blob: 86dca458a3726c2a10a5cca09c772f376c5a96fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cue
import (
// binSrc returns a baseValue representing a binary expression of the given
// values.
func binSrc(pos token.Pos, op op, a, b value) baseValue {
return baseValue{&computedSource{pos, op, a, b}}
func binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, left, right evaluated) (result evaluated) {
_, isUnify := op.unifyType()
if b, ok := left.(*bottom); ok {
if isUnify && b.exprDepth == 0 && cycleError(b) != nil {
ctx.cycleErr = true
return right
return left
if b, ok := right.(*bottom); ok {
if isUnify && b.exprDepth == 0 && cycleError(b) != nil {
ctx.cycleErr = true
return left
return right
left = convertBuiltin(left)
right = convertBuiltin(right)
leftKind := left.kind()
rightKind := right.kind()
kind, invert, msg := matchBinOpKind(op, leftKind, rightKind)
if kind == bottomKind {
simplify := func(v, orig value) value {
switch x := v.(type) {
case *disjunction:
return orig
case *binaryExpr:
if x.op == opDisjunction {
return orig
return x
return v
var l, r value = left, right
if x, ok := src.(*binaryExpr); ok {
l = simplify(x.left, left)
r = simplify(x.right, right)
return ctx.mkErr(src, msg, op, ctx.str(l), ctx.str(r), leftKind, rightKind)
if kind.hasReferences() {
panic("unexpected references in expression")
if invert {
left, right = right, left
if !isUnify {
// Any operation other than unification or disjunction must be on
// concrete types. Disjunction is handled separately.
if !leftKind.isGround() || !rightKind.isGround() {
return ctx.mkErr(src, codeIncomplete, "incomplete error")
v := left.binOp(ctx, src, op, right) // may return incomplete
return v
// isUnify
// TODO: unify type masks.
if left == right {
return left
if isTop(left) {
return right
if isTop(right) {
return left
if dl, ok := left.(*disjunction); ok {
return distribute(ctx, src, op, dl, right)
} else if dr, ok := right.(*disjunction); ok {
return distribute(ctx, src, op, dr, left)
if _, ok := right.(*unification); ok {
return right.binOp(ctx, src, op, left)
// TODO: value may be incomplete if there is a cycle. Instead of an error
// schedule an assert and return the atomic value, if applicable.
v := left.binOp(ctx, src, op, right)
if isBottom(v) {
v := right.binOp(ctx, src, op, left)
// Return the original failure if both fail, as this will result in
// better error messages.
if !isBottom(v) || isCustom(v) {
return v
return v
type mVal struct {
val evaluated
mark bool
// distribute distributes a value over the element of a disjunction in a
// unification operation.
// TODO: this is an exponential algorithm. There is no reason to have to
// resolve this early. Revise this to only do early pruning but not a full
// evaluation.
func distribute(ctx *context, src source, op op, x, y evaluated) evaluated {
dn := &disjunction{baseValue: src.base()}
dist(ctx, dn, false, op, mVal{x, true}, mVal{y, true})
return dn.normalize(ctx, src).val
func dist(ctx *context, d *disjunction, mark bool, op op, x, y mVal) {
if dx, ok := x.val.(*disjunction); ok {
if dx.hasDefaults {
mark = true
d.hasDefaults = true
for _, dxv := range dx.values {
m := dxv.marked || !dx.hasDefaults
dist(ctx, d, mark, op, mVal{dxv.val.evalPartial(ctx), m}, y)
if dy, ok := y.val.(*disjunction); ok {
if dy.hasDefaults {
mark = true
d.hasDefaults = true
for _, dxy := range dy.values {
m := dxy.marked || !dy.hasDefaults
dist(ctx, d, mark, op, x, mVal{dxy.val.evalPartial(ctx), m})
src := binSrc(token.NoPos, op, x.val, y.val)
d.add(ctx, binOp(ctx, src, op, x.val, y.val), mark && x.mark && y.mark)
func (x *disjunction) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
panic("unreachable: special-cased")
func (x *bottom) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
panic("unreachable: special-cased")
// add adds to a unification. Note that the value cannot be a struct and thus
// there is no need to distinguish between checked and unchecked unification.
func (x *unification) add(ctx *context, src source, v evaluated) evaluated {
for progress := true; progress; {
progress = false
k := 0
for i, vx := range x.values {
a := binOp(ctx, src, opUnify, vx, v)
switch _, isUnify := a.(*unification); {
case isBottom(a):
if !isIncomplete(a) {
return a
case isUnify:
x.values[k] = x.values[i]
// k will not be raised in this iteration. So the outer loop
// will ultimately terminate as k reaches 0.
