blob: 8f669e3d81c9694093e918a80a8eda65c8f82680 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cue
import (
// Kind determines the underlying type of a Value.
type Kind int
const (
// BottomKind is the error value.
BottomKind Kind = 1 << iota
// NullKind indicates a null value.
// BoolKind indicates a boolean value.
// NumberKind represents any kind of number.
// StringKind indicates any kind of string.
// BytesKind is a blob of data.
// StructKind is a kev-value map.
// ListKind indicates a list of values.
// An structValue represents a JSON object.
// TODO: remove
type structValue struct {
ctx *context
path *valueData
n *structLit
// Len reports the number of fields in this struct.
func (o *structValue) Len() int {
return len(o.n.arcs)
// At reports the key and value of the ith field, i < o.Len().
func (o *structValue) At(i int) (key string, v Value) {
a := o.n.arcs[i]
v = newChildValue(o, i)
return o.ctx.labelStr(a.feature), v
// Lookup reports the field for the given key. The returned Value is invalid
// if it does not exist.
func (o *structValue) Lookup(key string) Value {
f := o.ctx.strLabel(key)
i := 0
for ; i < len(o.n.arcs); i++ {
if o.n.arcs[i].feature == f {
if i == len(o.n.arcs) {
// TODO: better message.
return newValueRoot(o.ctx, o.ctx.mkErr(o.n, codeNotExist,
"value %q not found", key))
// v, _ := o.n.lookup(o.ctx, f)
// v = o.ctx.manifest(v)
return newChildValue(o, i)
// MarshalJSON returns a valid JSON encoding or reports an error if any of the
// fields is invalid.
func (o *structValue) MarshalJSON() (b []byte, err error) {
b = append(b, '{')
n := o.Len()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
k, v := o.At(i)
s, err := json.Marshal(k)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b = append(b, s...)
b = append(b, ':')
bb, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b = append(b, bb...)
if i < n-1 {
b = append(b, ',')
b = append(b, '}')
return b, nil
// An Iterator iterates over values.
type Iterator struct {
val Value
ctx *context
iter iterAtter
len int
p int
cur Value
f label
// Next advances the iterator to the next value and reports whether there was
// any. It must be called before the first call to Value or Key.
func (i *Iterator) Next() bool {
if i.p >= i.len {
i.cur = Value{}
return false
eval, orig, f := i.iter.iterAt(i.ctx, i.p)
i.cur = i.val.makeChild(i.ctx, uint32(i.p), f, eval, orig)
i.f = f
return true
// Value returns the current value in the list. It will panic if Next advanced
// past the last entry.
func (i *Iterator) Value() Value {
return i.cur
// Label reports the label of the value if i iterates over struct fields and
// "" otherwise.
func (i *Iterator) Label() string {
if i.f == 0 {
return ""
return i.ctx.labelStr(i.f)
// IsHidden reports if a field is hidden from the data model. This may only
// be true if the field was obtained using AllFields.
func (i *Iterator) IsHidden() bool {
return i.f&hidden != 0
// marshalJSON iterates over the list and generates JSON output. HasNext
// will return false after this operation.
func marshalList(l *Iterator) (b []byte, err error) {
b = append(b, '[')
if l.Next() {
for {
x, err := json.Marshal(l.Value())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b = append(b, x...)
if !l.Next() {
b = append(b, ',')
b = append(b, ']')
return b, nil
func (v Value) getNum(k kind) (*numLit, error) {
if err := v.checkKind(v.ctx(), k); err != nil {
return nil, err
n, _ := v.path.v.(*numLit)
return n, nil
// MantExp breaks x into its mantissa and exponent components and returns the
// exponent. If a non-nil mant argument is provided its value is set to the
// mantissa of x. The components satisfy x == mant × 10**exp. It returns an
// error if v is not a number.
// The components are not normalized. For instance, 2.00 is represented mant ==
// 200 and exp == -2. Calling MantExp with a nil argument is an efficient way to
// get the exponent of the receiver.
func (v Value) MantExp(mant *big.Int) (exp int, err error) {
n, err := v.getNum(numKind)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if n.v.Form != 0 {
return 0, ErrInfinite
if mant != nil {
if n.v.Negative {
return int(n.v.Exponent), nil
// AppendInt appends the string representation of x in the given base to buf and
// returns the extended buffer, or an error if the underlying number was not
// an integer.
func (v Value) AppendInt(buf []byte, base int) ([]byte, error) {
i, err := v.Int(nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return i.Append(buf, base), nil
// AppendFloat appends to buf the string form of the floating-point number x.
