blob: e3f7e40f7288c6bfafb020c918579cbf280edd66 [file] [log] [blame]
# Hidden values are dropped when outputting CUE. This is fine in eval for
# debugging, but not when the final result needs to be compiled again to be
# converted to another format.
cue eval in.cue --out yaml
cmp stdout expect-stdout
-- in.cue --
#Foo: {
a: string
b: string
ab: "\(a)\(b)"
a: "aaa"
b: "bbb"
} & #Foo
#Bar: {
_c: string
_d: string
cd: "\(_c)\(_d)"
_c: "ccc"
_d: "ddd"
} & #Bar
-- expect-stdout --
a: aaa
b: bbb
ab: aaabbb
cd: cccddd