// In practice it is seems unlikely that there will be more than
// two iterations for any addition.
// progress = true
v = a
if k == 0 {
return v
x.values = x.values[:k]
x.values = append(x.values, v)
return nil
func (x *unification) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
if _, isUnify := op.unifyType(); isUnify {
// Cannot be checked unification.
u := &unification{baseValue: baseValue{src}}
u.values = append(u.values, x.values...)
if y, ok := other.(*unification); ok {
for _, vy := range y.values {
if v := u.add(ctx, src, vy); v != nil {
return v
} else if v := u.add(ctx, src, other); v != nil {
return v
return u
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
func (x *top) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
switch op {
case opUnify, opUnifyUnchecked:
return other
src = mkBin(ctx, src.Pos(), op, x, other)
return ctx.mkErr(src, codeIncomplete, "binary operation on (incomplete) top value")
func (x *basicType) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
k := unifyType(x.kind(), other.kind())
switch y := other.(type) {
case *basicType:
switch op {
// TODO: other types.
case opUnify, opUnifyUnchecked:
if k&typeKinds != bottomKind {
return &basicType{binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other), k & typeKinds}
case *bound:
src = mkBin(ctx, src.Pos(), op, x, other)
return ctx.mkErr(src, codeIncomplete, "%s with incomplete values", op)
case *numLit:
if op == opUnify || op == opUnifyUnchecked {
if k == y.k {
return y
i := *y
i.k = k
return &i
src = mkBin(ctx, src.Pos(), op, x, other)
return ctx.mkErr(src, codeIncomplete, "%s with incomplete values", op)
if k&typeKinds != bottomKind {
return other
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
func checkBounds(ctx *context, src source, r *bound, op op, a, b evaluated) evaluated {
v := binOp(ctx, src, op, a, b)
if isBottom(v) || !v.(*boolLit).b {
return errOutOfBounds(ctx, src.Pos(), r, a)
return nil
func errOutOfBounds(ctx *context, pos token.Pos, r *bound, v evaluated) *bottom {
if pos == token.NoPos {
pos = r.Pos()
e := mkBin(ctx, pos, opUnify, r, v)
msg := "invalid value %v (out of bound %v)"
switch r.op {
case opNeq, opNMat:
msg = "invalid value %v (excluded by %v)"
case opMat:
msg = "invalid value %v (does not match %v)"
return ctx.mkErr(e, msg, ctx.str(v), ctx.str(r))
func opInfo(op op) (cmp op, norm int) {
switch op {
case opGtr:
return opGeq, 1
case opGeq:
return opGtr, 1
case opLss:
return opLeq, -1
case opLeq:
return opLss, -1
case opNeq:
return opNeq, 0
case opMat:
return opMat, 2
case opNMat:
return opNMat, 3
panic("cue: unreachable")
func (x *bound) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
xv := x.value.(evaluated)
newSrc := binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other)
switch op {
case opUnify, opUnifyUnchecked:
k, _, msg := matchBinOpKind(opUnify, x.kind(), other.kind())
if k == bottomKind {
return ctx.mkErr(src, msg, opUnify, ctx.str(x), ctx.str(other), x.kind(), other.kind())
switch y := other.(type) {
case *basicType:
k := unifyType(x.k, y.kind())
if k == x.k {
return x
return newBound(ctx, newSrc.base(), x.op, k, xv)
case *bound:
yv := y.value.(evaluated)
if !xv.kind().isGround() || !yv.kind().isGround() {
return ctx.mkErr(newSrc, codeIncomplete, "cannot add incomplete values")
cmp, xCat := opInfo(x.op)
_, yCat := opInfo(y.op)
switch {
case xCat == yCat:
if x.op == opNeq || x.op == opMat || x.op == opNMat {
if test(ctx, x, opEql, xv, yv) {
return x
break // unify the two bounds
// xCat == yCat && x.op != opNeq
// > a & >= b
// > a if a >= b
// >= b if a < b
// > a & > b
// > a if a >= b
// > b if a < b
// >= a & > b
// >= a if a > b
// > b if a <= b
// >= a & >= b
// >= a if a > b
// >= b if a <= b
// inverse is true as well.
