blob: 3bf679882ddc0e029848731cee5443adcd6e368d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cue
import (
// insertFile inserts the given file at the root of the instance.
// The contents will be merged (unified) with any pre-existing value. In this
// case an error may be reported, but only if the merge failed at the top-level.
// Other errors will be recorded at the respective values in the tree.
// There should be no unresolved identifiers in file, meaning the Node field
// of all identifiers should be set to a non-nil value.
func (inst *Instance) insertFile(f *ast.File) errors.Error {
// TODO: insert by converting to value first so that the trim command can
// also remove top-level fields.
// First process single file.
v := newVisitor(inst.index, inst.inst, inst.rootStruct, inst.scope)
v.astState.astMap[f] = inst.rootStruct
// TODO: fix cmd/import to resolve references in the AST before
// inserting. For now, we accept errors that did not make it up to the tree.
result := v.walk(f)
if isBottom(result) {
val := newValueRoot(v.ctx(), result)
v.errors = errors.Append(v.errors, val.toErr(result.(*bottom)))
return v.errors
return nil
type astVisitor struct {
object *structLit
parent *astVisitor
sel string // label or index; may be '*'
// For single line fields, the doc comment is applied to the inner-most
// field value.
// // This comment is for bar.
// foo bar: value
doc *docNode
inSelector int
func (v *astVisitor) ctx() *context {
return v.astState.ctx
type astState struct {
ctx *context
inst *build.Instance
litParser *litParser
resolveRoot *structLit
// make unique per level to avoid reuse of structs being an issue.
astMap map[ast.Node]scope
errors errors.Error
func (s *astState) mapScope(n ast.Node) (m scope) {
if m = s.astMap[n]; m == nil {
m = newStruct(newNode(n))
s.astMap[n] = m
return m
func (s *astState) setScope(n ast.Node, v scope) {
if m, ok := s.astMap[n]; ok && m != v {
panic("already defined")
s.astMap[n] = v
func newVisitor(idx *index, inst *build.Instance, obj, resolveRoot *structLit) *astVisitor {
ctx := idx.newContext()
return newVisitorCtx(ctx, inst, obj, resolveRoot)
func newVisitorCtx(ctx *context, inst *build.Instance, obj, resolveRoot *structLit) *astVisitor {
v := &astVisitor{
object: obj,
v.astState = &astState{
ctx: ctx,
index: ctx.index,
inst: inst,
litParser: &litParser{ctx: ctx},
resolveRoot: resolveRoot,
astMap: map[ast.Node]scope{},
return v
func (v *astVisitor) errf(n ast.Node, format string, args ...interface{}) evaluated {
v.astState.errors = errors.Append(v.astState.errors, &nodeError{
path: v.appendPath(nil),
n: n,
Message: errors.NewMessage(format, args),
arguments := append([]interface{}{format}, args...)
return v.mkErr(newNode(n), arguments...)
func (v *astVisitor) appendPath(a []string) []string {
if v.parent != nil {
a = v.parent.appendPath(a)
if v.sel != "" {
a = append(a, v.sel)
return a
func (v *astVisitor) resolve(n *ast.Ident) value {
ctx := v.ctx()
label := v.label(n.Name, true)
if r := v.resolveRoot; r != nil {
for _, a := range r.arcs {
if a.feature == label {
return &selectorExpr{newExpr(n),
&nodeRef{baseValue: newExpr(n), node: r}, label}
if v.inSelector > 0 {
if p := getBuiltinShorthandPkg(ctx, n.Name); p != nil {
return &nodeRef{newExpr(n), p, label}
return nil
func (v *astVisitor) loadImport(imp *ast.ImportSpec) evaluated {
ctx := v.ctx()
path, err := literal.Unquote(imp.Path.Value)
if err != nil {
return v.errf(imp, "illformed import spec")
// TODO: allow builtin *and* imported package. The result is a unified
// struct.
if p := getBuiltinPkg(ctx, path); p != nil {
return p
bimp := v.inst.LookupImport(path)
if bimp == nil {
return v.errf(imp, "package %q not found", path)
impInst := v.index.loadInstance(bimp)
return impInst.rootValue.evalPartial(ctx)
// We probably don't need to call Walk.s
func (v *astVisitor) walk(astNode ast.Node) (ret value) {
switch n := astNode.(type) {
case *ast.File:
obj := v.object
v1 := &astVisitor{
astState: v.astState,
object: obj,
for _, e := range n.Decls {
switch x := e.(type) {
case *ast.EmbedDecl:
if v1.object.emit == nil {
v1.object.emit = v1.walk(x.Expr)
} else {
v1.object.emit = mkBin(v.ctx(), token.NoPos, opUnify, v1.object.emit, v1.walk(x.Expr))
ret = obj
case *ast.Package:
// NOTE: Do NOT walk the identifier of the package here, as it is not
// supposed to resolve to anything.
