blob: 506cb7d9b9655007a9f4f8aee19b7ea36dafd6db [file] [log] [blame]
# DO NOT EDIT; generated by go run testdata/gen.go
#name: arithmetic
-- in.cue --
v1: 1.0T / 2.0
v2: 2.0 == 2
n1: 1
v5: 2.0 / n1
v6: 1.0 / 1.0
e2: int & 4.0/2.0
-- out/def --
v1: 5.0000000000e+11
v2: true
n1: 1
v5: 2.0
v6: 1.
e2: _|_ // conflicting values int and (4.0 / 2.0) (mismatched types int and float)
-- out/legacy-debug --
<0>{v1: 5.0000000000e+11, v2: true, n1: 1, v5: 2.0, v6: 1., e2: _|_((int & (4.0 / 2.0)):conflicting values int and (4.0 / 2.0) (mismatched types int and float))}
-- out/compile --
--- in.cue
v1: (1000000000000 / 2.0)
v2: (2.0 == 2)
n1: 1
v5: (2.0 / 0;n1〉)
v6: (1.0 / 1.0)
e2: (int & (4.0 / 2.0))