// Tighten bound.
if test(ctx, x, cmp, xv, yv) {
return x
return y
case xCat == -yCat:
if xCat == -1 {
x, y = y, x
a, aOK := x.value.(evaluated).(*numLit)
b, bOK := y.value.(evaluated).(*numLit)
if !aOK || !bOK {
var d, lo, hi apd.Decimal
if k&floatKind == 0 {
// Readjust bounds for integers.
if x.op == opGeq {
// >=3.4 ==> >=4
_, _ = apd.BaseContext.Ceil(&lo, &a.v)
} else {
// >3.4 ==> >3
_, _ = apd.BaseContext.Floor(&lo, &a.v)
if y.op == opLeq {
// <=2.3 ==> <= 2
_, _ = apd.BaseContext.Floor(&hi, &b.v)
} else {
// <2.3 ==> < 3
_, _ = apd.BaseContext.Ceil(&hi, &b.v)
cond, err := apd.BaseContext.Sub(&d, &hi, &lo)
if cond.Inexact() || err != nil {
// attempt simplification
// numbers
// >=a & <=b
// a if a == b
// _|_ if a < b
// >=a & <b
// _|_ if b <= a
// >a & <=b
// _|_ if b <= a
// >a & <b
// _|_ if b <= a
// integers
// >=a & <=b
// a if b-a == 0
// _|_ if a < b
// >=a & <b
// a if b-a == 1
// _|_ if b <= a
// >a & <=b
// b if b-a == 1
// _|_ if b <= a
// >a & <b
// a+1 if b-a == 2
// _|_ if b <= a
switch diff, err := d.Int64(); {
case err != nil:
case diff == 1:
if k&floatKind == 0 {
if x.op == opGeq && y.op == opLss {
return &numLit{numBase: a.numBase, v: lo}
if x.op == opGtr && y.op == opLeq {
return &numLit{numBase: b.numBase, v: hi}
case diff == 2:
if k&floatKind == 0 && x.op == opGtr && y.op == opLss {
_, _ = apd.BaseContext.Add(&d, d.SetInt64(1), &lo)
n := *a
n.k = k & numKind
return &n
case diff == 0:
if x.op == opGeq && y.op == opLeq {
n := *a
n.k = k & numKind
return &n
case d.Negative:
return ctx.mkErr(newSrc, "conflicting bounds %v and %v",
ctx.str(x), ctx.str(y))
case x.op == opNeq:
if !test(ctx, x, y.op, xv, yv) {
return y
case y.op == opNeq:
if !test(ctx, x, x.op, yv, xv) {
return x
return &unification{newSrc, []evaluated{x, y}}
case *numLit:
if err := checkBounds(ctx, src, x, x.op, y, xv); err != nil {
return err
// Narrow down number type.
if y.k != k {
n := *y
n.k = k
return &n
return other
case *nullLit, *boolLit, *durationLit, *list, *structLit, *stringLit, *bytesLit:
// All remaining concrete types. This includes non-comparable types
// for comparison to null.
if err := checkBounds(ctx, src, x, x.op, y, xv); err != nil {
return err
return y
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
func (x *customValidator) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
newSrc := binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other)
switch op {
case opUnify, opUnifyUnchecked:
k, _, msg := matchBinOpKind(opUnify, x.kind(), other.kind())
if k == bottomKind {
return ctx.mkErr(src, msg, op, ctx.str(x), ctx.str(other), x.kind(), other.kind())
switch y := other.(type) {
case *basicType:
k := unifyType(x.kind(), y.kind())
if k == x.kind() {
return x
return &unification{newSrc, []evaluated{x, y}}
case *customValidator:
return &unification{newSrc, []evaluated{x, y}}
case *bound:
return &unification{newSrc, []evaluated{x, y}}
case *numLit:
if err := x.check(ctx, y); err != nil {
return err
// Narrow down number type.
