blob: 710537818086f71a152d27c802d2f1abe64a9a43 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package internal
import (
// A Builtin is a Builtin function or constant.
// A function may return and a constant may be any of the following types:
// error (translates to bottom)
// nil (translates to null)
// bool
// int*
// uint*
// float64
// string
// *big.Float
// *big.Int
// For any of the above, including interface{} and these types recursively:
// []T
// map[string]T
type Builtin struct {
Name string
Pkg adt.Feature
Params []Param
Result adt.Kind
Func func(c *CallCtxt)
Const string
type Param struct {
Kind adt.Kind
Value adt.Value // input constraint (may be nil)
type Package struct {
Native []*Builtin
CUE string
func (p *Package) MustCompile(ctx *adt.OpContext, importPath string) *adt.Vertex {
obj := &adt.Vertex{}
pkgLabel := ctx.StringLabel(importPath)
st := &adt.StructLit{}
if len(p.Native) > 0 {
obj.AddConjunct(adt.MakeRootConjunct(nil, st))
for _, b := range p.Native {
b.Pkg = pkgLabel
f := ctx.StringLabel(b.Name) // never starts with _
// n := &node{baseValue: newBase(imp.Path)}
var v adt.Expr = toBuiltin(ctx, b)
if b.Const != "" {
v = mustParseConstBuiltin(ctx, b.Name, b.Const)
st.Decls = append(st.Decls, &adt.Field{
Label: f,
Value: v,
// Parse builtin CUE
if p.CUE != "" {
expr, err := parser.ParseExpr(importPath, p.CUE)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("could not parse %v: %v", p.CUE, err))
c, err := compile.Expr(nil, ctx.Runtime, importPath, expr)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("could compile parse %v: %v", p.CUE, err))
// We could compile lazily, but this is easier for debugging.
if err := obj.Err(ctx, adt.Finalized); err != nil {
return obj
func toBuiltin(ctx *adt.OpContext, b *Builtin) *adt.Builtin {
params := make([]adt.Param, len(b.Params))
for i, p := range b.Params {
params[i].Value = p.Value
if params[i].Value == nil {
params[i].Value = &adt.BasicType{K: p.Kind}
x := &adt.Builtin{
Params: params,
Result: b.Result,
Package: b.Pkg,
Name: b.Name,
x.Func = func(ctx *adt.OpContext, args []adt.Value) (ret adt.Expr) {
// call, _ := ctx.Source().(*ast.CallExpr)
c := &CallCtxt{
// src: call,
ctx: ctx,
args: args,
builtin: b,
defer func() {
var errVal interface{} = c.Err
if err := recover(); err != nil {
errVal = err
ret = processErr(c, errVal, ret)
switch v := c.Ret.(type) {
case nil:
// Validators may return a nil in case validation passes.
return nil
case *adt.Bottom:
// deal with API limitation: catch nil interface issue.
if v != nil {
return v
return nil
case adt.Value:
return v
case bottomer:
// deal with API limitation: catch nil interface issue.
if b := v.Bottom(); b != nil {
return b
return nil
if c.Err != nil {
return nil
return convert.GoValueToValue(ctx, c.Ret, true)
return x
// newConstBuiltin parses and creates any CUE expression that does not have
// fields.
func mustParseConstBuiltin(ctx adt.Runtime, name, val string) adt.Expr {
expr, err := parser.ParseExpr("<builtin:"+name+">", val)
if err != nil {
c, err := compile.Expr(nil, ctx, "_", expr)
if err != nil {
return c.Expr()
func pos(n adt.Node) (p token.Pos) {
if n == nil {
src := n.Source()
if src == nil {
return src.Pos()
func (x *Builtin) name(ctx *adt.OpContext) string {
if x.Pkg == 0 {
return x.Name
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", x.Pkg.StringValue(ctx), x.Name)
func (x *Builtin) isValidator() bool {
return len(x.Params) == 1 && x.Result == adt.BoolKind
func processErr(call *CallCtxt, errVal interface{}, ret adt.Expr) adt.Expr {
ctx := call.ctx
switch err := errVal.(type) {
case nil:
case *callError:
ret = err.b
case *json.MarshalerError:
if err, ok := err.Err.(bottomer); ok {
if b := err.Bottom(); b != nil {
ret = b
case bottomer:
ret = wrapCallErr(call, err.Bottom())
case errors.Error:
ret = wrapCallErr(call, &adt.Bottom{Err: err})
case error:
if call.Err == internal.ErrIncomplete {
err := ctx.NewErrf("incomplete value")
err.Code = adt.IncompleteError
ret = err
} else {
// TODO: store the underlying error explicitly
ret = wrapCallErr(call, &adt.Bottom{Err: errors.Promote(err, "")})
// Likely a string passed to panic.
ret = wrapCallErr(call, &adt.Bottom{
Err: errors.Newf(call.Pos(), "%s", err),
return ret