blob: 885a719b170c563ce90903da7ba2b87dc1c3d4ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package eval contains the high level CUE evaluation strategy.
// CUE allows for a significant amount of freedom in order of evaluation due to
// the commutativity of the unification operation. This package implements one
// of the possible strategies.
package eval
// TODO:
// - result should be nodeContext: this allows optionals info to be extracted
// and computed.
import (
var Debug = false
// - Reuse work from previous cycles. For instance, if we can guarantee that a
// value is always correct for partial results, we can just process the arcs
// going from Partial to Finalized, without having to reevaluate the value.
// - Test closedness far more thoroughly.
func Evaluate(r adt.Runtime, v *adt.Vertex) {
format := func(n adt.Node) string {
return debug.NodeString(r, n, printConfig)
e := New(r)
c := adt.New(v, &adt.Config{
Runtime: r,
Unifier: e,
Format: format,
e.Unify(c, v, adt.Finalized)
func New(r adt.Runtime) *Evaluator {
return &Evaluator{r: r, index: r}
type Stats struct {
DisjunctCount int
UnifyCount int
Freed int
Reused int
Allocs int
var stats = template.Must(template.New("stats").Parse(`{{"" -}}
Freed: {{.Freed}}
Reused: {{.Reused}}
Allocs: {{.Allocs}}
Unifications: {{.UnifyCount}}
Disjuncts: {{.DisjunctCount}}`))
func (s *Stats) String() string {
buf := &strings.Builder{}
_ = stats.Execute(buf, s)
return buf.String()
func (e *Evaluator) Stats() *Stats {
return &e.stats
// TODO: Note: NewContext takes essentially a cue.Value. By making this
// type more central, we can perhaps avoid context creation.
func NewContext(r adt.Runtime, v *adt.Vertex) *adt.OpContext {
e := New(r)
return e.NewContext(v)
var printConfig = &debug.Config{Compact: true}
func (e *Evaluator) NewContext(v *adt.Vertex) *adt.OpContext {
format := func(n adt.Node) string {
return debug.NodeString(e.r, n, printConfig)
return adt.New(v, &adt.Config{
Runtime: e.r,
Unifier: e,
Format: format,
var structSentinel = &adt.StructMarker{}
var incompleteSentinel = &adt.Bottom{
Code: adt.IncompleteError,
Err: errors.Newf(token.NoPos, "incomplete"),
type Evaluator struct {
r adt.Runtime
index adt.StringIndexer
stats Stats
freeListNode *nodeContext
freeListShared *nodeShared
func (e *Evaluator) Eval(v *adt.Vertex) errors.Error {
if v.Value == nil {
ctx := adt.NewContext(e.r, e, v)
e.Unify(ctx, v, adt.Partial)
// extract error if needed.
return nil
// Evaluate is used to evaluate a sub expression while evaluating a Vertex
// with Unify. It may or may not return the original Vertex. It may also
// terminate evaluation early if it has enough evidence that a certain value
// can be the only value in a valid configuration. This means that an error
// may go undetected at this point, as long as it is caught later.
func (e *Evaluator) Evaluate(c *adt.OpContext, v *adt.Vertex) adt.Value {
var resultValue adt.Value
if b, _ := v.Value.(*adt.Bottom); b != nil {
return b
if v.Value == nil {
save := *v
// Use node itself to allow for cycle detection.
s := e.evalVertex(c, v, adt.Partial, nil)
defer e.freeSharedNode(s)
resultValue = v.Value
if s.result_.Value != nil {
*v = s.result_
resultValue = v.Value
} else {
*v = save
switch {
case !s.touched:
case len(s.disjunct.Values) == 1 || s.disjunct.NumDefaults == 1:
// TODO: this seems unnecessary as long as we have a better way
// to handle incomplete, and perhaps referenced. nodes.
if c.IsTentative() && isStruct(v) {
// TODO(perf): do something more efficient perhaps? This discards
// the computed arcs so far. Instead, we could have a separate
// marker to accumulate results. As this only happens within
// comprehensions, the effect is likely minimal, though.
arcs := v.Arcs
w := &adt.Vertex{
Parent: v.Parent,
Value: &adt.StructMarker{},
Arcs: arcs,
Conjuncts: v.Conjuncts,
Closed: s.result_.Closed,
*v = save
return w
d := s.createDisjunct()
last := len(d.Values) - 1
clone := *(d.Values[last])
d.Values[last] = &clone
v.Value = d
v.Arcs = nil
v.Structs = nil // TODO: maybe not do this.
// The conjuncts will have too much information. Better have no
// information than incorrect information.
for _, d := range d.Values {
d.Conjuncts = nil
for _, a := range d.Arcs {
for _, x := range a.Conjuncts {
// All the environments for embedded structs need to be
// dereferenced.
for env := x.Env; env != nil && env.Vertex == v; env = env.Up {
env.Vertex = d
return d
err, _ := resultValue.(*adt.Bottom)
// BEFORE RESTORING, copy the value to return one
// with the temporary arcs.
if !s.done() && (err == nil || err.IsIncomplete()) {
// Clear values afterwards
*v = save
if s.hasResult() {
if b, _ := v.Value.(*adt.Bottom); b != nil {
*v = save
return b
// TODO: Only use result when not a cycle.
v = s.result()
// TODO: Store if concrete and fully resolved.
switch v.Value.(type) {
case nil:
// Error saved in result.
return resultValue // incomplete
case *adt.ListMarker, *adt.StructMarker:
return v
return v.Value
// Unify implements adt.Unifier.
// May not evaluate the entire value, but just enough to be able to compute.
// Phase one: record everything concrete
// Phase two: record incomplete
// Phase three: record cycle.
func (e *Evaluator) Unify(c *adt.OpContext, v *adt.Vertex, state adt.VertexStatus) {
e.UnifyAccept(c, v, state, nil) //v.Closed)
// UnifyAccept is like Unify, but takes an extra argument to override the
// accepted set of fields.
