blob: 77f483b5a0ae06b4292d5628b26943d2def93d6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package parser
import (
// The parser structure holds the parser's internal state.
type parser struct {
file *token.File
errors errors.List
scanner scanner.Scanner
// Tracing/debugging
mode mode // parsing mode
trace bool // == (mode & Trace != 0)
indent int // indentation used for tracing output
// Comments
leadComment *ast.CommentGroup
comments *commentState
// Next token
pos token.Pos // token position
tok token.Token // one token look-ahead
lit string // token literal
// Error recovery
// (used to limit the number of calls to syncXXX functions
// w/o making scanning progress - avoids potential endless
// loops across multiple parser functions during error recovery)
syncPos token.Pos // last synchronization position
syncCnt int // number of calls to syncXXX without progress
// Non-syntactic parser control
exprLev int // < 0: in control clause, >= 0: in expression
imports []*ast.ImportSpec // list of imports
func (p *parser) init(fset *token.FileSet, filename string, src []byte, mode []Option) {
p.file = fset.AddFile(filename, -1, len(src))
for _, f := range mode {
var m scanner.Mode
if p.mode&parseCommentsMode != 0 {
m = scanner.ScanComments
eh := func(pos token.Position, msg string) { p.errors.AddNew(pos, msg) }
p.scanner.Init(p.file, src, eh, m)
p.trace = p.mode&traceMode != 0 // for convenience (p.trace is used frequently)
p.comments = &commentState{pos: -1}
type commentList struct {
taken bool // for validation
attachTail bool
head *ast.CommentGroup
last *ast.CommentGroup
type commentState struct {
parent *commentState
pos int8
groups []*ast.CommentGroup
// lists are not attached to nodes themselves. Enclosed expressions may
// miss a comment due to commas and line termination. closeLists ensures
// that comments will be passed to someone.
isList int
lastChild ast.Node
lastPos int8
// openComments reserves the next doc comment for the caller and flushes
func (p *parser) openComments() *commentState {
if c := p.comments; c != nil && c.isList > 0 {
if c.lastChild != nil {
for _, cg := range c.groups {
cg.Position = c.lastPos
c.groups = nil
c.lastChild = nil
c := &commentState{
parent: p.comments,
groups: []*ast.CommentGroup{p.leadComment},
p.comments = c
p.leadComment = nil
return c
// openList is used to treat a list of comments as a single comment
// position in a production.
func (p *parser) openList() {
if p.comments.isList > 0 {
c := &commentState{
parent: p.comments,
isList: 1,
p.comments = c
func (c *commentState) add(g *ast.CommentGroup) {
g.Position = c.pos
c.groups = append(c.groups, g)
func (p *parser) closeList() {
c := p.comments
if c.lastChild != nil {
for _, cg := range c.groups {
cg.Position = c.lastPos
c.groups = nil
switch c.isList--; {
case c.isList < 0:
panic("unmatched close list")
case c.isList == 0:
parent := c.parent
parent.groups = append(parent.groups, c.groups...)
p.comments = parent
func (c *commentState) closeNode(p *parser, n ast.Node) ast.Node {
if p.comments != c {
panic("unmatched comments")
p.comments = c.parent
if c.parent != nil {
c.parent.lastChild = n
c.parent.lastPos = c.pos
for _, cg := range c.groups {
if n != nil {
c.groups = nil
return n
func (c *commentState) closeExpr(p *parser, n ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
c.closeNode(p, n)
return n
func (c *commentState) closeClause(p *parser, n ast.Clause) ast.Clause {
c.closeNode(p, n)
return n
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parsing support
func (p *parser) printTrace(a ...interface{}) {
const dots = ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
const n = len(dots)
pos := p.file.Position(p.pos)
fmt.Printf("%5d:%3d: ", pos.Line, pos.Column)
i := 2 * p.indent
for i > n {
i -= n
// i <= n
func trace(p *parser, msg string) *parser {
p.printTrace(msg, "(")
return p
// Usage pattern: defer un(trace(p, "..."))
func un(p *parser) {
// Advance to the next
func (p *parser) next0() {
// Because of one-token look-ahead, print the previous token
// when tracing as it provides a more readable output. The
// very first token (!p.pos.IsValid()) is not initialized
// (it is ILLEGAL), so don't print it .
if p.trace && p.pos.IsValid() {
s := p.tok.String()
switch {
case p.tok.IsLiteral():
p.printTrace(s, p.lit)
case p.tok.IsOperator(), p.tok.IsKeyword():
p.printTrace("\"" + s + "\"")
p.pos, p.tok, p.lit = p.scanner.Scan()
// Consume a comment and return it and the line on which it ends.
func (p *parser) consumeComment() (comment *ast.Comment, endline int) {
// /*-style comments may end on a different line than where they start.
// Scan the comment for '\n' chars and adjust endline accordingly.
endline = p.file.Line(p.pos)
if p.lit[1] == '*' {
// don't use range here - no need to decode Unicode code points
for i := 0; i < len(p.lit); i++ {
if p.lit[i] == '\n' {
comment = &ast.Comment{Slash: p.pos, Text: p.lit}
// Consume a group of adjacent comments, add it to the parser's
// comments list, and return it together with the line at which
// the last comment in the group ends. A non-comment token or n
// empty lines terminate a comment group.
func (p *parser) consumeCommentGroup(n int) (comments *ast.CommentGroup, endline int) {
var list []*ast.Comment
endline = p.file.Line(p.pos)
for p.tok == token.COMMENT && p.file.Line(p.pos) <= endline+n {
var comment *ast.Comment
comment, endline = p.consumeComment()
list = append(list, comment)
cg := &ast.CommentGroup{List: list}
comments = cg
// Advance to the next non-comment In the process, collect
// any comment groups encountered, and refield the last lead and
// and line comments.
// A lead comment is a comment group that starts and ends in a
// line without any other tokens and that is followed by a non-comment
// token on the line immediately after the comment group.
// A line comment is a comment group that follows a non-comment
// token on the same line, and that has no tokens after it on the line
// where it ends.
// Lead and line comments may be considered documentation that is
// stored in the AST.
func (p *parser) next() {
// A leadComment may not be consumed if it leads an inner token of a node.
if p.leadComment != nil {
p.leadComment = nil
prev := p.pos
if p.tok == token.COMMENT {
var comment *ast.CommentGroup
var endline int
if p.file.Line(p.pos) == p.file.Line(prev) {
// The comment is on same line as the previous token; it
// cannot be a lead comment but may be a line comment.
comment, endline = p.consumeCommentGroup(0)
if p.file.Line(p.pos) != endline {
// The next token is on a different line, thus
// the last comment group is a line comment.
comment.Line = true
// consume successor comments, if any
endline = -1
for p.tok == token.COMMENT {
if comment != nil {
comment, endline = p.consumeCommentGroup(1)
if endline+1 == p.file.Line(p.pos) && p.tok != token.EOF {
// The next token is following on the line immediately after the
// comment group, thus the last comment group is a lead comment.
comment.Doc = true
p.leadComment = comment
} else {
// A bailout panic is raised to indicate early termination.
type bailout struct{}
func (p *parser) error(pos token.Pos, msg string) {
ePos := p.file.Position(pos)
// If AllErrors is not set, discard errors reported on the same line
// as the last recorded error and stop parsing if there are more than
// 10 errors.
if p.mode&allErrorsMode == 0 {
n := len(p.errors)
if n > 0 && p.errors[n-1].Position().Line == ePos.Line {
return // discard - likely a spurious error
if n > 10 {
p.errors.AddNew(ePos, msg)
func (p *parser) errorExpected(pos token.Pos, msg string) {
msg = "expected " + msg
if pos == p.pos {
// the error happened at the current position;
// make the error message more specific
if p.tok == token.COMMA && p.lit == "\n" {
msg += ", found newline"
} else {
msg += ", found '" + p.tok.String() + "'"
if p.tok.IsLiteral() {
msg += " " + p.lit
p.error(pos, msg)
func (p *parser) expect(tok token.Token) token.Pos {
pos := p.pos
if p.tok != tok {
p.errorExpected(pos, "'"+tok.String()+"'")
} // make progress
return pos
// expectClosing is like expect but provides a better error message
// for the common case of a missing comma before a newline.
func (p *parser) expectClosing(tok token.Token, context string) token.Pos {
if p.tok != tok && p.tok == token.COMMA && p.lit == "\n" {
p.error(p.pos, "missing ',' before newline in "+context)
return p.expect(tok)
func (p *parser) expectComma() {
// semicolon is optional before a closing ')', ']', '}', or newline
if p.tok != token.RPAREN && p.tok != token.RBRACE && p.tok != token.EOF {
switch p.tok {
case token.COMMA:
p.errorExpected(p.pos, "','")
func (p *parser) atComma(context string, follow ...token.Token) bool {
if p.tok == token.COMMA {
return true
for _, t := range follow {
if p.tok == t {
return false
msg := "missing ','"
// TODO: find a way to detect crossing lines now we don't have a semi.
if p.lit == "\n" {
msg += " before newline"
p.error(p.pos, msg+" in "+context)
return true // "insert" comma and continue
// syncExpr advances to the next field in a field list.
// Used for synchronization after an error.
func syncExpr(p *parser) {
for {
switch p.tok {
case token.COMMA:
// Return only if parser made some progress since last
// sync or if it has not reached 10 sync calls without
// progress. Otherwise consume at least one token to
// avoid an endless parser loop (it is possible that
// both parseOperand and parseStmt call syncStmt and
// correctly do not advance, thus the need for the
// invocation limit p.syncCnt).
if p.pos == p.syncPos && p.syncCnt < 10 {
if p.pos > p.syncPos {
p.syncPos = p.pos
p.syncCnt = 0
// Reaching here indicates a parser bug, likely an
// incorrect token list in this function, but it only
// leads to skipping of possibly correct code if a
// previous error is present, and thus is preferred
// over a non-terminating parse.
case token.EOF:
// safePos returns a valid file position for a given position: If pos
// is valid to begin with, safePos returns pos. If pos is out-of-range,
// safePos returns the EOF position.
// This is hack to work around "artificial" end positions in the AST which
// are computed by adding 1 to (presumably valid) token positions. If the
// token positions are invalid due to parse errors, the resulting end position
// may be past the file's EOF position, which would lead to panics if used
// later on.
func (p *parser) safePos(pos token.Pos) (res token.Pos) {
defer func() {
if recover() != nil {
res = token.Pos(p.file.Base() + p.file.Size()) // EOF position
_ = p.file.Offset(pos) // trigger a panic if position is out-of-range
return pos
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Identifiers
func (p *parser) parseIdent() *ast.Ident {
c := p.openComments()
pos := p.pos
name := "_"
if p.tok == token.IDENT {
name = p.lit
} else {
p.expect(token.IDENT) // use expect() error handling
ident := &ast.Ident{NamePos: pos, Name: name}
c.closeNode(p, ident)
return ident
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Expressions
// parseOperand returns an expression.
// Callers must verify the result.
func (p *parser) parseOperand() (expr ast.Expr) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "Operand"))
switch p.tok {
case token.IDENT:
return p.parseIdent()
case token.LBRACE:
return p.parseStruct()
case token.LBRACK:
return p.parseList()
case token.BOTTOM:
c := p.openComments()
x := &ast.BottomLit{Bottom: p.pos}
return c.closeExpr(p, x)
case token.NULL, token.TRUE, token.FALSE, token.INT, token.FLOAT, token.STRING:
c := p.openComments()
x := &ast.BasicLit{ValuePos: p.pos, Kind: p.tok, Value: p.lit}
return c.closeExpr(p, x)
return p.parseInterpolation()
case token.LPAREN:
c := p.openComments()
defer func() { c.closeNode(p, expr) }()
lparen := p.pos
x := p.parseRHS() // types may be parenthesized: (some type)
rparen := p.expect(token.RPAREN)
return &ast.ParenExpr{
Lparen: lparen,
X: x,
Rparen: rparen}
// we have an error
c := p.openComments()
pos := p.pos
p.errorExpected(pos, "operand")
return c.closeExpr(p, &ast.BadExpr{From: pos, To: p.pos})
func (p *parser) parseParams(ident *ast.Ident, follow token.Token) (params []*ast.Field) {
for {
c := p.openComments()
if ident == nil {
ident = p.parseIdent()
m := &ast.Field{Label: ident}
if p.tok == token.COLON {
m.Colon = p.expect(token.COLON)
