
+with `quo(x, y)` truncated towards zero.
+ x     y   quo(x, y)  rem(x, y)
+ 5     3        1          2
+-5     3       -1         -2
+ 5    -3       -1          2
+-5    -3        1         -2
+A zero divisor in either case results in bottom (an error).
 ## Cycles