// It returns an error if v is not a number.
func (v Value) AppendFloat(buf []byte, fmt byte, prec int) ([]byte, error) {
n, err := v.getNum(numKind)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx := apd.BaseContext
nd := int(apd.NumDigits(&n.v.Coeff)) + int(n.v.Exponent)
if n.v.Form == apd.Infinite {
if n.v.Negative {
buf = append(buf, '-')
return append(buf, string('∞')...), nil
if fmt == 'f' && nd > 0 {
ctx.Precision = uint32(nd + prec)
} else {
ctx.Precision = uint32(prec)
var d apd.Decimal
ctx.Round(&d, &n.v)
return d.Append(buf, fmt), nil
var (
// ErrBelow indicates that a value was rounded down in a conversion.
ErrBelow = errors.New("cue: value was rounded down")
// ErrAbove indicates that a value was rounded up in a conversion.
ErrAbove = errors.New("cue: value was rounded up")
// ErrInfinite indicates that a value is infinite.
ErrInfinite = errors.New("cue: infinite")
// IsInt reports whether n is a integral number type.
func (v Value) IsInt() bool {
_, err := v.getNum(intKind) // TODO: make more efficient.
return err == nil
// IsUint reports whether n is a positive integral number type.
func (v Value) IsUint() bool {
if !v.IsInt() {
return false
n, _ := v.path.v.(*numLit)
return n.v.Sign() >= 0
// Int converts the underlying integral number to an big.Int. It reports an
// error if the underlying value is not an integer type. If a non-nil *Int
// argument z is provided, Int stores the result in z instead of allocating a
// new Int.
func (v Value) Int(z *big.Int) (*big.Int, error) {
n, err := v.getNum(intKind)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if z == nil {
z = &big.Int{}
if n.v.Exponent != 0 {
panic("cue: exponent should always be nil for integer types")
if n.v.Negative {
return z, nil
// Int64 converts the underlying integral number to int64. It reports an
// error if the underlying value is not an integer type or cannot be represented
// as an int64. The result is (math.MinInt64, ErrAbove) for x < math.MinInt64,
// and (math.MaxInt64, ErrBelow) for x > math.MaxInt64.
func (v Value) Int64() (int64, error) {
n, err := v.getNum(intKind)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if !n.v.Coeff.IsInt64() {
if n.v.Negative {
return math.MinInt64, ErrAbove
return math.MaxInt64, ErrBelow
i := n.v.Coeff.Int64()
if n.v.Negative {
i = -i
return i, nil
// Uint64 converts the underlying integral number to uint64. It reports an
// error if the underlying value is not an integer type or cannot be represented
// as a uint64. The result is (0, ErrAbove) for x < 0, and
// (math.MaxUint64, ErrBelow) for x > math.MaxUint64.
func (v Value) Uint64() (uint64, error) {
n, err := v.getNum(intKind)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if n.v.Negative {
return 0, ErrAbove
if !n.v.Coeff.IsUint64() {
return math.MaxUint64, ErrBelow
i := n.v.Coeff.Uint64()
return i, nil
// trimZeros trims 0's for better JSON respresentations.
