blob: 5a0969ffa3f57fe53edb3f26130ef68c008837ed [file] [log] [blame]
// test of non-standard list
// TODO: there are many missing comments, but these really are consequences
// of the buggy textpbfmt library.
-- list.cue --
empty1: []
empty2: []
int1: []
int2: []
int3: []
string1: [...string]
float1: [...number]
-- input.textproto --
empty1: []
empty2: [ # foo
int1: [1, 2]
int2: [1 2] # omitting commas okay
int3: [
1 # omitting comma okay
string1: [
"a", # omitting comma NOT supported
float1: [ 1e+2 1. 0]
-- out/decode --
empty1: []
empty2: [ // foo
int1: [1, 2]
int2: [1, 2] // omitting commas okay
int3: [1, // omitting comma okay
string1: ["a", // omitting comma NOT supported
float1: [1e+2, 1.0, 0]