// Instead of deriving the allowed set of fields, it verifies this set by
// consulting the given Acceptor. This can be useful when splitting an existing
// values into individual conjuncts and then unifying some of its components
// back into a new value. Under normal circumstances, this may not always
// succeed as the missing context may result in stricter closedness rules.
func (e *Evaluator) UnifyAccept(c *adt.OpContext, v *adt.Vertex, state adt.VertexStatus, accept adt.Acceptor) {
// defer c.PopVertex(c.PushVertex(v))
if state <= v.Status() {
if x := v.Value; x != nil {
// if state == adt.Partial || x == cycle {
// return
// }
n := e.evalVertex(c, v, state, accept)
defer e.freeSharedNode(n)
switch {
case len(n.disjunct.Values) == 1:
*v = *(n.disjunct.Values[0])
case len(n.disjunct.Values) > 0:
d := n.createDisjunct()
v.Value = d
// The conjuncts will have too much information. Better have no
// information than incorrect information.
for _, d := range d.Values {
// We clear the conjuncts for now. As these disjuncts are for API
// use only, we will fill them out when necessary (using Defaults).
d.Conjuncts = nil
// TODO: use a more principled form of dereferencing. For instance,
// disjuncts could already be assumed to be the given Vertex, and
// the the main vertex could be dereferenced during evaluation.
for _, a := range d.Arcs {
for _, x := range a.Conjuncts {
// All the environments for embedded structs need to be
// dereferenced.
for env := x.Env; env != nil && env.Vertex == v; env = env.Up {
env.Vertex = d
v.Arcs = nil
// v.Structs = nil // TODO: should we keep or discard the Structs?
v.Closed = newDisjunctionAcceptor(d)
if r := n.result(); r.Value != nil {
*v = *r
// Else set it to something.
if v.Value == nil {
// Check whether result is done.
// evalVertex computes the vertex results. The state indicates the minimum
// status to which this vertex should be evaluated. It should be either
// adt.Finalized or adt.Partial.
func (e *Evaluator) evalVertex(c *adt.OpContext, v *adt.Vertex, state adt.VertexStatus, accept adt.Acceptor) *nodeShared {
shared := e.newSharedNode(c, v, accept)
saved := *v
var closedInfo *acceptor
if v.Parent != nil {
closedInfo, _ = v.Parent.Closed.(*acceptor)
if !v.Label.IsInt() && closedInfo != nil {
ci := closedInfo
// Visit arcs recursively to validate and compute error.
switch ok, err := ci.verifyArc(c, v.Label, v); {
case err != nil:
// Record error in child node to allow recording multiple
// conflicts at the appropriate place, to allow valid fields to
// be represented normally and, most importantly, to avoid
// recursive processing of a disallowed field.
v.Value = err
v.SetValue(c, adt.Finalized, err)
return shared
case !ok: // hidden field
// A hidden field is except from checking. Ensure that the
// closedness doesn't carry over into children.
// TODO: make this more fine-grained per package, allowing
// checked restrictions to be defined within the package.
closedInfo = closedInfo.clone()
for i := range closedInfo.Canopy {
closedInfo.Canopy[i].IsDef = false
defer c.PopArc(c.PushArc(v))
for i := 0; ; i++ {
// Clear any remaining error.
if err := c.Err(); err != nil {
panic("uncaught error")
// Set the cache to a cycle error to ensure a cyclic reference will result
// in an error if applicable. A cyclic error may be ignored for
// non-expression references. The cycle error may also be removed as soon
// as there is evidence what a correct value must be, but before all
// validation has taken place.
*v = saved
v.Value = cycle
if closedInfo != nil {
ci := closedInfo.clone()
v.Closed = ci
// TODO(performance): use closedInfo.Compact.
// TODO: should be clear the list flag here?
// If the result is a struct, it needs to be closed if:
// 1) this node introduces a definition
// 2) this node is a child of a node that introduces a definition,
// recursively.
// 3) this node embeds a closed struct.
n := e.newNodeContext(shared)
n.needClose = v.Label.IsDef()
for _, x := range v.Conjuncts {
// TODO: needed for reentrancy. Investigate usefulness for cycle
// detection.
if i == 0 {
// Use maybeSetCache for cycle breaking
for n.maybeSetCache(); n.expandOne(); n.maybeSetCache() {
if v.Status() > adt.Evaluating && state <= adt.Partial {
// We have found a partial result. There may still be errors
// down the line which may result from further evaluating this
// field, but that will be caught when evaluating this field
// for real.
return shared
if !n.done() && len(n.disjunctions) > 0 && isEvaluating(v) {
// We disallow entering computations of disjunctions with
// incomplete data.
b := c.NewErrf("incomplete cause disjunction")
b.Code = adt.IncompleteError
v.SetValue(n.ctx, adt.Finalized, b)
return shared
// Handle disjunctions. If there are no disjunctions, this call is
// equivalent to calling n.postDisjunct.
if n.tryDisjuncts(state) {
if v.Value == nil {
v.Value = n.getValidators()
return shared
func isStruct(v *adt.Vertex) bool {
_, ok := v.Value.(*adt.StructMarker)
return ok
func (n *nodeContext) postDisjunct(state adt.VertexStatus) {
ctx := n.ctx
for {
// Use maybeSetCache for cycle breaking
for n.maybeSetCache(); n.expandOne(); n.maybeSetCache() {
if aList, id := n.addLists(ctx); aList != nil {
n.updateNodeType(adt.ListKind, aList, id)
} else {
if n.aStruct != nil {
n.updateNodeType(adt.StructKind, n.aStruct, n.aStructID)
switch err := n.getErr(); {
case err != nil:
n.node.Value = err
n.errs = nil
if isEvaluating(n.node) {
// TODO: this does not yet validate all values.
if !n.done() { // && !ctx.IsTentative() {
// collect incomplete errors.
// len(n.ifClauses) == 0 &&
// len(n.forClauses) == 0 &&
var err *adt.Bottom // n.incomplete
// err = n.incomplete
for _, d := range n.dynamicFields {
x, _ := ctx.Concrete(d.env, d.field.Key, "dynamic field")
b, _ := x.(*adt.Bottom)
err = adt.CombineErrors(nil, err, b)
for _, c := range n.forClauses {
f := func(env *adt.Environment, st *adt.StructLit) {}
err = adt.CombineErrors(nil, err, ctx.Yield(c.env, c.yield, f))
for _, x := range n.exprs {
x, _ := ctx.Evaluate(x.Env, x.Expr())
b, _ := x.(*adt.Bottom)
err = adt.CombineErrors(nil, err, b)
if err == nil {
// safeguard.
err = incompleteSentinel
n.node.Value = err
} else {
n.node.Value = nil
// We are no longer evaluating.