if y.k != k {
n := *y
n.k = k
return &n
return other
case *nullLit, *boolLit, *durationLit, *list, *structLit, *stringLit, *bytesLit:
// All remaining concrete types. This includes non-comparable types
// for comparison to null.
if err := x.check(ctx, y); err != nil {
return err
return y
return ctx.mkErr(src, "invalid operation %v and %v (operator not defined for custom validator)", ctx.str(x), ctx.str(other))
func (x *customValidator) check(ctx *context, v evaluated) evaluated {
args := make([]evaluated, 1+len(x.args))
args[0] = v
for i, v := range x.args {
args[1+i] = v.(evaluated)
res :=, x, args...)
if isBottom(res) {
return res.(evaluated)
if b, ok := res.(*boolLit); !ok {
// should never reach here
return ctx.mkErr(x, "invalid custom validator")
} else if !b.b {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s.%s", ctx.labelStr(,
for _, a := range x.args {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "invalid value %s (does not satisfy %s)", ctx.str(v), buf.String())
return nil
func evalLambda(ctx *context, a value, finalize bool) (l *lambdaExpr, err evaluated) {
if a == nil {
return nil, nil
// NOTE: the values of a lambda might still be a disjunction
e := ctx.manifest(a)
if isBottom(e) {
return nil, e
l, ok := e.(*lambdaExpr)
if !ok {
return nil, ctx.mkErr(a, "value must be lambda")
lambda := ctx.deref(l).(*lambdaExpr)
if finalize {
lambda.value = wrapFinalize(ctx, lambda.value)
return lambda, nil
func (x *structLit) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
y, ok := other.(*structLit)
unchecked, isUnify := op.unifyType()
if !ok || !isUnify {
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
// TODO: unify emit
x = ctx.deref(x).(*structLit)
y = ctx.deref(y).(*structLit)
if x == y {
return x
arcs := make(arcs, 0, len(x.arcs)+len(y.arcs))
var base baseValue
if src.computed() != nil {
base = baseValue{src.computed()}
} else {
base = binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other)
obj := &structLit{
base, // baseValue
x.emit, // emit
nil, // template
x.closeStatus | y.closeStatus, // closeStatus
nil, // comprehensions
arcs, // arcs
nil, // attributes
defer ctx.pushForwards(x, obj, y, obj).popForwards()
optionals, err := unifyOptionals(ctx, src, op, x, y)
if err != nil {
return err
obj.optionals = optionals
// If unifying with a closed struct that does not have a template,
// we need to apply the template to all elements.
sz := len(x.comprehensions) + len(y.comprehensions)
obj.comprehensions = make([]compValue, sz)
for i, c := range x.comprehensions {
obj.comprehensions[i] = compValue{
checked: c.checked || (!unchecked && y.isClosed()),
comp: ctx.copy(c.comp),
for i, c := range y.comprehensions {
obj.comprehensions[i+len(x.comprehensions)] = compValue{
checked: c.checked || (!unchecked && x.isClosed()),
comp: ctx.copy(c.comp),
for _, a := range x.arcs {
found := false
for _, b := range y.arcs {
if a.feature == b.feature {
found = true
if !unchecked && !found && !y.allows(ctx, a.feature) && !a.definition {
if a.optional {
// TODO: pass position of key, not value. Currently does not have
// a position.
