blob: b18883da3a267a402424588ed5701de564b7058e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package filepath implements utility routines for manipulating filename paths
// in a way compatible with the target operating system-defined file paths.
// The filepath package uses either forward slashes or backslashes,
// depending on the operating system. To process paths such as URLs
// that always use forward slashes regardless of the operating
// system, see the path package.
package path
import (
// A lazybuf is a lazily constructed path buffer.
// It supports append, reading previously appended bytes,
// and retrieving the final string. It does not allocate a buffer
// to hold the output until that output diverges from s.
type lazybuf struct {
path string
buf []byte
w int
volAndPath string
volLen int
func (b *lazybuf) index(i int) byte {
if b.buf != nil {
return b.buf[i]
return b.path[i]
func (b *lazybuf) append(c byte) {
if b.buf == nil {
if b.w < len(b.path) && b.path[b.w] == c {
b.buf = make([]byte, len(b.path))
copy(b.buf, b.path[:b.w])
b.buf[b.w] = c
func (b *lazybuf) string() string {
if b.buf == nil {
return b.volAndPath[:b.volLen+b.w]
return b.volAndPath[:b.volLen] + string(b.buf[:b.w])
// const (
// Separator = os.PathSeparator
// ListSeparator = os.PathListSeparator
// )
// Clean returns the shortest path name equivalent to path
// by purely lexical processing. The default value for os is Unix.
// It applies the following rules
// iteratively until no further processing can be done:
// 1. Replace multiple Separator elements with a single one.
// 2. Eliminate each . path name element (the current directory).
// 3. Eliminate each inner .. path name element (the parent directory)
// along with the non-.. element that precedes it.
// 4. Eliminate .. elements that begin a rooted path:
// that is, replace "/.." by "/" at the beginning of a path,
// assuming Separator is '/'.
// The returned path ends in a slash only if it represents a root directory,
// such as "/" on Unix or `C:\` on Windows.
// Finally, any occurrences of slash are replaced by Separator.
// If the result of this process is an empty string, Clean
// returns the string ".".
// See also Rob Pike, ``Lexical File Names in Plan 9 or
// Getting Dot-Dot Right,''
func Clean(path string, os OS) string {
return clean(path, getOS(os))
func clean(path string, os os) string {
originalPath := path
volLen := os.volumeNameLen(path)
path = path[volLen:]
if path == "" {
if volLen > 1 && originalPath[1] != ':' {
// should be UNC
return fromSlash(originalPath, os)
return originalPath + "."
rooted := os.IsPathSeparator(path[0])
// Invariants:
// reading from path; r is index of next byte to process.
// writing to buf; w is index of next byte to write.
// dotdot is index in buf where .. must stop, either because
// it is the leading slash or it is a leading ../../.. prefix.
n := len(path)
out := lazybuf{path: path, volAndPath: originalPath, volLen: volLen}
r, dotdot := 0, 0
if rooted {
r, dotdot = 1, 1
for r < n {
switch {
case os.IsPathSeparator(path[r]):
// empty path element
case path[r] == '.' && (r+1 == n || os.IsPathSeparator(path[r+1])):
// . element
case path[r] == '.' && path[r+1] == '.' && (r+2 == n || os.IsPathSeparator(path[r+2])):
// .. element: remove to last separator
r += 2
switch {
case out.w > dotdot:
// can backtrack
for out.w > dotdot && !os.IsPathSeparator(out.index(out.w)) {
case !rooted:
// cannot backtrack, but not rooted, so append .. element.
if out.w > 0 {
dotdot = out.w
// real path element.
// add slash if needed
if rooted && out.w != 1 || !rooted && out.w != 0 {
// copy element
for ; r < n && !os.IsPathSeparator(path[r]); r++ {
// Turn empty string into "."
if out.w == 0 {
return fromSlash(out.string(), os)
// ToSlash returns the result of replacing each separator character
// in path with a slash ('/') character. Multiple separators are
// replaced by multiple slashes.
func ToSlash(path string, os OS) string {
return toSlash(path, getOS(os))
func toSlash(path string, os os) string {
if os.Separator == '/' {
return path
return strings.ReplaceAll(path, string(os.Separator), "/")
// FromSlash returns the result of replacing each slash ('/') character
// in path with a separator character. Multiple slashes are replaced
// by multiple separators.
func FromSlash(path string, os OS) string {
return fromSlash(path, getOS(os))
func fromSlash(path string, os os) string {
if os.Separator == '/' {
return path
return strings.ReplaceAll(path, "/", string(os.Separator))
// SplitList splits a list of paths joined by the OS-specific ListSeparator,
// usually found in PATH or GOPATH environment variables.
// Unlike strings.Split, SplitList returns an empty slice when passed an empty
// string.
func SplitList(path string, os OS) []string {
return getOS(os).splitList(path)
// Split splits path immediately following the final slash and returns them as
// the list [dir, file], separating it into a directory and file name component.
// If there is no slash in path, Split returns an empty dir and file set to
// path. The returned values have the property that path = dir+file.
// The default value for os is Unix.
func Split(path string, os OS) []string {
x := getOS(os)
vol := volumeName(path, x)
i := len(path) - 1
for i >= len(vol) && !x.IsPathSeparator(path[i]) {
return []string{path[:i+1], path[i+1:]}
// Join joins any number of path elements into a single path,
// separating them with an OS specific Separator. Empty elements
// are ignored. The result is Cleaned. However, if the argument
// list is empty or all its elements are empty, Join returns
// an empty string.