// Either set to Conjunction or error.
var v adt.Value = n.node.Value
// TODO: verify and simplify the below code to determine whether
// something is a struct.
markStruct := false
if n.aStruct != nil {
markStruct = true
} else if len(n.node.Structs) > 0 {
markStruct = n.kind&adt.StructKind != 0 && !n.hasTop
if v == nil && markStruct {
n.node.Value = &adt.StructMarker{}
v = n.node
if v != nil && adt.IsConcrete(v) {
if n.lowerBound != nil {
if b := ctx.Validate(n.lowerBound, v); b != nil {
// TODO(errors): make Validate return boolean and generate
// optimized conflict message. Also track and inject IDs
// to determine origin location.s
if e, _ := b.Err.(*adt.ValueError); e != nil {
if n.upperBound != nil {
if b := ctx.Validate(n.upperBound, v); b != nil {
// TODO(errors): make Validate return boolean and generate
// optimized conflict message. Also track and inject IDs
// to determine origin location.s
if e, _ := b.Err.(*adt.ValueError); e != nil {
for _, v := range n.checks {
// TODO(errors): make Validate return boolean and generate
// optimized conflict message. Also track and inject IDs
// to determine origin location.s
if b := ctx.Validate(v, n.node); b != nil {
} else if !ctx.IsTentative() {
n.node.Value = n.getValidators()
// else if v == nil {
// n.node.Value = incompleteSentinel
// }
if v == nil {
switch {
case v.Kind() == adt.ListKind:
for _, a := range n.node.Arcs {
if a.Label.Typ() == adt.StringLabel {
n.addErr(ctx.Newf("list may not have regular fields"))
// TODO(errors): add positions for list and arc definitions.
// case !isStruct(n.node) && v.Kind() != adt.BottomKind:
// for _, a := range n.node.Arcs {
// if a.Label.IsRegular() {
// n.addErr(errors.Newf(token.NoPos,
// // TODO(errors): add positions of non-struct values and arcs.
// "cannot combine scalar values with arcs"))
// }
// }
func (n *nodeContext) completeArcs(state adt.VertexStatus) {
ctx := n.ctx
if cyclic := n.hasCycle && !n.hasNonCycle; cyclic {
n.node.Value = adt.CombineErrors(nil, n.node.Value, &adt.Bottom{
Code: adt.StructuralCycleError,
Err: ctx.Newf("structural cycle"),
Value: n.node.Value,
// TODO: probably, this should have the referenced arc.
} else {
// Visit arcs recursively to validate and compute error.
for _, a := range n.node.Arcs {
// Call UpdateStatus here to be absolutely sure the status is set
// correctly and that we are not regressing.
if state == adt.Finalized {
n.eval.Unify(ctx, a, adt.Finalized)
if err, _ := a.Value.(*adt.Bottom); err != nil {
func (n *nodeContext) updateClosedInfo() {
if err := n.getErr(); err != nil {
if b, _ := n.node.Value.(*adt.Bottom); b != nil {
err = adt.CombineErrors(nil, b, err)
n.node.Value = err
// TODO: add return: if evaluation of arcs is important it can be done
// later. Logically we're done.
if n.node.IsList() {
a, _ := n.node.Closed.(*acceptor)
if a == nil {
if !n.node.IsList() && !n.needClose {
a = closedInfo(n.node)
// TODO: set this earlier.
n.needClose = n.needClose || a.isClosed
a.isClosed = n.needClose
// TODO: consider removing this. Now checking is done at the top of
// evalVertex, skipping one level of checks happens naturally again
// for Value.Unify (API).
ctx := n.ctx
if accept := n.nodeShared.accept; accept != nil {
for _, a := range n.node.Arcs {
if !accept.Accept(n.ctx, a.Label) {
label := a.Label.SelectorString(ctx)
n.node.Value = ctx.NewErrf(
"field `%s` not allowed by Acceptor", label)
// TODO: this is now a sentinel. Use a user-facing error that traces where
// the cycle originates.
var cycle = &adt.Bottom{
Err: errors.Newf(token.NoPos, "cycle error"),
Code: adt.CycleError,
func isEvaluating(v *adt.Vertex) bool {
isCycle := v.Status() == adt.Evaluating
if isCycle != (v.Value == cycle) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cycle data of sync %d vs %#v", v.Status(), v.Value))
return isCycle
// TODO(perf): merge this type with nodeContext once we're certain we can
// remove the distinction (after other optimizations).
type nodeShared struct {
nextFree *nodeShared
eval *Evaluator
ctx *adt.OpContext
node *adt.Vertex
// Disjunction handling
touched bool
disjunct adt.Disjunction
disjunctErrs []*adt.Bottom
result_ adt.Vertex
isDone bool
stack []int
// Closedness override.
accept adt.Acceptor
func (e *Evaluator) newSharedNode(ctx *adt.OpContext, node *adt.Vertex, accept adt.Acceptor) *nodeShared {
if n := e.freeListShared; n != nil {
e.freeListShared = n.nextFree
*n = nodeShared{
eval: e,
ctx: ctx,
node: node,
accept: accept,
stack: n.stack[:0],
disjunct: adt.Disjunction{Values: n.disjunct.Values[:0]},
disjunctErrs: n.disjunctErrs[:0],
return n
return &nodeShared{
ctx: ctx,
eval: e,
node: node,
accept: accept,
func (e *Evaluator) freeSharedNode(n *nodeShared) {
n.nextFree = e.freeListShared
e.freeListShared = n
func (n *nodeShared) createDisjunct() *adt.Disjunction {
a := make([]*adt.Vertex, len(n.disjunct.Values))
copy(a, n.disjunct.Values)
return &adt.Disjunction{
Values: a,
NumDefaults: n.disjunct.NumDefaults,
func (n *nodeShared) result() *adt.Vertex {
return &n.result_
func (n *nodeShared) setResult(v *adt.Vertex) {
n.result_ = *v
func (n *nodeShared) hasResult() bool {
return len(n.disjunct.Values) > 1
func (n *nodeShared) done() bool {
return n.isDone
func (n *nodeShared) isDefault() bool {
return n.disjunct.NumDefaults > 0
type arcKey struct {
arc *adt.Vertex
id adt.ID
// A nodeContext is used to collate all conjuncts of a value to facilitate
// unification. Conceptually order of unification does not matter. However,
// order has relevance when performing checks of non-monotic properities. Such
// checks should only be performed once the full value is known.