func trimZeros(s string) string {
n1 := len(s)
s2 := strings.TrimRight(s, "0")
n2 := len(s2)
if p := strings.IndexByte(s2, '.'); p != -1 {
if p == n2-1 {
return s[:len(s2)+1]
return s2
if n1-n2 <= 4 {
return s
return fmt.Sprint(s2, "e+", n1-n2)
var (
smallestPosFloat64 *apd.Decimal
smallestNegFloat64 *apd.Decimal
maxPosFloat64 *apd.Decimal
maxNegFloat64 *apd.Decimal
func init() {
const (
// math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64: 1 / 2**(1023 - 1 + 52)
smallest = "4.940656458412465441765687928682213723651e-324"
// math.MaxFloat64: 2**1023 * (2**53 - 1) / 2**52
max = "1.797693134862315708145274237317043567981e+308"
ctx := apd.BaseContext
ctx.Precision = 40
var err error
smallestPosFloat64, _, err = ctx.NewFromString(smallest)
if err != nil {
smallestNegFloat64, _, err = ctx.NewFromString("-" + smallest)
if err != nil {
maxPosFloat64, _, err = ctx.NewFromString(max)
if err != nil {
maxNegFloat64, _, err = ctx.NewFromString("-" + max)
if err != nil {
// Float64 returns the float64 value nearest to x. It reports an error if v is
// not a number. If x is too small to be represented by a float64 (|x| <
// math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64), the result is (0, ErrBelow) or (-0, ErrAbove),
// respectively, depending on the sign of x. If x is too large to be represented
// by a float64 (|x| > math.MaxFloat64), the result is (+Inf, ErrAbove) or
// (-Inf, ErrBelow), depending on the sign of x.
func (v Value) Float64() (float64, error) {
n, err := v.getNum(numKind)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if n.v.Negative {
if n.v.Cmp(smallestNegFloat64) == 1 {
return -0, ErrAbove
if n.v.Cmp(maxNegFloat64) == -1 {
return math.Inf(-1), ErrBelow
} else {
if n.v.Cmp(smallestPosFloat64) == -1 {
return 0, ErrBelow
if n.v.Cmp(maxPosFloat64) == 1 {
return math.Inf(1), ErrAbove
f, _ := n.v.Float64()
return f, nil
type valueData struct {
parent *valueData
feature label
index uint32
v evaluated
raw value
// Value holds any value, which may be a Boolean, Error, List, Null, Number,
// Struct, or String.
type Value struct {
idx *index
path *valueData
func newValueRoot(ctx *context, x value) Value {
v := x.evalPartial(ctx)
return Value{ctx.index, &valueData{nil, 0, 0, v, x}}
func newChildValue(obj *structValue, i int) Value {
eval := obj.ctx.manifest(, i))
a := obj.n.arcs[i]
return Value{obj.ctx.index, &valueData{obj.path, a.feature, uint32(i), eval, a.v}}
func (v Value) ctx() *context {
return v.idx.newContext()
func (v Value) makeChild(ctx *context, i uint32, f label, eval evaluated, raw value) Value {
eval = ctx.manifest(eval)
return Value{v.idx, &valueData{v.path, f, i, eval, raw}}
func (v Value) eval(ctx *context) value {
if v.path == nil || v.path.v == nil {
panic("undefined value")
return ctx.manifest(v.path.v)
// Default returs v if v.Exists or a value converted from x otherwise.
func (v Value) Default(x interface{}) Value {
return v
// Label reports he label used to obtain this value from the enclosing struct.
// TODO: get rid of this somehow. Maybe by passing it to walk
func (v Value) Label() (string, bool) {
if v.path.feature == 0 {
return "", false
return v.idx.labelStr(v.path.feature), true
// Kind returns the kind of value. It returns BottomKind for atomic values that
// are not concrete. For instance, it will return BottomKind for the range
// 0..5.
func (v Value) Kind() Kind {
k := v.eval(v.ctx()).kind()
if k.isGround() {
switch {
case k.isAnyOf(nullKind):
return NullKind
case k.isAnyOf(boolKind):
return BoolKind
case k.isAnyOf(numKind):
return NumberKind
case k.isAnyOf(bytesKind):
return BytesKind
case k.isAnyOf(stringKind):
return StringKind
case k.isAnyOf(structKind):
return StructKind
case k.isAnyOf(listKind):
return ListKind
return BottomKind
// IncompleteKind returns a mask of all kinds that this value may be.
func (v Value) IncompleteKind() Kind {
k := v.eval(v.ctx()).kind()
vk := BottomKind // Everything is a bottom kind.
for i := kind(1); i < nonGround; i <<= 1 {
if k&i != 0 {
switch i {
case nullKind:
vk |= NullKind
case boolKind:
vk |= BoolKind
case intKind, floatKind:
vk |= NumberKind
case stringKind:
vk |= StringKind
case bytesKind:
vk |= BytesKind
case structKind:
vk |= StructKind
case listKind:
vk |= ListKind
return vk
// MarshalJSON marshalls this value into valid JSON.