m.Value = p.parseRHS()
hasComma := p.tok == token.COMMA
if hasComma {
c.closeNode(p, m)
params = append(params, m)
if !hasComma || p.tok == follow || p.tok == token.EOF {
ident = nil
return params
func (p *parser) parseIndexOrSlice(x ast.Expr) (expr ast.Expr) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "IndexOrSlice"))
c := p.openComments()
defer func() { c.closeNode(p, expr) }()
c.pos = 1
const N = 2
lbrack := p.expect(token.LBRACK)
var index [N]ast.Expr
var colons [N - 1]token.Pos
if p.tok != token.COLON {
index[0] = p.parseRHS()
nColons := 0
for p.tok == token.COLON && nColons < len(colons) {
colons[nColons] = p.pos
if p.tok != token.COLON && p.tok != token.RBRACK && p.tok != token.EOF {
index[nColons] = p.parseRHS()
rbrack := p.expect(token.RBRACK)
if nColons > 0 {
return &ast.SliceExpr{
X: x,
Lbrack: lbrack,
Low: index[0],
High: index[1],
Rbrack: rbrack}
return &ast.IndexExpr{
X: x,
Lbrack: lbrack,
Index: index[0],
Rbrack: rbrack}
func (p *parser) parseCallOrConversion(fun ast.Expr) (expr *ast.CallExpr) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "CallOrConversion"))
c := p.openComments()
defer func() { c.closeNode(p, expr) }()
lparen := p.expect(token.LPAREN)
var list []ast.Expr
for p.tok != token.RPAREN && p.tok != token.EOF {
list = append(list, p.parseRHS()) // builtins may expect a type: make(some type, ...)
if !p.atComma("argument list", token.RPAREN) {
rparen := p.expectClosing(token.RPAREN, "argument list")
return &ast.CallExpr{
Fun: fun,
Lparen: lparen,
Args: list,
Rparen: rparen}
func (p *parser) parseFieldList(allowEmit bool) (list []ast.Decl) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "FieldList"))
origEmit := allowEmit
defer p.closeList()
for p.tok != token.RBRACE && p.tok != token.EOF {
d := p.parseField(allowEmit)
if e, ok := d.(*ast.EmitDecl); ok {
if origEmit && !allowEmit {
p.error(p.pos, "only one emit allowed at top level")
if !origEmit || !allowEmit {
d = &ast.BadDecl{From: e.Pos(), To: e.End()}
for _, cg := range e.Comments() {
// uncomment to only allow one emit per top-level
// allowEmit = false
list = append(list, d)
func (p *parser) parseField(allowEmit bool) (decl ast.Decl) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "Field"))
c := p.openComments()
defer func() { c.closeNode(p, decl) }()
pos := p.pos
this := &ast.Field{Label: nil}
m := this
for i := 0; ; i++ {
tok := p.tok
expr, ok := p.parseLabel(m)
if !ok {
if !allowEmit {
p.error(pos, "expected label, found "+tok.String())
if expr == nil {
expr = p.parseExpr()
e := &ast.EmitDecl{Expr: expr}
if p.atComma("file", token.RBRACE) {
return e
if i == 0 && tok == token.IDENT {
ident := expr.(*ast.Ident)
switch p.tok {
case token.BIND:
pos := p.pos
ref := p.parseRHS()
if p.atComma("struct literal", token.RBRACE) { // TODO: may be EOF
return &ast.Alias{Ident: ident, Equal: pos, Expr: ref}
if p.tok == token.COLON {
switch p.tok {
if !allowEmit || p.tok != token.COMMA {
p.errorExpected(p.pos, "label or ':'")
switch tok {
case token.IDENT, token.LBRACK, token.STRING, token.INTERPOLATION, token.NULL, token.TRUE, token.FALSE:
if p.tok == token.COMMA {
return &ast.EmitDecl{Expr: expr}
return &ast.BadDecl{From: pos, To: p.pos}
case token.IDENT, token.STRING, token.LSS, token.INTERPOLATION, token.LBRACK:
field := &ast.Field{}
m.Value = &ast.StructLit{Elts: []ast.Decl{field}}
m = field
allowEmit = false
this.Colon = p.pos
m.Value = p.parseRHS()
decl = this
var arrow token.Pos
switch p.tok {
case token.ARROW:
arrow = p.expect(token.ARROW)
case token.FOR, token.IF:
clauses := p.parseComprehensionClauses()
return &ast.ComprehensionDecl{
Field: this,
Select: arrow,
Clauses: clauses,
if p.atComma("struct literal", token.RBRACE) { // TODO: may be EOF
return decl
func (p *parser) parseLabel(f *ast.Field) (expr ast.Expr, ok bool) {
switch p.tok {
case token.IDENT:
ident := p.parseIdent()
f.Label = ident
expr = ident
case token.STRING:
// JSON compatibility.
expr = p.parseOperand()
f.Label = expr.(ast.Label)
expr = p.parseInterpolation()
f.Label = expr.(ast.Label)
case token.NULL, token.TRUE, token.FALSE:
// Keywords that represent operands.
// Allowing keywords to be used as a labels should not interfere with
// generating good errors: any keyword can only appear on the RHS of a
// field (after a ':'), whereas labels always appear on the LHS.
ident := &ast.BasicLit{
Kind: p.tok,
ValuePos: p.pos,
Value: p.lit,
f.Label = ident
expr = ident
case token.IF, token.FOR, token.IN, token.LET:
// Keywords representing clauses.
f.Label = &ast.Ident{
NamePos: p.pos,
Name: p.lit,
case token.LSS: // element templates
pos := p.pos
c := p.openComments()
ident := p.parseIdent()
gtr := p.pos
if p.tok != token.GTR {
label := &ast.TemplateLabel{Langle: pos, Ident: ident, Rangle: gtr}
c.closeNode(p, label)
f.Label = label
return expr, false
return expr, true
func (p *parser) parseStruct() (expr ast.Expr) {
c := p.openComments()
defer func() { c.closeNode(p, expr) }()
lbrace := p.expect(token.LBRACE)
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "StructLit"))
elts := p.parseStructBody()
rbrace := p.expectClosing(token.RBRACE, "struct literal")
return &ast.StructLit{
Lbrace: lbrace,
Elts: elts,
Rbrace: rbrace,
func (p *parser) parseStructBody() []ast.Decl {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "StructBody"))
var elts []ast.Decl
if p.tok != token.RBRACE {
elts = p.parseFieldList(false)
return elts
func isClauseStart(tok token.Token) bool {
return tok == token.FOR || tok == token.IF // || tok == LET
func (p *parser) parseComprehensionClauses() (clauses []ast.Clause) {
// TODO: reuse Template spec, which is possible if it doesn't check the
// first is an identifier.
for {
if p.tok == token.COMMA {
switch p.tok {
case token.FOR:
c := p.openComments()
forPos := p.expect(token.FOR)
var key, value *ast.Ident
var colon token.Pos
value = p.parseIdent()
if p.tok == token.COMMA {
colon = p.expect(token.COMMA)
key = value
value = p.parseIdent()
c.pos = 4
// params := p.parseParams(nil, ARROW)
clauses = append(clauses, c.closeClause(p, &ast.ForClause{
For: forPos,
Key: key,
Colon: colon,
Value: value,
In: p.expect(token.IN),
Source: p.parseExpr(),
case token.IF:
c := p.openComments()
clauses = append(clauses, c.closeClause(p, &ast.IfClause{
If: p.expect(token.IF),
Condition: p.parseExpr(),
// TODO: case LET:
return clauses
func (p *parser) parseList() (expr ast.Expr) {
c := p.openComments()
defer func() { c.closeNode(p, expr) }()
lbrack := p.expect(token.LBRACK)
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ListLiteral"))
elts := p.parseListElements()
if clauses := p.parseComprehensionClauses(); clauses != nil {
var expr ast.Expr
if len(elts) != 1 {
p.error(lbrack+1, "list comprehension must have exactly one element")
if len(elts) > 0 {
expr = elts[0]
rbrack := p.expectClosing(token.RBRACK, "list comprehension")
return &ast.ListComprehension{
Lbrack: lbrack,
Expr: expr,
Clauses: clauses,
Rbrack: rbrack,
ellipsis := token.NoPos
typ := ast.Expr(nil)
if p.tok == token.ELLIPSIS {
ellipsis = p.pos
if p.tok != token.COMMA && p.tok != token.RBRACK {
typ = p.parseRHS()
if p.atComma("list literal", token.RBRACK) {
rbrack := p.expectClosing(token.RBRACK, "list literal")
return &ast.ListLit{
Lbrack: lbrack,
Elts: elts,
Ellipsis: ellipsis,
Type: typ,
Rbrack: rbrack}
func (p *parser) parseListElements() (list []ast.Expr) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ListElements"))
defer p.closeList()
for p.tok != token.RBRACK && p.tok != token.ELLIPSIS && p.tok != token.EOF {
list = append(list, p.parseListElement())
// Enforce there is an explicit comma. We could also allow the
// omission of commas in lists, but this gives rise to some ambiguities
// with list comprehensions.
