blob: 528954136697fc3986bc93d2087a82560d74239c [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by cue get go. DO NOT EDIT.
//cue:generate cue get go
package types
// NodeName is a type that holds a api.Node's Name identifier.
// Being a type captures intent and helps make sure that the node name
// is not confused with similar concepts (the hostname, the cloud provider id,
// the cloud provider name etc)
// To clarify the various types:
// * Node.Name is the Name field of the Node in the API. This should be stored in a NodeName.
// Unfortunately, because Name is part of ObjectMeta, we can't store it as a NodeName at the API level.
// * Hostname is the hostname of the local machine (from uname -n).
// However, some components allow the user to pass in a --hostname-override flag,
// which will override this in most places. In the absence of anything more meaningful,
// kubelet will use Hostname as the Node.Name when it creates the Node.
// * The cloudproviders have the own names: GCE has InstanceName, AWS has InstanceId.
// For GCE, InstanceName is the Name of an Instance object in the GCE API. On GCE, Instance.Name becomes the
// Hostname, and thus it makes sense also to use it as the Node.Name. But that is GCE specific, and it is up
// to the cloudprovider how to do this mapping.
// For AWS, the InstanceID is not yet suitable for use as a Node.Name, so we actually use the
// PrivateDnsName for the Node.Name. And this is _not_ always the same as the hostname: if
// we are using a custom DHCP domain it won't be.
NodeName :: string