type nodeContext struct {
nextFree *nodeContext
// TODO:
// filter *adt.Vertex a subset of composite with concrete fields for
// bloom-like filtering of disjuncts. We should first verify, however,
// whether some breath-first search gives sufficient performance, as this
// should already ensure a quick-fail for struct disjunctions with
// discriminators.
arcMap map[arcKey]bool
// Current value (may be under construction)
scalar adt.Value // TODO: use Value in node.
scalarID adt.ID
// Concrete conjuncts
kind adt.Kind
kindExpr adt.Expr // expr that adjust last value (for error reporting)
kindID adt.ID // for error tracing
lowerBound *adt.BoundValue // > or >=
upperBound *adt.BoundValue // < or <=
checks []adt.Validator // BuiltinValidator, other bound values.
errs *adt.Bottom
incomplete *adt.Bottom
// Struct information
dynamicFields []envDynamic
ifClauses []envYield
forClauses []envYield
// TODO: remove this and annotate directly in acceptor.
needClose bool
aStruct adt.Expr
aStructID adt.ID
hasTop bool
// Expression conjuncts
lists []envList
vLists []*adt.Vertex
exprs []adt.Conjunct
hasCycle bool // has conjunct with structural cycle
hasNonCycle bool // has conjunct without structural cycle
// Disjunction handling
disjunctions []envDisjunct
subDisjunctions []envDisjunct
defaultMode defaultMode
isFinal bool
func (e *Evaluator) newNodeContext(shared *nodeShared) *nodeContext {
if n := e.freeListNode; n != nil {
e.freeListNode = n.nextFree
*n = nodeContext{
// TODO(perf): use another technique that doesn't require allocation.
// arcMap: map[arcKey]bool{},
kind: adt.TopKind,
nodeShared: shared,
isFinal: true,
checks: n.checks[:0],
dynamicFields: n.dynamicFields[:0],
ifClauses: n.ifClauses[:0],
forClauses: n.forClauses[:0],
lists: n.lists[:0],
vLists: n.vLists[:0],
exprs: n.exprs[:0],
disjunctions: n.disjunctions[:0],
subDisjunctions: n.subDisjunctions[:0],
return n
return &nodeContext{
// arcMap: map[arcKey]bool{},
kind: adt.TopKind,
nodeShared: shared,
// These get cleared upon proof to the contrary.
isFinal: true,
func (e *Evaluator) freeNodeContext(n *nodeContext) {
n.nextFree = e.freeListNode
e.freeListNode = n
func closedInfo(n *adt.Vertex) *acceptor {
a, _ := n.Closed.(*acceptor)
if a == nil {
a = &acceptor{}
n.Closed = a
return a
// TODO(errors): return a dedicated ConflictError that can track original
// positions on demand.
// Fully detailed origin tracking could be created on the back of CloseIDs
// tracked in acceptor.Canopy. To make this fully functional, the following
// still needs to be implemented:
// - We need to know the ID for every value involved in the conflict.
// (There may be multiple if the result comes from a simplification).
// - CloseIDs should be forked not only for definitions, but all references.
// - Upon forking a CloseID, it should keep track of its enclosing CloseID
// as well (probably as a pointer to the origin so that the reference
// persists after compaction).
// The modifications to the CloseID algorithm may also benefit the computation
// of `{ #A } == #A`, which currently is not done.
func (n *nodeContext) addConflict(
v1, v2 adt.Node,
k1, k2 adt.Kind,
id1, id2 adt.ID) {
ctx := n.ctx
var err *adt.ValueError
if k1 == k2 {
err = ctx.NewPosf(token.NoPos,
"conflicting values %s and %s", ctx.Str(v1), ctx.Str(v2))
} else {
err = ctx.NewPosf(token.NoPos,
"conflicting values %s and %s (mismatched types %s and %s)",
ctx.Str(v1), ctx.Str(v2), k1, k2)
ci := closedInfo(n.node)
func (n *nodeContext) updateNodeType(k adt.Kind, v adt.Expr, id adt.ID) bool {
ctx := n.ctx
kind := n.kind & k
switch {
case n.kind == adt.BottomKind,
k == adt.BottomKind:
return false
case kind == adt.BottomKind:
if n.kindExpr != nil {
n.addConflict(n.kindExpr, v, n.kind, k, n.kindID, id)
} else {
"conflicting value %s (mismatched types %s and %s)",
ctx.Str(v), n.kind, k))
if n.kind != kind || n.kindExpr == nil {
n.kindExpr = v
n.kind = kind
return kind != adt.BottomKind
func (n *nodeContext) done() bool {
return len(n.dynamicFields) == 0 &&
len(n.ifClauses) == 0 &&
len(n.forClauses) == 0 &&
len(n.exprs) == 0
// hasErr is used to determine if an evaluation path, for instance a single
// path after expanding all disjunctions, has an error.
func (n *nodeContext) hasErr() bool {
if n.node.ChildErrors != nil {
return true
if n.node.Status() > adt.Evaluating && n.node.IsErr() {
return true
return n.ctx.HasErr() || n.errs != nil
func (n *nodeContext) getErr() *adt.Bottom {
n.errs = adt.CombineErrors(nil, n.errs, n.ctx.Err())
return n.errs
// getValidators sets the vertex' Value in case there was no concrete value.
func (n *nodeContext) getValidators() adt.Value {
ctx := n.ctx
a := []adt.Value{}
// if n.node.Value != nil {
// a = append(a, n.node.Value)
// }
kind := adt.TopKind
if n.lowerBound != nil {
a = append(a, n.lowerBound)
kind &= n.lowerBound.Kind()
if n.upperBound != nil {
a = append(a, n.upperBound)
kind &= n.upperBound.Kind()
for _, c := range n.checks {
// Drop !=x if x is out of bounds with another bound.
