blob: 00a958f9e23785f9c61629a6fe47f6db15d8fde1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cue
import (
type value interface {
rewrite(*context, rewriteFunc) value
// evalPartial evaluates a value without choosing default values.
evalPartial(*context) evaluated
kind() kind
// subsumesImpl is only defined for non-reference types.
// It should only be called by the subsumes function.
subsumesImpl(*subsumer, value) bool
type evaluated interface {
binOp(*context, source, op, evaluated) evaluated
strValue() string
type scope interface {
lookup(*context, label) arc
type atter interface {
// at returns the evaluated and its original value at the given position.
// If the original could not be found, it returns an error and nil.
at(*context, int) evaluated
type iterAtter interface {
// at returns the evaluated and its original value at the given position.
// If the original could not be found, it returns an error and nil.
iterAt(*context, int) arc
// caller must be implemented by any concrete lambdaKind
type caller interface {
call(ctx *context, src source, args ...evaluated) value
returnKind() kind
func checkKind(ctx *context, x value, want kind) *bottom {
if b, ok := x.(*bottom); ok {
return b
got := x.kind()
if got&want&concreteKind == bottomKind && want != bottomKind {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "cannot use value %v (type %s) as %s", ctx.str(x), got, want)
if !got.isGround() {
return ctx.mkErr(x, codeIncomplete,
"non-concrete value %v", got)
return nil
func newDecl(n ast.Decl) baseValue {
if n == nil {
panic("empty node")
return baseValue{n}
func newExpr(n ast.Expr) baseValue {
if n == nil {
panic("empty node")
return baseValue{n}
func newNode(n ast.Node) baseValue {
if n == nil {
panic("empty node")
return baseValue{n}
type source interface {
// syntax returns the parsed file of the underlying node or a computed
// node indicating that it is a computed binary expression.
syntax() ast.Node
computed() *computedSource
Pos() token.Pos
base() baseValue
type computedSource struct {
pos token.Pos
op op
x value
y value
func (s *computedSource) Pos() token.Pos {
return s.pos
type posser interface {
Pos() token.Pos
type baseValue struct {
pos posser
func (b baseValue) Pos() token.Pos {
if b.pos == nil {
return token.NoPos
return b.pos.Pos()
func (b baseValue) computed() *computedSource {
switch x := b.pos.(type) {
case *computedSource:
return x
return nil
func (b baseValue) syntax() ast.Node {
switch x := b.pos.(type) {
case ast.Node:
return x
return nil
func (b baseValue) base() baseValue {
return b
func (b baseValue) strValue() string { panic("unimplemented") }
func (b baseValue) returnKind() kind { panic("unimplemented") }
// top is the top of the value lattice. It subsumes all possible values.
type top struct{ baseValue }
func (x *top) kind() kind { return topKind }
// basicType represents the root class of any specific type.
type basicType struct {
k kind
func (x *basicType) kind() kind { return x.k | nonGround }
// Literals
type nullLit struct{ baseValue }
func (x *nullLit) kind() kind { return nullKind }
type boolLit struct {
b bool
func (x *boolLit) kind() kind { return boolKind }
func boolTonode(src source, b bool) evaluated {
return &boolLit{src.base(), b}
type bytesLit struct {
b []byte
// Also support to
// accommodate JSON Schema?
re *regexp.Regexp // only set if needed
func (x *bytesLit) kind() kind { return bytesKind }
func (x *bytesLit) strValue() string { return string(x.b) }
func (x *bytesLit) iterAt(ctx *context, i int) arc {
if i >= len(x.b) {
return arc{}
v :=, i)
return arc{v: v, cache: v}
func (x *bytesLit) at(ctx *context, i int) evaluated {
if i < 0 || i >= len(x.b) {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "index %d out of bounds", i)
// TODO: this is incorrect.
return newInt(x, 0).setUInt64(uint64(x.b[i]))
func (x *bytesLit) len() int { return len(x.b) }
func (x *bytesLit) slice(ctx *context, lo, hi *numLit) evaluated {
lox := 0
hix := len(x.b)
if lo != nil {
lox = lo.intValue(ctx)
if hi != nil {
hix = hi.intValue(ctx)
if lox < 0 {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "invalid slice index %d (must be non-negative)", lox)
if hix < 0 {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "invalid slice index %d (must be non-negative)", hix)
if hix < lox {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "invalid slice index: %d > %d", lox, hix)
if len(x.b) < hix {
return ctx.mkErr(hi, "slice bounds out of range")
return &bytesLit{x.baseValue, x.b[lox:hix], nil}
type stringLit struct {
str string
re *regexp.Regexp // only set if needed
// TODO: maintain extended grapheme index cache.
