blob: 88535a59573ecec4652687fbe7c22d7a80bcfa30 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cue
import (
func getInstance(t *testing.T, body ...string) *Instance {
insts := Build(makeInstances([]*bimport{{files: body}}))
if insts[0].Err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected parse error: %v", insts[0].Err)
return insts[0]
func TestAPI(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
input string
fun func(i *Instance) Value
want string
skip bool
// Issue #567
input: `
#runSpec: {action: foo: int}
v: {ction: foo: 1}
fun: func(i *Instance) Value {
runSpec := i.LookupDef("#runSpec")
v := i.Lookup("v")
res := runSpec.Unify(v)
return res
want: "_|_ // #runSpec: field ction not allowed",
}, {
// Issue #567
input: `
#runSpec: {action: foo: int}
v: {action: Foo: 1}
fun: func(i *Instance) Value {
runSpec := i.LookupDef("#runSpec")
v := i.Lookup("v")
res := runSpec.Unify(v)
return res
want: "_|_ // #runSpec.action: field Foo not allowed",
}, {
input: `
#runSpec: v: {action: foo: int}
w: {ction: foo: 1}
fun: func(i *Instance) Value {
runSpec := i.LookupDef("#runSpec")
v := runSpec.Lookup("v")
w := i.Lookup("w")
res := w.Unify(v)
return res
want: "_|_ // w: field ction not allowed",
for _, tc := range testCases {
if tc.skip {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
var r Runtime
inst, err := r.Compile("in", tc.input)
if err != nil {
v :=
got := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", v)
if got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("got:\n%s\nwant:\n%s", got, tc.want)
func TestValueType(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
value string
kind Kind
incompleteKind Kind
json string
valid bool
concrete bool
closed bool
// pos token.Pos
}{{ // Not a concrete value.
value: `v: _`,
kind: BottomKind,
incompleteKind: TopKind,
}, {
value: `v: _|_`,
kind: BottomKind,
incompleteKind: BottomKind,
concrete: true,
}, {
value: `v: 1&2`,
kind: BottomKind,
incompleteKind: BottomKind,
concrete: true,
}, {
value: `v: b, b: 1&2`,
kind: BottomKind,
incompleteKind: BottomKind,
concrete: true,
}, {
value: `v: (b[a]), b: 1, a: 1`,
kind: BottomKind,
incompleteKind: BottomKind,
concrete: true,
}, { // TODO: should be error{
value: `v: (b)
b: bool`,
kind: BottomKind,
incompleteKind: BoolKind,
}, {
value: `v: ([][b]), b: "d"`,
kind: BottomKind,
incompleteKind: BottomKind,
concrete: true,
}, {
value: `v: null`,
kind: NullKind,
incompleteKind: NullKind,
concrete: true,
}, {
value: `v: true`,
kind: BoolKind,
incompleteKind: BoolKind,
concrete: true,
}, {
value: `v: false`,
kind: BoolKind,
incompleteKind: BoolKind,
concrete: true,
}, {
value: `v: bool`,
kind: BottomKind,
incompleteKind: BoolKind,
}, {
value: `v: 2`,
kind: IntKind,
incompleteKind: IntKind,
concrete: true,
}, {
value: `v: 2.0`,
kind: FloatKind,
incompleteKind: FloatKind,
concrete: true,
}, {
value: `v: 2.0Mi`,
kind: IntKind,
incompleteKind: IntKind,
concrete: true,
}, {
value: `v: 14_000`,
kind: IntKind,
incompleteKind: IntKind,
concrete: true,
}, {
value: `v: >=0 & <5`,
kind: BottomKind,
incompleteKind: NumberKind,
}, {
value: `v: float`,
kind: BottomKind,
incompleteKind: FloatKind,
}, {
value: `v: "str"`,
kind: StringKind,
incompleteKind: StringKind,
concrete: true,
}, {
value: "v: '''\n'''",
kind: BytesKind,
incompleteKind: BytesKind,
concrete: true,
}, {
value: "v: string",
kind: BottomKind,
incompleteKind: StringKind,
}, {
value: `v: {}`,
kind: StructKind,
incompleteKind: StructKind,
concrete: true,
}, {
value: `v: close({})`,
kind: StructKind,
incompleteKind: StructKind,
concrete: true,
closed: true,
}, {
value: `v: []`,
kind: ListKind,
incompleteKind: ListKind,
concrete: true,
closed: true,
}, {
value: `v: []`,
kind: BottomKind,
incompleteKind: ListKind,
concrete: false,
}, {
value: `v: {a: int, b: [1][a]}.b`,
kind: BottomKind,
concrete: false,
}, {
value: `import "time"
v: time.Time`,
kind: BottomKind,
incompleteKind: StringKind,
concrete: false,
}, {
value: `import "time"
v: {a: time.Time}.a`,
kind: BottomKind,
incompleteKind: StringKind,
concrete: false,
}, {
value: `import "time"
v: {a: time.Time & string}.a`,
kind: BottomKind,
incompleteKind: StringKind,
concrete: false,
}, {
value: `import "strings"
v: {a: strings.ContainsAny("D")}.a`,
kind: BottomKind,
incompleteKind: StringKind,
concrete: false,
}, {
value: `import "struct"
v: {a: struct.MaxFields(2) & {}}.a`,
kind: StructKind, // Can determine a valid struct already.
incompleteKind: StructKind,
concrete: true,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.value, func(t *testing.T) {
inst := getInstance(t, tc.value)
v := inst.Lookup("v")
if got := v.Kind(); got != tc.kind {
t.Errorf("Kind: got %x; want %x", int(got), int(tc.kind))
want := tc.incompleteKind | BottomKind
if got := v.IncompleteKind(); got != want {
t.Errorf("IncompleteKind: got %x; want %x", int(got), int(want))
if got := v.IsConcrete(); got != tc.concrete {
t.Errorf("IsConcrete: got %v; want %v", got, tc.concrete)
if got := v.IsClosed(); got != tc.closed {
t.Errorf("IsClosed: got %v; want %v", got, tc.closed)
func TestInt(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
value string
int int64
uint uint64
base int
err string
errU string
notInt bool
value: "1",
int: 1,
uint: 1,
}, {
value: "-1",
int: -1,
uint: 0,
errU: ErrAbove.Error(),
}, {
value: "-111222333444555666777888999000",
int: math.MinInt64,
uint: 0,
err: ErrAbove.Error(),
errU: ErrAbove.Error(),
}, {
value: "111222333444555666777888999000",
int: math.MaxInt64,
uint: math.MaxUint64,
err: ErrBelow.Error(),
errU: ErrBelow.Error(),
}, {
value: "1.0",
err: "cannot use value 1.0 (type float) as int",
errU: "cannot use value 1.0 (type float) as int",
notInt: true,
}, {
value: "int",
err: "non-concrete value int",
errU: "non-concrete value int",
notInt: true,
}, {
value: "_|_",
err: "explicit error (_|_ literal) in source",
errU: "explicit error (_|_ literal) in source",
notInt: true,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.value, func(t *testing.T) {
n := getInstance(t, tc.value).Value()
base := 10
if tc.base > 0 {
base = tc.base
b, err := n.AppendInt(nil, base)
if checkFailed(t, err, tc.err, "append") {
want := tc.value
if got := string(b); got != want {
t.Errorf("append: got %v; want %v", got, want)
vi, err := n.Int64()
checkErr(t, err, tc.err, "Int64")
if vi != {
t.Errorf("Int64: got %v; want %v", vi,
vu, err := n.Uint64()
checkErr(t, err, tc.errU, "Uint64")
if vu != uint64(tc.uint) {
t.Errorf("Uint64: got %v; want %v", vu, tc.uint)
func TestFloat(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
value string
float string
float64 float64
mant string
exp int
fmt byte
prec int
kind Kind
err string
value: "1",
float: "1",
mant: "1",
exp: 0,
float64: 1,
fmt: 'g',
kind: IntKind,
}, {
value: "-1",
float: "-1",
mant: "-1",
exp: 0,
float64: -1,
fmt: 'g',
kind: IntKind,
}, {
value: "1.0",
float: "1.0",
mant: "10",
exp: -1,
float64: 1.0,
fmt: 'g',
kind: FloatKind,
}, {
value: "2.6",
float: "2.6",
mant: "26",
exp: -1,
float64: 2.6,
fmt: 'g',
kind: FloatKind,
}, {
value: "20.600",
float: "20.60",
mant: "20600",
exp: -3,
float64: 20.60,
prec: 2,
