blob: 12f5f1b6318f1332c2790129e2826a31c5895c17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by cue get go. DO NOT EDIT.
//cue:generate cue get go
package v1
import (
// Event represents a single event to a watched resource.
// +protobuf=true
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true
#WatchEvent: {
type: string @go(Type) @protobuf(1,bytes,opt)
// Object is:
// * If Type is Added or Modified: the new state of the object.
// * If Type is Deleted: the state of the object immediately before deletion.
// * If Type is Error: *Status is recommended; other types may make sense
// depending on context.
object: runtime.#RawExtension @go(Object) @protobuf(2,bytes,opt)
// InternalEvent makes watch.Event versioned
// +protobuf=false
#InternalEvent: watch.#Event