func (v Value) MarshalJSON() (b []byte, err error) {
if v.path == nil {
return json.Marshal(nil)
ctx := v.idx.newContext()
x := v.eval(ctx)
// TODO: implement marshalles in value.
switch k := x.kind(); k {
case nullKind:
return json.Marshal(nil)
case boolKind:
return json.Marshal(x.(*boolLit).b)
case intKind, floatKind, numKind:
return x.(*numLit).v.MarshalText()
case stringKind:
return json.Marshal(x.(*stringLit).str)
case bytesKind:
return json.Marshal(x.(*bytesLit).b)
case listKind:
l := x.(*list)
i := Iterator{ctx: ctx, val: v, iter: l, len: len(l.a)}
return marshalList(&i)
case structKind:
obj, _ := v.structVal(ctx)
return obj.MarshalJSON()
case bottomKind:
return nil, x.(*bottom)
if k.hasReferences() {
return nil, v.idx.mkErr(x, "value %q contains unresolved references", debugStr(ctx, x))
if !k.isGround() {
return nil, v.idx.mkErr(x, "cannot convert incomplete value %q to JSON", debugStr(ctx, x))
return nil, v.idx.mkErr(x, "cannot convert value %q of type %T to JSON", debugStr(ctx, x), x)
// Syntax converts the possibly partially evaluated value into syntax. This
// can use used to print the value with package format.
func (v Value) Syntax() ast.Expr {
if v.path == nil || v.path.v == nil {
return nil
ctx := v.ctx()
return export(ctx, v.eval(ctx))
// Decode initializes x with Value v. If x is a struct, it will validate the
// constraints specified in the field tags.
func (v Value) Decode(x interface{}) error {
// TODO: optimize
b, err := v.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
return err
return json.Unmarshal(b, x)
// // EncodeJSON generates JSON for the given value.
// func (v Value) EncodeJSON(w io.Writer, v Value) error {
// return nil
// }
// Split returns a list of values from which v originated such that
// the unification of all these values equals v and for all returned values
// Source returns a non-nil value.
func (v Value) Split() []Value {
if v.path == nil {
return nil
ctx := v.ctx()
a := []Value{}
for _, x := range separate(v.path.raw) {
path := *v.path
path.v = x.evalPartial(ctx)
path.raw = x
a = append(a, Value{v.idx, &path})
return a
func separate(v value) (a []value) {
c := v.computed()
if c == nil {
return []value{v}
if c.x != nil {
a = append(a, separate(c.x)...)
if c.y != nil {
a = append(a, separate(c.y)...)
return a
// Source returns the original node for this value. The return value may not
// be a syntax.Expr. For instance, a struct kind may be represented by a
// struct literal, a field comprehension, or a file. It returns nil for
// computed nodes. Use Split to get all source values that apply to a field.
func (v Value) Source() ast.Node {
if v.path == nil {
return nil
return v.path.raw.syntax()
// Err returns the error represented by v or nil v is not an error.
func (v Value) Err() error {
if err := v.checkKind(v.ctx(), bottomKind); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Pos returns position information.
func (v Value) Pos() token.Position {
if v.path == nil || v.Source() == nil {
return token.Position{}
pos := v.Source().Pos()
return v.idx.fset.Position(pos)
// IsIncomplete indicates that the value cannot be fully evaluated due to
// insufficient information.
func (v Value) IsIncomplete() bool {
x := v.eval(v.ctx())
if x.kind().hasReferences() || !x.kind().isGround() {
return true
return isIncomplete(x)
// IsValid reports whether this value is defined and evaluates to something
// other than an error.
func (v Value) IsValid() bool {
if v.path == nil || v.path.v == nil {
return false
k := v.eval(v.ctx()).kind()
return k != bottomKind && !v.IsIncomplete()
// Exists reports whether this value existed in the configuration.
