blob: f1bb1c60e1eaf56202f0655fd654832c02df3f25 [file] [log] [blame]
import "time"
Attributes: {
// A map of attribute name to its value.
attributes: {
<_>: AttrValue
// The attribute value.
AttrValue: {}
AttrValue: {
// Used for values of type STRING, DNS_NAME, EMAIL_ADDRESS, and URI
stringValue: string @protobuf(2,name=string_value)
} | {
// Used for values of type INT64
int64Value: int64 @protobuf(3,name=int64_value)
} | {
// Used for values of type DOUBLE
doubleValue: float64 @protobuf(4,type=double,name=double_value)
} | {
// Used for values of type BOOL
boolValue: bool @protobuf(5,name=bool_value)
} | {
// Used for values of type BYTES
bytesValue: bytes @protobuf(6,name=bytes_value)
} | {
// Used for values of type TIMESTAMP
timestampValue: time.Time @protobuf(7,type=google.protobuf.Timestamp,name=timestamp_value)
} | {
// Used for values of type DURATION
durationValue: time.Duration @protobuf(8,type=google.protobuf.Duration,name=duration_value)
} | {
// Used for values of type STRING_MAP
stringMapValue: Attributes_StringMap @protobuf(9,type=StringMap,name=string_map_value)
Attributes_StringMap: {
// Holds a set of name/value pairs.
entries: {
<_>: string
} @protobuf(1,type=map<string,string>)