blob: b9d749e2bdeed2d131305c1795aba7aca4284357 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cue
import (
func TestConvert(t *testing.T) {
i34 := big.NewInt(34)
d34 := mkBigInt(34)
n34 := mkBigInt(-34)
f34 := big.NewFloat(34.0000)
testCases := []struct {
goVal interface{}
want string
nil, "(null | _)",
}, {
true, "true",
}, {
false, "false",
}, {
errors.New("oh noes"), "_|_(oh noes)",
}, {
"foo", `"foo"`,
}, {
3, "3",
}, {
uint(3), "3",
}, {
uint8(3), "3",
}, {
uint16(3), "3",
}, {
uint32(3), "3",
}, {
uint64(3), "3",
}, {
int8(-3), "-3",
}, {
int16(-3), "-3",
}, {
int32(-3), "-3",
}, {
int64(-3), "-3",
}, {
float64(3.1), "3.1",
}, {
float32(3.1), "3.1",
}, {
uintptr(3), "3",
}, {
&i34, "34",
}, {
&f34, "34",
}, {
&d34, "34",
}, {
&n34, "-34",
}, {
[]int{1, 2, 3, 4}, "[1,2,3,4]",
}, {
[]interface{}{}, "[]",
}, {
"a": []int{1},
"b": []int{3, 4},
}, "<0>{a: [1], b: [3,4]}",
}, {
map[bool]int{}, "_|_(unsupported Go type for map key (bool))",
}, {
map[struct{}]int{struct{}{}: 2}, "_|_(unsupported Go type for map key (struct {}))",
}, {
map[int]int{1: 2}, "<0>{1: 2}",
}, {
struct {
a int
b int
}{3, 4},
}, {
struct {
A int
B int
}{3, 4},
"<0>{A: 3, B: 4}",
}, {
struct {
A int `json:"a"`
B int `yaml:"b"`
}{3, 4},
"<0>{a: 3, b: 4}",
}, {
struct {
A int `json:"" yaml:"" protobuf:"aa"`
B int `yaml:"cc" json:"bb" protobuf:"aa"`
}{3, 4},
"<0>{aa: 3, bb: 4}",
}, {
&struct{ A int }{3}, "<0>{A: 3}",
}, {
(*struct{ A int })(nil), "(null | <0>{A: (int & >=-9223372036854775808 & int & <=9223372036854775807)})",
}, {
reflect.ValueOf(3), "3",
}, {
time.Date(2019, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), `"2019-04-01T00:00:00Z"`,
inst := getInstance(t, "{}")
b := ast.NewIdent("dummy")
for _, tc := range testCases {
ctx := inst.newContext()
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
v := convert(ctx, newNode(b), true, tc.goVal)
got := debugStr(ctx, v)
if got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("got %q; want %q", got, tc.want)
func TestConvertType(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
goTyp interface{}
want string
struct {
A int `cue:">=0&<100"`
B *big.Int `cue:">=0"`
C *big.Int
D big.Int
F *big.Float
// TODO: indicate that B is explicitly an int only.
`<0>{A: ((int & >=-9223372036854775808 & int & <=9223372036854775807) & (>=0 & <100)), ` +
`B: (int & >=0), ` +
`C?: int, ` +
`D: int, ` +
`F?: number}`,
}, {
&struct {
A int16 `cue:">=0&<100"`
B error `json:"b,"`
C string
D bool
F float64
L []byte
T time.Time
G func()
`(*null | <0>{A: ((int & >=-32768 & int & <=32767) & (>=0 & <100)), ` +
`C: string, ` +
`D: bool, ` +
`F: float, ` +
`b: null, ` +
`L?: (*null | bytes), ` +
`T: _})`,
}, {
struct {
A int `cue:"<"` // invalid
"_|_(invalid tag \"<\" for field \"A\": expected operand, found 'EOF')",
}, {
struct {
A int `json:"-"` // skip
D *apd.Decimal
P ***apd.Decimal
I interface{ Foo() }
T string `cue:""` // allowed
h int
"<0>{D?: number, T: string, P?: (*null | number), I?: _}",
}, {
struct {
A int8 `cue:"C-B"`
B int8 `cue:"C-A,opt"`
C int8 `cue:"A+B"`
// TODO: should B be marked as optional?
`<0>{A: ((int & >=-128 & int & <=127) & (<0>.C - <0>.B)), ` +
`B?: ((int & >=-128 & int & <=127) & (<0>.C - <0>.A)), ` +
`C: ((int & >=-128 & int & <=127) & (<0>.A + <0>.B))}`,
}, {
`(*null | [, ...string])`,
}, {
}, {
"_|_(unsupported Go type (func()))",
}, {
map[string]struct{ A map[string]uint }{},
`(*null | ` +
`<0>{[]: <1>(_: string)-><2>{` +
`A?: (*null | ` +
`<3>{[]: <4>(_: string)->(int & >=0 & int & <=18446744073709551615), })}, })`,
}, {
`_|_(unsupported Go type for map key (float32))`,
}, {
`_|_(unsupported Go type for map key (float32))`,
}, {
`_|_(unsupported Go type (func()))`,
}, {
time.Now, // a function
"_|_(unsupported Go type (func() time.Time))",
inst := getInstance(t, "{}")
for _, tc := range testCases {
ctx := inst.newContext()
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
v := goTypeToValue(ctx, true, reflect.TypeOf(tc.goTyp))
got := debugStr(ctx, v)
if got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("\n got %q;\nwant %q", got, tc.want)