blob: e3a5013fbd373ba544cb18be98173122a0755312 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package diff
import (
// Profile configures a diff operation.
type Profile struct {
Concrete bool
var (
// Schema is the standard profile used for comparing schema.
Schema = &Profile{}
// Final is the standard profile for comparing data.
Final = &Profile{
Concrete: true,
// Diff is a shorthand for Schema.Diff.
func Diff(x, y cue.Value) (Kind, *EditScript) {
return Schema.Diff(x, y)
// Diff returns an edit script representing the difference between x and y.
func (p *Profile) Diff(x, y cue.Value) (Kind, *EditScript) {
d := differ{cfg: p}
return d.diffValue(x, y)
// Kind identifies the kind of operation of an edit script.
type Kind uint8
const (
// Identity indicates that a value pair is identical in both list X and Y.
Identity Kind = iota
// UniqueX indicates that a value only exists in X and not Y.
// UniqueY indicates that a value only exists in Y and not X.
// Modified indicates that a value pair is a modification of each other.
// EditScript represents the series of differences between two CUE values.
// x and y must be either both list or struct.
type EditScript struct {
x, y cue.Value
edits []Edit
// Len returns the number of edits.
func (es *EditScript) Len() int {
return len(es.edits)
// Label returns a string representation of the label.
func (es *EditScript) LabelX(i int) string {
e := es.edits[i]
p := e.XPos()
if p < 0 {
return ""
return label(es.x, p)
func (es *EditScript) LabelY(i int) string {
e := es.edits[i]
p := e.YPos()
if p < 0 {
return ""
return label(es.y, p)
// TODO: support label expressions.
func label(v cue.Value, i int) string {
st, err := v.Struct()
if err != nil {
return ""
// TODO: return formatted expression for optionals.
f := st.Field(i)
str := f.Name
if !ast.IsValidIdent(str) {
str = strconv.Quote(str)
if f.IsOptional {
str += "?"
if f.IsDefinition {
str += " ::"
} else {
str += ":"
return str
// ValueX returns the value of X involved at step i.
func (es *EditScript) ValueX(i int) (v cue.Value) {
p := es.edits[i].XPos()
if p < 0 {
return v
st, err := es.x.Struct()
if err != nil {
return v
return st.Field(p).Value
// ValueY returns the value of Y involved at step i.
func (es *EditScript) ValueY(i int) (v cue.Value) {
p := es.edits[i].YPos()
if p < 0 {
return v
st, err := es.y.Struct()
if err != nil {
return v
return st.Field(p).Value
// Edit represents a single operation within an edit-script.
type Edit struct {
kind Kind
xPos int32 // 0 if UniqueY
yPos int32 // 0 if UniqueX
sub *EditScript // non-nil if Modified
func (e Edit) Kind() Kind { return e.kind }
func (e Edit) XPos() int { return int(e.xPos - 1) }
func (e Edit) YPos() int { return int(e.yPos - 1) }
type differ struct {
cfg *Profile
options []cue.Option
errs errors.Error
func (d *differ) diffValue(x, y cue.Value) (Kind, *EditScript) {
if d.cfg.Concrete {
x, _ = x.Default()
y, _ = y.Default()
if x.IncompleteKind() != y.IncompleteKind() {
return Modified, nil
switch xc, yc := x.IsConcrete(), y.IsConcrete(); {
case xc != yc:
return Modified, nil
case xc && yc:
switch k := x.Kind(); k {
case cue.StructKind:
return d.diffStruct(x, y)
case cue.ListKind:
return d.diffList(x, y)
if !x.Equals(y) {
return Modified, nil
return Identity, nil
func (d *differ) diffStruct(x, y cue.Value) (Kind, *EditScript) {
sx, _ := x.Struct()
sy, _ := y.Struct()
// Best-effort topological sort, prioritizing x over y, using a variant of
// Kahn's algorithm (see, for instance
// We assume that the order of the elements of each value indicate an edge
// in the graph. This means that only the next unprocessed nodes can be
// those with no incoming edges.
xMap := make(map[string]int32, sx.Len())
yMap := make(map[string]int32, sy.Len())
for i := 0; i < sx.Len(); i++ {
xMap[sx.Field(i).Name] = int32(i + 1)
for i := 0; i < sy.Len(); i++ {
yMap[sy.Field(i).Name] = int32(i + 1)
edits := []Edit{}
differs := false
var xi, yi int
var xf, yf cue.FieldInfo
for xi < sx.Len() || yi < sy.Len() {
// Process zero nodes
for ; xi < sx.Len(); xi++ {
xf = sx.Field(xi)
yp := yMap[xf.Name]
if yp > 0 {
edits = append(edits, Edit{UniqueX, int32(xi + 1), 0, nil})
differs = true
for ; yi < sy.Len(); yi++ {
yf = sy.Field(yi)
if yMap[yf.Name] == 0 {
// already done
xp := xMap[yf.Name]
if xp > 0 {
yMap[yf.Name] = 0
edits = append(edits, Edit{UniqueY, 0, int32(yi + 1), nil})
differs = true
// Compare nodes
for ; xi < sx.Len(); xi++ {
xf = sx.Field(xi)
yp := yMap[xf.Name]
if yp == 0 {
// If yp != xi+1, the topological sort was not possible.
yMap[xf.Name] = 0
yf := sy.Field(int(yp - 1))
kind := Identity
var script *EditScript
switch {
case xf.IsDefinition != yf.IsDefinition,
xf.IsOptional != yf.IsOptional:
kind = Modified
xv := xf.Value
yv := yf.Value
// TODO(perf): consider evaluating lazily.
kind, script = d.diffValue(xv, yv)
edits = append(edits, Edit{kind, int32(xi + 1), yp, script})
if kind != Identity {
differs = true
if !differs {
return Identity, nil
return Modified, &EditScript{x: x, y: y, edits: edits}
// TODO: right now we do a simple element-by-element comparison. Instead,
// use an algorithm that approximates a minimal Levenshtein distance, like the
// one in
func (d *differ) diffList(x, y cue.Value) (Kind, *EditScript) {
ix, _ := x.List()
iy, _ := y.List()
edits := []Edit{}
differs := false
i := int32(1)
for {
// TODO: This would be much easier with a Next/Done API.
hasX := ix.Next()
hasY := iy.Next()
if !hasX {
for hasY {
differs = true
edits = append(edits, Edit{UniqueY, 0, i, nil})
hasY = iy.Next()
if !hasY {
for hasX {
differs = true
edits = append(edits, Edit{UniqueX, i, 0, nil})
hasX = ix.Next()
// Both x and y have a value.
kind, script := d.diffValue(ix.Value(), iy.Value())
if kind != Identity {
differs = true
edits = append(edits, Edit{kind, i, i, script})
if !differs {
return Identity, nil
return Modified, &EditScript{x: x, y: y, edits: edits}