fmt: 'f',
kind: FloatKind,
}, {
value: "1/0",
float: "",
float64: 0,
prec: 2,
fmt: 'f',
err: "division by zero",
kind: BottomKind,
}, {
value: "1.797693134862315708145274237317043567982e+308",
float: "1.8e+308",
mant: "1797693134862315708145274237317043567982",
exp: 269,
float64: math.Inf(1),
prec: 2,
fmt: 'g',
err: ErrAbove.Error(),
kind: FloatKind,
}, {
value: "-1.797693134862315708145274237317043567982e+308",
float: "-1.8e+308",
mant: "-1797693134862315708145274237317043567982",
exp: 269,
float64: math.Inf(-1),
prec: 2,
fmt: 'g',
kind: FloatKind,
err: ErrBelow.Error(),
}, {
value: "4.940656458412465441765687928682213723650e-324",
float: "4.941e-324",
mant: "4940656458412465441765687928682213723650",
exp: -363,
float64: 0,
prec: 4,
fmt: 'g',
kind: FloatKind,
err: ErrBelow.Error(),
}, {
value: "-4.940656458412465441765687928682213723650e-324",
float: "-4.940656458412465441765687928682213723650e-324",
mant: "-4940656458412465441765687928682213723650",
exp: -363,
float64: 0,
prec: -1,
fmt: 'g',
kind: FloatKind,
err: ErrAbove.Error(),
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.value, func(t *testing.T) {
n := getInstance(t, tc.value).Value()
if n.Kind() != tc.kind {
t.Fatal("Not a number")
var mant big.Int
exp, err := n.MantExp(&mant)
mstr := ""
if err == nil {
mstr = mant.String()
if exp != tc.exp || mstr != tc.mant {
t.Errorf("mantExp: got %s %d; want %s %d", mstr, exp, tc.mant, tc.exp)
b, _ := n.AppendFloat(nil, tc.fmt, tc.prec)
want := tc.float
if got := string(b); got != want {
t.Errorf("append: got %v; want %v", got, want)
f, err := n.Float64()
checkErr(t, err, tc.err, "Float64")
if f != tc.float64 {
t.Errorf("Float64: got %v; want %v", f, tc.float64)
func TestString(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
value string
str string
err string
value: `""`,
str: ``,
}, {
value: `"Hello world!"`,
str: `Hello world!`,
}, {
value: `"Hello \(#world)!"
#world: "world"`,
str: `Hello world!`,
}, {
value: `string`,
err: "non-concrete value string",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.value, func(t *testing.T) {
str, err := getInstance(t, tc.value).Value().String()
checkFatal(t, err, tc.err, "init")
if str != tc.str {
t.Errorf("String: got %q; want %q", str, tc.str)
b, err := getInstance(t, tc.value).Value().Bytes()
checkFatal(t, err, tc.err, "init")
if got := string(b); got != tc.str {
t.Errorf("Bytes: got %q; want %q", got, tc.str)
r, err := getInstance(t, tc.value).Value().Reader()
checkFatal(t, err, tc.err, "init")
b, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if got := string(b); got != tc.str {
t.Errorf("Reader: got %q; want %q", got, tc.str)
func TestError(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
value string
err string
value: `_|_`,
err: "explicit error (_|_ literal) in source",
}, {
value: `"Hello world!"`,
}, {
value: `string`,
err: "",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.value, func(t *testing.T) {
err := getInstance(t, tc.value).Value().Err()
checkErr(t, err, tc.err, "init")
func TestNull(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
value string
err string
value: `v: _|_`,
err: "explicit error (_|_ literal) in source",
}, {
value: `v: "str"`,
err: "cannot use value \"str\" (type string) as null",
}, {
value: `v: null`,
}, {
value: `v: _`,
err: "non-concrete value _",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.value, func(t *testing.T) {
err := getInstance(t, tc.value).Lookup("v").Null()
checkErr(t, err, tc.err, "init")
func TestBool(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
value string
bool bool
err string
value: `_|_`,
err: "explicit error (_|_ literal) in source",
}, {
value: `"str"`,
err: "cannot use value \"str\" (type string) as bool",
}, {
value: `true`,
bool: true,
}, {
value: `false`,
}, {
value: `bool`,
err: "non-concrete value bool",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.value, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := getInstance(t, tc.value).Value().Bool()
if checkErr(t, err, tc.err, "init") {
if got != tc.bool {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc.bool)
func TestList(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
value string
res string
err string
value: `_|_`,
err: "explicit error (_|_ literal) in source",
}, {
value: `"str"`,
err: "cannot use value \"str\" (type string) as list",
}, {
value: `[]`,
res: "[]",
}, {
value: `[1,2,3]`,
res: "[1,2,3,]",
}, {
value: `[for x in #y if x > 1 { x }]
#y: [1,2,3]`,
res: "[2,3,]",
}, {
value: `[int]`,
err: "cannot convert incomplete value",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.value, func(t *testing.T) {
l, err := getInstance(t, tc.value).Value().List()
checkFatal(t, err, tc.err, "init")
buf := []byte{'['}
for l.Next() {
b, err := l.Value().MarshalJSON()
checkFatal(t, err, tc.err, "list.Value")
buf = append(buf, b...)
buf = append(buf, ',')
buf = append(buf, ']')
if got := string(buf); got != tc.res {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc.res)
func TestFields(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
value string
res string
err string
value: `{ #def: 1, _hidden: 2, opt?: 3, reg: 4 }`,
res: "{reg:4,}",
}, {
value: `_|_`,
err: "explicit error (_|_ literal) in source",
}, {
value: `"str"`,
err: "cannot use value \"str\" (type string) as struct",
}, {
value: `{}`,
res: "{}",
}, {
value: `{a:1,b:2,c:3}`,
res: "{a:1,b:2,c:3,}",
}, {
value: `{a:1,"_b":2,c:3,_d:4}`,
res: `{a:1,"_b":2,c:3,}`,
}, {
value: `{_a:"a"}`,
res: "{}",
}, {
value: `{ for k, v in #y if v > 1 {"\(k)": v} }
#y: {a:1,b:2,c:3}`,
res: "{b:2,c:3,}",
}, {
value: `{ #def: 1, _hidden: 2, opt?: 3, reg: 4 }`,
res: "{reg:4,}",
}, {
value: `{a:1,b:2,c:int}`,
err: "cannot convert incomplete value",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.value, func(t *testing.T) {
obj := getInstance(t, tc.value).Value()
iter, err := obj.Fields()
checkFatal(t, err, tc.err, "init")
buf := []byte{'{'}
for iter.Next() {
buf = append(buf, iter.Selector().String()...)
buf = append(buf, ':')
b, err := iter.Value().MarshalJSON()
checkFatal(t, err, tc.err, "Obj.At")
buf = append(buf, b...)
buf = append(buf, ',')
buf = append(buf, '}')
if got := string(buf); got != tc.res {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc.res)
iter, _ = obj.Fields()
for iter.Next() {
want, err := iter.Value().MarshalJSON()
checkFatal(t, err, tc.err, "Obj.At2")
got, err := obj.Lookup(iter.Label()).MarshalJSON()
checkFatal(t, err, tc.err, "Obj.At2")
if !bytes.Equal(got, want) {
t.Errorf("Lookup: got %q; want %q", got, want)
v := obj.Lookup("non-existing")
checkErr(t, v.Err(), "not found", "non-existing")
func TestAllFields(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
value string
res string
err string
value: `{a:1,"_b":2,c:3,_d:4}`,
res: "{a:1,_b:2,c:3,_d:4,}",
}, {
value: `{_a:"a"}`,
res: `{_a:"a",}`,
}, {
value: `{_a:"a", b?: "b", #c: 3}`,
res: `{_a:"a",b?:"b",#c:3,}`,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.value, func(t *testing.T) {
obj := getInstance(t, tc.value).Value()
var iter *Iterator // Verify that the returned iterator is a pointer.