func (v Value) Exists() bool {
if v.path == nil {
return false
return exists(v.eval(v.ctx()))
func (v Value) checkKind(ctx *context, want kind) *bottom {
if v.path == nil {
return errNotExists
// TODO: use checkKind
x := v.eval(ctx)
if b, ok := x.(*bottom); ok {
return b
got := x.kind()
if got&want&concreteKind == bottomKind && want != bottomKind {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "not of right kind (%v vs %v)", got, want)
if !got.isGround() {
return ctx.mkErr(x, codeIncomplete,
"non-concrete value %v", got)
return nil
// List creates an iterator over the values of a list or reports an error if
// v is not a list.
func (v Value) List() (Iterator, error) {
ctx := v.ctx()
if err := v.checkKind(ctx, listKind); err != nil {
return Iterator{ctx: ctx}, err
l := v.eval(ctx).(*list)
return Iterator{ctx: ctx, val: v, iter: l, len: len(l.a)}, nil
// Null reports an error if v is not null.
func (v Value) Null() error {
if err := v.checkKind(v.ctx(), nullKind); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// IsNull reports whether v is null.
func (v Value) IsNull() bool {
return v.Null() == nil
// Bool returns the bool value of v or false and an error if v is not a boolean.
func (v Value) Bool() (bool, error) {
ctx := v.ctx()
if err := v.checkKind(ctx, boolKind); err != nil {
return false, err
return v.eval(ctx).(*boolLit).b, nil
// String returns the string value if v is a string or an error otherwise.
func (v Value) String() (string, error) {
ctx := v.ctx()
if err := v.checkKind(ctx, stringKind); err != nil {
return "", err
return v.eval(ctx).(*stringLit).str, nil
// Bytes returns a byte slice if v represents a list of bytes or an error
// otherwise.
func (v Value) Bytes() ([]byte, error) {
ctx := v.ctx()
switch x := v.eval(ctx).(type) {
case *bytesLit:
return append([]byte(nil), x.b...), nil
case *stringLit:
return []byte(x.str), nil
return nil, v.checkKind(ctx, bytesKind|stringKind)
// Reader returns a new Reader if v is a string or bytes type and an error
// otherwise.
func (v Value) Reader() (io.Reader, error) {
ctx := v.ctx()
switch x := v.eval(ctx).(type) {
case *bytesLit:
return bytes.NewReader(x.b), nil
case *stringLit:
return strings.NewReader(x.str), nil
return nil, v.checkKind(ctx, stringKind|bytesKind)
// structVal returns an structVal or an error if v is not a struct.
func (v Value) structVal(ctx *context) (structValue, error) {
if err := v.checkKind(ctx, structKind); err != nil {
return structValue{}, err
obj := v.eval(ctx).(*structLit)
// TODO: This is expansion appropriate?
obj = obj.expandFields(ctx) // expand comprehensions
// check if any labels are hidden
f := label(0)
for _, a := range obj.arcs {
f |= a.feature
if f&hidden != 0 {
arcs := make([]arc, len(obj.arcs))
k := 0
for _, a := range obj.arcs {
if a.feature&hidden == 0 {
arcs[k] = a
arcs = arcs[:k]
obj = &structLit{
return structValue{ctx, v.path, obj}, nil
func (v Value) structValWithHidden(ctx *context) (structValue, error) {
if err := v.checkKind(ctx, structKind); err != nil {
return structValue{}, err
obj := v.eval(ctx).(*structLit)
obj = obj.expandFields(ctx)
return structValue{ctx, v.path, obj}, nil
// Fields creates an iterator over v's fields if v is a struct or an error
// otherwise.
func (v Value) Fields() (Iterator, error) {
ctx := v.ctx()
obj, err := v.structVal(ctx)
if err != nil {
return Iterator{ctx: ctx}, err
return Iterator{ctx: ctx, val: v, iter: obj.n, len: len(obj.n.arcs)}, nil
// AllFields creates an iterator over all of v's fields, including the hidden
// ones, if v is a struct or an error otherwise.
func (v Value) AllFields() (Iterator, error) {
ctx := v.ctx()
obj, err := v.structValWithHidden(ctx)
if err != nil {
return Iterator{ctx: ctx}, err
return Iterator{ctx: ctx, val: v, iter: obj.n, len: len(obj.n.arcs)}, nil
// Lookup reports the value starting from v, or an error if the path is not
// found. The empty path returns v itself.
