blob: 9fa83866f45e99034a1647ba23dab3ab0ae321b4 [file] [log] [blame]
-- in.cue --
package kube
service: "node-exporter": {
spec: {
ports: [{
name: "metrics"
port: 9100
protocol: "TCP"
deployment: "node-exporter": {
spec: template: {
spec: {
containers: [{
ports: [{
containerPort: 9100
name: "scrape"
service: [ID=string]: {
spec: {
ports: [...{
port: int
protocol: *"TCP" | "UDP"
name: string | *"client"
deployment: [ID=string]: { }
deployment: [ID=_]: _spec & {}
_spec: {
_name: string
spec: template: {
spec: containers: [{name: _name}]
_spec: spec: template: spec: containers: [...{
ports: [...{
_export: *true | false // include the port in the service
for k, v in deployment {
service: "\(k)": {
spec: selector: v.spec.template.metadata.labels
spec: ports: [
for c in v.spec.template.spec.containers
for p in c.ports
if p._export {
let Port = p.containerPort // Port is an alias
port: *Port | int
targetPort: *Port | int
-- out/eval --
service: (struct){
"node-exporter": (struct){
spec: (struct){
ports: (#list){
0: (struct){
name: (string){ "metrics" }
port: (int){ 9100 }
protocol: (string){ "TCP" }
targetPort: (int){ |(*(int){ 9100 }, (int){ int }) }
selector: (_|_){
// [incomplete] service."node-exporter".spec.selector: undefined field: metadata:
// ./in.cue:47:35
deployment: (struct){
"node-exporter": (struct){
spec: (struct){
template: (struct){
spec: (struct){
containers: (#list){
0: (struct){
ports: (#list){
0: (struct){
containerPort: (int){ 9100 }
name: (string){ "scrape" }
_export(:kube): (bool){ |(*(bool){ true }, (bool){ false }) }
name: (string){ string }
_name(:kube): (string){ string }
_spec(:kube): (struct){
_name(:kube): (string){ string }
spec: (struct){
template: (struct){
spec: (struct){
containers: (#list){
0: (struct){
name: (string){ string }
ports: (list){
-- out/compile --
--- in.cue
service: {
"node-exporter": {
spec: {
ports: [
name: "metrics"
port: 9100
protocol: "TCP"
deployment: {
"node-exporter": {
spec: {
template: {
spec: {
containers: [
ports: [
containerPort: 9100
name: "scrape"
service: {
[string]: {
spec: {
ports: [
port: int
protocol: (*"TCP"|"UDP")
name: (string|*"client")
deployment: {
[string]: {}
deployment: {
[_]: (〈1;_spec & {})
_spec: {
_name: string
spec: {
template: {
spec: {
containers: [
name: 4;_name
_spec: {
spec: {
template: {
spec: {
containers: [
ports: [
_export: (*true|false)
for k, v in 0;deployment {
service: {
"\(〈2;k〉)": {
spec: {
selector: 4;v〉.spec.template.metadata.labels
spec: {
ports: [
for _, c in 4;v〉.spec.template.spec.containers for _, p in 0;c〉.ports if 0;p〉._export {
port: (*〈0;let Port〉|int)
targetPort: (*〈0;let Port〉|int)