case *ast.ImportDecl:
for _, s := range n.Specs {
case *ast.ImportSpec:
val := v.loadImport(n)
if !isBottom(val) {
v.setScope(n, val.(*structLit))
case *ast.StructLit:
obj := v.mapScope(n).(*structLit)
v1 := &astVisitor{
astState: v.astState,
object: obj,
parent: v,
passDoc := len(n.Elts) == 1 && !n.Lbrace.IsValid() && v.doc != nil
if passDoc {
v1.doc = v.doc
ret = obj
for i, e := range n.Elts {
switch x := e.(type) {
case *ast.Ellipsis:
if i != len(n.Elts)-1 {
return v1.walk(x.Type) // Generate an error
f := v.ctx().label("_", true)
sig := &params{}
sig.add(f, &basicType{newNode(x), stringKind})
template := &lambdaExpr{newNode(x), sig, &top{newNode(x)}}
v1.object.addTemplate(v.ctx(), token.NoPos, template)
case *ast.EmbedDecl:
e := v1.walk(x.Expr)
if isBottom(e) {
return e
if e.kind()&structKind == 0 {
return v1.errf(x, "can only embed structs (found %v)", e.kind())
ret = mkBin(v1.ctx(), x.Pos(), opUnifyUnchecked, ret, e)
obj = &structLit{}
v1.object = obj
ret = mkBin(v1.ctx(), x.Pos(), opUnifyUnchecked, ret, obj)
case *ast.Field, *ast.Alias:
case *ast.ComprehensionDecl:
if v.ctx().inDefinition > 0 {
// For embeddings this is handled in binOp, in which case the
// isClosed bit is cleared if a template is introduced.
obj.isClosed = obj.template == nil
if passDoc {
v.doc = v1.doc // signal usage of document back to parent.
case *ast.ListLit:
v1 := &astVisitor{
astState: v.astState,
object: v.object,
parent: v,
elts, ellipsis := internal.ListEllipsis(n)
arcs := []arc{}
for i, e := range elts {
v1.sel = strconv.Itoa(i)
arcs = append(arcs, arc{feature: label(i), v: v1.walk(e)})
s := &structLit{baseValue: newExpr(n), arcs: arcs}
list := &list{baseValue: newExpr(n), elem: s}
if ellipsis != nil {
list.len = newBound(v.ctx(), list.baseValue, opGeq, intKind, list.len)
if ellipsis.Type != nil {
list.typ = v1.walk(ellipsis.Type)
ret = list
case *ast.Ellipsis:
return v.errf(n, "ellipsis (...) only allowed at end of list or struct")
case *ast.ComprehensionDecl:
yielder := &yield{
baseValue: newExpr(n.Field.Value),
opt: n.Field.Optional != token.NoPos,
def: n.Field.Token == token.ISA,
fc := &fieldComprehension{
baseValue: newDecl(n),
clauses: wrapClauses(v, yielder, n.Clauses),
field := n.Field
switch x := field.Label.(type) {
case *ast.Interpolation:
v.sel = "?"
yielder.key = v.walk(x)
yielder.value = v.walk(field.Value)
case *ast.TemplateLabel:
v.sel = "*"
f := v.label(x.Ident.Name, true)
sig := &params{}
sig.add(f, &basicType{newNode(field.Label), stringKind})
template := &lambdaExpr{newExpr(field.Value), sig, nil}
v.setScope(field, template)
template.value = v.walk(field.Value)
yielder.value = template
fc.isTemplate = true
case *ast.BasicLit, *ast.Ident:
name, ok := ast.LabelName(x)
if !ok {
return v.errf(x, "invalid field name: %v", x)
// TODO: is this correct? Just for info, so not very important.
v.sel = name
// TODO: if the clauses do not contain a guard, we know that this
// field will always be added and we can move the comprehension one
// level down. This, in turn, has the advantage that it is more
// likely that the cross-reference limitation for field
// comprehensions is not violated. To ensure compatibility between
// implementations, though, we should relax the spec as well.
// The cross-reference rule is simple and this relaxation seems a
// bit more complex.
// TODO: for now we can also consider making this an error if
// the list of clauses does not contain if and make a suggestion
// to rewrite it.
if name != "" {
yielder.key = &stringLit{newNode(x), name, nil}
yielder.value = v.walk(field.Value)
panic("cue: unknown label type")
// yielder.key = v.walk(n.Field.Label)
// yielder.value = v.walk(n.Field.Value)
v.object.comprehensions = append(v.object.comprehensions, fc)
case *ast.Field:
opt := n.Optional != token.NoPos
isDef := n.Token == token.ISA
if isDef {
ctx := v.ctx()
defer func() { ctx.inDefinition-- }()
switch x := n.Label.(type) {
case *ast.Interpolation:
v.sel = "?"
yielder := &yield{baseValue: newNode(x)}
fc := &fieldComprehension{
baseValue: newDecl(n),
clauses: yielder,
yielder.key = v.walk(x)
yielder.value = v.walk(n.Value)
yielder.opt = opt
yielder.def = isDef
v.object.comprehensions = append(v.object.comprehensions, fc)
case *ast.TemplateLabel:
if isDef {
v.errf(x, "map element type cannot be a definition")
v.sel = "*"
f := v.label(x.Ident.Name, true)
sig := &params{}
sig.add(f, &basicType{newNode(n.Label), stringKind})
template := &lambdaExpr{newNode(n), sig, nil}
v.setScope(n, template)
template.value = v.walk(n.Value)
v.object.addTemplate(v.ctx(), token.NoPos, template)
case *ast.BasicLit, *ast.Ident:
if internal.DropOptional && opt {
v.sel, _ = ast.LabelName(x)
if v.sel == "_" {
if _, ok := x.(*ast.BasicLit); ok {
v.sel = "*"
attrs, err := createAttrs(v.ctx(), newNode(n), n.Attrs)
if err != nil {
return v.errf(n, err.format, err.args)
f, ok := v.nodeLabel(x)
if !ok {
return v.errf(n.Label, "invalid field name: %v", n.Label)
if f != 0 {
var leftOverDoc *docNode
for _, c := range n.Comments() {
if c.Position == 0 {
leftOverDoc = v.doc
v.doc = &docNode{n: n}
val := v.walk(n.Value)
v.object.insertValue(v.ctx(), f, opt, isDef, val, attrs, v.doc)
v.doc = leftOverDoc
panic("cue: unknown label type")
case *ast.Alias:
// parsed verbatim at reference.
case *ast.ListComprehension:
yielder := &yield{baseValue: newExpr(n.Expr)}
lc := &listComprehension{
wrapClauses(v, yielder, n.Clauses),
// we don't support key for lists (yet?)
yielder.value = v.walk(n.Expr)
return lc
// Expressions
case *ast.Ident:
if n.Name == "_" {
ret = &top{newNode(n)}
if n.Node == nil {
if ret = v.resolve(n); ret != nil {
switch n.Name {
case "_":
return &top{newExpr(n)}
case "string":
return &basicType{newExpr(n), stringKind}
case "bytes":
return &basicType{newExpr(n), bytesKind}
case "bool":
return &basicType{newExpr(n), boolKind}
case "int":
return &basicType{newExpr(n), intKind}
case "float":
return &basicType{newExpr(n), floatKind}
case "number":
return &basicType{newExpr(n), numKind}
case "duration":
return &basicType{newExpr(n), durationKind}
case "len":
return lenBuiltin
case "close":
return closeBuiltin
case "and":
return andBuiltin
case "or":
return orBuiltin
if r, ok := predefinedRanges[n.Name]; ok {
return r
ret = v.errf(n, "reference %q not found", n.Name)
if a, ok := n.Node.(*ast.Alias); ok {
ret = v.walk(a.Expr)
f := v.label(n.Name, true)
if n.Scope != nil {
n2 := v.mapScope(n.Scope)
if l, ok := n2.(*lambdaExpr); ok && len(l.params.arcs) == 1 {
f = 0
ret = &nodeRef{baseValue: newExpr(n), node: n2}
ret = &selectorExpr{newExpr(n), ret, f}
} else {
n2 := v.mapScope(n.Node)
ref := &nodeRef{baseValue: newExpr(n), node: n2}
ret = ref
if inst := v.ctx().getImportFromNode(n2); inst != nil {
ref.short = f
case *ast.BottomLit:
// TODO: record inline comment.
