blob: 92dfefc067a2616319a061affd60814119a0f92a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package istio.mixer.v1.config.client;
option go_package="";
import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
import "mixer/v1/attributes.proto";
import "mixer/v1/config/client/service.proto";
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters_all) = false;
option (gogoproto.equal_all) = false;
option (gogoproto.gostring_all) = false;
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
// HTTPAPISpec defines the canonical configuration for generating
// API-related attributes from HTTP requests based on the method and
// uri templated path matches. It is sufficient for defining the API
// surface of a service for the purposes of API attribute
// generation. It is not intended to represent auth, quota,
// documentation, or other information commonly found in other API
// specifications, e.g. OpenAPI.
// Existing standards that define operations (or methods) in terms of
// HTTP methods and paths can be normalized to this format for use in
// Istio. For example, a simple petstore API described by OpenAPIv2
// [here](
// can be represented with the following HTTPAPISpec.
// ```yaml
// apiVersion:
// kind: HTTPAPISpec
// metadata:
// name: petstore
// namespace: default
// spec:
// attributes:
// attributes:
// api.service:
// stringValue:
// api.version:
// stringValue: 1.0.0
// patterns:
// - attributes:
// attributes:
// api.operation:
// stringValue: findPets
// httpMethod: GET
// uriTemplate: /api/pets
// - attributes:
// attributes:
// api.operation:
// stringValue: addPet
// httpMethod: POST
// uriTemplate: /api/pets
// - attributes:
// attributes:
// api.operation:
// stringValue: findPetById
// httpMethod: GET
// uriTemplate: /api/pets/{id}
// - attributes:
// attributes:
// api.operation:
// stringValue: deletePet
// httpMethod: DELETE
// uriTemplate: /api/pets/{id}
// api_keys:
// - query: api-key
// ```
message HTTPAPISpec {
// List of attributes that are generated when *any* of the HTTP
// patterns match. This list typically includes the "api.service"
// and "api.version" attributes.
Attributes attributes = 1;
// List of HTTP patterns to match.
repeated HTTPAPISpecPattern patterns = 2;
// List of APIKey that describes how to extract an API-KEY from an
// HTTP request. The first API-Key match found in the list is used,
// i.e. 'OR' semantics.
// The following default policies are used to generate the
// `request.api_key` attribute if no explicit APIKey is defined.
// `query: key, `query: api_key`, and then `header: x-api-key`
repeated APIKey api_keys = 3;
// HTTPAPISpecPattern defines a single pattern to match against
// incoming HTTP requests. The per-pattern list of attributes is
// generated if both the http_method and uri_template match. In
// addition, the top-level list of attributes in the HTTPAPISpec is also
// generated.
// ```yaml
// pattern:
// - attributes
// api.operation: doFooBar
// httpMethod: GET
// uriTemplate: /foo/bar
// ```
message HTTPAPISpecPattern {
// List of attributes that are generated if the HTTP request matches
// the specified http_method and uri_template. This typically
// includes the "api.operation" attribute.
Attributes attributes = 1;
// HTTP request method to match against as defined by
// [rfc7231]( For
// example: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE.
string http_method = 2;
oneof pattern {
// URI template to match against as defined by
// [rfc6570]( For example, the
// following are valid URI templates:
// /pets
// /pets/{id}
// /dictionary/{term:1}/{term}
// /search{?q*,lang}
string uri_template = 3;
// ecmascript style regex-based match as defined by
// [EDCA-262]( For
// example,
// "^/pets/(.*?)?"
string regex = 4;
// APIKey defines the explicit configuration for generating the
// `request.api_key` attribute from HTTP requests.
// See [API Keys](
// for a general overview of API keys as defined by OpenAPI.
message APIKey {
oneof key {
// API Key is sent as a query parameter. `query` represents the
// query string parameter name.
// For example, `query=api_key` should be used with the
// following request:
// GET /something?api_key=abcdef12345
string query = 1;
// API key is sent in a request header. `header` represents the
// header name.
// For example, `header=X-API-KEY` should be used with the
// following request:
// GET /something HTTP/1.1
// X-API-Key: abcdef12345
string header = 2;
// API key is sent in a
// [cookie](,
// For example, `cookie=X-API-KEY` should be used for the
// following request:
// GET /something HTTP/1.1
// Cookie: X-API-KEY=abcdef12345
string cookie = 3;
// HTTPAPISpecReference defines a reference to an HTTPAPISpec. This is
// typically used for establishing bindings between an HTTPAPISpec and an
// IstioService. For example, the following defines an
// HTTPAPISpecReference for service `foo` in namespace `bar`.
// ```yaml
// - name: foo
// namespace: bar
// ```
message HTTPAPISpecReference {
// REQUIRED. The short name of the HTTPAPISpec. This is the resource
// name defined by the metadata name field.
string name = 1;
// Optional namespace of the HTTPAPISpec. Defaults to the encompassing
// HTTPAPISpecBinding's metadata namespace field.
string namespace = 2;
// HTTPAPISpecBinding defines the binding between HTTPAPISpecs and one or more
// IstioService. For example, the following establishes a binding
// between the HTTPAPISpec `petstore` and service `foo` in namespace `bar`.
// ```yaml
// apiVersion:
// kind: HTTPAPISpecBinding
// metadata:
// name: my-binding
// namespace: default
// spec:
// services:
// - name: foo
// namespace: bar
// api_specs:
// - name: petstore
// namespace: default
// ```
message HTTPAPISpecBinding {
// REQUIRED. One or more services to map the listed HTTPAPISpec onto.
repeated IstioService services = 1;
// REQUIRED. One or more HTTPAPISpec references that should be mapped to
// the specified service(s). The aggregate collection of match
// conditions defined in the HTTPAPISpecs should not overlap.
repeated HTTPAPISpecReference api_specs = 2;