// On Windows, the result will only be a UNC path if the first
// non-empty element is a UNC path.
// The default value for os is Unix.
func Join(elem []string, os OS) string {
return getOS(os).join(elem)
// Ext returns the file name extension used by path.
// The extension is the suffix beginning at the final dot
// in the final element of path; it is empty if there is
// no dot. The default value for os is Unix.
func Ext(path string, os OS) string {
x := getOS(os)
for i := len(path) - 1; i >= 0 && !x.IsPathSeparator(path[i]); i-- {
if path[i] == '.' {
return path[i:]
return ""
// Resolve reports the path of sub relative to dir. If sub is an absolute path,
// or if dir is empty, it will return sub. If sub is empty, it will return dir.
// Resolve calls Clean on the result. The default value for os is Unix.
func Resolve(dir, sub string, os OS) string {
x := getOS(os)
if x.IsAbs(sub) {
return clean(sub, x)
dir = clean(dir, x)
return x.join([]string{dir, sub})
// Rel returns a relative path that is lexically equivalent to targpath when
// joined to basepath with an intervening separator. That is,
// Join(basepath, Rel(basepath, targpath)) is equivalent to targpath itself.
// On success, the returned path will always be relative to basepath,
// even if basepath and targpath share no elements.
// An error is returned if targpath can't be made relative to basepath or if
// knowing the current working directory would be necessary to compute it.
// Rel calls Clean on the result. The default value for os is Unix.
func Rel(basepath, targpath string, os OS) (string, error) {
x := getOS(os)
baseVol := volumeName(basepath, x)
targVol := volumeName(targpath, x)
base := clean(basepath, x)
targ := clean(targpath, x)
if x.sameWord(targ, base) {
return ".", nil
base = base[len(baseVol):]
targ = targ[len(targVol):]
if base == "." {
base = ""
// Can't use IsAbs - `\a` and `a` are both relative in Windows.
baseSlashed := len(base) > 0 && base[0] == x.Separator
targSlashed := len(targ) > 0 && targ[0] == x.Separator
if baseSlashed != targSlashed || !x.sameWord(baseVol, targVol) {
return "", errors.New("Rel: can't make " + targpath + " relative to " + basepath)
// Position base[b0:bi] and targ[t0:ti] at the first differing elements.
bl := len(base)
tl := len(targ)
var b0, bi, t0, ti int
for {
for bi < bl && base[bi] != x.Separator {
for ti < tl && targ[ti] != x.Separator {
if !x.sameWord(targ[t0:ti], base[b0:bi]) {
if bi < bl {
if ti < tl {
b0 = bi
t0 = ti
if base[b0:bi] == ".." {
return "", errors.New("Rel: can't make " + targpath + " relative to " + basepath)
if b0 != bl {
// Base elements left. Must go up before going down.
seps := strings.Count(base[b0:bl], string(x.Separator))
size := 2 + seps*3
if tl != t0 {
size += 1 + tl - t0
buf := make([]byte, size)
n := copy(buf, "..")
for i := 0; i < seps; i++ {
buf[n] = x.Separator
copy(buf[n+1:], "..")
n += 3
if t0 != tl {
buf[n] = x.Separator
copy(buf[n+1:], targ[t0:])
return string(buf), nil
return targ[t0:], nil
// Base returns the last element of path.
// Trailing path separators are removed before extracting the last element.
// If the path is empty, Base returns ".".
// If the path consists entirely of separators, Base returns a single separator.
// The default value for os is Unix.
func Base(path string, os OS) string {
x := getOS(os)
if path == "" {
return "."
// Strip trailing slashes.
for len(path) > 0 && x.IsPathSeparator(path[len(path)-1]) {
path = path[0 : len(path)-1]
// Throw away volume name
path = path[x.volumeNameLen(path):]
// Find the last element
i := len(path) - 1
for i >= 0 && !x.IsPathSeparator(path[i]) {
if i >= 0 {
path = path[i+1:]
// If empty now, it had only slashes.
if path == "" {
return string(x.Separator)
return path
// Dir returns all but the last element of path, typically the path's directory.
// After dropping the final element, Dir calls Clean on the path and trailing
// slashes are removed.
// If the path is empty, Dir returns ".".
// If the path consists entirely of separators, Dir returns a single separator.
// The returned path does not end in a separator unless it is the root directory.
// The default value for os is Unix.
func Dir(path string, os OS) string {
x := getOS(os)
vol := volumeName(path, x)
i := len(path) - 1
for i >= len(vol) && !x.IsPathSeparator(path[i]) {
dir := clean(path[len(vol):i+1], x)
if dir == "." && len(vol) > 2 {
// must be UNC
return vol
return vol + dir
// IsAbs reports whether the path is absolute. The default value for os is Unix.
func IsAbs(path string, os OS) bool {
return getOS(os).IsAbs(path)
// VolumeName returns leading volume name.
// Given "C:\foo\bar" it returns "C:" on Windows.
// Given "\\host\share\foo" it returns "\\host\share".
// On other platforms it returns "".
// The default value for os is Windows.
func VolumeName(path string, os OS) string {
return volumeName(path, getOS(os))
func volumeName(path string, os os) string {
return path[:os.volumeNameLen(path)]