func (x *stringLit) kind() kind { return stringKind }
func (x *stringLit) strValue() string { return x.str }
func (x *stringLit) iterAt(ctx *context, i int) arc {
runes := []rune(x.str)
if i >= len(runes) {
return arc{}
v :=, i)
return arc{v: v, cache: v}
func (x *stringLit) at(ctx *context, i int) evaluated {
runes := []rune(x.str)
if i < 0 || i >= len(runes) {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "index %d out of bounds", i)
// TODO: this is incorrect.
return &stringLit{x.baseValue, string(runes[i : i+1]), nil}
func (x *stringLit) len() int { return len([]rune(x.str)) }
func (x *stringLit) slice(ctx *context, lo, hi *numLit) evaluated {
runes := []rune(x.str)
lox := 0
hix := len(runes)
if lo != nil {
lox = lo.intValue(ctx)
if hi != nil {
hix = hi.intValue(ctx)
if lox < 0 {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "invalid slice index %d (must be non-negative)", lox)
if hix < 0 {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "invalid slice index %d (must be non-negative)", hix)
if hix < lox {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "invalid slice index: %d > %d", lox, hix)
if len(runes) < hix {
return ctx.mkErr(hi, "slice bounds out of range")
return &stringLit{x.baseValue, string(runes[lox:hix]), nil}
type numLit struct {
rep literal.Multiplier
k kind
v apd.Decimal
func newNum(src source, k kind, rep literal.Multiplier) *numLit {
if k&numKind == 0 {
panic("not a number")
return &numLit{baseValue: src.base(), rep: rep, k: k}
func newInt(src source, rep literal.Multiplier) *numLit {
return newNum(src, intKind, rep)
func newFloat(src source, rep literal.Multiplier) *numLit {
return newNum(src, floatKind, rep)
func (n numLit) specialize(k kind) *numLit {
n.k = k
return &n
func (n *numLit) set(d *apd.Decimal) *numLit {
return n
func (n *numLit) setInt(x int) *numLit {
return n
func (n *numLit) setInt64(x int64) *numLit {
return n
func (n *numLit) setUInt64(x uint64) *numLit {
return n
func (n *numLit) setString(s string) *numLit {
_, _, _ = n.v.SetString(s)
return n
func (n *numLit) String() string {
if n.k&intKind != 0 {
return n.v.Text('f') // also render info
s := n.v.Text('g')
if len(s) == 1 {
s += "."
return s // also render info
func parseInt(k kind, s string) *numLit {
num := newInt(newExpr(ast.NewLit(token.INT, s)), 0)
_, _, err := num.v.SetString(s)
if err != nil {
return num
func parseFloat(s string) *numLit {
num := newFloat(newExpr(ast.NewLit(token.FLOAT, s)), 0)
_, _, err := num.v.SetString(s)
if err != nil {
return num
var ten = big.NewInt(10)
var one = parseInt(intKind, "1")
func (x *numLit) kind() kind { return x.k }
func (x *numLit) strValue() string { return x.v.String() }
func (x *numLit) isInt(ctx *context) bool {
return x.kind()&intKind != 0
func (x *numLit) intValue(ctx *context) int {
v, err := x.v.Int64()
if err != nil {
return 0
return int(v)
type durationLit struct {
d time.Duration
func (x *durationLit) kind() kind { return durationKind }
func (x *durationLit) strValue() string { return x.d.String() }
type bound struct {
op op // opNeq, opLss, opLeq, opGeq, or opGtr
k kind // mostly used for number kind
value value
func newBound(ctx *context, base baseValue, op op, k kind, v value) evaluated {
kv := v.kind()
if kv.isAnyOf(numKind) {
kv |= numKind
} else if op == opNeq && kv&atomKind == nullKind {
kv = typeKinds &^ nullKind
if op == opMat || op == opNMat {
v = compileRegexp(ctx, v)
if isBottom(v) {
return v.(*bottom)
return &bound{base, op, unifyType(k&topKind, kv) | nonGround, v}
func (x *bound) kind() kind {
return x.k
func mkIntRange(a, b string) evaluated {
from := newBound(nil, baseValue{}, opGeq, intKind, parseInt(intKind, a))