return ctx.mkErr(a.v, a.v, "field %q not allowed in closed struct",
cp := ctx.copy(a.v)
obj.arcs = append(obj.arcs,
arc{a.feature, a.optional, a.definition, cp, nil, a.attrs,})
for _, a := range y.arcs {
v := ctx.copy(a.v)
found := false
for i, b := range obj.arcs {
if a.feature == b.feature {
found = true
if a.definition != b.definition {
src := binSrc(x.Pos(), op, a.v, b.v)
return ctx.mkErr(src, "field %q declared as definition and regular field",
w := b.v
if x.closeStatus.shouldFinalize() {
w = wrapFinalize(ctx, w)
if y.closeStatus.shouldFinalize() {
v = wrapFinalize(ctx, v)
v = mkBin(ctx, src.Pos(), op, w, v)
obj.arcs[i].v = v
obj.arcs[i].cache = nil
obj.arcs[i].optional = a.optional && b.optional
obj.arcs[i].docs = mergeDocs(,
attrs, err := unifyAttrs(ctx, src, a.attrs, b.attrs)
if err != nil {
return err
obj.arcs[i].attrs = attrs
continue outer
if !unchecked && !found && !x.allows(ctx, a.feature) && !a.definition {
if a.optional {
// TODO: pass position of key, not value. Currently does not have a
// position.
return ctx.mkErr(a.v, x, "field %q not allowed in closed struct",
obj.arcs = append(obj.arcs, a)
if unchecked && obj.optionals.isFull() {
return obj
func (x *structLit) rewriteOpt(ctx *context) (*optionals, evaluated) {
fn := func(v value) value {
if l, ok := v.(*lambdaExpr); ok {
l, err := evalLambda(ctx, l, x.closeStatus.shouldFinalize())
if err != nil {
return err
v = l
return ctx.copy(v)
c, err := x.optionals.rewrite(fn)
if err != nil {
return c, err
return c, nil
func unifyOptionals(ctx *context, src source, op op, x, y *structLit) (o *optionals, err evaluated) {
if x.optionals == nil && y.optionals == nil {
return nil, nil
left, err := x.rewriteOpt(ctx)
if err != nil {
return left, err
right, err := y.rewriteOpt(ctx)
if err != nil {
return right, err
closeStatus := x.closeStatus | y.closeStatus
switch {
case left.isDotDotDot() && right.isDotDotDot():
case left == nil && (!x.closeStatus.isClosed() || op == opUnifyUnchecked):
return right, nil
case right == nil && (!y.closeStatus.isClosed() || op == opUnifyUnchecked):
return left, nil
case op == opUnify && closeStatus.isClosed(),
left != nil && (left.left != nil || left.right != nil),
right != nil && (right.left != nil || right.right != nil):
return &optionals{closeStatus, op, left, right, nil}, nil
// opUnify where both structs are open or opUnifyUnchecked
for _, f := range right.fields {
left.add(ctx, f.key, f.value)
return left, nil
func (x *nullLit) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
// TODO: consider using binSrc instead of src.base() for better traceability.
switch other.(type) {
case *nullLit:
switch op {
case opEql:
return &boolLit{baseValue: src.base(), b: true}
case opNeq:
return &boolLit{baseValue: src.base(), b: false}
case opUnify, opUnifyUnchecked:
return x
case *bound:
// Not strictly necessary, but handling this results in better error
// messages.
if op == opUnify || op == opUnifyUnchecked {
return other.binOp(ctx, src, opUnify, x)
switch op {
case opEql:
return &boolLit{baseValue: src.base(), b: false}
case opNeq:
return &boolLit{baseValue: src.base(), b: true}
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
func (x *boolLit) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
switch y := other.(type) {
case *basicType:
// range math
return x
case *boolLit:
switch op {
case opUnify, opUnifyUnchecked:
if x.b != y.b {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "conflicting values %v and %v", x.b, y.b)
return x
case opLand:
return boolTonode(src, x.b && y.b)
case opLor:
return boolTonode(src, x.b || y.b)
case opEql:
return boolTonode(src, x.b == y.b)
case opNeq:
return boolTonode(src, x.b != y.b)
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
func (x *stringLit) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
switch y := other.(type) {
// case *basicType:
// return x
// TODO: rangelit
case *stringLit:
str := other.strValue()
switch op {
case opUnify, opUnifyUnchecked:
str := other.strValue()
if x.str != str {
src := mkBin(ctx, src.Pos(), op, x, other)
return ctx.mkErr(src, "conflicting values %v and %v",
ctx.str(x), ctx.str(y))
return x
case opLss, opLeq, opEql, opNeq, opGeq, opGtr:
return cmpTonode(src, op, strings.Compare(x.str, str))
case opAdd:
src := binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other)
return &stringLit{src, x.str + str, nil}
case opMat:
if == nil {
// This really should not happen, but leave in for safety.