if p.tok == token.COMMA && p.lit != "," {
// Allow missing comma for last element, though, to be compliant
// with JSON.
if p.tok == token.RBRACK || p.tok == token.FOR || p.tok == token.IF {
p.error(p.pos, "missing ',' before newline in list literal")
} else if !p.atComma("list literal", token.RBRACK, token.FOR, token.IF) {
func (p *parser) parseListElement() (expr ast.Expr) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ListElement"))
c := p.openComments()
defer func() { c.closeNode(p, expr) }()
e := p.parseRHS()
switch p.tok {
case token.ELLIPSIS:
return &ast.Ellipsis{Ellipsis: p.expect(token.ELLIPSIS), Elt: e}
return e
// checkExpr checks that x is an expression (and not a type).
func (p *parser) checkExpr(x ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
switch unparen(x).(type) {
case *ast.BadExpr:
case *ast.BottomLit:
case *ast.Ident:
case *ast.BasicLit:
case *ast.Interpolation:
case *ast.StructLit:
case *ast.ListLit:
case *ast.ListComprehension:
case *ast.ParenExpr:
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
case *ast.IndexExpr:
case *ast.SliceExpr:
case *ast.CallExpr:
case *ast.UnaryExpr:
case *ast.BinaryExpr:
// all other nodes are not proper expressions
p.errorExpected(x.Pos(), "expression")
x = &ast.BadExpr{
From: x.Pos(), To: p.safePos(x.End()),
return x
// If x is of the form (T), unparen returns unparen(T), otherwise it returns x.
func unparen(x ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
if p, isParen := x.(*ast.ParenExpr); isParen {
x = unparen(p.X)
return x
// If lhs is set and the result is an identifier, it is not resolved.
func (p *parser) parsePrimaryExpr() ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "PrimaryExpr"))
x := p.parseOperand()
for {
switch p.tok {
case token.PERIOD:
c := p.openComments()
c.pos = 1
switch p.tok {
case token.IDENT:
x = &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: p.checkExpr(x),
Sel: p.parseIdent(),
pos := p.pos
p.errorExpected(pos, "selector") // make progress
x = &ast.SelectorExpr{X: x, Sel: &ast.Ident{NamePos: pos, Name: "_"}}
c.closeNode(p, x)
case token.LBRACK:
x = p.parseIndexOrSlice(p.checkExpr(x))
case token.LPAREN:
x = p.parseCallOrConversion(p.checkExpr(x))
break L
return x
// If lhs is set and the result is an identifier, it is not resolved.
func (p *parser) parseUnaryExpr() ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "UnaryExpr"))
switch p.tok {
case token.ADD, token.SUB, token.NOT, token.MUL,
token.LSS, token.LEQ, token.GEQ, token.GTR,
token.NEQ, token.MAT, token.NMAT:
pos, op := p.pos, p.tok
c := p.openComments()
return c.closeExpr(p, &ast.UnaryExpr{
OpPos: pos,
Op: op,
X: p.checkExpr(p.parseUnaryExpr()),
return p.parsePrimaryExpr()
func (p *parser) tokPrec() (token.Token, int) {
tok := p.tok
if tok == token.IDENT {
switch p.lit {
case "quo":
return token.IQUO, 7
case "rem":
return token.IREM, 7
case "div":
return token.IDIV, 7
case "mod":
return token.IMOD, 7
return tok, 0
return tok, tok.Precedence()
// If lhs is set and the result is an identifier, it is not resolved.
