blob: 6c049a2eaf624b44bfdb63588dcbabc33d916938 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package adt
import (
// Debug sets whether extra aggressive checking should be done.
// This should typically default to true for pre-releases and default to
// false otherwise.
var Debug bool = os.Getenv("CUE_DEBUG") != "0"
// Assert panics if the condition is false. Assert can be used to check for
// conditions that are considers to break an internal variant or unexpected
// condition, but that nonetheless probably will be handled correctly down the
// line. For instance, a faulty condition could lead to to error being caught
// down the road, but resulting in an inaccurate error message. In production
// code it is better to deal with the bad error message than to panic.
// It is advisable for each use of Assert to document how the error is expected
// to be handled down the line.
func Assert(name string, b bool) {
if Debug && !b {
panic("assertion failed: " + name)
// Assertf either panics or reports an error to c if the condition is not met.
func (c *OpContext) Assertf(pos token.Pos, b bool, format string, args ...interface{}) {
if !b {
if Debug {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("assertion failed: "+format, args...))
c.addErrf(0, pos, format, args...)
// A Unifier implements a strategy for CUE's unification operation. It must
// handle the following aspects of CUE evaluation:
// - Structural and reference cycles
// - Non-monotic validation
// - Fixed-point computation of comprehension
type Unifier interface {
// Unify fully unifies all values of a Vertex to completion and stores
// the result in the Vertex. If Unify was called on v before it returns
// the cached results.
Unify(c *OpContext, v *Vertex, state VertexStatus) // error or bool?
// Evaluate returns the evaluated value associated with v. It may return a
// partial result. That is, if v was not yet unified, it may return a
// concrete value that must be the result assuming the configuration has no
// errors.
// This semantics allows CUE to break reference cycles in a straightforward
// manner.
// Vertex v must still be evaluated at some point to catch the underlying
// error.
Evaluate(c *OpContext, v *Vertex) Value
// Runtime defines an interface for low-level representation conversion and
// lookup.
type Runtime interface {
// StringIndexer allows for converting string labels to and from a
// canonical numeric representation.
// LoadImport loads a unique Vertex associated with a given import path. It
// returns an error if no import for this package could be found.
LoadImport(importPath string) (*Vertex, errors.Error)
// StoreType associates a CUE expression with a Go type.
StoreType(t reflect.Type, src ast.Expr, expr Expr)
// LoadType retrieves a previously stored CUE expression for a given Go
// type if available.
LoadType(t reflect.Type) (src ast.Expr, expr Expr, ok bool)
type Config struct {
Format func(Node) string
type config = Config
// New creates an operation context.
func New(v *Vertex, cfg *Config) *OpContext {
if cfg.Runtime == nil {
panic("nil Runtime")
if cfg.Unifier == nil {
panic("nil Unifier")
ctx := &OpContext{
config: *cfg,
vertex: v,
if v != nil {
ctx.e = &Environment{Up: nil, Vertex: v}
return ctx
// An OpContext associates a Runtime and Unifier to allow evaluating the types
// defined in this package. It tracks errors provides convenience methods for
// evaluating values.
type OpContext struct {
e *Environment
src ast.Node
errs *Bottom
positions []Node // keep track of error positions
// vertex is used to determine the path location in case of error. Turning
// this into a stack could also allow determining the cyclic path for
// structural cycle errors.
vertex *Vertex
// TODO: remove use of tentative. Should be possible if incomplete
// handling is done better.
tentative int // set during comprehension evaluation
// Impl is for internal use only. This will go.
func (c *OpContext) Impl() Runtime {
return c.config.Runtime
// If IsTentative is set, evaluation of an arc should not finalize
// to non-concrete values.
func (c *OpContext) IsTentative() bool {
return c.tentative > 0
func (c *OpContext) Pos() token.Pos {
if c.src == nil {
return token.NoPos
return c.src.Pos()
func (c *OpContext) Source() ast.Node {
return c.src
// NewContext creates an operation context.
func NewContext(r Runtime, u Unifier, v *Vertex) *OpContext {
return New(v, &Config{Runtime: r, Unifier: u})
func (c *OpContext) pos() token.Pos {
if c.src == nil {
return token.NoPos
return c.src.Pos()
func (c *OpContext) spawn(node *Vertex) *OpContext {
sub := *c
node.Parent = c.e.Vertex
sub.e = &Environment{
Up: c.e,
Vertex: node,
// Copy cycle data.
Cyclic: c.e.Cyclic,
Deref: c.e.Deref,
Cycles: c.e.Cycles,
return &sub
func (c *OpContext) Env(upCount int32) *Environment {
e := c.e
for ; upCount > 0; upCount-- {
e = e.Up
return e
func (c *OpContext) relNode(upCount int32) *Vertex {
e := c.e
for ; upCount > 0; upCount-- {
e = e.Up
c.Unify(c, e.Vertex, Partial)
return e.Vertex
func (c *OpContext) relLabel(upCount int32) Feature {
// locate current label.
e := c.e
for ; upCount > 0; upCount-- {
e = e.Up
return e.DynamicLabel
func (c *OpContext) concreteIsPossible(x Expr) bool {
if v, ok := x.(Value); ok {
if v.Concreteness() > Concrete {
c.AddErrf("value can never become concrete")
return false
return true
// HasErr reports whether any error was reported, including whether value
// was incomplete.
func (c *OpContext) HasErr() bool {
return c.errs != nil
func (c *OpContext) Err() *Bottom {
b := c.errs
c.errs = nil
return b
func (c *OpContext) addErrf(code ErrorCode, pos token.Pos, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
for i, a := range args {
switch x := a.(type) {
case Node:
args[i] = c.Str(x)
case ast.Node:
b, _ := format.Node(x)
args[i] = string(b)
case Feature:
args[i] = x.SelectorString(c.Runtime)
err := c.NewPosf(pos, msg, args...)
c.addErr(code, err)
func (c *OpContext) addErr(code ErrorCode, err errors.Error) {
c.errs = CombineErrors(c.src, c.errs, &Bottom{Code: code, Err: err})
// AddBottom records an error in OpContext.
func (c *OpContext) AddBottom(b *Bottom) {
c.errs = CombineErrors(c.src, c.errs, b)
// AddErr records an error in OpContext. It returns errors collected so far.
func (c *OpContext) AddErr(err errors.Error) *Bottom {
if err != nil {
c.errs = CombineErrors(c.src, c.errs, &Bottom{Err: err})
return c.errs
// NewErrf creates a *Bottom value and returns it. The returned uses the
// current source as the point of origin of the error.
func (c *OpContext) NewErrf(format string, args ...interface{}) *Bottom {
// TODO: consider renaming ot NewBottomf: this is now confusing as we also
// have Newf.
err := c.Newf(format, args...)
return &Bottom{Src: c.src, Err: err, Code: EvalError}
// AddErrf records an error in OpContext. It returns errors collected so far.
func (c *OpContext) AddErrf(format string, args ...interface{}) *Bottom {
return c.AddErr(c.Newf(format, args...))
func (c *OpContext) validate(v Value) *Bottom {
switch x := v.(type) {
case *Bottom:
return x
case *Vertex:
v := c.Unifier.Evaluate(c, x)
if b, ok := v.(*Bottom); ok {
return b
return nil
type frame struct {
env *Environment
err *Bottom
src ast.Node
func (c *OpContext) PushState(env *Environment, src ast.Node) (saved frame) {
saved.env = c.e
saved.err = c.errs
saved.src = c.src
c.errs = nil
if src != nil {
c.src = src
c.e = env
return saved
func (c *OpContext) PopState(s frame) *Bottom {
err := c.errs
c.e = s.env
c.errs = s.err
c.src = s.src
return err
// PushArc signals c that arc v is currently being processed for the purpose
// of error reporting. PopArc should be called with the returned value once
// processing of v is completed.
func (c *OpContext) PushArc(v *Vertex) (saved *Vertex) {
c.vertex, saved = v, c.vertex
return saved
// PopArc signals completion of processing the current arc.
func (c *OpContext) PopArc(saved *Vertex) {
c.vertex = saved
// Resolve finds a node in the tree.
// Should only be used to insert Conjuncts. TODO: perhaps only return Conjuncts
// and error.
func (c *OpContext) Resolve(env *Environment, r Resolver) (*Vertex, *Bottom) {
s := c.PushState(env, r.Source())
arc := r.resolve(c)
// TODO: check for cycle errors?
err := c.PopState(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if arc.ChildErrors != nil && arc.ChildErrors.Code == StructuralCycleError {
return nil, arc.ChildErrors
for {
x, ok := arc.Value.(*Vertex)
if !ok {
arc = x
return arc, err
// Validate calls validates value for the given validator.
// TODO(errors): return boolean instead: only the caller has enough information
// to generate a proper error message.
func (c *OpContext) Validate(check Validator, value Value) *Bottom {
// TODO: use a position stack to push both values.
saved := c.src
c.src = check.Source()
err := check.validate(c, value)
c.src = saved
return err
// Yield evaluates a Yielder and calls f for each result.
func (c *OpContext) Yield(env *Environment, y Yielder, f YieldFunc) *Bottom {
s := c.PushState(env, y.Source())
y.yield(c, f)
return c.PopState(s)
// Concrete returns the concrete value of x after evaluating it.
// msg is used to mention the context in which an error occurred, if any.
func (c *OpContext) Concrete(env *Environment, x Expr, msg interface{}) (result Value, complete bool) {
v, complete := c.Evaluate(env, x)
v, ok := c.getDefault(v, true)
if !ok {
return v, false
if !IsConcrete(v) {
complete = false
b := c.NewErrf("non-concrete value %v in operand to %s", c.Str(v), msg)
b.Code = IncompleteError
v = b
if !complete {
return v, complete
return v, true
func (c *OpContext) getDefault(v Value, scalar bool) (result Value, ok bool) {
var d *Disjunction
switch x := v.(type) {
return v, true
case *Vertex:
// TODO: return vertex if not disjunction.
switch t := x.Value.(type) {
case *Disjunction:
d = t
case *Vertex:
return c.getDefault(t, scalar)
if !scalar {
return x, true
return x.ActualValue(), true
case *Disjunction:
d = x
if d.NumDefaults != 1 {
c.addErrf(IncompleteError, c.pos(),
"unresolved disjunction %s (type %s)", c.Str(d), d.Kind())
return nil, false
return c.getDefault(d.Values[0], scalar)
// Evaluate evaluates an expression within the given environment and indicates
// whether the result is complete. It will always return a non-nil result.
func (c *OpContext) Evaluate(env *Environment, x Expr) (result Value, complete bool) {
s := c.PushState(env, x.Source())
val := c.eval(x)
complete = true
if err, _ := val.(*Bottom); err != nil && err.IsIncomplete() {
complete = false
if val == nil {
complete = false
val = &Bottom{
Code: IncompleteError,
_ = c.PopState(s)
if !complete || val == nil {
return val, false
return val, true
// value evaluates expression v within the current environment. The result may
// be nil if the result is incomplete. value leaves errors untouched to that
// they can be collected by the caller.
func (c *OpContext) value(x Expr) (result Value) {
v := c.evalState(x, Partial)
v, _ = c.getDefault(v, true)
return v
func (c *OpContext) eval(x Expr) (result Value) {
v := c.evalState(x, Partial)
return v
func (c *OpContext) evalState(v Expr, state VertexStatus) (result Value) {
savedSrc := c.src
c.src = v.Source()
err := c.errs
c.errs = nil
defer func() {
c.errs = CombineErrors(c.src, c.errs, err)
c.errs = CombineErrors(c.src, c.errs, result)
if c.errs != nil {
result = c.errs
c.src = savedSrc
switch x := v.(type) {
case Value:
return x
case Evaluator:
v := x.evaluate(c)
return v
case Resolver:
arc := x.resolve(c)
if c.HasErr() {
return nil
if isIncomplete(arc) {
if arc != nil {
return arc.ActualValue() // *Bottom
return nil
v := c.Unifier.Evaluate(c, arc)
return v
// return nil
c.AddErrf("unexpected Expr type %T", v)
return nil
func (c *OpContext) lookup(x *Vertex, pos token.Pos, l Feature) *Vertex {
if l == InvalidLabel || x == nil {
// TODO: is it possible to have an invalid label here? Maybe through the
// API?
return &Vertex{}
var kind Kind
if x.Value != nil {
kind = x.Value.Kind()
switch kind {
case StructKind:
if l.Typ() == IntLabel {
c.addErrf(0, pos, "invalid struct selector %s (type int)", l)
case ListKind:
switch {
case l.Typ() == IntLabel:
switch {
case l.Index() < 0:
c.addErrf(0, pos, "invalid list index %s (index must be non-negative)", l)
return nil
case l.Index() > len(x.Arcs):
c.addErrf(0, pos, "invalid list index %s (out of bounds)", l)
return nil
case l.IsDef():
c.addErrf(0, pos, "invalid list index %s (type string)", l)
return nil
// TODO: ?