to := newBound(nil, baseValue{}, opLeq, intKind, parseInt(intKind, b))
e := &unification{
binSrc(token.NoPos, opUnify, from, to),
[]evaluated{from, to},
// TODO: make this an integer
// int := &basicType{k: intKind}
// e = &unification{
// binSrc(token.NoPos, opUnify, int, e),
// []evaluated{int, e},
// }
return e
func mkFloatRange(a, b string) evaluated {
from := newBound(nil, baseValue{}, opGeq, numKind, parseFloat(a))
to := newBound(nil, baseValue{}, opLeq, numKind, parseFloat(b))
e := &unification{
binSrc(token.NoPos, opUnify, from, to),
[]evaluated{from, to},
// TODO: make this an integer
// int := &basicType{k: intKind}
// e = &unification{
// binSrc(token.NoPos, opUnify, int, e),
// []evaluated{int, e},
// }
return e
var predefinedRanges = map[string]evaluated{
"rune": mkIntRange("0", strconv.Itoa(0x10FFFF)),
"int8": mkIntRange("-128", "127"),
"int16": mkIntRange("-32768", "32767"),
"int32": mkIntRange("-2147483648", "2147483647"),
"int64": mkIntRange("-9223372036854775808", "9223372036854775807"),
"int128": mkIntRange(
// Do not include an alias for "byte", as it would be too easily confused
// with the builtin "bytes".
"uint": newBound(nil, baseValue{}, opGeq, intKind, parseInt(intKind, "0")),
"uint8": mkIntRange("0", "255"),
"uint16": mkIntRange("0", "65535"),
"uint32": mkIntRange("0", "4294967295"),
"uint64": mkIntRange("0", "18446744073709551615"),
"uint128": mkIntRange("0", "340282366920938463463374607431768211455"),
// 2**127 * (2**24 - 1) / 2**23
"float32": mkFloatRange(
// 2**1023 * (2**53 - 1) / 2**52
"float64": mkFloatRange(
type interpolation struct {
k kind // string or bytes
parts []value // odd: strings, even expressions
func (x *interpolation) kind() kind { return x.k | nonGround }
type list struct {
elem *structLit
typ value
// TODO: consider removing len. Currently can only be len(a) or >= len(a)
// and could be replaced with a bool.
len value
// initLit initializes a literal list.
func (x *list) initLit() {
x.len = newInt(x, 0).setInt(len(x.elem.arcs))
x.typ = &top{x.baseValue}
func (x *list) manifest(ctx *context) evaluated {
if x.kind().isGround() {
return x
// A list is ground if its length is ground, or if the current length
// meets matches the cap.
n := newInt(x, 0).setInt(len(x.elem.arcs))
if n := binOp(ctx, x, opUnify, n, x.len.evalPartial(ctx)); !isBottom(n) {
return &list{
baseValue: x.baseValue,
elem: x.elem,
len: n,
typ: &top{x.baseValue},
return x
func (x *list) kind() kind {
k := listKind
if _, ok := x.len.(*numLit); ok {
return k
return k | nonGround
// at returns the evaluated and original value of position i. List x must
// already have been evaluated. It returns an error and nil if there was an
// issue evaluating the list itself.
func (x *list) at(ctx *context, i int) evaluated {
arc := x.iterAt(ctx, i)
if arc.cache == nil {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "index %d out of bounds", i)
return arc.cache
// iterAt returns the evaluated and original value of position i. List x must
// already have been evaluated. It returns an error and nil if there was an
// issue evaluating the list itself.
func (x *list) iterAt(ctx *context, i int) arc {
if i < 0 {
v := ctx.mkErr(x, "index %d out of bounds", i)
return arc{cache: v}
if i < len(x.elem.arcs) {
a := x.elem.iterAt(ctx, i)
a.feature = 0
return a
max := maxNum(x.len.(evaluated))
if max.kind().isGround() {
if max.kind()&intKind == bottomKind {
v := ctx.mkErr(max, "length indicator of list not of type int")
return arc{cache: v}
n := max.(*numLit).intValue(ctx)
if i >= n {
return arc{}
return arc{cache: x.typ.evalPartial(ctx), v: x.typ}
func (x *list) isOpen() bool {
return !x.len.kind().isGround()
// lo and hi must be nil or a ground integer.
