blob: 1b92cc321fdf09787bfdcf3067aba88eb1318a2a [file] [log] [blame]
! cue eval foo.cue
cmp stderr expect-stderr
! cue export foo.cue
cmp stderr expect-stderr
cue fmt foo.cue
cmp foo.cue foo-new.cue
-- expect-stderr --
space-separated labels deprecated as of v0.0.13: try running `cue fmt` on the file to upgrade.:
old-style comprehensions deprecated as of v0.0.11: try running `cue fmt` on the file to upgrade.:
-- foo.cue --
a b: 2
"x": 3 for x in a
-- foo-new.cue --
a: b: 2
for x in a {
"x": 3