func (p *parser) parseBinaryExpr(prec1 int) ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "BinaryExpr"))
defer p.closeList()
x := p.parseUnaryExpr()
for {
op, prec := p.tokPrec()
if prec < prec1 {
return x
c := p.openComments()
c.pos = 1
pos := p.expect(p.tok)
x = c.closeExpr(p, &ast.BinaryExpr{
X: p.checkExpr(x),
OpPos: pos,
Op: op,
Y: p.checkExpr(p.parseBinaryExpr(prec + 1))})
func (p *parser) parseInterpolation() (expr ast.Expr) {
c := p.openComments()
defer func() { c.closeNode(p, expr) }()
defer p.closeList()
cc := p.openComments()
lit := p.lit
pos := p.pos
last := &ast.BasicLit{ValuePos: pos, Kind: token.STRING, Value: lit}
exprs := []ast.Expr{last}
for p.tok == token.LPAREN {
c.pos = 1
cc.closeExpr(p, last)
exprs = append(exprs, p.parseExpr())
cc = p.openComments()
if p.tok != token.RPAREN {
p.error(p.pos, "expected ')' for string interpolation")
lit = p.scanner.ResumeInterpolation()
pos = p.pos
last = &ast.BasicLit{
ValuePos: pos,
Kind: token.STRING,
Value: lit,
exprs = append(exprs, last)
cc.closeExpr(p, last)
return &ast.Interpolation{Elts: exprs}
// Callers must check the result (using checkExpr), depending on context.
func (p *parser) parseExpr() ast.Expr {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "Expression"))
return p.parseBinaryExpr(token.LowestPrec + 1)
func (p *parser) parseRHS() ast.Expr {
x := p.checkExpr(p.parseExpr())
return x
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Declarations
type parseSpecFunction func(iota int) *ast.ImportSpec
func isValidImport(lit string) bool {
const illegalChars = `!"#$%&'()*,:;<=>?[\]^{|}` + "`\uFFFD"
s, _ := literal.Unquote(lit) // go/scanner returns a legal string literal
for _, r := range s {
if !unicode.IsGraphic(r) || unicode.IsSpace(r) || strings.ContainsRune(illegalChars, r) {
return false
return s != ""
func (p *parser) parseImportSpec(_ int) *ast.ImportSpec {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ImportSpec"))
c := p.openComments()
var ident *ast.Ident
switch p.tok {
case token.PERIOD:
ident = &ast.Ident{NamePos: p.pos, Name: "."}
case token.IDENT:
ident = p.parseIdent()
pos := p.pos
var path string
if p.tok == token.STRING {
path = p.lit
if !isValidImport(path) {
p.error(pos, "invalid import path: "+path)
p.expectComma() // call before accessing p.linecomment
} else {
p.expect(token.STRING) // use expect() error handling
if p.tok == token.COMMA {
p.expectComma() // call before accessing p.linecomment
// collect imports
spec := &ast.ImportSpec{
Name: ident,
Path: &ast.BasicLit{ValuePos: pos, Kind: token.STRING, Value: path},
c.closeNode(p, spec)
p.imports = append(p.imports, spec)
return spec
func (p *parser) parseImports() *ast.ImportDecl {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "Imports"))
c := p.openComments()
ident := p.parseIdent()
var lparen, rparen token.Pos
var list []*ast.ImportSpec
if p.tok == token.LPAREN {
lparen = p.pos
for iota := 0; p.tok != token.RPAREN && p.tok != token.EOF; iota++ {
list = append(list, p.parseImportSpec(iota))
rparen = p.expect(token.RPAREN)
} else {
list = append(list, p.parseImportSpec(0))
d := &ast.ImportDecl{
Import: ident.Pos(),
Lparen: lparen,
Specs: list,
Rparen: rparen,
c.closeNode(p, d)
return d
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Source files
func (p *parser) parseFile() *ast.File {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "File"))
c := p.comments
// Don't bother parsing the rest if we had errors scanning the first
// Likely not a Go source file at all.
if p.errors.Len() != 0 {
return nil
// The package clause is not a declaration: it does not appear in any
// scope.
pos := p.pos
var name *ast.Ident
if p.tok == token.IDENT && p.lit == "package" {
name = p.parseIdent()
if name.Name == "_" && p.mode&declarationErrorsMode != 0 {
p.error(p.pos, "invalid package name _")
} else {
pos = token.NoPos
c.pos = 3
var decls []ast.Decl
if p.mode&packageClauseOnlyMode == 0 {
// import decls
for p.tok == token.IDENT && p.lit == "import" {
decls = append(decls, p.parseImports())
if p.mode&importsOnlyMode == 0 {
// rest of package decls
// TODO: loop and allow multiple expressions.
decls = append(decls, p.parseFieldList(true)...)
f := &ast.File{
Package: pos,
Name: name,
Imports: p.imports,
Decls: decls,
c.closeNode(p, f)
return f