if b, _ := c.(*adt.BoundValue); b != nil && b.Op == adt.NotEqualOp {
if n.upperBound != nil &&
adt.SimplifyBounds(ctx, n.kind, n.upperBound, b) != nil {
if n.lowerBound != nil &&
adt.SimplifyBounds(ctx, n.kind, n.lowerBound, b) != nil {
a = append(a, c)
kind &= c.Kind()
if kind&^n.kind != 0 {
a = append(a, &adt.BasicType{K: n.kind})
var v adt.Value
switch len(a) {
case 0:
// Src is the combined input.
v = &adt.BasicType{K: n.kind}
if len(n.node.Structs) > 0 {
v = structSentinel
case 1:
v = a[0].(adt.Value)
v = &adt.Conjunction{Values: a}
return v
func (n *nodeContext) maybeSetCache() {
if n.node.Status() > adt.Evaluating { // n.node.Value != nil
if n.scalar != nil {
n.node.SetValue(n.ctx, adt.Partial, n.scalar)
if n.errs != nil {
n.node.SetValue(n.ctx, adt.Partial, n.errs)
type envDynamic struct {
env *adt.Environment
field *adt.DynamicField
id adt.ID
type envYield struct {
env *adt.Environment
yield adt.Yielder
id adt.ID
type envList struct {
env *adt.Environment
list *adt.ListLit
n int64 // recorded length after evaluator
elipsis *adt.Ellipsis
id adt.ID
func (n *nodeContext) addBottom(b *adt.Bottom) {
n.errs = adt.CombineErrors(nil, n.errs, b)
func (n *nodeContext) addErr(err errors.Error) {
if err != nil {
n.errs = adt.CombineErrors(nil, n.errs, &adt.Bottom{
Err: err,
// addExprConjuncts will attempt to evaluate an adt.Expr and insert the value
// into the nodeContext if successful or queue it for later evaluation if it is
// incomplete or is not value.
func (n *nodeContext) addExprConjunct(v adt.Conjunct) {
env := v.Env
id := v.CloseID
switch x := v.Expr().(type) {
case adt.Value:
n.addValueConjunct(env, x, id)
case *adt.BinaryExpr:
if x.Op == adt.AndOp {
n.addExprConjunct(adt.MakeConjunct(env, x.X, id))
n.addExprConjunct(adt.MakeConjunct(env, x.Y, id))
} else {
case *adt.StructLit:
n.addStruct(env, x, id)
case *adt.ListLit:
n.lists = append(n.lists, envList{env: env, list: x, id: id})
case *adt.DisjunctionExpr:
if n.disjunctions != nil {
_ = n.disjunctions
n.addDisjunction(env, x, id)
// Must be Resolver or Evaluator.
// evalExpr is only called by addExprConjunct.
func (n *nodeContext) evalExpr(v adt.Conjunct) {
// Require an Environment.
ctx := n.ctx
closeID := v.CloseID
// TODO: see if we can do without these counters.
for _, d := range v.Env.Deref {
for _, d := range v.Env.Cycles {
defer func() {
for _, d := range v.Env.Deref {
for _, d := range v.Env.Cycles {
switch x := v.Expr().(type) {
case adt.Resolver:
arc, err := ctx.Resolve(v.Env, x)
if err != nil {
if err.IsIncomplete() {
n.incomplete = adt.CombineErrors(nil, n.incomplete, err)
} else {
if arc == nil {
n.exprs = append(n.exprs, v)
// We need to ensure that each arc is only unified once (or at least) a
// bounded time, witch each conjunct. Comprehensions, for instance, may
// distribute a value across many values that get unified back into the
// same value. If such a value is a disjunction, than a disjunction of N
// disjuncts will result in a factor N more unifications for each
// occurrence of such value, resulting in exponential running time. This
// is especially common values that are used as a type.
// However, unification is idempotent, so each such conjunct only needs
// to be unified once. This cache checks for this and prevents an
// exponential blowup in such case.
// TODO(perf): this cache ensures the conjuncts of an arc at most once
// per ID. However, we really need to add the conjuncts of an arc only
// once total, and then add the close information once per close ID
// (pointer can probably be shared). Aside from being more performant,
// this is probably the best way to guarantee that conjunctions are
// linear in this case.
if n.arcMap == nil {
n.arcMap = map[arcKey]bool{}
if n.arcMap[arcKey{arc, v.CloseID}] {
n.arcMap[arcKey{arc, v.CloseID}] = true
// Pass detection of structural cycles from parent to children.
cyclic := false
if v.Env != nil {
// If a reference is in a tainted set, so is the value it refers to.
cyclic = v.Env.Cyclic
status := arc.Status()
switch status {
case adt.Evaluating:
// Reference cycle detected. We have reached a fixed point and
// adding conjuncts at this point will not change the value. Also,
// continuing to pursue this value will result in an infinite loop.
// TODO: add a mechanism so that the computation will only have to
// be done once?
if arc == n.node {
// TODO: we could use node sharing here. This may avoid an
// exponential blowup during evaluation, like is possible with
// YAML.
break outer
case adt.EvaluatingArcs:
// Structural cycle detected. Continue evaluation as usual, but
// keep track of whether any other conjuncts without structural
// cycles are added. If not, evaluation of child arcs will end
// with this node.
// For the purpose of determining whether at least one non-cyclic
// conjuncts exists, we consider all conjuncts of a cyclic conjuncts
// also cyclic.
cyclic = true
n.hasCycle = true
// As the adt.EvaluatingArcs mechanism bypasses the self-reference
// mechanism, we need to separately keep track of it here.
// If this (originally) is a self-reference node, adding them
// will result in recursively adding the same reference. For this
// we also mark the node as evaluating.
if arc.SelfCount > 0 {
break outer
// This count is added for values that are directly added below.
// The count is handled separately for delayed values.
defer func() { arc.SelfCount-- }()
if isDef(v.Expr()) { // should test whether closed, not isDef?
c := closedInfo(n.node)
closeID = c.InsertDefinition(v.CloseID, x)
n.needClose = true // TODO: is this still necessary?
// TODO: uncommenting the following almost works, but causes some
// faulty results in complex cycle handling between disjunctions.