func (x *list) slice(ctx *context, lo, hi *numLit) evaluated {
a := x.elem.arcs
max := maxNum(x.len).evalPartial(ctx)
if hi != nil {
n := hi.intValue(ctx)
if n < 0 {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "negative slice index")
if max.kind().isGround() && !leq(ctx, hi, hi, max) {
return ctx.mkErr(hi, "slice bounds out of range")
max = hi
if n < len(a) {
a = a[:n]
if lo != nil {
n := lo.intValue(ctx)
if n < 0 {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "negative slice index")
if n > 0 && max.kind().isGround() {
if !leq(ctx, lo, lo, max) {
max := max.(*numLit).intValue(ctx)
return ctx.mkErr(x, "invalid slice index: %v > %v", n, max)
max = binOp(ctx, lo, opSub, max, lo)
if n < len(a) {
a = a[n:]
} else {
a = []arc{}
arcs := make([]arc, len(a))
for i, a := range a {
arcs[i] = arc{feature: label(i), v: a.v, docs:}
s := &structLit{baseValue: x.baseValue, arcs: arcs}
return &list{baseValue: x.baseValue, elem: s, typ: x.typ, len: max}
// An structLit is a single structLit in the configuration tree.
// An structLit may have multiple arcs. There may be only one arc per label. Use
// insertRaw to insert arcs to ensure this invariant holds.
type structLit struct {
// TODO(perf): separate out these infrequent values to save space.
emit value // currently only supported at top level.
// TODO: make this a list of templates and don't unify until templates are
// applied. This allows generalization of having different constraints
// for different field sets. This could also be used to mark closedness:
// use [string]: _ for fully open. This could be a sentinel value.
// For now we use a boolean for closedness.
// NOTE: must be conjunction of lists.
// For lists originating from closed structs,
// there must be at least one match.
// templates [][]value
// catch_all: value
// optionals holds pattern-constraint pairs that
// are applied to all concrete values in this struct.
optionals *optionals
closeStatus closeMode
comprehensions []compValue
// TODO: consider hoisting the template arc to its own value.
arcs []arc
expanded evaluated
// compValue is a temporary stop-gap until the correct unification algorithm is
// implemented. This implementation is more strict than should be. When two
// structs, of which at least one is closed, are unified, the fields resolving
// later from unresolved comprehensions should match the closedness constraints.
// To relax this constraint, unification could follow the lines of
// traditional unification with bookkeeping of which fields are
// allowed, to be applied as constraints after full unification.
type compValue struct {
checked bool
comp value
// optionals holds a set of key pattern-constraint pairs, where constraints are
// to be applied to concrete fields of which the label matches the key pattern.
// optionals will either hold concrete fields or a couple of nested optional
// structs combined based on the op type, but not both.
type optionals struct {
closed closeMode
op op
left *optionals // nil means empty closed struct
right *optionals // nil means empty closed struct
fields []optionalSet
type optionalSet struct {
// A key filter may be nil, in which case it means all strings, or _.
key value
// constraint must evaluate to a lambda and is applied to any concrete
// value for which the key matches key.
value value
func newOptional(key, value value) *optionals {
return &optionals{
fields: []optionalSet{{key, value}},
// isClosed mirrors the closed status of the struct to which
// this optionals belongs.
func (o *optionals) isClosed() bool {
if o == nil {
return true
return o.closed.isClosed()
func (o *optionals) close() *optionals {
if o == nil {
return nil
o.closed |= isClosed
return o
// isEmpty reports whether this optionals may report true for match. Even if an
// optionals is empty, it may still hold constraints to be applied to already
// existing concrete fields.
func (o *optionals) isEmpty() bool {
if o == nil {
return true
le := o.left.isEmpty()
re := o.right.isEmpty()
if o.op == opUnify {
if le && o.left.isClosed() {
return true
if re && o.right.isClosed() {
return true
return le && re && len(o.fields) == 0
// isFull reports whether match reports true for all fields.
func (o *optionals) isFull() bool {
found, _ := o.match(nil, nil)
return found
// match reports whether a field with the given name may be added in the
// associated struct as a new field. ok is false if there was any closed
// struct that failed to match. Even if match returns false, there may still be
// constraints represented by optionals that are to be applied to existing
// concrete fields.