b, err := regexp.MatchString(str, x.str)
if err != nil {
return ctx.mkErr(src, "error parsing regexp: %v", err)
return boolTonode(src, b)
return boolTonode(src,
case opNMat:
if == nil {
// This really should not happen, but leave in for safety.
b, err := regexp.MatchString(str, x.str)
if err != nil {
return ctx.mkErr(src, "error parsing regexp: %v", err)
return boolTonode(src, !b)
return boolTonode(src, !
case *numLit:
switch op {
case opMul:
src := binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other)
return &stringLit{src, strings.Repeat(x.str, y.intValue(ctx)), nil}
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
func (x *bytesLit) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
switch y := other.(type) {
// case *basicType:
// return x
// TODO: rangelit
case *bytesLit:
b := y.b
switch op {
case opUnify, opUnifyUnchecked:
if !bytes.Equal(x.b, b) {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "conflicting values %v and %v",
ctx.str(x), ctx.str(y))
return x
case opLss, opLeq, opEql, opNeq, opGeq, opGtr:
return cmpTonode(src, op, bytes.Compare(x.b, b))
case opAdd:
copy := append([]byte(nil), x.b...)
copy = append(copy, b...)
return &bytesLit{binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other), copy, nil}
case *numLit:
switch op {
case opMul:
src := binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other)
return &bytesLit{src, bytes.Repeat(x.b, y.intValue(ctx)), nil}
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
func test(ctx *context, src source, op op, a, b evaluated) bool {
v := binOp(ctx, src, op, a, b)
if isBottom(v) {
return false
return v.(*boolLit).b
func leq(ctx *context, src source, a, b evaluated) bool {
if isTop(a) || isTop(b) {
return true
v := binOp(ctx, src, opLeq, a, b)
if isBottom(v) {
return false
return v.(*boolLit).b
// TODO: should these go?
func maxNum(v value) value {
switch x := v.(type) {
case *numLit:
return x
case *bound:
switch x.op {
case opLeq:
return x.value
case opLss:
return &binaryExpr{x.baseValue, opSub, x.value, one}
return &basicType{x.baseValue, intKind}
return v
func minNum(v value) value {
switch x := v.(type) {
case *numLit:
return x
case *bound:
switch x.op {
case opGeq:
return x.value
case opGtr:
return &binaryExpr{x.baseValue, opAdd, x.value, one}
return &basicType{x.baseValue, intKind}
return v
func cmpTonode(src source, op op, r int) evaluated {
result := false
switch op {
case opLss:
result = r == -1
case opLeq:
result = r != 1
case opEql, opUnify, opUnifyUnchecked:
result = r == 0
case opNeq:
result = r != 0
case opGeq:
result = r != -1
case opGtr:
result = r == 1
return boolTonode(src, result)
func (x *numLit) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
switch y := other.(type) {
case *basicType, *bound, *customValidator: // for better error reporting
if op == opUnify || op == opUnifyUnchecked {
return y.binOp(ctx, src, op, x)
case *numLit:
k, _, _ := matchBinOpKind(op, x.kind(), y.kind())
n := newNumBin(k, x, y)
switch op {
case opUnify, opUnifyUnchecked:
if x.v.Cmp(&y.v) != 0 {
src = mkBin(ctx, src.Pos(), op, x, other)
return ctx.mkErr(src, "conflicting values %v and %v",
ctx.str(x), ctx.str(y))
if k != x.k {
n.v = x.v
return n
return x
case opLss, opLeq, opEql, opNeq, opGeq, opGtr:
return cmpTonode(src, op, x.v.Cmp(&y.v))
case opAdd:
_, _ = ctx.Add(&n.v, &x.v, &y.v)
case opSub:
_, _ = ctx.Sub(&n.v, &x.v, &y.v)
case opMul:
_, _ = ctx.Mul(&n.v, &x.v, &y.v)
case opQuo:
cond, err := ctx.Quo(&n.v, &x.v, &y.v)
if err != nil {
return ctx.mkErr(src, err.Error())
if cond.DivisionByZero() {
return ctx.mkErr(src, "division by zero")
_, _, _ = ctx.Reduce(&n.v, &n.v)
n.k = floatKind
case opIDiv:
if y.v.IsZero() {
return ctx.mkErr(src, "division by zero")
intOp(ctx, n, (*big.Int).Div, x, y)
case opIMod:
if y.v.IsZero() {
return ctx.mkErr(src, "division by zero")
intOp(ctx, n, (*big.Int).Mod, x, y)
case opIQuo:
if y.v.IsZero() {
return ctx.mkErr(src, "division by zero")
intOp(ctx, n, (*big.Int).Quo, x, y)
case opIRem:
if y.v.IsZero() {
return ctx.mkErr(src, "division by zero")
intOp(ctx, n, (*big.Int).Rem, x, y)
return n
case *durationLit:
if op == opMul {
fd := float64(y.d)
// TODO: check range
f, _ := x.v.Float64()
d := time.Duration(f * fd)
return &durationLit{binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other), d}
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
type intFunc func(z, x, y *big.Int) *big.Int
func intOp(ctx *context, n *numLit, fn intFunc, a, b *numLit) {
var x, y apd.Decimal
_, _ = ctx.RoundToIntegralValue(&x, &a.v)
if x.Negative {
_, _ = ctx.RoundToIntegralValue(&y, &b.v)
if y.Negative {
fn(&n.v.Coeff, &x.Coeff, &y.Coeff)
if n.v.Coeff.Sign() < 0 {
n.v.Negative = true
n.k = intKind
// TODO: check overflow
func (x *durationLit) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
switch y := other.(type) {
case *basicType:
// infinity math
case *durationLit:
switch op {
case opUnify, opUnifyUnchecked:
if x.d != y.d {
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
return other
case opLss:
return boolTonode(src, x.d < y.d)
case opLeq:
return boolTonode(src, x.d <= y.d)
case opEql:
return boolTonode(src, x.d == y.d)
case opNeq:
return boolTonode(src, x.d != y.d)
case opGeq:
return boolTonode(src, x.d >= y.d)
case opGtr:
return boolTonode(src, x.d > y.d)
case opAdd:
return &durationLit{binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other), x.d + y.d}
case opSub:
return &durationLit{binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other), x.d - y.d}
case opQuo:
n := &numLit{
numBase: newNumBase(nil, newNumInfo(floatKind, 0, 10, false)),
d := apd.New(int64(y.d), 0)
// TODO: check result if this code becomes undead.
_, _ = ctx.Quo(&n.v, &n.v, d)
return n
case opIRem:
n := &numLit{
numBase: newNumBase(nil, newNumInfo(intKind, 0, 10, false)),
n.v.SetInt64(int64(x.d % y.d))
n.v.Exponent = -9
return n
case *numLit:
switch op {
case opMul:
// TODO: check range
f, _ := y.v.Float64()
d := time.Duration(float64(x.d) * f)
return &durationLit{binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other), d}
case opQuo:
// TODO: check range
f, _ := y.v.Float64()
d := time.Duration(float64(x.d) * f)
return &durationLit{binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other), d}
case opIRem:
d := x.d % time.Duration(y.intValue(ctx))
return &durationLit{binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other), d}
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
func (x *list) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
switch op {
case opUnify, opUnifyUnchecked:
y, ok := other.(*list)
if !ok {
n := binOp(ctx, src, op, x.len.(evaluated), y.len.(evaluated))
if isBottom(n) {
src = mkBin(ctx, src.Pos(), op, x, other)
return ctx.mkErr(src, "conflicting list lengths: %v", n)
sx := x.elem.arcs
xa := sx
sy := y.elem.arcs
ya := sy
for len(xa) < len(ya) {
xa = append(xa, arc{feature: label(len(xa)), v: x.typ})
for len(ya) < len(xa) {
ya = append(ya, arc{feature: label(len(ya)), v: y.typ})
typ := x.typ
max, ok := n.(*numLit)
if !ok || len(xa) < max.intValue(ctx) {
src := mkBin(ctx, src.Pos(), op, x.typ, y.typ)
xt := x.typ.evalPartial(ctx)
yt := y.typ.evalPartial(ctx)
typ = binOp(ctx, src, op, xt, yt)
if isBottom(typ) {
return ctx.mkErr(src, "conflicting list element types: %v", typ)
// TODO: use forwarding instead of this mild hack.