// The reason is that disjunctions must be eliminated if checks in
// values on which they depend fail.
ctx.Unify(ctx, arc, adt.Finalized)
for _, c := range arc.Conjuncts {
var a []*adt.Vertex
if v.Env != nil {
a = v.Env.Deref
c = updateCyclic(c, cyclic, arc, a)
c.CloseID = closeID
case adt.Evaluator:
// adt.Interpolation, adt.UnaryExpr, adt.BinaryExpr, adt.CallExpr
// Could be unify?
val, complete := ctx.Evaluate(v.Env, v.Expr())
if !complete {
n.exprs = append(n.exprs, v)
if v, ok := val.(*adt.Vertex); ok {
// Handle generated disjunctions (as in the 'or' builtin).
// These come as a Vertex, but should not be added as a value.
b, ok := v.Value.(*adt.Bottom)
if ok && b.IsIncomplete() && len(v.Conjuncts) > 0 {
for _, c := range v.Conjuncts {
c.CloseID = closeID
// TODO: insert in vertex as well
n.addValueConjunct(v.Env, val, closeID)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown expression of type %T", x))
// isDef reports whether an expressions is a reference that references a
// definition anywhere in its selection path.
// TODO(performance): this should be merged with resolve(). But for now keeping
// this code isolated makes it easier to see what it is for.
func isDef(x adt.Expr) bool {
switch r := x.(type) {
case *adt.FieldReference:
return r.Label.IsDef()
case *adt.SelectorExpr:
if r.Sel.IsDef() {
return true
return isDef(r.X)
case *adt.IndexExpr:
return isDef(r.X)
return false
// updateCyclicStatus looks for proof of non-cyclic conjuncts to override
// a structural cycle.
func (n *nodeContext) updateCyclicStatus(env *adt.Environment) {
if env == nil || !env.Cyclic {
n.hasNonCycle = true
func updateCyclic(c adt.Conjunct, cyclic bool, deref *adt.Vertex, a []*adt.Vertex) adt.Conjunct {
env := c.Env
switch {
case env == nil:
if !cyclic && deref == nil {
return c
env = &adt.Environment{Cyclic: cyclic}
case deref == nil && env.Cyclic == cyclic && len(a) == 0:
return c
// The conjunct may still be in use in other fields, so we should
// make a new copy to mark Cyclic only for this case.
e := *env
e.Cyclic = e.Cyclic || cyclic
env = &e
if deref != nil || len(a) > 0 {
cp := make([]*adt.Vertex, 0, len(a)+1)
cp = append(cp, a...)
if deref != nil {
cp = append(cp, deref)
env.Deref = cp
if deref != nil {
env.Cycles = append(env.Cycles, deref)
return adt.MakeConjunct(env, c.Expr(), c.CloseID)
func (n *nodeContext) addValueConjunct(env *adt.Environment, v adt.Value, id adt.ID) {
ctx := n.ctx
if x, ok := v.(*adt.Vertex); ok {
if m, ok := x.Value.(*adt.StructMarker); ok {
n.aStruct = x
n.aStructID = id
if m.NeedClose {
ci := closedInfo(n.node)
ci.isClosed = true // TODO: remove
id = ci.InsertDefinition(id, x)
ci.Canopy[id].IsClosed = true
ci.Canopy[id].IsDef = false
cyclic := env != nil && env.Cyclic
if !x.IsData() && len(x.Conjuncts) > 0 {
if isComplexStruct(x) {
closedInfo(n.node).InsertSubtree(id, n, x, cyclic)
for _, c := range x.Conjuncts {
c = updateCyclic(c, cyclic, nil, nil)
c.CloseID = id
n.addExprConjunct(c) // TODO: Pass from eval
// TODO: evaluate value?
switch v := x.Value.(type) {
case *adt.ListMarker:
n.vLists = append(n.vLists, x)
case *adt.StructMarker:
for _, a := range x.Arcs {
c := adt.MakeConjunct(nil, a, id)
c = updateCyclic(c, cyclic, nil, nil)
n.insertField(a.Label, c)
n.addValueConjunct(env, v, id)
for _, a := range x.Arcs {
// TODO(errors): report error when this is a regular field.
n.insertField(a.Label, adt.MakeConjunct(nil, a, id))
// sub, _ := n.node.GetArc(a.Label)
// sub.Add(a)
// TODO: Use the Closer to close other fields as well?
if b, ok := v.(*adt.Bottom); ok {
if !n.updateNodeType(v.Kind(), v, id) {
switch x := v.(type) {
case *adt.Disjunction:
n.addDisjunctionValue(env, x, id)
case *adt.Conjunction:
for _, x := range x.Values {
n.addValueConjunct(env, x, id)
case *adt.Top:
n.hasTop = true
// TODO: Is this correct. Needed for elipsis, but not sure for others.
// n.optionals = append(n.optionals, fieldSet{env: env, id: id, isOpen: true})
if a, _ := n.node.Closed.(*acceptor); a != nil {
// Embedding top indicates that now all possible values are allowed
// and that we should no longer enforce closedness within this
// conjunct.
a.node(id).IsDef = false
case *adt.BasicType:
// handled above
case *adt.BoundValue:
switch x.Op {
case adt.LessThanOp, adt.LessEqualOp:
if y := n.upperBound; y != nil {
n.upperBound = nil
v := adt.SimplifyBounds(ctx, n.kind, x, y)
if err := valueError(v); err != nil {
n.addValueConjunct(env, v, id)
n.upperBound = x
case adt.GreaterThanOp, adt.GreaterEqualOp:
if y := n.lowerBound; y != nil {
n.lowerBound = nil
v := adt.SimplifyBounds(ctx, n.kind, x, y)
if err := valueError(v); err != nil {
n.addValueConjunct(env, v, id)
n.lowerBound = x
case adt.EqualOp, adt.NotEqualOp, adt.MatchOp, adt.NotMatchOp:
// This check serves as simplifier, but also to remove duplicates.
k := 0
match := false
for _, c := range n.checks {
if y, ok := c.(*adt.BoundValue); ok {
switch z := adt.SimplifyBounds(ctx, n.kind, x, y); {
case z == y:
match = true
case z == x:
n.checks[k] = c
n.checks = n.checks[:k]
if !match {
n.checks = append(n.checks, x)
case adt.Validator:
// This check serves as simplifier, but also to remove duplicates.
for i, y := range n.checks {
if b := adt.SimplifyValidator(ctx, x, y); b != nil {
n.checks[i] = b
n.checks = append(n.checks, x)
case *adt.Vertex:
// handled above.
case adt.Value: // *NullLit, *BoolLit, *NumLit, *StringLit, *BytesLit
if y := n.scalar; y != nil {
if b, ok := adt.BinOp(ctx, adt.EqualOp, x, y).(*adt.Bool); !ok || !b.B {
n.addConflict(x, y, x.Kind(), y.Kind(), n.scalarID, id)
// TODO: do we need to explicitly add again?
