blob: 87edb7462ce3706dbbd8cd4545a2efe15035899d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package errors defines shared types for handling CUE errors.
package errors // import ""
import (
// New is a convenience wrapper for errors.New in the core library.
func New(msg string) error {
return errors.New(msg)
// A Handler is a generic error handler used throughout CUE packages.
// The position points to the beginning of the offending value.
type Handler func(pos token.Position, msg string)
// Error is the common error message.
type Error interface {
Position() token.Position
// Error reports the error message without position information.
Error() string
// // TODO: make Error an interface that returns a list of positions.
// In an List, an error is represented by an *posError.
// The position Pos, if valid, points to the beginning of
// the offending token, and the error condition is described
// by Msg.
type posError struct {
pos token.Position
msg string
// The underlying error that triggered this one, if any.
err error
// E creates a new error.
func E(args ...interface{}) error {
e := &posError{}
update(e, args)
return e
// Augment adorns an existing error with new information.
func Augment(err error, args ...interface{}) error {
e, ok := err.(*posError)
if !ok {
e = &posError{err: err}
update(e, args)
return e
func update(e *posError, args []interface{}) {
err := e.err
for _, a := range args {
switch x := a.(type) {
case string:
e.msg = x
case token.Position:
e.pos = x
case []token.Position:
// TODO: do something more clever
if len(x) > 0 {
e.pos = x[0]
case *posError:
copy := *x
err = &copy
e.err = combine(e.err, err)
case error:
e.err = combine(e.err, x)
func combine(a, b error) error {
switch x := a.(type) {
case nil:
return b
case List:
return x
return List{toErr(a), toErr(b)}
func toErr(err error) Error {
if e, ok := err.(Error); ok {
return e
return &posError{err: err}
func (e posError) Position() token.Position {
return e.pos
// Error implements the error interface.
func (e posError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprint(e) }
func (e posError) Format(p errors.Printer) error {
next := e.err
if e.msg == "" {
next = errFormat(p, e.err)
} else {
if p.Detail() && e.pos.Filename != "" || e.pos.IsValid() {
p.Printf("%s", e.pos.String())
return next
func errFormat(p errors.Printer, err error) (next error) {
switch v := err.(type) {
case errors.Formatter:
err = v.Format(p)
err = nil
return err
// List is a list of *posError.
// The zero value for an List is an empty List ready to use.
type List []Error
func (p *List) add(err Error) {
*p = append(*p, err)
// AddNew adds an Error with given position and error message to an List.
func (p *List) AddNew(pos token.Position, msg string) {
p.add(&posError{pos: pos, msg: msg})
// Add adds an Error with given position and error message to an List.
func (p *List) Add(err error) {
// Reset resets an List to no errors.
func (p *List) Reset() { *p = (*p)[0:0] }
// List implements the sort Interface.
func (p List) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p List) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
func (p List) Less(i, j int) bool {
e := p[i].Position()
f := p[j].Position()
// Note that it is not sufficient to simply compare file offsets because
// the offsets do not reflect modified line information (through //line
// comments).
if e.Filename != f.Filename {
return e.Filename < f.Filename
if e.Line != f.Line {
return e.Line < f.Line
if e.Column != f.Column {
return e.Column < f.Column
return p[i].Error() < p[j].Error()
// Sort sorts an List. *posError entries are sorted by position,
// other errors are sorted by error message, and before any *posError
// entry.
func (p List) Sort() {
// RemoveMultiples sorts an List and removes all but the first error per line.
func (p *List) RemoveMultiples() {
var last token.Position // initial last.Line is != any legal error line
i := 0
for _, e := range *p {
pos := e.Position()
if pos.Filename != last.Filename || pos.Line != last.Line {
last = pos
(*p)[i] = e
(*p) = (*p)[0:i]
// An List implements the error interface.
func (p List) Error() string {
switch len(p) {
case 0:
return "no errors"
case 1:
return p[0].Error()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (and %d more errors)", p[0], len(p)-1)
// Err returns an error equivalent to this error list.
// If the list is empty, Err returns nil.
func (p List) Err() error {
if len(p) == 0 {
return nil
return p
// Print is a utility function that prints a list of errors to w,
// one error per line, if the err parameter is an List. Otherwise
// it prints the err string.
func Print(w io.Writer, err error) {
if list, ok := err.(List); ok {
for _, e := range list {
printError(w, e)
} else if err != nil {
printError(w, toErr(err))
func printError(w io.Writer, err Error) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%+v\n", err)