// if !l.IsDef() {
// c.addErrf(0, nil, "invalid selector %s (must be definition for non-structs)", l)
// }
a := x.Lookup(l)
if a == nil {
code := IncompleteError
if !x.Accept(c, l) {
code = 0
// TODO: if the struct was a literal struct, we can also treat it as
// closed and make this a permanent error.
label := l.SelectorString(c.Runtime)
c.addErrf(code, pos, "undefined field %s", label)
return a
func (c *OpContext) Label(x Value) Feature {
return labelFromValue(c, x)
func (c *OpContext) typeError(v Value, k Kind) {
if isError(v) {
if !IsConcrete(v) && v.Kind()&k != 0 {
c.addErrf(IncompleteError, pos(v),
"incomplete %s value '%s'", k, c.Str(v))
} else {
c.AddErrf("cannot use %s (type %s) as type %s", c.Str(v), v.Kind(), k)
func (c *OpContext) typeErrorAs(v Value, k Kind, as interface{}) {
if as == nil {
c.typeError(v, k)
if isError(v) {
if !IsConcrete(v) && v.Kind()&k != 0 {
c.addErrf(IncompleteError, pos(v),
"incomplete %s value '%s' in as", k, c.Str(v), as)
} else {
c.AddErrf("cannot use %s (type %s) as type %s in %v",
c.Str(v), v.Kind(), k, as)
var emptyNode = &Vertex{}
func pos(x Node) token.Pos {
if x.Source() == nil {
return token.NoPos
return x.Source().Pos()
func (c *OpContext) node(x Expr, scalar bool) *Vertex {
v := c.evalState(x, EvaluatingArcs)
v, ok := c.getDefault(v, scalar)
if !ok {
// Error already generated by getDefault.
return emptyNode
node, ok := v.(*Vertex)
if ok {
v = node.Value
switch nv := v.(type) {
case nil:
c.addErrf(IncompleteError, pos(x), "incomplete value %s", c.Str(x))
return emptyNode
case *Bottom:
return emptyNode
case *StructMarker, *ListMarker:
if node == nil {
Assert("unexpected markers with nil node", false)
return emptyNode
if v.Kind()&StructKind != 0 {
c.addErrf(IncompleteError, pos(x),
"incomplete feed source value %s (type %s)",
x.Source(), v.Kind())
return emptyNode
} else if !ok {
c.addErrf(0, pos(x), // TODO(error): better message.
"invalid operand %s (found %s, want list or struct)",
x.Source(), v.Kind())
return emptyNode
return node.Default()
// Elems returns the elements of a list.
func (c *OpContext) Elems(v Value) []*Vertex {
list := c.list(v)
return list.Elems()
func (c *OpContext) list(v Value) *Vertex {
x, ok := v.(*Vertex)
if !ok || !x.IsList() {
c.typeError(v, ListKind)
return emptyNode
return x
func (c *OpContext) scalar(v Value) Value {
v = Unwrap(v)
switch v.(type) {
case *Null, *Bool, *Num, *String, *Bytes:
c.typeError(v, ScalarKinds)
return v
var zero = &Num{K: NumKind}
func (c *OpContext) num(v Value, as interface{}) *Num {
v = Unwrap(v)
if isError(v) {
return zero
x, ok := v.(*Num)
if !ok {
c.typeErrorAs(v, NumKind, as)
return zero
return x
func (c *OpContext) Int64(v Value) int64 {
v = Unwrap(v)
if isError(v) {
return 0
x, ok := v.(*Num)
if !ok {
c.typeError(v, IntKind)
return 0
i, err := x.X.Int64()
if err != nil {
c.AddErrf("number is not an int64: %v", err)
return 0
return i
func (c *OpContext) uint64(v Value, as string) uint64 {
v = Unwrap(v)
if isError(v) {
return 0
x, ok := v.(*Num)
if !ok {
c.typeErrorAs(v, IntKind, as)
return 0
if x.X.Negative {
// TODO: improve message
c.AddErrf("cannot convert negative number to uint64")
return 0
if !x.X.Coeff.IsUint64() {
// TODO: improve message
c.AddErrf("cannot convert number %s to uint64", x.X)
return 0
return x.X.Coeff.Uint64()
func (c *OpContext) BoolValue(v Value) bool {
return c.boolValue(v, nil)
func (c *OpContext) boolValue(v Value, as interface{}) bool {
v = Unwrap(v)
if isError(v) {
return false
x, ok := v.(*Bool)
if !ok {
c.typeErrorAs(v, BoolKind, as)
return false
return x.B
func (c *OpContext) StringValue(v Value) string {
return c.stringValue(v, nil)
// ToBytes returns the bytes value of a scalar value.