// n.scalar = nil
// n.addValueConjunct(c, adt.BinOp(c, adt.EqualOp, x, y))
n.scalar = x
n.scalarID = id
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown value type %T", x))
if n.lowerBound != nil && n.upperBound != nil {
if u := adt.SimplifyBounds(ctx, n.kind, n.lowerBound, n.upperBound); u != nil {
if err := valueError(u); err != nil {
n.lowerBound = nil
n.upperBound = nil
n.addValueConjunct(env, u, id)
func valueError(v adt.Value) *adt.ValueError {
if v == nil {
return nil
b, _ := v.(*adt.Bottom)
if b == nil {
return nil
err, _ := b.Err.(*adt.ValueError)
if err == nil {
return nil
return err
// addStruct collates the declarations of a struct.
// addStruct fulfills two additional pivotal functions:
// 1) Implement vertex unification (this happens through De Bruijn indices
// combined with proper set up of Environments).
// 2) Implied closedness for definitions.
func (n *nodeContext) addStruct(
env *adt.Environment,
s *adt.StructLit,
closeID adt.ID) {
n.updateCyclicStatus(env) // to handle empty structs.
ctx := n.ctx
// NOTE: This is a crucial point in the code:
// Unification derferencing happens here. The child nodes are set to
// an Environment linked to the current node. Together with the De Bruijn
// indices, this determines to which Vertex a reference resolves.
// TODO(perf): consider using environment cache:
// var childEnv *adt.Environment
// for _, s := range n.nodeCache.sub {
// if s.Up == env {
// childEnv = s
// }
// }
childEnv := &adt.Environment{
Up: env,
Vertex: n.node,
if env != nil {
childEnv.Cyclic = env.Cyclic
childEnv.Deref = env.Deref
var hasOther, hasBulk adt.Node
hasEmbed := false
opt := fieldSet{pos: s, env: childEnv, id: closeID}
for _, d := range s.Decls {
switch x := d.(type) {
case *adt.Field:
opt.MarkField(ctx, x)
// handle in next iteration.
case *adt.OptionalField:
if x.Label.IsString() {
n.aStruct = s
n.aStructID = closeID
opt.AddOptional(ctx, x)
case *adt.DynamicField:
n.aStruct = s
n.aStructID = closeID
hasOther = x
n.dynamicFields = append(n.dynamicFields, envDynamic{childEnv, x, closeID})
opt.AddDynamic(ctx, childEnv, x)
case *adt.ForClause:
hasOther = x
n.forClauses = append(n.forClauses, envYield{childEnv, x, closeID})
case adt.Yielder:
hasOther = x
n.ifClauses = append(n.ifClauses, envYield{childEnv, x, closeID})
case adt.Expr:
hasEmbed = true
hasOther = x
// add embedding to optional
// TODO(perf): only do this if addExprConjunct below will result in
// a fieldSet. Otherwise the entry will just be removed next.
id := closedInfo(n.node).InsertEmbed(closeID, x)
// push and opo embedding type.
n.addExprConjunct(adt.MakeConjunct(childEnv, x, id))
case *adt.BulkOptionalField:
n.aStruct = s
n.aStructID = closeID
hasBulk = x
opt.AddBulk(ctx, x)
case *adt.Ellipsis:
n.aStruct = s
n.aStructID = closeID
opt.AddEllipsis(ctx, x)
if hasBulk != nil && hasOther != nil {
n.addErr(ctx.Newf("cannot mix bulk optional fields with dynamic fields, embeddings, or comprehensions within the same struct"))
if !hasEmbed {
n.aStruct = s
n.aStructID = closeID
// Apply existing fields
for _, arc := range n.node.Arcs {
// Reuse adt.Acceptor interface.
opt.MatchAndInsert(ctx, arc)
closedInfo(n.node).insertFieldSet(closeID, &opt)
for _, d := range s.Decls {
switch x := d.(type) {
case *adt.Field:
if x.Label.IsString() {
n.aStruct = s
n.aStructID = closeID
n.insertField(x.Label, adt.MakeConjunct(childEnv, x, closeID))
func (n *nodeContext) insertField(f adt.Feature, x adt.Conjunct) *adt.Vertex {
ctx := n.ctx
arc, isNew := n.node.GetArc(f)
// TODO: disallow adding conjuncts when cache set?
if isNew {
closedInfo(n.node).visitAllFieldSets(func(o *fieldSet) {
o.MatchAndInsert(ctx, arc)
return arc
// expandOne adds dynamic fields to a node until a fixed point is reached.
// On each iteration, dynamic fields that cannot resolve due to incomplete
// values are skipped. They will be retried on the next iteration until no
// progress can be made. Note that a dynamic field may add more dynamic fields.
// forClauses are processed after all other clauses. A struct may be referenced
// before it is complete, meaning that fields added by other forms of injection
// may influence the result of a for clause _after_ it has already been
// processed. We could instead detect such insertion and feed it to the
// ForClause to generate another entry or have the for clause be recomputed.
// This seems to be too complicated and lead to iffy edge cases.