iter, err := obj.Fields(All())
checkFatal(t, err, tc.err, "init")
buf := []byte{'{'}
for iter.Next() {
buf = append(buf, iter.Label()...)
if iter.IsOptional() {
buf = append(buf, '?')
buf = append(buf, ':')
b, err := iter.Value().MarshalJSON()
checkFatal(t, err, tc.err, "Obj.At")
buf = append(buf, b...)
buf = append(buf, ',')
buf = append(buf, '}')
if got := string(buf); got != tc.res {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc.res)
func TestLookup(t *testing.T) {
var runtime = new(Runtime)
inst, err := runtime.Compile("x.cue", `
#V: {
x: int
#X: {
[string]: int64
} & #V
v: #X
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("compile: %v", err)
// expr, err := parser.ParseExpr("lookup.cue", `v`, parser.DeclarationErrors, parser.AllErrors)
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatalf("parseExpr: %v", err)
// }
// v := inst.Eval(expr)
testCases := []struct {
ref []string
raw string
eval string
ref: []string{"v", "x"},
raw: ">=-9223372036854775808 & <=9223372036854775807 & int",
eval: "int64",
for _, tc := range testCases {
v := inst.Lookup(tc.ref...)
if got := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", v); got != tc.raw {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc.raw)
got := fmt.Sprint(astinternal.DebugStr(v.Eval().Syntax()))
if got != tc.eval {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc.eval)
v = inst.Lookup()
for _, ref := range tc.ref {
s, err := v.Struct()
if err != nil {
fi, err := s.FieldByName(ref, false)
if err != nil {
v = fi.Value
if got := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", v); got != tc.raw {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc.raw)
got = fmt.Sprint(astinternal.DebugStr(v.Eval().Syntax()))
if got != tc.eval {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc.eval)
func compileT(t *testing.T, r *Runtime, s string) *Instance {
inst, err := r.Compile("", s)
if err != nil {
return inst
func goValue(v Value) interface{} {
var x interface{}
err := v.Decode(&x)
if err != nil {
return err
return x
// TODO: Exporting of Vertex as Conjunct
func TestFill(t *testing.T) {
r := &Runtime{}
inst, err := r.CompileExpr(ast.NewStruct("bar", ast.NewString("baz")))
if err != nil {
testCases := []struct {
in string
x interface{}
path string // comma-separated path
out string
in: `
foo: int
bar: foo
x: 3,
path: "foo",
out: `
foo: 3
bar: 3
}, {
in: `
x: "foo",
path: "",
out: `
}, {
in: `
foo: _
x: inst.Value(),
path: "foo",
out: `
{foo: {bar: "baz"}}
for _, tc := range testCases {
var path []string
if tc.path != "" {
path = strings.Split(tc.path, ",")
v := compileT(t, r,
v = v.Fill(tc.x, path...)
w := compileT(t, r, tc.out).Value()
if !cmp.Equal(goValue(v), goValue(w)) {
t.Error(cmp.Diff(goValue(v), goValue(w)))
t.Errorf("\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", v, w)
func TestFill2(t *testing.T) {
r := &Runtime{}
root, err := r.Compile("test", `
#Provider: {
ID: string
notConcrete: bool
a: int
b: int
if err != nil {
spec := root.LookupDef("#Provider")
providerInstance := spec.Fill("12345", "ID")
root, err = root.Fill(providerInstance, "providers", "myprovider")
if err != nil {
got := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", root.Value())
want := `#Provider: {
ID: string
notConcrete: bool
a: int
b: int
providers: {
myprovider: {
ID: "12345"
notConcrete: bool
a: int
b: int
if got != want {
t.Errorf("got: %s\nwant: %s", got, want)
func TestFillPath(t *testing.T) {
r := &Runtime{}
inst, err := r.CompileExpr(ast.NewStruct("bar", ast.NewString("baz")))
if err != nil {
testCases := []struct {
in string
x interface{}
path Path
out string
in: `
foo: int
bar: foo
x: 3,
path: ParsePath("foo"),
out: `
foo: 3
bar: 3
}, {
in: `
X="#foo": int
bar: X
x: 3,
path: ParsePath(`"#foo"`),
out: `
"#foo": 3
bar: 3
}, {
in: `
X="#foo": foo: int
x: 3,
path: ParsePath(`"#foo".foo`),
out: `
"#foo": foo: 3
bar: 3
}, {
in: `
foo: #foo: int
bar: foo.#foo
x: 3,
path: ParsePath("foo.#foo"),
out: `
foo: {
#foo: 3
bar: 3
}, {
in: `
foo: _foo: int
bar: foo._foo
x: 3,
path: MakePath(Str("foo"), Hid("_foo", "_")),
out: `
foo: {
_foo: 3
bar: 3
}, {
in: `
x: "foo",
path: ParsePath(""),
out: `
}, {
in: `
foo: _
x: inst.Value(),
path: ParsePath("foo"),
out: `
{foo: {bar: "baz"}}
}, {
// Resolve to enclosing
in: `
foo: _
x: 1
x: ast.NewIdent("x"),
path: ParsePath("foo"),
out: `
{foo: 1, x: 1}
}, {
in: `
foo: {
bar: _
x: 1
x: ast.NewIdent("x"),
path: ParsePath(""),
out: `
{foo: {bar: 1, x: 1}}
}, {
// Resolve one scope up
in: `
x: 1
foo: {
bar: _
x: ast.NewIdent("x"),
path: ParsePath(""),
out: `
{foo: {bar: 1}, x: 1}
}, {
// Resolve within ast expression
in: `
foo: {
bar: _
x: ast.NewStruct(
ast.NewIdent("x"), ast.NewString("1"),
ast.NewIdent("y"), ast.NewIdent("x"),
path: ParsePath(""),
out: `
{foo: {bar: {x: "1", y: "1"}}}
}, {
// Resolve in non-existing
in: `
foo: x: 1
x: ast.NewIdent("x"),
path: ParsePath(""),
out: `
{foo: {x: 1, bar: baz: 1}}
}, {
// empty path
in: `
#foo: 1
x: ast.NewIdent("#foo"),
out: `{1, #foo: 1}`,
}, {
in: `[]`,
x: 1,
path: ParsePath("0"),
out: `[1]`,
}, {
in: `[1,]`,
x: 1,
path: ParsePath("1"),
out: `[1, 1]`,
}, {
in: `a: {b: v: int, c: v: int}`,
x: 1,
path: MakePath(Str("a"), AnyString, Str("v")),
out: `{
a: {
b: {
v: 1
c: {
v: 1
}, {
in: `a: [_]`,
x: 1,
path: MakePath(Str("a"), AnyIndex, Str("b")),
out: `{
a: [{
b: 1
}, {
in: `a: 1`,
x: 1,
path: MakePath(Str("b").Optional()),
out: `{a: 1}`,
}, {
in: `b: int`,
x: 1,
path: MakePath(Str("b").Optional()),
out: `{b: 1}`,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
v := compileT(t, r,
v = v.FillPath(tc.path, tc.x)
w := compileT(t, r, tc.out).Value()
if !cmp.Equal(goValue(v), goValue(w)) {
t.Error(cmp.Diff(goValue(v), goValue(w)))
t.Errorf("\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", v, w)
func TestFillPathError(t *testing.T) {
r := &Runtime{}
type key struct{ a int }
testCases := []struct {
in string
x interface{}
path Path
err string
// unsupported type.
in: `_`,
x: make(chan int),
err: "unsupported Go type (chan int)",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
v := compileT(t, r,
v = v.FillPath(tc.path, tc.x)
err := v.Err()
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected success")
if got := err.Error(); !strings.Contains(got, tc.err) {
t.Errorf("\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", got, tc.err)
func TestAllows(t *testing.T) {
r := &Runtime{}
testCases := []struct {
desc string
in string
sel Selector
allow bool
desc: "allow new field in open struct",
in: `
x: {
a: int
sel: Str("b"),
allow: true,
}, {
desc: "disallow new field in definition",
in: `
x: #Def
#Def: {
a: int
sel: Str("b"),
}, {
desc: "disallow new field in explicitly closed struct",
in: `
x: close({
a: int
sel: Str("b"),
}, {
desc: "allow index in open list",
in: `
x: []
sel: Index(100),
allow: true,
}, {
desc: "disallow index in closed list",
in: `
x: []
sel: Index(0),
}, {
desc: "allow existing index in closed list",
in: `
x: [1]
sel: Index(0),
allow: true,
}, {
desc: "definition in non-def closed list",
in: `
x: [1]
sel: Def("#foo"),
allow: true,
}, {
// TODO(disallow)
desc: "definition in def open list",
in: `
x: #Def
x: [1]
#Def: []
sel: Def("#foo"),
allow: true,
}, {
desc: "field in def open list",
in: `
x: #Def
x: [1]
#Def: []
sel: Str("foo"),
}, {
desc: "definition in open scalar",
in: `
x: 1
sel: Def("#foo"),
allow: true,
}, {
desc: "field in scalar",
in: `
x: #Def
x: 1
#Def: int
sel: Str("foo"),
}, {
desc: "any index in closed list",
in: `
x: [1]
sel: AnyIndex,
}, {
desc: "any index in open list",
in: `
x: []
sel: AnyIndex,
allow: true,
}, {
desc: "definition in open scalar",
in: `
x: 1
sel: anyDefinition,
allow: true,
}, {
desc: "field in open scalar",
in: `
x: 1
sel: AnyString,
// TODO(v0.6.0)
// }, {
// desc: "definition in closed scalar",
// in: `
// x: #Def
// x: 1
// #Def: int
// `,
// sel: AnyDefinition,
// allow: true,
}, {
desc: "allow field in any",
in: `
x: _
sel: AnyString,
allow: true,
}, {
desc: "allow index in any",
in: `
x: _
sel: AnyIndex,
allow: true,
}, {
desc: "allow index in disjunction",
in: `
x: [] | 1
sel: AnyIndex,
allow: true,
}, {
desc: "allow index in disjunction",
in: `
x: [] | []
sel: AnyIndex,
allow: true,
}, {
desc: "disallow index in disjunction",
in: `
x: [1, 2] | [3, 2]
sel: AnyIndex,
}, {
desc: "disallow index in non-list disjunction",
in: `
x: "foo" | 1
sel: AnyIndex,
}, {
desc: "allow label in disjunction",
in: `
x: {} | 1
sel: AnyString,
allow: true,
}, {
desc: "allow label in disjunction",
in: `
x: #Def
#Def: { a: 1 } | { b: 1, ... }
sel: AnyString,
allow: true,
}, {
desc: "disallow label in disjunction",
in: `
x: #Def
#Def: { a: 1 } | { b: 1 }
sel: AnyString,
}, {
desc: "pattern constraint",
in: `
x: #PC
#PC: [>"m"]: int
sel: Str(""),
}, {
desc: "pattern constraint",
in: `
x: #PC
#PC: [>"m"]: int
sel: Str("z"),
allow: true,
}, {
desc: "any in pattern constraint",
in: `
x: #PC
#PC: [>"m"]: int
sel: AnyString,
}, {
desc: "any in pattern constraint",
in: `
x: #PC
#PC: [>" "]: int
sel: AnyString,
path := ParsePath("x")
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
v := compileT(t, r,
v = v.LookupPath(path)
got := v.Allows(tc.sel)
if got != tc.allow {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc.allow)
func TestFillFloat(t *testing.T) {
// This tests panics for issue #749
want := `{
x: 3.14
filltest := func(x interface{}) {
r := &Runtime{}
i, err := r.Compile("test", `
x: number
if err != nil {
i, err = i.Fill(x, "x")
if err != nil {
got := fmt.Sprint(i.Value())
if got != want {
t.Errorf("got: %s\nwant: %s", got, want)
func TestValue_LookupDef(t *testing.T) {
r := &Runtime{}
testCases := []struct {
in string
def string // comma-separated path
exists bool
out string
in: `#foo: 3`,
def: "#foo",
out: `3`,
}, {
in: `_foo: 3`,
def: "_foo",
out: `_|_ // field "#_foo" not found`,
}, {
in: `_#foo: 3`,
def: "_#foo",
out: `_|_ // field "_#foo" not found`,
}, {
in: `"foo", #foo: 3`,
def: "#foo",
out: `3`,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.def, func(t *testing.T) {
v := compileT(t, r,
v = v.LookupDef(tc.def)
got := fmt.Sprint(v)
if got != tc.out {
t.Errorf("\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", got, tc.out)
// TODO: trim down to individual defaults?
func TestDefaults(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
value string
def string
val string
ok bool
value: `number | *1`,
def: "1",
val: "number",
ok: true,
}, {
value: `1 | 2 | *3`,
def: "3",
val: "1|2|3",
ok: true,
}, {
value: `*{a:1,b:2}|{a:1}|{b:2}`,
def: "{a:1,b:2}",
val: "{a: 1}|{b: 2}",
ok: true,
}, {
value: `{a:1}&{b:2}`,
def: `({a:1} & {b:2})`,
val: ``,
ok: false,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.value, func(t *testing.T) {
v := getInstance(t, "a: "+tc.value).Lookup("a")
d, ok := v.Default()
if ok != tc.ok {
t.Errorf("hasDefault: got %v; want %v", ok, tc.ok)
if got := compactRawStr(d); got != tc.def {
t.Errorf("default: got %v; want %v", got, tc.def)
op, val := d.Expr()
if op != OrOp {
vars := []string{}
for _, v := range val {
vars = append(vars, fmt.Sprint(v))
if got := strings.Join(vars, "|"); got != tc.val {
t.Errorf("value: got %v; want %v", got, tc.val)
func TestLen(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
input string
length string
input: "[1, 3]",
length: "2",
}, {
input: "[1, 3, ...]",
length: "int & >=2",
}, {
input: `"foo"`,
length: "3",
}, {
input: `'foo'`,
length: "3",
// TODO: Currently not supported.
// }, {
// input: "{a:1, b:3, a:1, c?: 3, _hidden: 4}",
// length: "2",
}, {
input: "3",
length: "_|_ // len not supported for type int",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.input, func(t *testing.T) {
v := getInstance(t, "a: "+tc.input).Lookup("a")
length := v.Len()
if got := fmt.Sprint(length); got != tc.length {
t.Errorf("length: got %v; want %v", got, tc.length)
func TestTemplate(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
value string
path []string
want string
value: `
a: [Name=string]: Name
path: []string{"a", ""},
want: `"label"`,
}, {
value: `
[Name=string]: { a: Name }
path: []string{"", "a"},
want: `"label"`,
}, {
value: `
[Name=string]: { a: Name }
path: []string{""},
want: `{"a":"label"}`,
}, {
value: `
a: [Foo=string]: [Bar=string]: { b: Foo+Bar }
path: []string{"a", "", ""},
want: `{"b":"labellabel"}`,
}, {
value: `
a: [Foo=string]: b: [Bar=string]: { c: Foo+Bar }
a: foo: b: [Bar=string]: { d: Bar }
path: []string{"a", "foo", "b", ""},
want: `{"c":"foolabel","d":"label"}`,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
v := getInstance(t, tc.value).Value()
for _, p := range tc.path {
if p == "" {
v = v.Template()("label")
} else {
v = v.Lookup(p)
b, err := v.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
if got := string(b); got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("\n got: %q\nwant: %q", got, tc.want)
func TestElem(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
value string
path []string
want string
value: `
a: []
path: []string{"a", ""},
want: `int`,
}, {
value: `
[Name=string]: { a: Name }
path: []string{"", "a"},
want: `string`,
}, {
value: `
[Name=string]: { a: Name }
path: []string{""},
want: "{\n\ta: string\n}",
}, {
value: `
a: [Foo=string]: [Bar=string]: { b: Foo+Bar }
path: []string{"a", "", ""},
want: "{\n\tb: string + string\n}",
}, {
value: `
a: [Foo=string]: b: [Bar=string]: { c: Foo+Bar }
a: foo: b: [Bar=string]: { d: Bar }
path: []string{"a", "foo", "b", ""},
want: "{\n\tc: string + string\n\td: string\n}",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
v := getInstance(t, tc.value).Value()
v.v.Finalize(v.ctx()) // TODO: do in instance.
