blob: 87febc74406b4b11997bb2383a618fe9dbfbf39d [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by cue get go. DO NOT EDIT.
//cue:generate cue get go
package v1
#LabelHostname: ""
#LabelZoneFailureDomain: ""
#LabelZoneRegion: ""
#LabelZoneFailureDomainStable: ""
#LabelZoneRegionStable: ""
#LabelInstanceType: ""
#LabelInstanceTypeStable: ""
#LabelOSStable: ""
#LabelArchStable: ""
// LabelWindowsBuild is used on Windows nodes to specify the Windows build number starting with v1.17.0.
// It's in the format MajorVersion.MinorVersion.BuildNumber (for ex: 10.0.17763)
#LabelWindowsBuild: ""
// LabelNamespaceSuffixKubelet is an allowed label namespace suffix kubelets can self-set ([*.]*)
#LabelNamespaceSuffixKubelet: ""
// LabelNamespaceSuffixNode is an allowed label namespace suffix kubelets can self-set ([*.]*)
#LabelNamespaceSuffixNode: ""
// LabelNamespaceNodeRestriction is a forbidden label namespace that kubelets may not self-set when the NodeRestriction admission plugin is enabled
#LabelNamespaceNodeRestriction: ""
// IsHeadlessService is added by Controller to an Endpoint denoting if its parent
// Service is Headless. The existence of this label can be used further by other
// controllers and kube-proxy to check if the Endpoint objects should be replicated when
// using Headless Services
#IsHeadlessService: ""