func (o *optionals) match(ctx *context, str *stringLit) (found, ok bool) {
if o == nil {
return false, true
found1, ok := o.left.match(ctx, str)
if !ok && o.op == opUnify {
return false, false
found2, ok := o.right.match(ctx, str)
if !ok && o.op == opUnify {
return false, false
if found1 || found2 {
return true, true
for _, f := range o.fields {
if f.key == nil {
return true, true
if str != nil {
v := binOp(ctx, f.value, opUnify, f.key.evalPartial(ctx), str)
if !isBottom(v) {
return true, true
return false, !o.closed.isClosed()
func (o *optionals) allows(ctx *context, f label) bool {
if o == nil {
return false
if f&(hidden|definition) != 0 {
return false
str := ctx.labelStr(f)
arg := &stringLit{str: str}
found, ok := o.match(ctx, arg)
return found && ok
func (o *optionals) add(ctx *context, key, value value) {
for i, b := range o.fields {
if b.key == key {
o.fields[i].value = mkBin(ctx, token.NoPos, opUnify, b.value, value)
o.fields = append(o.fields, optionalSet{key, value})
// isDotDotDot reports whether optionals only contains fully-qualified
// constraints. This is useful for some optimizations.
func (o *optionals) isDotDotDot() bool {
if o == nil {
return false
if len(o.fields) > 1 {
return false
if len(o.fields) == 1 {
f := o.fields[0]
if f.key != nil {
return false
lambda, ok := f.value.(*lambdaExpr)
if ok {
if _, ok = lambda.value.(*top); ok {
return true
return false
if o.left == nil {
return o.right.isDotDotDot()
if o.right == nil {
return o.left.isDotDotDot()
return o.left.isDotDotDot() && o.right.isDotDotDot()
// constraint returns the unification of all constraints for which arg matches
// the key filter. doc contains the documentation of all applicable fields.
func (o *optionals) constraint(ctx *context, label evaluated) (u value, doc *docNode) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil
add := func(v value) {
if v != nil {
if u == nil {
u = v
} else {
u = mkBin(ctx, token.NoPos, opUnify, u, v)
v, doc1 := o.left.constraint(ctx, label)
v, doc2 := o.right.constraint(ctx, label)
if doc1 != nil || doc2 != nil {
doc = &docNode{left: doc1, right: doc2}
arg := label
if arg == nil {
arg = &basicType{k: stringKind}
for _, s := range o.fields {
if s.key != nil {
if label == nil {
key := s.key.evalPartial(ctx)
if v := binOp(ctx, label, opUnify, key, label); isBottom(v) {
fn, ok := ctx.manifest(s.value).(*lambdaExpr)
if !ok {
// create error
add(, s.value, arg))
if f, _ := s.value.base().syntax().(*ast.Field); f != nil {
doc = &docNode{n: f, left: doc}
return u, doc
func (o *optionals) rewrite(fn func(value) value) (c *optionals, err evaluated) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil
left, err := o.left.rewrite(fn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
right, err := o.right.rewrite(fn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fields := make([]optionalSet, len(o.fields))
for i, s := range o.fields {
if s.key != nil {
s.key = fn(s.key)
if b, ok := s.key.(*bottom); ok {
return nil, b
s.value = fn(s.value)
if b, ok := s.value.(*bottom); ok {
return nil, b
fields[i] = s
return &optionals{o.closed, o.op, left, right, fields}, nil
type closeMode byte
const (
shouldFinalize closeMode = 1 << iota
func (m closeMode) shouldFinalize() bool {
return m&shouldFinalize != 0
func (m *closeMode) unclose() {
*m &^= (toClose | isClosed)
func (m closeMode) isClosed() bool {
return m&isClosed != 0
func (m closeMode) shouldClose() bool {
return m >= toClose
func (x *structLit) isClosed() bool {
return x.closeStatus.isClosed()
func (x *structLit) addTemplate(ctx *context, pos token.Pos, key, value value) {
if x.optionals == nil {
x.optionals = &optionals{}
x.optionals.add(ctx, key, value)
func (x *structLit) allows(ctx *context, f label) bool {
return !x.closeStatus.isClosed() ||
f&hidden != 0 ||
x.optionals.allows(ctx, f)
func newStruct(src source) *structLit {
return &structLit{baseValue: src.base()}
func (x *structLit) kind() kind { return structKind }
type arcs []arc
func (x *structLit) Len() int { return len(x.arcs) }
func (x *structLit) Less(i, j int) bool { return x.arcs[i].feature < x.arcs[j].feature }
func (x *structLit) Swap(i, j int) { x.arcs[i], x.arcs[j] = x.arcs[j], x.arcs[i] }
func (x *structLit) close() *structLit {
if x.optionals.isFull() {
return x
newS := *x
newS.closeStatus = isClosed
return &newS
// lookup returns the node for the given label f, if present, or nil otherwise.
