blob: ff4e7ba2c99413afbb22168b84996a1392d272b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cue
// TODO: nodeRefs are currently not updated if the structs they point to are
// updated. Handing this in uses of rewrite is tedious and hard to get correct.
// Make this a general mechanism. This can be done using a Tomabechi-like
// approach of associating copies with nodes in one pass, and then make a
// complete copy in a second.
type rewriteFunc func(ctx *context, v value) (value, bool)
func rewrite(ctx *context, v value, fn rewriteFunc) value {
v, descend := fn(ctx, v)
if !descend {
return v
return v.rewrite(ctx, fn)
func (x *nodeRef) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
return x
func (x *structLit) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
emit := x.emit
if emit != nil {
emit = rewrite(ctx, x.emit, fn)
arcs := make(arcs, len(x.arcs))
obj := &structLit{baseValue: x.baseValue, emit: emit, arcs: arcs}
changed := emit == x.emit
for i, a := range x.arcs {
a.setValue(rewrite(ctx, a.v, fn))
changed = changed || arcs[i].v != a.v
arcs[i] = a
if !changed {
return x
return obj
func (x *selectorExpr) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
v := rewrite(ctx, x.x, fn)
if v == x.x {
return x
return &selectorExpr{x.baseValue, v, x.feature}
func (x *indexExpr) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
v := rewrite(ctx, x.x, fn)
index := rewrite(ctx, x.index, fn)
if v == x.x && index == x.index {
return x
return &indexExpr{x.baseValue, v, index}
// Even more boring stuff below.
func (x *builtin) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value { return x }
func (x *top) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value { return x }
func (x *bottom) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value { return x }
func (x *basicType) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value { return x }
func (x *nullLit) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value { return x }
func (x *boolLit) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value { return x }
func (x *stringLit) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value { return x }
func (x *bytesLit) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value { return x }
func (x *numLit) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value { return x }
func (x *durationLit) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value { return x }
func (x *customValidator) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
args := make([]evaluated, len(x.args))
changed := false
for i, a := range x.args {
v := rewrite(ctx, a, fn)
args[i] = v.(evaluated)
changed = changed || v != a
if !changed {
return x
return &customValidator{baseValue: x.baseValue, args: args, call:}
func (x *bound) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
v := rewrite(ctx, x.value, fn)
if v == x.value {
return x
return newBound(ctx, x.baseValue, x.op, x.k, v)
func (x *interpolation) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
parts := make([]value, len(
changed := false
for i, p := range {
parts[i] = rewrite(ctx, p, fn)
changed = changed || parts[i] != p
if !changed {
return x
return &interpolation{x.baseValue, x.k, parts}
func (x *list) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
elem := rewrite(ctx, x.elem, fn).(*structLit)
typ := rewrite(ctx, x.typ, fn)
len := rewrite(ctx, x.len, fn)
if elem == x.elem && typ == x.typ && len == x.len {
return x
return &list{x.baseValue, elem, typ, len}
func (x *sliceExpr) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
v := rewrite(ctx, x.x, fn)
var lo, hi value
if x.lo != nil {
lo = rewrite(ctx, x.lo, fn)
if x.hi != nil {
hi = rewrite(ctx, x.hi, fn)
if v == x.x && lo == x.lo && hi == x.hi {
return x
return &sliceExpr{x.baseValue, v, lo, hi}
func (x *callExpr) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
args := make([]value, len(x.args))
changed := false
for i, a := range x.args {
v := rewrite(ctx, a, fn)
args[i] = v
changed = changed || v != a
v := rewrite(ctx, x.x, fn)
if !changed && v == x.x {
return x
return &callExpr{baseValue: x.baseValue, x: v, args: args}
func (x *lambdaExpr) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
arcs := make([]arc, len(x.arcs))
changed := false
for i, a := range x.arcs {
v := rewrite(ctx, a.v, fn)
arcs[i] = arc{feature: a.feature, v: v}
changed = changed || v != a.v
value := rewrite(ctx, x.value, fn)
if !changed && value == x.value {
return x
return &lambdaExpr{x.baseValue, &params{arcs}, value}
func (x *unaryExpr) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
v := rewrite(ctx, x.x, fn)
if v == x.x {
return x
return &unaryExpr{x.baseValue, x.op, v}
func (x *binaryExpr) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
left := rewrite(ctx, x.left, fn)
right := rewrite(ctx, x.right, fn)
if left == x.left && right == x.right {
return x
return updateBin(ctx, &binaryExpr{x.baseValue, x.op, left, right})
func (x *unification) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
values := make([]evaluated, len(x.values))
changed := false
for i, v := range x.values {
values[i] = rewrite(ctx, v, fn).(evaluated)
changed = changed || v != values[i]
if !changed {
return x
return &unification{x.baseValue, values}
func (x *disjunction) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
values := make([]dValue, len(x.values))
changed := false
for i, d := range x.values {
v := rewrite(ctx, d.val, fn)
values[i] = dValue{v, d.marked}
changed = changed || v != d.val
if !changed {
return x
return &disjunction{x.baseValue, values, x.hasDefaults}
func (x *listComprehension) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
clauses := rewrite(ctx, x.clauses, fn).(yielder)
if clauses == x.clauses {
return x
return &listComprehension{x.baseValue, clauses}
func (x *fieldComprehension) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
clauses := rewrite(ctx, x.clauses, fn).(yielder)
if clauses == x.clauses {
return x
return &fieldComprehension{x.baseValue, clauses, x.isTemplate}
func (x *yield) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
key := x.key
if key != nil {
key = rewrite(ctx, x.key, fn)
value := rewrite(ctx, x.value, fn)
if key == x.key && value == x.value {
return x
return &yield{x.baseValue, x.opt, x.def, key, value}
func (x *guard) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
condition := rewrite(ctx, x.condition, fn)
value := rewrite(ctx, x.value, fn).(yielder)
if condition == x.condition && value == x.value {
return x
return &guard{x.baseValue, condition, value}
func (x *feed) rewrite(ctx *context, fn rewriteFunc) value {
source := rewrite(ctx, x.source, fn)
lambda := rewrite(ctx, x.fn, fn).(*lambdaExpr)
if source == x.source && lambda == x.fn {
return x
return &feed{x.baseValue, source, lambda}