for _, p := range tc.path {
if p == "" {
var ok bool
v, ok = v.Elem()
if !ok {
t.Fatal("expected element")
} else {
v = v.Lookup(p)
got := fmt.Sprint(v)
// got := debug.NodeString(v.ctx(), v.v, &debug.Config{Compact: true})
if got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("\n got: %q\nwant: %q", got, tc.want)
func TestSubsume(t *testing.T) {
a := ParsePath("a")
b := ParsePath("b")
testCases := []struct {
value string
pathA Path
pathB Path
options []Option
want bool
value: `4`,
want: true,
}, {
value: `a: string, b: "foo"`,
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
want: true,
}, {
value: `a: string, b: "foo"`,
pathA: b,
pathB: a,
want: false,
}, {
value: `a: {a: string, b: 4}, b: {a: "foo", b: 4}`,
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
want: true,
}, {
value: `a: [string, 4], b: ["foo", 4]`,
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
want: true,
}, {
value: `a: [...string], b: ["foo"]`,
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
want: true,
}, {
value: `a: [], b: ["foo"]`,
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
want: false,
}, {
// Issue #566
// Closed struct subsuming open struct.
value: `
#Run: { action: "run", command: [...string] }
b: { action: "run", command: ["echo", "hello"] }
pathA: ParsePath("#Run"),
pathB: b,
// NOTE: this is for v0.2 compatibility. Logically a closed struct
// does not subsume an open struct. One could argue that the default
// of an open struct is the closed struct with the minimal number
// of fields that is an instance of it, though.
want: true, // open struct is not subsumed by closed if not final.
}, {
// Issue #566
// Closed struct subsuming open struct.
value: `
#Run: { action: "run", command: [...string] }
b: { action: "run", command: ["echo", "hello"] }
pathA: ParsePath("#Run"),
pathB: b,
options: []Option{Final()},
want: true,
}, {
// default
value: `
a: <5
b: *3 | int
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
want: true,
}, {
// Disable default elimination.
value: `
a: <5
b: *3 | int
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
options: []Option{Raw()},
want: false,
}, {
value: `
#A: {
exact: string
} | {
regex: string
#B: {
exact: string
} | {
regex: string
pathA: ParsePath("#A"),
pathB: ParsePath("#B"),
options: []Option{},
want: true,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.value, func(t *testing.T) {
v := getInstance(t, tc.value)
a := v.Value().LookupPath(tc.pathA)
b := v.Value().LookupPath(tc.pathB)
got := a.Subsume(b, tc.options...) == nil
if got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("got %v (%v); want %v (%v)", got, a, tc.want, b)
func TestSubsumes(t *testing.T) {
a := []string{"a"}
b := []string{"b"}
testCases := []struct {
value string
pathA []string
pathB []string
want bool
value: `4`,
want: true,
}, {
value: `a: string, b: "foo"`,
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
want: true,
}, {
value: `a: string, b: "foo"`,
pathA: b,
pathB: a,
want: false,
}, {
value: `a: {a: string, b: 4}, b: {a: "foo", b: 4}`,
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
want: true,
}, {
value: `a: [string, 4], b: ["foo", 4]`,
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
want: true,
}, {
value: `a: [...string], b: ["foo"]`,
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
want: true,
}, {
value: `a: [], b: ["foo"]`,
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
want: false,
}, {
value: `
a: { action: "run", command: [...string] }
b: { action: "run", command: ["echo", "hello"] }
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
want: true,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.value, func(t *testing.T) {
v := getInstance(t, tc.value)
a := v.Lookup(tc.pathA...)
b := v.Lookup(tc.pathB...)
got := a.Subsumes(b)
if got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("got %v (%v); want %v (%v)", got, a, tc.want, b)
func TestUnify(t *testing.T) {
a := []string{"a"}
b := []string{"b"}
testCases := []struct {
value string
pathA []string
pathB []string
want string
value: `4`,
want: `4`,
}, {
value: `a: string, b: "foo"`,
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
want: `"foo"`,
}, {
value: `a: string, b: "foo"`,
pathA: b,
pathB: a,
want: `"foo"`,
}, {
value: `a: {a: string, b: 4}, b: {a: "foo", b: 4}`,
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
want: `{"a":"foo","b":4}`,
}, {
value: `a: [string, 4], b: ["foo", 4]`,
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
want: `["foo",4]`,
}, {
value: `a: {a: string, _hidden: int, _#hidden: int}, b: close({a: "foo"})`,
pathA: a,
pathB: b,
want: `{"a":"foo"}`,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.value, func(t *testing.T) {
v := getInstance(t, tc.value).Value()
x := v.Lookup(tc.pathA...)
y := v.Lookup(tc.pathB...)
b, err := x.Unify(y).MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
if got := string(b); got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc.want)
func TestEquals(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
a, b string
want bool
`4`, `4`, true,
}, {
`"str"`, `2`, false,
}, {
`2`, `3`, false,
}, {
`[1]`, `[3]`, false,
}, {
`[{a: 1,...}]`, `[{a: 1,...}]`, true,
}, {
`[]`, `[]`, true,
}, {
a: b,
b: a,
a: b,
b: a,
}, {
a: "foo",
b: "bar",
a: "foo",
}, {
// Ignore closedness
`{ #Foo: { k: 1 }, a: #Foo }`,
`{ #Foo: { k: 1 }, a: { k: 1 } }`,
}, {
// Ignore optional fields
`{ #Foo: { k: 1 }, a: #Foo }`,
`{ #Foo: { k: 1 }, a: { #Foo, i?: 1 } }`,
}, {
// Treat embedding as equal
`{ a: 2, b: { 3 } }`,
`{ a: { 2 }, b: 3 }`,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
var r Runtime
a, err := r.Compile("a", tc.a)
if err != nil {
b, err := r.Compile("b", tc.b)
if err != nil {
got := a.Value().Equals(b.Value())
if got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc.want)
// TODO: options: disallow cycles.
func TestValidate(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
desc string
in string
err bool
opts []Option
desc: "issue #51",
in: `
a: [string]: foo
a: b: {}
err: true,
}, {
desc: "concrete",
in: `
a: 1
b: { c: 2, d: 3 }
c: d: e: f: 5
g?: int
opts: []Option{Concrete(true)},
}, {
desc: "definition error",
in: `
#b: 1 & 2
opts: []Option{},
err: true,
}, {
desc: "definition error okay if optional",
in: `
#b?: 1 & 2
opts: []Option{},
}, {
desc: "definition with optional",
in: `
#b: {
a: int
b?: >=0
opts: []Option{Concrete(true)},
}, {
desc: "disjunction",
in: `a: 1 | 2`,
}, {
desc: "disjunction concrete",
in: `a: 1 | 2`,
opts: []Option{Concrete(true)},
err: true,
}, {
desc: "incomplete concrete",
in: `a: string`,
}, {
desc: "incomplete",
in: `a: string`,
opts: []Option{Concrete(true)},
err: true,
}, {
desc: "list",
in: `a: [{b: string}, 3]`,
}, {
desc: "list concrete",
in: `a: [{b: string}, 3]`,
opts: []Option{Concrete(true)},
err: true,
}, {
desc: "allow cycles",
in: `
a: b - 100
b: a + 100
c: [c[1], c[0]]
}, {
desc: "disallow cycles",
in: `
a: b - 100
b: a + 100
c: [c[1], c[0]]
opts: []Option{DisallowCycles(true)},
err: true,
}, {
desc: "builtins are okay",
in: `
import "time"
a: { b: time.Duration } | { c: time.Duration }
}, {
desc: "comprehension error",
in: `
a: { if b == "foo" { field: 2 } }
err: true,
}, {
desc: "ignore optional in schema",
in: `
#Schema1: {
a?: int
instance1: #Schema1
opts: []Option{Concrete(true)},
}, {
desc: "issue324",
in: `
import "encoding/yaml"
x: string
a: b: c: *["\(x)"] | _
d: yaml.Marshal(a.b)
}, {
desc: "allow non-concrete values for definitions",
in: `
variables: #variables
{[!~"^[.]"]: #job}
#variables: [string]: int | string
#job: ({a: int} | {b: int}) & {
"variables"?: #variables
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
r := Runtime{}
inst, err := r.Parse("validate",
if err == nil {
err = inst.Value().Validate(tc.opts...)
