blob: 6f449bffe551f3e4c1898de8a16ef5466fb97fb0 [file] [log] [blame]
# generated from the original tests.
# Henceforth it may be nicer to group tests into separate files.
-- in.cue --
import "math"
t1: math.Pi
t2: math.Floor(math.Pi)
t3: math.Pi(3)
t6: math.Jacobi(1000, 2000)
t7: math.Jacobi(1000, 201)
t8: math.Asin(2.0e400)
t16: math.Pow(8, 4)
t17: math.Pow10(4)
t18: math.Signbit(-4)
t23: math.Abs(2.5)
t24: math.Abs(-2.2)
t25: math.Cbrt(2)
t26: math.Copysign(5, -2.2)
t27: math.Exp(3)
t28: math.Exp2(3.5)
t29: math.Log(4)
t30: math.Log10(4)
t31: math.Log2(5)
t32: math.Dim(3, 2.5)
t33: math.Dim(5, 7.2)
-- out/math --
error in call to math.Jacobi: big: invalid 2nd argument to Int.Jacobi: need odd integer but got 2000
t3: cannot call non-function math.Pi (type float):
cannot use 2.0E+400 (type float) as float64 in argument 0 to math.Asin: value was rounded up:
// [eval]
t1: (float){ 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459 }
t2: (int){ 3 }
t3: (_|_){
// [eval] t3: cannot call non-function math.Pi (type float):
// ./in.cue:5:5
t6: (_|_){
// [eval] error in call to math.Jacobi: big: invalid 2nd argument to Int.Jacobi: need odd integer but got 2000
t7: (int){ 1 }
t8: (_|_){
// [eval] cannot use 2.0E+400 (type float) as float64 in argument 0 to math.Asin: value was rounded up:
// ./in.cue:8:5
t16: (float){ 4096 }
t17: (float){ 1E+4 }
t18: (bool){ true }
t23: (float){ 2.5 }
t24: (float){ 2.2 }
t25: (float){ 1.25992104989487316476721 }
t26: (float){ -5 }
t27: (float){ 20.0855369231876677409285 }
t28: (float){ 11.3137084989847603904135 }
t29: (float){ 1.38629436111989061883446 }
t30: (float){ 0.602059991327962390427478 }
t31: (float){ 2.32192809488736234787032 }
t32: (float){ 0.5 }
t33: (float){ 0 }