func (x *structLit) lookup(ctx *context, f label) arc {
x, err := x.expandFields(ctx)
if err != nil {
return arc{}
// Lookup is done by selector or index references. Either this is done on
// literal nodes or nodes obtained from references. In the later case,
// noderef will have ensured that the ancestors were evaluated.
for i, a := range x.arcs {
if a.feature == f {
a := x.iterAt(ctx, i)
// TODO: adding more technical debt here. The evaluator should be
// rewritten.
if x.optionals != nil {
name := ctx.labelStr(x.arcs[i].feature)
arg := &stringLit{x.baseValue, name, nil}
val, _ := x.optionals.constraint(ctx, arg)
if val != nil {
a.v = mkBin(ctx, x.Pos(), opUnify, a.v, val)
return a
return arc{}
func (x *structLit) iterAt(ctx *context, i int) arc {
x, err := x.expandFields(ctx)
if err != nil || i >= len(x.arcs) {
return arc{}
a := x.arcs[i]
a.cache =, i) // TODO: return template & v for original?
return a
func (x *structLit) at(ctx *context, i int) evaluated {
// TODO: limit visibility of definitions:
// Approach:
// - add package identifier to arc (label)
// - assume ctx is unique for a package
// - record package identifier in context
// - if arc is a definition, check IsExported and verify the package if not.
// The same approach could be valid for looking up package-level identifiers.
// - detect somehow aht root nodes are.
// Allow import of CUE files. These cannot have a package clause.
var err *bottom
// Lookup is done by selector or index references. Either this is done on
// literal nodes or nodes obtained from references. In the later case,
// noderef will have ensured that the ancestors were evaluated.
if v := x.arcs[i].cache; v == nil {
// cycle detection
popped := ctx.evalStack
ctx.evalStack = append(ctx.evalStack, bottom{
baseValue: x.base(),
index: ctx.index,
code: codeCycle,
value: x.arcs[i].v,
format: "cycle detected",
x.arcs[i].cache = &(ctx.evalStack[len(ctx.evalStack)-1])
v := x.arcs[i].v.evalPartial(ctx)
ctx.evalStack = popped
var doc *docNode
v, doc = x.applyTemplate(ctx, i, v)
// only place to apply template?
if (len(ctx.evalStack) > 0 && ctx.cycleErr) || cycleError(v) != nil {
// Don't cache while we're in a evaluation cycle as it will cache
// partial results. Each field involved in the cycle will have to
// reevaluated the values from scratch. As the result will be
// cached after one cycle, it will evaluate the cycle at most twice.
x.arcs[i].cache = nil
return v
// If there as a cycle error, we have by now evaluated a full cycle and
// it is safe to cache the result.
ctx.cycleErr = false
v = updateCloseStatus(ctx, v)
if st, ok := v.(*structLit); ok {
v, err = st.expandFields(ctx)
if err != nil {
v = err
x.arcs[i].cache = v
if doc != nil {
x.arcs[i].docs = &docNode{left: doc, right: x.arcs[i].docs}
if len(ctx.evalStack) == 0 {
if err := ctx.processDelayedConstraints(); err != nil {
x.arcs[i].cache = err
} else if b := cycleError(v); b != nil {
copy := *b
return &copy
return x.arcs[i].cache
// expandFields merges in embedded and interpolated fields.