if gotErr := err != nil; gotErr != tc.err {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", err, tc.err)
func TestPath(t *testing.T) {
config := `
a: b: c: 5
b: {
b1: 3
b2: 4
"b 3": 5
"4b": 6
l: [
{a: 2},
{c: 2},
mkpath := func(p ...string) []string { return p }
testCases := [][]string{
mkpath("a", "b", "c"),
mkpath("b", "l", "1", "c"),
mkpath("b", `"b 3"`),
mkpath("b", `"4b"`),
for _, tc := range testCases {
r := Runtime{}
inst, err := r.Parse("config", config)
if err != nil {
t.Run(strings.Join(tc, "."), func(t *testing.T) {
v := inst.Lookup(tc[0])
for _, e := range tc[1:] {
if '0' <= e[0] && e[0] <= '9' {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(e)
if err != nil {
iter, err := v.List()
if err != nil {
for c := 0; iter.Next(); c++ {
if c == i {
v = iter.Value()
} else if e[0] == '"' {
v = v.Lookup(e[1 : len(e)-1])
} else {
v = v.Lookup(e)
got := pathToStrings(v.Path())
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tc) {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc)
func TestValueLookup(t *testing.T) {
config := `
a: {
a: 0
b: 1
c: 2
b: {
d: a.a
e: int
strList := func(s ...string) []string { return s }
testCases := []struct {
config string
path []string
str string
notExists bool
config: "_|_",
path: strList(""),
str: "explicit error (_|_ literal) in source",
}, {
config: "_|_",
path: strList("a"),
str: "explicit error (_|_ literal) in source",
}, {
config: config,
path: strList(),
str: "{a:{a:0,b:1,c:2},b:{d:0,e:int}",
}, {
config: config,
path: strList("a", "a"),
str: "0",
}, {
config: config,
path: strList("a"),
str: "{a:0,b:1,c:2}",
}, {
config: config,
path: strList("b", "d"),
str: "0",
}, {
config: config,
path: strList("c", "non-existing"),
str: "not found",
notExists: true,
}, {
config: config,
path: strList("b", "d", "lookup in non-struct"),
str: "cannot use value 0 (type int) as struct",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.str, func(t *testing.T) {
v := getInstance(t, tc.config).Value().Lookup(tc.path...)
if got := !v.Exists(); got != tc.notExists {
t.Errorf("exists: got %v; want %v", got, tc.notExists)
got := v.ctx().Str(v.v)
if tc.str == "" {
t.Fatalf("str empty, got %q", got)
if !strings.Contains(got, tc.str) {
t.Errorf("\n got %v\nwant %v", got, tc.str)
func cmpError(a, b error) bool {
if a == nil {
return b == nil
if b == nil {
return a == nil
return a.Error() == b.Error()
// TODO: duplicate docs.
func TestValueDoc(t *testing.T) {
const config = `
// foobar defines at least foo.
package foobar
// A Foo fooses stuff.
Foo: {
// field1 is an int.
field1: int
field2: int
// duplicate field comment
dup3: int
// foos are instances of Foo.
foos: [string]: Foo
// My first little foo.
foos: MyFoo: {
// local field comment.
field1: 0
// Dangling comment.
// other field comment.
field2: 1
// duplicate field comment
dup3: int
bar: {
// comment from bar on field 1
field1: int
// comment from bar on field 2
field2: int // don't include this
baz: bar & {
// comment from baz on field 1
field1: int
field2: int
config2 := `
// Another Foo.
Foo: {}
var r Runtime
getInst := func(name, body string) *Instance {
inst, err := r.Compile("dir/file1.cue", body)
if err != nil {
return inst
inst := getInst("config", config)
v1 := inst.Value()
v2 := getInst("config2", config2).Value()
both := v1.Unify(v2)
testCases := []struct {
val Value
path string
doc string
val: v1,
path: "foos",
doc: "foos are instances of Foo.\n",
}, {
val: v1,
path: "foos MyFoo",
doc: "My first little foo.\n",
}, {
val: v1,
path: "foos MyFoo field1",
doc: `local field comment.
field1 is an int.
}, {
val: v1,
path: "foos MyFoo field2",
doc: "other field comment.\n",
}, {
// Duplicates are now removed.
val: v1,
path: "foos MyFoo dup3",
doc: "duplicate field comment\n",
}, {
val: v1,
path: "bar field1",
doc: "comment from bar on field 1\n",
}, {
val: v1,
path: "baz field1",
doc: `comment from bar on field 1
comment from baz on field 1
}, {
val: v1,
path: "baz field2",
doc: "comment from bar on field 2\n",
}, {
val: v2,
path: "Foo",
doc: `Another Foo.
}, {
val: both,
path: "Foo",
doc: `A Foo fooses stuff.
Another Foo.
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run("field:"+tc.path, func(t *testing.T) {
v := tc.val.Lookup(strings.Split(tc.path, " ")...)
doc := docStr(v.Doc())
if doc != tc.doc {
t.Errorf("doc: got:\n%vwant:\n%v", doc, tc.doc)
want := "foobar defines at least foo.\n"
if got := docStr(inst.Value().Doc()); got != want {
t.Errorf("pkg: got:\n%vwant:\n%v", got, want)
func docStr(docs []*ast.CommentGroup) string {
doc := ""
for _, d := range docs {
if doc != "" {
doc += "\n"
doc += d.Text()
return doc
// TODO: unwrap marshal error
// TODO: improve error messages
func TestMarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
value string
json string
err string
value: `""`,
json: `""`,
}, {
value: `null`,
json: `null`,
}, {
value: `_|_`,
err: "explicit error (_|_ literal) in source",
}, {
value: `(a.b)
a: {}`,
err: "undefined field",
}, {
value: `true`,
json: `true`,
}, {
value: `false`,
json: `false`,
}, {
value: `bool`,
err: "cannot convert incomplete value",
}, {
value: `"str"`,
json: `"str"`,
}, {
value: `12_000`,
json: `12000`,
}, {
value: `12.000`,
json: `12.000`,
}, {
value: `12M`,
json: `12000000`,
}, {
value: `3.0e100`,
json: `3.0E+100`,
}, {
value: `0/0`,
err: "division undefined",
}, {
value: `[]`,
json: `[]`,
}, {
value: `[1, 2, 3]`,
json: `[1,2,3]`,
}, {
value: `[int]`,
err: `0: cannot convert incomplete value`,
}, {
value: `{}`,
json: `{}`,
}, {
value: `{a: 2, b: 3, c: ["A", "B"]}`,
json: `{"a":2,"b":3,"c":["A","B"]}`,
}, {
value: `{a: 2, b: 3, c: [string, "B"]}`,
err: `c.0: cannot convert incomplete value`,
}, {
value: `{a: [{b: [0, {c: string}] }] }`,
err: `a.0.b.1.c: cannot convert incomplete value`,
}, {
value: `{foo?: 1, bar?: 2, baz: 3}`,
json: `{"baz":3}`,
}, {
// Has an unresolved cycle, but should not matter as all fields involved
// are optional
value: `{foo?: bar, bar?: foo, baz: 3}`,
json: `{"baz":3}`,
}, {
// Issue #107
value: `a: 1.0/1`,
json: `{"a":1.0}`,
}, {
// Issue #108
value: `
a: int
a: >0
a: <2
b: int
b: >=0.9
b: <1.1
c: int
c: >1
c: <=2
d: int
d: >=1
d: <=1.5
e: int
e: >=1
e: <=1.32
f: >=1.1 & <=1.1
json: `{"a":1,"b":1,"c":2,"d":1,"e":1,"f":1.1}`,
}, {
value: `
#Task: {
op: "pull"
tag: *"latest" | string
tagInString: tag + "dd"
} | {
op: "scratch"
foo: #Task & {"op": "pull"}
json: `{"foo":{"op":"pull","tag":"latest","tagInString":"latestdd"}}`,
}, {
// Issue #326
value: `x: "\(string)": "v"`,
err: `x: invalid interpolation`,
}, {
// Issue #326
value: `x: "\(bool)": "v"`,
err: `invalid interpolation`,
}, {
// Issue #326
value: `
x: {
for k, v in y {
"\(k)": v
y: {}
json: `{"x":{},"y":{}}`,
}, {
// Issue #326
value: `
x: {
for k, v in y {
"\(k)": v
y: _
err: `x: cannot range over y (incomplete type _)`,
for i, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d/%v", i, tc.value), func(t *testing.T) {
inst := getInstance(t, tc.value)
b, err := inst.Value().MarshalJSON()
checkFatal(t, err, tc.err, "init")
if got := string(b); got != tc.json {
t.Errorf("\n got %v;\nwant %v", got, tc.json)
func TestWalk(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
value string
out string
value: `""`,
out: `""`,
}, {
value: `null`,
out: `null`,
}, {
value: `_|_`,
out: "_|_(explicit error (_|_ literal) in source)",
}, {
value: `(a.b)
a: {}`,
out: `_|_(undefined field b)`,
}, {
value: `true`,
out: `true`,
}, {
value: `false`,
out: `false`,
}, {
value: `bool`,
out: "bool",
}, {
value: `"str"`,
out: `"str"`,
}, {
value: `12_000`,
out: `12000`,
// out: `12_000`,
}, {
value: `12.000`,
out: `12.000`,
}, {
value: `12M`,
out: `12000000`,
// out: `12M`,
}, {
value: `3.0e100`,
out: `3.0e+100`,
// out: `3.0e100`,
}, {
value: `[]`,
out: `[]`,
}, {
value: `[1, 2, 3]`,
out: `[1,2,3]`,
}, {
value: `[int]`,
out: `[int]`,
}, {
value: `3 * [1, 2]`,
out: `[1,2,1,2,1,2]`,
}, {
value: `{}`,
out: `{}`,
}, {
value: `{a: 2, b: 3, c: ["A", "B"]}`,
out: `{a:2,b:3,c:["A","B"]}`,
for i, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d/%v", i, tc.value), func(t *testing.T) {
inst := getInstance(t, tc.value)
buf := []byte{}
stripComma := func() {
if n := len(buf) - 1; buf[n] == ',' {
buf = buf[:n]
inst.Value().Walk(func(v Value) bool {
v = v.Eval()
if !v.v.Label.IsInt() {
if k, ok := v.Label(); ok {
buf = append(buf, k+":"...)
switch v.Kind() {
case StructKind:
buf = append(buf, '{')
case ListKind:
buf = append(buf, '[')
if b, _ := v.v.BaseValue.(*adt.Bottom); b != nil {
s := debugStr(v.ctx(), b)
buf = append(buf, fmt.Sprint(s, ",")...)
return true
buf = append(buf, fmt.Sprint(v, ",")...)
return true
}, func(v Value) {
switch v.Kind() {
case StructKind:
buf = append(buf, "},"...)
case ListKind:
buf = append(buf, "],"...)
if got := string(buf); got != tc.out {
t.Errorf("\n got %v;\nwant %v", got, tc.out)
func TestTrimZeros(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
in string
out string
{"", ""},
{"2", "2"},
{"2.0", "2.0"},
{"2.000000000000", "2.0"},
{"2000000000000", "2e+12"},
{"2000000", "2e+6"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := trimZeros(; got != tc.out {
t.Errorf("got %q; want %q", got, tc.out)
func TestReferencePath(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
input string
want string
alt string
input: "v: w: x: _|_",
want: "",
}, {
input: "v: w: x: 2",
want: "",
}, {
input: "v: w: x: a, a: 1",
want: "a",
}, {
input: "v: w: x: a.b.c, a: b: c: 1",
want: "a.b.c",
}, {
input: "v: w: x: w.a.b.c, v: w: a: b: c: 1",
want: "v.w.a.b.c",
}, {
input: `v: w: x: w.a.b.c, v: w: a: b: c: 1, #D: 3, opt?: 3, "v\(#D)": 3, X: {a: 3}, X`,
want: "v.w.a.b.c",
}, {
input: `
v: w: x: w.a[bb]["c"]
v: w: a: b: c: 1
bb: "b"`,
want: "v.w.a.b.c",
}, {
input: `
X="\(y)": 1
v: w: x: X // TODO: Move up for crash
y: "foo"`,
want: "foo",
}, {
input: `
v: w: _
v: [X=string]: x: a[X]
a: w: 1`,
want: "a.w",
}, {
input: `v: {
for t in src {
w: "t\(t)": 1
w: "\(t)": w["t\(t)"]
src: ["x", "y"]`,
want: "v.w.tx",
}, {
input: `
v: w: x: a
a: 1
for i in [] {
want: "a",
}, {
input: `
v: w: close({x: a})
a: 1
want: "a",
}, {
input: `
import "math"
v: w: x: math.Pi
want: "Pi",
alt: "3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
var r Runtime
inst, _ := r.Compile("in", tc.input) // getInstance(t, tc.input)
v := inst.Lookup("v", "w", "x")
root, path := v.ReferencePath()
if got := path.String(); got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("\n got %v;\nwant %v", got, tc.want)
if tc.want != "" {
want := "1"
if tc.alt != "" {
want = tc.alt
v := fmt.Sprint(root.LookupPath(path))
if v != want {
t.Errorf("path resolved to %s; want %s", v, want)
inst, a := v.Reference()
if got := strings.Join(a, "."); got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("\n got %v;\nwant %v", got, tc.want)
if tc.want != "" {
want := "1"
if tc.alt != "" {
want = tc.alt
v := fmt.Sprint(inst.Lookup(a...))
if v != want {
t.Errorf("path resolved to %s; want %s", v, want)
func TestPathCorrection(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
input string
lookup func(i *Instance) Value
want string
skip bool
input: `
a: b: {
c: d: b
lookup: func(i *Instance) Value {
op, a := i.Lookup("a", "b", "c", "d").Expr()
_ = op
return a[0] // structural cycle errors.
want: "a",
}, {
// TODO: embedding: have field operators.
input: `
a: {
{x: c}
c: 3
lookup: func(i *Instance) Value {
op, a := i.Lookup("a").Expr()
_ = op
return a[0].Lookup("x")
want: "a.c",
}, {
// TODO: implement proper Elem()
input: `
a: b: [...T]
a: b: [...T]
T: int
lookup: func(i *Instance) Value {
v, _ := i.Lookup("a", "b").Elem()
_, a := v.Expr()
return a[0]
want: "T",
}, {
input: `
#S: {
b?: [...#T]
b?: [...#T]
#T: int
lookup: func(i *Instance) Value {
v := i.LookupDef("#S")
f, _ := v.LookupField("b")
v, _ = f.Value.Elem()
_, a := v.Expr()
return a[0]
want: "#T",
}, {
input: `
#S: {
a?: [...#T]
b?: [...#T]
#T: int
lookup: func(i *Instance) Value {
v := i.LookupDef("#S")
f, _ := v.LookupField("a")
x := f.Value
f, _ = v.LookupField("b")
y := f.Value
u := x.Unify(y)
v, _ = u.Elem()
_, a := v.Expr()
return a[0]
want: "#T",
}, {
input: `
#a: {
close({}) | close({c: #T}) | close({d: string})
#T: {b: 3}
lookup: func(i *Instance) Value {
f, _ := i.LookupField("#a")
_, a := f.Value.Expr() // &
_, a = a[0].Expr() // |
return a[1].Lookup("c")
want: "#a.#T",
}, {
input: `
package foo
#Struct: {
#T: int
{b?: #T}
want: "#Struct.#T",
lookup: func(inst *Instance) Value {
// Locate Struct
i, _ := inst.Value().Fields(Definitions(true))
if !i.Next() {
t.Fatal("no fields")
// Locate b
i, _ = i.Value().Fields(Definitions(true), Optional(true))
if !(i.Next() && i.Next()) {
t.Fatal("no fields")
v := i.Value()
return v
}, {
input: `
package foo
#A: #B: #T
#T: {
a: #S.#U
#S: #U: {}
want: "#T.#S.#U",
lookup: func(inst *Instance) Value {
f, _ := inst.Value().LookupField("#A")
f, _ = f.Value.LookupField("#B")
v := f.Value
v = Dereference(v)
v = v.Lookup("a")
return v
}, {
// TODO: record additionalItems in list
input: `
package foo
#A: #B: #T
#T: {
a: [...#S]
#S: {}
want: "#T.#S",
lookup: func(inst *Instance) Value {
f, _ := inst.Value().LookupField("#A")
f, _ = f.Value.LookupField("#B")
v := f.Value
v = Dereference(v)
v, _ = v.Lookup("a").Elem()
return v
}, {
input: `
#A: {
b: #T
#T: {
a: #S
#S: {}
want: "#T.#S",
lookup: func(inst *Instance) Value {
f, _ := inst.Value().LookupField("#A")
v := f.Value.Lookup("b")
v = Dereference(v)
v = v.Lookup("a")
return v
}, {
input: `
#Tracing: {
#T: { address?: string }
#S: { ip?: string }
close({}) | close({
t: #T
}) | close({
s: #S
#X: {}
#X // Disconnect top-level struct from the one visible by close.
want: "#Tracing.#T",
lookup: func(inst *Instance) Value {
f, _ := inst.Value().LookupField("#Tracing")
v := f.Value.Eval()
_, args := v.Expr()
v = args[1]
v = v.Lookup("t")
return v
for _, tc := range testCases {
if tc.skip {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
var r Runtime
inst, err := r.Compile("in", tc.input)
if err != nil {
v := tc.lookup(inst)
gotInst, ref := v.Reference()
if gotInst != inst {
t.Error("reference not in original instance")
gotPath := strings.Join(ref, ".")
if gotPath != tc.want {
t.Errorf("got path %s; want %s", gotPath, tc.want)
x, p := v.ReferencePath()
if x.Value() != inst.Value() {
t.Error("reference not in original instance")
gotPath = p.String()
if gotPath != tc.want {
t.Errorf("got path %s; want %s", gotPath, tc.want)
// func TestReferences(t *testing.T) {
// config1 := `
// a: {
// b: 3
// }
// c: {
// d: a.b
// e: c.d
// f: a
// }
// `
// config2 := `
// a: { c: 3 }
// b: { c: int, d: 4 }
// r: (a & b).c
// c: {args: s1 + s2}.args
// s1: string
// s2: string
// d: ({arg: b}).arg.c
// e: f.arg.c
// f: {arg: b}
// `
// testCases := []struct {
// config string
// in string
// out string
// }{
// {config1, "c.d", "a.b"},
// {config1, "c.e", "c.d"},
// {config1, "c.f", "a"},
// {config2, "r", "a.c b.c"},
// {config2, "c", "s1 s2"},
// // {config2, "d", "b.c"}, // TODO: make this work as well.
// {config2, "e", "f.arg.c"}, // TODO: should also report b.c.
// }
// for _, tc := range testCases {
// t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// ctx, st := compileFile(t, tc.config)
// v := newValueRoot(ctx, st)
// for _, k := range strings.Split(, ".") {
// obj, err := v.structValFull(ctx)
// if err != nil {
// t.Fatal(err)
// }
// v = obj.Lookup(k)
// }
// got := []string{}
// for _, r := range v.References() {
// got = append(got, strings.Join(r, "."))
// }
// want := strings.Split(tc.out, " ")
// if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
// t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, want)
// }
// })
// }
// }
func checkErr(t *testing.T, err error, str, name string) bool {
if err == nil {
if str != "" {
t.Errorf(`err:%s: got ""; want %q`, name, str)
return true
return checkFailed(t, err, str, name)
func checkFatal(t *testing.T, err error, str, name string) {
if !checkFailed(t, err, str, name) {
func checkFailed(t *testing.T, err error, str, name string) bool {
if err != nil {
got := err.Error()
if str == "" {
t.Fatalf(`err:%s: got %q; want ""`, name, got)
if !strings.Contains(got, str) {
t.Errorf(`err:%s: got %q; want %q`, name, got, str)
return false
return true
func TestExpr(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
input string
want string
input: "v: 3",
want: "3",
}, {
input: "v: 3 + 4",
want: "+(3 4)",
}, {
input: "v: !a, a: bool",
want: `!(.(〈〉 "a"))`,
}, {
input: "v: !a, a: 3", // TODO: Should still look up.
want: `!(.(〈〉 "a"))`,
}, {
input: "v: 1 | 2 | 3 | *4",
want: "|(1 2 3 4)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 & 5", // Allow even with error.
want: "&(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 | 5",
want: "|(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 && 5",
want: "&&(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 || 5",
want: "||(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 == 5",
want: "==(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: !b, b: true",
want: `!(.(〈〉 "b"))`,
}, {
input: "v: 2 != 5",
want: "!=(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: <5",
want: "<(5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 <= 5",
want: "<=(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 > 5",
want: ">(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 >= 5",
want: ">=(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 =~ 5",
want: "=~(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 !~ 5",
want: "!~(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 + 5",
want: "+(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 - 5",
want: "-(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 * 5",
want: "*(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 / 5",
want: "/(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 quo 5",
want: "quo(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 rem 5",
want: "rem(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 div 5",
want: "div(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: 2 mod 5",
want: "mod(2 5)",
}, {
input: "v: a.b, a: b: 4",
want: `.(.(〈〉 "a") "b")`,
}, {
input: `v: a["b"], a: b: 3 `,
want: `[](.(〈〉 "a") "b")`,
}, {
input: "v: a[2:5], a: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]",
want: `[:](.(〈〉 "a") 2 5)`,
}, {
input: "v: len([])",
want: "()(len [])",
}, {
input: "v: a.b, a: { b: string }",
want: `.(.(〈〉 "a") "b")`,
}, {
input: `v: "Hello, \(x)! Welcome to \(place)", place: string, x: string`,
want: `\()("Hello, " .(〈〉 "x") "! Welcome to " .(〈〉 "place") "")`,
}, {
input: `v: { a, b: 1 }, a: 2`,
want: `&(.(〈〉 "a") {b:1})`,
}, {
input: `v: { {c: a}, b: a }, a: int`,
want: `&({c:a} {b:a})`,
}, {
input: `v: [...number] | *[1, 2, 3]`,
want: `([...number]|*[1,2,3])`,
}, {
input: `v: or([1, 2, 3])`,
want: `|(1 2 3)`,
}, {
input: `v: and([1, 2, 3])`,
want: `&(1 2 3)`,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.input, func(t *testing.T) {
v := getInstance(t, tc.input).Lookup("v")
got := exprStr(v)
if got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("\n got %v;\nwant %v", got, tc.want)
func exprStr(v Value) string {
op, operands := v.Expr()
if op == NoOp {
return compactRawStr(v)
s := op.String()
s += "("
for i, v := range operands {
if i > 0 {
s += " "
s += exprStr(v)
s += ")"
return s
func compactRawStr(v Value) string {
ctx := v.ctx()
cfg := &debug.Config{Compact: true, Raw: true}
return debug.NodeString(ctx, v.v, cfg)