blob: 7f1725de5577850980a68cfadf47699bb16db0b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package subsume
// TODO: structural subsumption has not yet been implemented.
import ""
func (s *subsumer) subsumes(gt, lt adt.Conjunct) bool {
if gt == lt {
return true
// First try evaluating at the value level.
x, _ := gt.Expr().(adt.Value)
y, _ := lt.Expr().(adt.Value)
if x == nil {
// Fall back to structural.
return s.structural(gt, lt)
if y == nil {
return false
return s.values(x, y)
func (s *subsumer) conjunct(gt, lt adt.Conjunct) bool {
return false
func (s *subsumer) c(env *adt.Environment, x adt.Expr) adt.Conjunct {
return adt.MakeRootConjunct(env, x)
func isBottomConjunct(c adt.Conjunct) bool {
b, _ := c.Expr().(*adt.Bottom)
return b != nil
func (s *subsumer) node(env *adt.Environment, up int32) *adt.Vertex {
for ; up != 0; up-- {
env = env.Up
return env.Vertex
func (s *subsumer) structural(a, b adt.Conjunct) bool {
if y, ok := b.Expr().(*adt.LetReference); ok {
return s.conjunct(a, s.c(b.Env, y.X))
if isBottomConjunct(b) {
return true
switch x := a.Expr().(type) {
case *adt.DisjunctionExpr:
case *adt.StructLit:
case *adt.ListLit:
case *adt.FieldReference:
if y, ok := b.Expr().(*adt.FieldReference); ok && x.Label == y.Label {
if s.node(a.Env, x.UpCount) == s.node(b.Env, y.UpCount) {
return true
case *adt.LabelReference:
if y, ok := b.Expr().(*adt.LabelReference); ok {
if s.node(a.Env, x.UpCount) == s.node(b.Env, y.UpCount) {
return true
case *adt.DynamicReference:
if y, ok := b.Expr().(*adt.FieldReference); ok {
if s.node(a.Env, x.UpCount) == s.node(b.Env, y.UpCount) {
return true
case *adt.ImportReference:
if y, ok := b.Expr().(*adt.ImportReference); ok &&
x.ImportPath == y.ImportPath {
return true
case *adt.LetReference:
return s.conjunct(s.c(a.Env, x.X), b)
case *adt.SelectorExpr:
if y, ok := a.Expr().(*adt.SelectorExpr); ok &&
x.Sel == y.Sel &&
s.conjunct(s.c(a.Env, x.X), s.c(b.Env, y.X)) {
return true
case *adt.IndexExpr:
if y, ok := b.Expr().(*adt.IndexExpr); ok &&
s.conjunct(s.c(a.Env, x.X), s.c(b.Env, y.X)) &&
s.conjunct(s.c(a.Env, x.Index), s.c(b.Env, y.Index)) {
return true
case *adt.SliceExpr:
if r, ok := b.Expr().(*adt.SliceExpr); ok &&
s.conjunct(s.c(a.Env, x.X), s.c(b.Env, r.X)) &&
s.conjunct(s.c(a.Env, x.Lo), s.c(b.Env, r.Lo)) &&
s.conjunct(s.c(a.Env, x.Hi), s.c(b.Env, r.Hi)) {
return true
case *adt.Interpolation:
switch y := b.Expr().(type) {
case *adt.String:
// Be conservative if not ground.
s.inexact = true
case *adt.Interpolation:
// structural equivalence
if len(x.Parts) != len(y.Parts) {
return false
for i, p := range x.Parts {
if !s.conjunct(s.c(a.Env, p), s.c(b.Env, y.Parts[i])) {
return false
return true
case *adt.BoundExpr:
if y, ok := b.Expr().(*adt.BoundExpr); ok && x.Op == y.Op {
return s.conjunct(s.c(a.Env, x.Expr), s.c(b.Env, y.Expr))
case *adt.UnaryExpr:
if y, ok := b.Expr().(*adt.UnaryExpr); ok && x.Op == y.Op {
return s.conjunct(s.c(a.Env, x.X), s.c(b.Env, y.X))
case *adt.BinaryExpr:
if y, ok := b.Expr().(*adt.BinaryExpr); ok && x.Op == y.Op {
return s.conjunct(s.c(a.Env, x.X), s.c(b.Env, y.X)) &&
s.conjunct(s.c(a.Env, x.Y), s.c(b.Env, y.Y))
case *adt.CallExpr:
if y, ok := b.Expr().(*adt.CallExpr); ok {
if len(x.Args) != len(y.Args) {
return false
for i, arg := range x.Args {
if !s.conjunct(s.c(a.Env, arg), s.c(b.Env, y.Args[i])) {
return false
return s.conjunct(s.c(a.Env, x.Fun), s.c(b.Env, y.Fun))
return false
func (s *subsumer) structLit(
ea *adt.Environment, sa *adt.StructLit,
eb *adt.Environment, sb *adt.StructLit) bool {
// Create index of instance fields.
ca := newCollatedDecls()
ca.collate(ea, sa)
if ca.yielders != nil || ca.dynamic != nil {
// TODO: we could do structural comparison of comprehensions
// in many cases. For instance, an if clause would subsume
// structurally if it subsumes any of the if clauses in sb.
s.inexact = true
return false
cb := newCollatedDecls()
cb.collate(eb, sb)
if ca.hasOptional && !s.IgnoreOptional {
// TODO: same argument here as for comprehensions. This could
// be made to work.
if ca.pattern != nil || ca.dynamic != nil {
s.inexact = true
return false
// for f, b := range cb.fields {
// if !b.required || f.IsDef() {
// continue
// }
// name := ctx.LabelStr(b.Label)
// arg := &stringLit{x.baseValue, name, nil}
// u, _ := x.optionals.constraint(ctx, arg)
// if u != nil && !s.subsumes(u, b.v) {
// return false
// }
// }
return false
// collatedDecls is used to compute the structural subsumption of two
// struct literals.
type collatedDecls struct {
fields map[adt.Feature]field
yielders []adt.Yielder
pattern []*adt.BulkOptionalField
dynamic []*adt.DynamicField
values []adt.Expr
additional []*adt.Ellipsis
isOpen bool
hasOptional bool
func newCollatedDecls() *collatedDecls {
return &collatedDecls{fields: map[adt.Feature]field{}}
type field struct {
required bool
conjuncts []adt.Conjunct
func (c *collatedDecls) collate(env *adt.Environment, s *adt.StructLit) {
for _, d := range s.Decls {
switch x := d.(type) {
case *adt.Field:
e := c.fields[x.Label]
e.required = true
e.conjuncts = append(e.conjuncts, adt.MakeRootConjunct(env, x))
c.fields[x.Label] = e
case *adt.OptionalField:
e := c.fields[x.Label]
e.conjuncts = append(e.conjuncts, adt.MakeRootConjunct(env, x))
c.fields[x.Label] = e
c.hasOptional = true
case *adt.BulkOptionalField:
c.pattern = append(c.pattern, x)
c.hasOptional = true
case *adt.DynamicField:
c.dynamic = append(c.dynamic, x)
c.hasOptional = true
case *adt.Ellipsis:
c.isOpen = true
c.additional = append(c.additional, x)
case *adt.ForClause:
c.yielders = append(c.yielders, x)
case *adt.IfClause:
c.yielders = append(c.yielders, x)
case *adt.LetClause:
c.yielders = append(c.yielders, x)
case *adt.ValueClause: