blob: 758d9afc6cc73769b906a4d4e9e0f716df3f3502 [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by cue get go. DO NOT EDIT.
//cue:generate cue get go
package v1
// TaintNodeNotReady will be added when node is not ready
// and removed when node becomes ready.
#TaintNodeNotReady: ""
// TaintNodeUnreachable will be added when node becomes unreachable
// (corresponding to NodeReady status ConditionUnknown)
// and removed when node becomes reachable (NodeReady status ConditionTrue).
#TaintNodeUnreachable: ""
// TaintNodeUnschedulable will be added when node becomes unschedulable
// and removed when node becomes schedulable.
#TaintNodeUnschedulable: ""
// TaintNodeMemoryPressure will be added when node has memory pressure
// and removed when node has enough memory.
#TaintNodeMemoryPressure: ""
// TaintNodeDiskPressure will be added when node has disk pressure
// and removed when node has enough disk.
#TaintNodeDiskPressure: ""
// TaintNodeNetworkUnavailable will be added when node's network is unavailable
// and removed when network becomes ready.
#TaintNodeNetworkUnavailable: ""
// TaintNodePIDPressure will be added when node has pid pressure
// and removed when node has enough pid.
#TaintNodePIDPressure: ""