ret = &bottom{baseValue: newExpr(n), format: "from source"}
case *ast.BadDecl:
// nothing to do
case *ast.BadExpr:
ret = v.errf(n, "invalid expression")
case *ast.BasicLit:
ret = v.litParser.parse(n)
case *ast.Interpolation:
if len(n.Elts) == 0 {
return v.errf(n, "invalid interpolation")
first, ok1 := n.Elts[0].(*ast.BasicLit)
last, ok2 := n.Elts[len(n.Elts)-1].(*ast.BasicLit)
if !ok1 || !ok2 {
return v.errf(n, "invalid interpolation")
if len(n.Elts) == 1 {
ret = v.walk(n.Elts[0])
lit := &interpolation{baseValue: newExpr(n), k: stringKind}
ret = lit
info, prefixLen, _, err := literal.ParseQuotes(first.Value, last.Value)
if err != nil {
return v.errf(n, "invalid interpolation: %v", err)
prefix := ""
for i := 0; i < len(n.Elts); i += 2 {
l, ok := n.Elts[i].(*ast.BasicLit)
if !ok {
return v.errf(n, "invalid interpolation")
s := l.Value
if !strings.HasPrefix(s, prefix) {
return v.errf(l, "invalid interpolation: unmatched ')'")
s = l.Value[prefixLen:]
x := parseString(v.ctx(), l, info, s) = append(, x)
if i+1 < len(n.Elts) { = append(, v.walk(n.Elts[i+1]))
prefix = ")"
prefixLen = 1
case *ast.ParenExpr:
ret = v.walk(n.X)
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
ret = &selectorExpr{
v.label(n.Sel.Name, true),
case *ast.IndexExpr:
ret = &indexExpr{newExpr(n), v.walk(n.X), v.walk(n.Index)}
case *ast.SliceExpr:
slice := &sliceExpr{baseValue: newExpr(n), x: v.walk(n.X)}
if n.Low != nil {
slice.lo = v.walk(n.Low)
if n.High != nil {
slice.hi = v.walk(n.High)
ret = slice
case *ast.CallExpr:
call := &callExpr{baseValue: newExpr(n), x: v.walk(n.Fun)}
for _, a := range n.Args {
call.args = append(call.args, v.walk(a))
ret = call
case *ast.UnaryExpr:
switch n.Op {
case token.NOT, token.ADD, token.SUB:
ret = &unaryExpr{
case token.GEQ, token.GTR, token.LSS, token.LEQ,
token.NEQ, token.MAT, token.NMAT:
ret = newBound(
case token.MUL:
return v.errf(n, "preference mark not allowed at this position")
return v.errf(n, "unsupported unary operator %q", n.Op)
case *ast.BinaryExpr:
switch n.Op {
case token.OR:
d := &disjunction{baseValue: newExpr(n)}
v.addDisjunctionElem(d, n.X, false)
v.addDisjunctionElem(d, n.Y, false)
ret = d
ret = updateBin(v.ctx(), &binaryExpr{
tokenMap[n.Op], // op
v.walk(n.X), // left
v.walk(n.Y), // right
case *ast.CommentGroup:
// Nothing to do for a free-floating comment group.
// nothing to do
// case *syntax.EmbedDecl:
// TODO: unhandled node.
// value = ctx.mkErr(n, "unknown node type %T", n)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unimplemented %T", n))
return ret
func (v *astVisitor) addDisjunctionElem(d *disjunction, n ast.Node, mark bool) {
switch x := n.(type) {
case *ast.BinaryExpr:
if x.Op == token.OR {
v.addDisjunctionElem(d, x.X, mark)
v.addDisjunctionElem(d, x.Y, mark)
case *ast.UnaryExpr:
if x.Op == token.MUL {
mark = true
n = x.X
d.hasDefaults = true
d.values = append(d.values, dValue{v.walk(n), mark})
func wrapClauses(v *astVisitor, y yielder, clauses []ast.Clause) yielder {
for _, c := range clauses {
if n, ok := c.(*ast.ForClause); ok {
params := &params{}
fn := &lambdaExpr{newExpr(n.Source), params, nil}
v.setScope(n, fn)
for i := len(clauses) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
switch n := clauses[i].(type) {
case *ast.ForClause:
fn := v.mapScope(n).(*lambdaExpr)
fn.value = y
key := "_"
if n.Key != nil {
key = n.Key.Name
f := v.label(key, true)
fn.add(f, &basicType{newExpr(n.Key), stringKind | intKind})
f = v.label(n.Value.Name, true)
fn.add(f, &top{})
y = &feed{newExpr(n.Source), v.walk(n.Source), fn}
case *ast.IfClause:
y = &guard{newExpr(n.Condition), v.walk(n.Condition), y}
return y