func (c *OpContext) ToBytes(v Value) []byte {
if x, ok := v.(*Bytes); ok {
return x.B
return []byte(c.ToString(v))
// ToString returns the string value of a scalar value.
func (c *OpContext) ToString(v Value) string {
return c.toStringValue(v, StringKind|NumKind|BytesKind|BoolKind, nil)
func (c *OpContext) stringValue(v Value, as interface{}) string {
return c.toStringValue(v, StringKind, as)
func (c *OpContext) toStringValue(v Value, k Kind, as interface{}) string {
v = Unwrap(v)
if isError(v) {
return ""
if v.Kind()&k == 0 {
if as == nil {
c.typeError(v, k)
} else {
c.typeErrorAs(v, k, as)
return ""
switch x := v.(type) {
case *String:
return x.Str
case *Bytes:
return bytesToString(x.B)
case *Num:
return x.X.String()
case *Bool:
if x.B {
return "true"
return "false"
c.addErrf(IncompleteError, c.pos(),
"non-concrete value %s (type %s)", c.Str(v), v.Kind())
return ""
func bytesToString(b []byte) string {
b, _ = unicode.UTF8.NewDecoder().Bytes(b)
return string(b)
func (c *OpContext) bytesValue(v Value, as interface{}) []byte {
v = Unwrap(v)
if isError(v) {
return nil
x, ok := v.(*Bytes)
if !ok {
c.typeErrorAs(v, BytesKind, as)
return nil
return x.B
var matchNone = regexp.MustCompile("^$")
func (c *OpContext) regexp(v Value) *regexp.Regexp {
v = Unwrap(v)
if isError(v) {
return matchNone
switch x := v.(type) {
case *String:
if x.RE != nil {
return x.RE
// TODO: synchronization
p, err := regexp.Compile(x.Str)
if err != nil {
// FatalError? How to cache error
c.AddErrf("invalid regexp: %s", err)
x.RE = matchNone
} else {
x.RE = p
return x.RE
case *Bytes:
if x.RE != nil {
return x.RE
// TODO: synchronization
p, err := regexp.Compile(string(x.B))
if err != nil {
c.AddErrf("invalid regexp: %s", err)
x.RE = matchNone
} else {
x.RE = p
return x.RE
c.typeError(v, StringKind|BytesKind)
return matchNone
func (c *OpContext) newNum(d *apd.Decimal, k Kind, sources ...Node) Value {
if c.HasErr() {
return c.Err()
return &Num{Src: c.src, X: *d, K: k}
func (c *OpContext) NewInt64(n int64, sources ...Node) Value {
if c.HasErr() {
return c.Err()
d := apd.New(n, 0)
return &Num{Src: c.src, X: *d, K: IntKind}
func (c *OpContext) NewString(s string) Value {
if c.HasErr() {
return c.Err()
return &String{Src: c.src, Str: s}
func (c *OpContext) newBytes(b []byte) Value {
if c.HasErr() {
return c.Err()
return &Bytes{Src: c.src, B: b}
func (c *OpContext) newBool(b bool) Value {
if c.HasErr() {
return c.Err()
return &Bool{Src: c.src, B: b}
func (c *OpContext) newList(src ast.Node, parent *Vertex) *Vertex {
return &Vertex{Parent: parent, Value: &ListMarker{}}
// Str reports a debug string of x.
func (c *OpContext) Str(x Node) string {
if c.Format == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%T", x)
return c.Format(x)
// NewList returns a new list for the given values.
func (c *OpContext) NewList(values ...Value) *Vertex {
// TODO: consider making this a literal list instead.
list := &ListLit{}
v := &Vertex{
Conjuncts: []Conjunct{{Env: nil, x: list}},
for _, x := range values {
list.Elems = append(list.Elems, x)
c.Unify(c, v, Finalized)
return v