| # This is an example goreleaser.yaml file with some sane defaults. |
| # Make sure to check the documentation at http://goreleaser.com |
| # you may remove this if you don't need go generate |
| - -X cuelang.org/go/cmd/cue/cmd.version={{.Version}} |
| # TODO: consider adding the following for a verbose mode |
| # - -X cuelang.org/go/cmd/cue/cmd.commit={{.ShortCommit}} |
| # - -X cuelang.org/go/cmd/cue/cmd.date={{.Date}} |
| # - -X cuelang.org/cmd/cue/cmd.date={{.Env.GOVERSION}} |
| # File and Issue to request including other platforms. |
| name_template: 'checksums.txt' |
| name_template: "{{ .Tag }}-next" |
| email: noreply@cuelang.org |
| homepage: "https://github.com/cuelang/cue" |
| description: "CUE is an open source data constraint language which aims to simplify tasks involving defining and using data." |
| system "#{bin}/cue version" |