// Such fields are semantically equivalent to child values, and thus
// should not be evaluated until the other fields of a struct are
// fully evaluated.
func (x *structLit) expandFields(ctx *context) (st *structLit, err *bottom) {
switch v := x.expanded.(type) {
case nil:
case *structLit:
return v, nil
return nil, x.expanded.(*bottom)
if len(x.comprehensions) == 0 {
x.expanded = x
return x, nil
x.expanded = x
comprehensions := x.comprehensions
var incomplete []compValue
var n evaluated = &top{x.baseValue}
if x.emit != nil {
n = x.emit.evalPartial(ctx)
var checked evaluated = &top{x.baseValue}
for _, x := range comprehensions {
v := x.comp.evalPartial(ctx)
if v, ok := v.(*bottom); ok {
if isIncomplete(v) {
incomplete = append(incomplete, x)
return nil, v
src := binSrc(x.comp.Pos(), opUnify, x.comp, v)
_ = checked
if x.checked {
checked = binOp(ctx, src, opUnifyUnchecked, checked, v)
} else {
n = binOp(ctx, src, opUnifyUnchecked, n, v)
if len(comprehensions) == len(incomplete) {
return x, nil
switch n.(type) {
case *bottom, *top:
orig := x.comprehensions
x.comprehensions = incomplete
src := binSrc(x.Pos(), opUnify, x, n)
n = binOp(ctx, src, opUnifyUnchecked, x, n)
x.comprehensions = orig
switch checked.(type) {
case *bottom, *top:
orig := x.comprehensions
x.comprehensions = incomplete
src := binSrc(x.Pos(), opUnify, n, checked)
n = binOp(ctx, src, opUnify, x, checked)
x.comprehensions = orig
switch v := n.(type) {
case *bottom:
x.expanded = n
return nil, v
case *structLit:
x.expanded = n
return v, nil
x.expanded = x
return x, nil
func (x *structLit) applyTemplate(ctx *context, i int, v evaluated) (e evaluated, doc *docNode) {
if x.optionals == nil {
return v, nil
if x.arcs[i].feature&(hidden|definition) == 0 {
name := ctx.labelStr(x.arcs[i].feature)
arg := &stringLit{x.baseValue, name, nil}
var val value
val, doc = x.optionals.constraint(ctx, arg)
if val != nil {
v = binOp(ctx, x, opUnify, v, val.evalPartial(ctx))
if x.closeStatus != 0 {
v = updateCloseStatus(ctx, v)
return v, doc
// A label is a canonicalized feature name.
type label uint32
const (
hidden label = 0x01 // only set iff identifier starting with _ or #_
definition label = 0x02 // only set iff identifier starting with #
labelShift = 2
// An arc holds the label-value pair.
// A fully evaluated arc has either a node or a value. An unevaluated arc,
// however, may have both. In this case, the value must ultimately evaluate
// to a node, which will then be merged with the existing one.
type arc struct {
feature label
optional bool
definition bool // field is a definition
// TODO: add index to preserve approximate order within a struct and use
// topological sort to compute new struct order when unifying. This could
// also be achieved by not sorting labels on features and doing
// a linear search in fields.
v value
cache evaluated // also used as newValue during unification.
attrs *attributes
docs *docNode
type docNode struct {
n *ast.Field
left *docNode
right *docNode
func (d *docNode) appendDocs(docs []*ast.CommentGroup) []*ast.CommentGroup {
if d == nil {
return docs
docs = d.left.appendDocs(docs)
if d.n != nil {
docs = appendDocComments(docs, d.n)
docs = appendDocComments(docs, d.n.Label)
docs = d.right.appendDocs(docs)
return docs
func appendDocComments(docs []*ast.CommentGroup, n ast.Node) []*ast.CommentGroup {
for _, c := range n.Comments() {
if c.Doc {
docs = append(docs, c)
return docs
func mergeDocs(a, b *docNode) *docNode {
if a == b || a == nil {
return b
if b == nil {
return a
// TODO: filter out duplicates?
return &docNode{nil, a, b}
func (a *arc) val() evaluated {
return a.cache
func (a *arc) setValue(v value) {
a.v = v
a.cache = nil
type closeIfStruct struct {
func wrapFinalize(ctx *context, v value) value {
if v.kind().isAnyOf(structKind | listKind) {
switch x := v.(type) {
case *top:
return v
case *structLit:
v = updateCloseStatus(ctx, x)
case *list:
v = updateCloseStatus(ctx, x)
case *disjunction:
v = updateCloseStatus(ctx, x)
case *closeIfStruct:
return x
return &closeIfStruct{v}
return v
func updateCloseStatus(ctx *context, v evaluated) evaluated {
switch x := v.(type) {
case *structLit:
if x.closeStatus.shouldClose() {
x.closeStatus = isClosed
x.optionals = x.optionals.close()
x.closeStatus |= shouldFinalize
return x
case *disjunction:
for _, d := range x.values {
d.val = wrapFinalize(ctx, d.val)
case *list:
wrapFinalize(ctx, x.elem)
if x.typ != nil {
wrapFinalize(ctx, x.typ)
return v
// insertValue is used during initialization but never during evaluation.