x.elem.arcs = xa
y.elem.arcs = ya
s := binOp(ctx, src, op, x.elem, y.elem).(*structLit)
x.elem.arcs = sx
y.elem.arcs = sy
base := binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other)
return &list{baseValue: base, elem: s, typ: typ, len: n}
case opEql, opNeq:
y, ok := other.(*list)
if !ok {
if len(x.elem.arcs) != len(y.elem.arcs) {
return boolTonode(src, false)
for i := range x.elem.arcs {
if !test(ctx, src, op,, i),, i)) {
return boolTonode(src, false)
return boolTonode(src, true)
case opAdd:
y, ok := other.(*list)
if !ok {
n := &list{baseValue: binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other), typ: y.typ}
arcs := []arc{}
for _, v := range x.elem.arcs {
arcs = append(arcs, arc{feature: label(len(arcs)), v: v.v})
for _, v := range y.elem.arcs {
arcs = append(arcs, arc{feature: label(len(arcs)), v: v.v})
switch v := y.len.(type) {
case *numLit:
// Closed list
ln := &numLit{numBase: v.numBase}
n.len = ln
// Open list
n.len = y.len // TODO: add length of x?
n.elem = &structLit{baseValue: n.baseValue, arcs: arcs}
return n
case opMul:
k := other.kind()
if !k.isAnyOf(intKind) {
panic("multiplication must be int type")
n := &list{baseValue: binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other), typ: x.typ}
arcs := []arc{}
if len(x.elem.arcs) > 0 {
if !k.isGround() {
// should never reach here.
if ln := other.(*numLit).intValue(ctx); ln > 0 {
for i := 0; i < ln; i++ {
// TODO: copy values
for _, a := range x.elem.arcs {
arcs = append(arcs, arc{feature: label(len(arcs)), v: a.v})
} else if ln < 0 {
return ctx.mkErr(src, "negative number %d multiplies list", ln)
switch v := x.len.(type) {
case *numLit:
// Closed list
ln := &numLit{numBase: v.numBase}
n.len = ln
// Open list
n.len = x.len // TODO: multiply length?
n.elem = &structLit{baseValue: n.baseValue, arcs: arcs}
return n
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
func (x *lambdaExpr) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
if y, ok := other.(*lambdaExpr); ok && op == opUnify {
x = ctx.deref(x).(*lambdaExpr)
y = ctx.deref(y).(*lambdaExpr)
n, m := len(x.params.arcs), len(y.params.arcs)
if n != m {
src = mkBin(ctx, src.Pos(), op, x, other)
return ctx.mkErr(src, "number of params should match (%d != %d)", n, m)
arcs := make([]arc, len(x.arcs))
lambda := &lambdaExpr{binSrc(src.Pos(), op, x, other), &params{arcs}, nil}
defer ctx.pushForwards(x, lambda, y, lambda).popForwards()
xVal := ctx.copy(x.value)
yVal := ctx.copy(y.value)
lambda.value = mkBin(ctx, src.Pos(), opUnify, xVal, yVal)
for i := range arcs {
xArg := ctx.copy(, i)).(evaluated)
yArg := ctx.copy(, i)).(evaluated)
v := binOp(ctx, src, op, xArg, yArg)
if isBottom(v) {
return v
arcs[i] = arc{feature: x.arcs[i].feature, v: v}
return lambda
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
func (x *builtin) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
if _, isUnify := op.unifyType(); isUnify && evaluated(x) == other {
return x
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
func (x *feed) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
func (x *guard) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
func (x *yield) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)
func (x *fieldComprehension) binOp(ctx *context, src source, op op, other evaluated) evaluated {
return ctx.mkIncompatible(src, op, x, other)