blob: 892ae89f99deb8b574a7f9fed36fec7dd384979f [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by cue get go. DO NOT EDIT.
//cue:generate cue get go
package v1
// ImagePolicyFailedOpenKey is added to pods created by failing open when the image policy
// webhook backend fails.
ImagePolicyFailedOpenKey :: ""
// PodPresetOptOutAnnotationKey represents the annotation key for a pod to exempt itself from pod preset manipulation
PodPresetOptOutAnnotationKey :: ""
// MirrorAnnotationKey represents the annotation key set by kubelets when creating mirror pods
MirrorPodAnnotationKey :: ""
// TolerationsAnnotationKey represents the key of tolerations data (json serialized)
// in the Annotations of a Pod.
TolerationsAnnotationKey :: ""
// TaintsAnnotationKey represents the key of taints data (json serialized)
// in the Annotations of a Node.
TaintsAnnotationKey :: ""
// SeccompPodAnnotationKey represents the key of a seccomp profile applied
// to all containers of a pod.
SeccompPodAnnotationKey :: ""
// SeccompContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix represents the key of a seccomp profile applied
// to one container of a pod.
SeccompContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix :: ""
// SeccompProfileRuntimeDefault represents the default seccomp profile used by container runtime.
SeccompProfileRuntimeDefault :: "runtime/default"
// DeprecatedSeccompProfileDockerDefault represents the default seccomp profile used by docker.
// This is now deprecated and should be replaced by SeccompProfileRuntimeDefault.
DeprecatedSeccompProfileDockerDefault :: "docker/default"
// PreferAvoidPodsAnnotationKey represents the key of preferAvoidPods data (json serialized)
// in the Annotations of a Node.
PreferAvoidPodsAnnotationKey :: ""
// ObjectTTLAnnotations represents a suggestion for kubelet for how long it can cache
// an object (e.g. secret, config map) before fetching it again from apiserver.
// This annotation can be attached to node.
ObjectTTLAnnotationKey :: ""
// annotation key prefix used to identify non-convertible json paths.
NonConvertibleAnnotationPrefix :: ""
// LastAppliedConfigAnnotation is the annotation used to store the previous
// configuration of a resource for use in a three way diff by UpdateApplyAnnotation.
LastAppliedConfigAnnotation :: ""
// AnnotationLoadBalancerSourceRangesKey is the key of the annotation on a service to set allowed ingress ranges on their LoadBalancers
// It should be a comma-separated list of CIDRs, e.g. `` to
// allow full access (the default) or `,` to allow
// access only from the CIDRs currently allocated to MIT & the USPS.
// Not all cloud providers support this annotation, though AWS & GCE do.
AnnotationLoadBalancerSourceRangesKey :: ""
// EndpointsLastChangeTriggerTime is the annotation key, set for endpoints objects, that
// represents the timestamp (stored as RFC 3339 date-time string, e.g. '2018-10-22T19:32:52.1Z')
// of the last change, of some Pod or Service object, that triggered the endpoints object change.
// In other words, if a Pod / Service changed at time T0, that change was observed by endpoints
// controller at T1, and the Endpoints object was changed at T2, the
// EndpointsLastChangeTriggerTime would be set to T0.
// The "endpoints change trigger" here means any Pod or Service change that resulted in the
// Endpoints object change.
// Given the definition of the "endpoints change trigger", please note that this annotation will
// be set ONLY for endpoints object changes triggered by either Pod or Service change. If the
// Endpoints object changes due to other reasons, this annotation won't be set (or updated if it's
// already set).
// This annotation will be used to compute the in-cluster network programming latency SLI, see
EndpointsLastChangeTriggerTime :: ""
// MigratedPluginsAnnotationKey is the annotation key, set for CSINode objects, that is a comma-separated
// list of in-tree plugins that will be serviced by the CSI backend on the Node represented by CSINode.
// This annotation is used by the Attach Detach Controller to determine whether to use the in-tree or
// CSI Backend for a volume plugin on a specific node.
MigratedPluginsAnnotationKey :: ""