blob: 5d8029a0e0fc319c24c4f781900939a2b1eedbe1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package load
// Files in package are to a large extent based on Go files from the following
// Go packages:
// - cmd/go/internal/load
// - go/build
import (
pathpkg "path"
build ""
// Instances returns the instances named by the command line arguments 'args'.
// If errors occur trying to load an instance it is returned with Incomplete
// set. Errors directly related to loading the instance are recorded in this
// instance, but errors that occur loading dependencies are recorded in these
// dependencies.
func Instances(args []string, c *Config) []*build.Instance {
if c == nil {
c = &Config{}
newC, err := c.complete()
if err != nil {
return []*build.Instance{c.newErrInstance(token.NoPos, "", err)}
c = newC
l := c.loader
// TODO: this is work in progress. We aim to replace the original Go
// implementation, which is not ideal for CUE.
if len(args) > 0 && encoding.MapExtension(filepath.Ext(args[0])) != nil {
return []*build.Instance{l.cueFilesPackage(args)}
a := []*build.Instance{}
for _, m := range l.importPaths(args) {
if m.Err != nil {
inst := c.newErrInstance(token.NoPos, "", m.Err)
a = append(a, inst)
a = append(a, m.Pkgs...)
return a
// Mode flags for loadImport and download (in get.go).
const (
// resolveImport means that loadImport should do import path expansion.
// That is, resolveImport means that the import path came from
// a source file and has not been expanded yet to account for
// vendoring or possible module adjustment.
// Every import path should be loaded initially with resolveImport,
// and then the expanded version (for example with the /vendor/ in it)
// gets recorded as the canonical import path. At that point, future loads
// of that package must not pass resolveImport, because
// disallowVendor will reject direct use of paths containing /vendor/.
resolveImport = 1 << iota
type loader struct {
cfg *Config
stk importStack
func (l *loader) abs(filename string) string {
if !isLocalImport(filename) {
return filename
return filepath.Join(l.cfg.Dir, filename)
// cueFilesPackage creates a package for building a collection of CUE files
// (typically named on the command line).
func (l *loader) cueFilesPackage(files []string) *build.Instance {
pos := token.NoPos
cfg := l.cfg
cfg.filesMode = true
// ModInit() // TODO: support modules
pkg := l.cfg.Context.NewInstance(cfg.Dir, l.loadFunc())
for _, f := range files {
if cfg.isDir(f) {
return cfg.newErrInstance(token.NoPos, toImportPath(f),
errors.Newf(pos, "cannot mix files with directories %v", f))
ext := filepath.Ext(f)
enc := encoding.MapExtension(ext)
if enc == nil {
return cfg.newErrInstance(token.NoPos, toImportPath(f),
errors.Newf(pos, "unrecognized extension %q", ext))
// TODO: add fields directly?
fp := newFileProcessor(cfg, pkg)
for _, file := range files {
path := file
if !filepath.IsAbs(file) {
path = filepath.Join(cfg.Dir, file)
fi, err := cfg.fileSystem.stat(path)
if err != nil {
return cfg.newErrInstance(pos, toImportPath(path),
errors.Wrapf(err, pos, "could not find dir %s", path))
if fi.IsDir() {
return cfg.newErrInstance(pos, toImportPath(path),
errors.Newf(pos, "%s is a directory, should be a CUE file", file))
fp.add(pos, cfg.Dir, file, allowAnonymous)
// TODO: ModImportFromFiles(files)
_, err := filepath.Abs(cfg.Dir)
if err != nil {
return cfg.newErrInstance(pos, toImportPath(cfg.Dir),
errors.Wrapf(err, pos, "could convert '%s' to absolute path", cfg.Dir))
pkg.Dir = cfg.Dir
rewriteFiles(pkg, pkg.Dir, true)
for _, err := range errors.Errors(fp.finalize()) { // ImportDir(&ctxt, dir, 0)
// TODO: Support module importing.
// if ModDirImportPath != nil {
// // Use the effective import path of the directory
// // for deciding visibility during pkg.load.
// bp.ImportPath = ModDirImportPath(dir)
// }
for _, f := range pkg.CUEFiles {
fs := &l.cfg.fileSystem
if !fs.isAbsPath(f) {
f = fs.joinPath(cfg.Dir, f)
r, err := fs.openFile(f)
if err != nil {
_ = pkg.AddFile(f, r)
pkg.Local = true
pkg.Local = true
//pkg.LocalPrefix = dirToImportPath(dir)
pkg.DisplayPath = "command-line-arguments"
pkg.Match = files
return pkg
func cleanImport(path string) string {
orig := path
path = pathpkg.Clean(path)
if strings.HasPrefix(orig, "./") && path != ".." && !strings.HasPrefix(path, "../") {
path = "./" + path
return path
// An importStack is a stack of import paths, possibly with the suffix " (test)" appended.
// The import path of a test package is the import path of the corresponding
// non-test package with the suffix "_test" added.
type importStack []string
func (s *importStack) Push(p string) {
*s = append(*s, p)
func (s *importStack) Pop() {
*s = (*s)[0 : len(*s)-1]
func (s *importStack) Copy() []string {
return append([]string{}, *s...)
// shorterThan reports whether sp is shorter than t.
// We use this to record the shortest import sequences
// that leads to a particular package.
func (sp *importStack) shorterThan(t []string) bool {
s := *sp
if len(s) != len(t) {
return len(s) < len(t)
// If they are the same length, settle ties using string ordering.
for i := range s {
if s[i] != t[i] {
return s[i] < t[i]
return false // they are equal
// reusePackage reuses package p to satisfy the import at the top
// of the import stack stk. If this use causes an import loop,
// reusePackage updates p's error information to record the loop.
func (l *loader) reusePackage(p *build.Instance) *build.Instance {
// We use p.Internal.Imports==nil to detect a package that
// is in the midst of its own loadPackage call
// (all the recursion below happens before p.Internal.Imports gets set).
if p.ImportPaths == nil {
if err := lastError(p); err == nil {
err = l.errPkgf(nil, "import cycle not allowed")
err.IsImportCycle = true
report(p, err)
p.Incomplete = true
// Don't rewrite the import stack in the error if we have an import cycle.
// If we do, we'll lose the path that describes the cycle.
if err := lastError(p); err != nil && !err.IsImportCycle && l.stk.shorterThan(err.ImportStack) {
err.ImportStack = l.stk.Copy()
return p
// dirToImportPath returns the pseudo-import path we use for a package
// outside the CUE path. It begins with _/ and then contains the full path
// to the directory. If the package lives in c:\home\gopher\my\pkg then
// the pseudo-import path is _/c_/home/gopher/my/pkg.
// Using a pseudo-import path like this makes the ./ imports no longer
// a special case, so that all the code to deal with ordinary imports works
// automatically.
func dirToImportPath(dir string) string {
return pathpkg.Join("_", strings.Map(makeImportValid, filepath.ToSlash(dir)))
func makeImportValid(r rune) rune {
// Should match Go spec, compilers, and ../../go/parser/parser.go:/isValidImport.
const illegalChars = `!"#$%&'()*,:;<=>?[\]^{|}` + "`\uFFFD"
if !unicode.IsGraphic(r) || unicode.IsSpace(r) || strings.ContainsRune(illegalChars, r) {
return '_'
return r