blob: fc950e16f40578a2d86c6e3a1030b65780cba506 [file] [log] [blame]
cue export fold.cue
cmp stdout expect-stdout-cue
-- frontmatter.toml --
title = "Folding of Single-Field Structs"
description = ""
-- --
In JSON, one defines nested values, one value at a time.
Another way to look at this is that a JSON configuration is a set of
path-value pairs.
In CUE one defines a set of paths to which to apply
a concrete value or constraint all at once.
Because or CUE's order independence, values get merged
This example shows some path-value pairs, as well as
a constraint that is applied to those to validate them.
This also gives a handy shorthand for writing structs with single
-- fold.cue --
// path-value pairs
outer: middle1: inner: 3
outer: middle2: inner: 7
// collection-constraint pair
outer: <Any>: inner: int
-- expect-stdout-cue --
"outer": {
"middle1": {
"inner": 3
"middle2": {
"inner": 7