// Lookup cannot be used to look up hidden fields.
func (v Value) Lookup(path ...string) Value {
ctx := v.ctx()
for _, k := range path {
obj, err := v.structVal(ctx)
if err != nil {
return newValueRoot(ctx, err.(*bottom))
v = obj.Lookup(k)
return v
// Template returns a function that represents the template definition for a
// struct in a configuration file. It returns nil if v is not a struct kind or
// if there is no template associated with the struct.
// The returned function returns the value that would be unified with field
// given its name.
func (v Value) Template() func(label string) Value {
ctx := v.ctx()
x, ok := v.path.v.(*structLit)
if !ok || x.template == nil {
return nil
fn, ok := ctx.manifest(x.template).(*lambdaExpr)
if !ok {
return nil
return func(label string) Value {
arg := &stringLit{x.baseValue, label}
y :=, x, arg)
return newValueRoot(ctx, y)
// Subsumes reports whether w is an instance of v.
// Value v and w must be obtained from the same build.
// TODO: remove this requirement.
func (v Value) Subsumes(w Value) bool {
ctx := v.ctx()
return subsumes(ctx, v.eval(ctx), w.eval(ctx), subChoose)
// Unify reports the greatest lower bound of v and w.
// Value v and w must be obtained from the same build.
// TODO: remove this requirement.
func (v Value) Unify(w Value) Value {
ctx := v.ctx()
if v.path == nil {
return w
if w.path == nil {
return v
a := v.eval(ctx)
b := w.eval(ctx)
val := ctx.manifest(mkBin(ctx, token.NoPos, opUnify, a, b))
if err := validate(ctx, val); err != nil {
val = err
return newValueRoot(ctx, val)
// Format prints a debug version of a value.
func (v Value) Format(state fmt.State, verb rune) {
ctx := v.ctx()
if v.path == nil {
fmt.Fprint(state, "<nil>")
io.WriteString(state, debugStr(ctx, v.path.v))
// References reports all references used to evaluate this value. It does not
// report references for sub fields if v is a struct.
func (v Value) References() [][]string {
ctx := v.ctx()
pf := pathFinder{up: v.path}
raw := v.path.raw
if raw == nil {
return nil
rewrite(ctx, raw, pf.find)
return pf.paths
type pathFinder struct {
paths [][]string
stack []string
up *valueData
func (p *pathFinder) find(ctx *context, v value) (value, bool) {
switch x := v.(type) {
case *selectorExpr:
i := len(p.stack)
p.stack = append(p.stack, ctx.labelStr(x.feature))
rewrite(ctx, x.x, p.find)
p.stack = p.stack[:i]
return v, false
case *nodeRef:
i := len(p.stack)
up := p.up
for ; up != nil && up.v != x.node.(value); up = up.parent {
for ; up != nil && up.feature > 0; up = up.parent {
p.stack = append(p.stack, ctx.labelStr(up.feature))
path := make([]string, len(p.stack))
for i, v := range p.stack {
path[len(path)-1-i] = v
p.paths = append(p.paths, path)
p.stack = p.stack[:i]
return v, false
case *structLit: // handled in sub fields
return v, false
return v, true
// Validate reports any errors, recursively. The returned error may be an
// errors.List reporting multiple errors, where the total number of errors
// reported may be less than the actual number.
func (v Value) Validate() error {
list := errors.List{}
v.Walk(func(v Value) bool {
if err := v.Err(); err != nil {
if len(list) > 50 {
return false // mostly to avoid some hypothetical cycle issue
return true
}, nil)
if len(list) > 0 {
// list.RemoveMultiples() // TODO: use RemoveMultiples when it is fixed
return list
return nil
// Walk descends into all values of v, calling f. If f returns false, Walk
// will not descent further.
func (v Value) Walk(before func(Value) bool, after func(Value)) {
ctx := v.ctx()
switch v.Kind() {
case StructKind:
if before != nil && !before(v) {
obj, _ := v.structVal(ctx)
for i := 0; i < obj.Len(); i++ {
_, v := obj.At(i)
v.Walk(before, after)
case ListKind:
if before != nil && !before(v) {
list, _ := v.List()
for list.Next() {
list.Value().Walk(before, after)
if before != nil {
if after != nil {