// TODO(errors): detect when a field is added to a struct that is already used
// in a for clause.
func (n *nodeContext) expandOne() (done bool) {
// Don't expand incomplete expressions if we detected a cycle.
if n.done() || (n.hasCycle && !n.hasNonCycle) {
return false
var progress bool
if progress = n.injectDynamic(); progress {
return true
if progress = n.injectEmbedded(&(n.ifClauses)); progress {
return true
if progress = n.injectEmbedded(&(n.forClauses)); progress {
return true
// Do expressions after comprehensions, as comprehensions can never
// refer to embedded scalars, whereas expressions may refer to generated
// fields if we were to allow attributes to be defined alongside
// scalars.
exprs := n.exprs
n.exprs = n.exprs[:0]
for _, x := range exprs {
// collect and and or
if len(n.exprs) < len(exprs) {
return true
// No progress, report error later if needed: unification with
// disjuncts may resolve this later later on.
return false
// injectDynamic evaluates and inserts dynamic declarations.
func (n *nodeContext) injectDynamic() (progress bool) {
ctx := n.ctx
k := 0
a := n.dynamicFields
for _, d := range n.dynamicFields {
var f adt.Feature
v, complete := ctx.Evaluate(d.env, d.field.Key)
if !complete {
a[k] = d
if b, _ := v.(*adt.Bottom); b != nil {
n.addValueConjunct(nil, b,
f = ctx.Label(v)
n.insertField(f, adt.MakeConjunct(d.env, d.field,
progress = k < len(n.dynamicFields)
n.dynamicFields = a[:k]
return progress
// injectEmbedded evaluates and inserts embeddings. It first evaluates all
// embeddings before inserting the results to ensure that the order of
// evaluation does not matter.
func (n *nodeContext) injectEmbedded(all *[]envYield) (progress bool) {
ctx := n.ctx
type envStruct struct {
env *adt.Environment
s *adt.StructLit
var sa []envStruct
f := func(env *adt.Environment, st *adt.StructLit) {
sa = append(sa, envStruct{env, st})
k := 0
for i := 0; i < len(*all); i++ {
d := (*all)[i]
sa = sa[:0]
if err := ctx.Yield(d.env, d.yield, f); err != nil {
if err.IsIncomplete() {
(*all)[k] = d
} else {
// continue to collect other errors.
for _, st := range sa {
n.addStruct(st.env, st.s,
progress = k < len(*all)
*all = (*all)[:k]
return progress
// addLists
// TODO: association arrays:
// If an association array marker was present in a struct, create a struct node
// instead of a list node. In either case, a node may only have list fields
// or struct fields and not both.
// addLists should be run after the fixpoint expansion:
// - it enforces that comprehensions may not refer to the list itself
// - there may be no other fields within the list.
// TODO(embeddedScalars): for embedded scalars, there should be another pass
// of evaluation expressions after expanding lists.
func (n *nodeContext) addLists(c *adt.OpContext) (oneOfTheLists adt.Expr, anID adt.ID) {
if len(n.lists) == 0 && len(n.vLists) == 0 {
return nil, 0
isOpen := true
max := 0
var maxNode adt.Expr
if m, ok := n.node.Value.(*adt.ListMarker); ok {
isOpen = m.IsOpen
max = len(n.node.Arcs)
for _, l := range n.vLists {
oneOfTheLists = l
elems := l.Elems()
isClosed := l.IsClosed(c)
switch {
case len(elems) < max:
if isClosed {
n.invalidListLength(len(elems), max, l, maxNode)
case len(elems) > max:
if !isOpen {
n.invalidListLength(max, len(elems), maxNode, l)
isOpen = !isClosed
max = len(elems)
maxNode = l
case isClosed:
isOpen = false
maxNode = l
for _, a := range elems {
if a.Conjuncts == nil {
n.insertField(a.Label, adt.MakeConjunct(nil, a.Value, 0))
for _, c := range a.Conjuncts {
n.insertField(a.Label, c)
for i, l := range n.lists {
oneOfTheLists = l.list
anID =
index := int64(0)
hasComprehension := false
for j, elem := range l.list.Elems {
switch x := elem.(type) {
case adt.Yielder:
err := c.Yield(l.env, x, func(e *adt.Environment, st *adt.StructLit) {
label, err := adt.MakeLabel(x.Source(), index, adt.IntLabel)
c := adt.MakeConjunct(e, st,
n.insertField(label, c)
hasComprehension = true
if err != nil {
case *adt.Ellipsis:
if j != len(l.list.Elems)-1 {
n.addErr(c.Newf("ellipsis must be last element in list"))
n.lists[i].elipsis = x
label, err := adt.MakeLabel(x.Source(), index, adt.IntLabel)
index++ // TODO: don't use insertField.
n.insertField(label, adt.MakeConjunct(l.env, x,
// Terminate early n case of runaway comprehension.
if !isOpen && int(index) > max {
n.invalidListLength(max, int(index), maxNode, l.list)
continue outer
switch closed := n.lists[i].elipsis == nil; {
case int(index) < max:
if closed {
n.invalidListLength(int(index), max, l.list, maxNode)
case int(index) > max,
closed && isOpen,
(!closed == isOpen) && !hasComprehension:
max = int(index)
maxNode = l.list
isOpen = !closed
n.lists[i].n = index
// add additionalItem values to list and construct optionals.
elems := n.node.Elems()
for _, l := range n.vLists {
a, _ := l.Closed.(*acceptor)
if a == nil {
newElems := l.Elems()
if len(newElems) >= len(elems) {
continue // error generated earlier, if applicable.
// TODO: why not necessary?
// n.optionals = append(n.optionals, a.fields...)
for _, arc := range elems[len(newElems):] {
l.MatchAndInsert(c, arc)
for _, l := range n.lists {
if l.elipsis == nil {
f := &fieldSet{pos: l.list, env: l.env, id:}
f.AddEllipsis(c, l.elipsis)
closedInfo(n.node).insertFieldSet(, f)
for _, arc := range elems[l.n:] {
f.MatchAndInsert(c, arc)
sources := []ast.Expr{}
// Add conjuncts for additional items.
for _, l := range n.lists {
if l.elipsis == nil {
if src, _ := l.elipsis.Source().(ast.Expr); src != nil {
sources = append(sources, src)
ci := closedInfo(n.node)
ci.isList = true
ci.openList = isOpen
if m, ok := n.node.Value.(*adt.ListMarker); !ok {
n.node.SetValue(c, adt.Partial, &adt.ListMarker{
Src: ast.NewBinExpr(token.AND, sources...),
IsOpen: isOpen,
} else {
if expr, _ := m.Src.(ast.Expr); expr != nil {
sources = append(sources, expr)
m.Src = ast.NewBinExpr(token.AND, sources...)
m.IsOpen = m.IsOpen && isOpen
n.lists = n.lists[:0]
n.vLists = n.vLists[:0]
return oneOfTheLists, anID
func (n *nodeContext) invalidListLength(na, nb int, a, b adt.Expr) {
n.addErr(n.ctx.Newf("incompatible list lengths (%d and %d)", na, nb))