func (x *structLit) insertValue(ctx *context, f label, optional, isDef bool, value value, a *attributes, docs *docNode) {
for i, p := range x.arcs {
if f != p.feature {
x.arcs[i].optional = x.arcs[i].optional && optional
x.arcs[i].docs = mergeDocs(x.arcs[i].docs, docs)
x.arcs[i].v = mkBin(ctx, token.NoPos, opUnify, p.v, value)
if isDef != p.definition {
src := binSrc(token.NoPos, opUnify, p.v, value)
x.arcs[i].v = ctx.mkErr(src,
"field %q declared as definition and regular field",
isDef = false
x.arcs[i].definition = isDef
attrs, err := unifyAttrs(ctx, x, x.arcs[i].attrs, a)
if err != nil {
x.arcs[i].v = err
x.arcs[i].attrs = attrs
// TODO: should we warn if there is a mixed mode of optional and non
// optional fields at this point?
x.arcs = append(x.arcs, arc{f, optional, isDef, value, nil, a, docs})
// A nodeRef is a reference to a node.
type nodeRef struct {
node scope
label label // for direct ancestor nodes
func (x *nodeRef) kind() kind {
// TODO(REWORK): no context available
// n := x.node.deref(nil)
n := x.node
return n.kind() | nonGround | referenceKind
type selectorExpr struct {
x value
feature label
// TODO: could this be narrowed down?
func (x *selectorExpr) kind() kind {
isRef := x.x.kind() & referenceKind
return topKind | isRef
type indexExpr struct {
x value
index value
// TODO: narrow this down when we have list types.
func (x *indexExpr) kind() kind { return topKind | referenceKind }
type sliceExpr struct {
x value
lo value
hi value
// TODO: narrow this down when we have list types.
func (x *sliceExpr) kind() kind { return topKind | referenceKind }
type callExpr struct {
x value
args []value
func (x *callExpr) kind() kind {
// TODO: could this be narrowed down?
switch c := x.x.(type) {
case *lambdaExpr:
return c.returnKind() | nonGround
case *builtin:
switch len(x.args) {
case len(c.Params):
return c.Result
case len(c.Params) - 1:
if len(c.Params) == 0 || c.Result&boolKind == 0 {
return bottomKind
return c.Params[0]
return topKind | referenceKind
type customValidator struct {
args []evaluated // any but the first value
call *builtin // function must return a bool
func (x *customValidator) kind() kind {
if len( == 0 {
return bottomKind
return[0] | nonGround
type params struct {
arcs []arc
func (x *params) add(f label, v value) {
if v == nil {
panic("nil node")
x.arcs = append(x.arcs, arc{feature: f, v: v})
func (x *params) iterAt(ctx *context, i int) (evaluated, value) {
if i >= len(x.arcs) {
return nil, nil
return, i), x.arcs[i].v
// lookup returns the node for the given label f, if present, or nil otherwise.
func (x *params) at(ctx *context, i int) evaluated {
// Lookup is done by selector or index references. Either this is done on
// literal nodes or nodes obtained from references. In the later case,
// noderef will have ensured that the ancestors were evaluated.
if x.arcs[i].cache == nil {
x.arcs[i].cache = x.arcs[i].v.evalPartial(ctx)
return x.arcs[i].cache
// lookup returns the node for the given label f, if present, or nil otherwise.
func (x *params) lookup(ctx *context, f label) arc {
if f == 0 && len(x.arcs) == 1 {
// A template binding.
a := x.arcs[0]
a.cache =, 0)
return a
// Lookup is done by selector or index references. Either this is done on
// literal nodes or nodes obtained from references. In the later case,
// noderef will have ensured that the ancestors were evaluated.
for i, a := range x.arcs {
if a.feature == f {
a.cache =, i)
return a
return arc{}
type lambdaExpr struct {
value value
// TODO: could this be narrowed down?
func (x *lambdaExpr) kind() kind { return lambdaKind }
func (x *lambdaExpr) returnKind() kind { return x.value.kind() }
// call calls and evaluates a lambda expression. It is assumed that x may be
// destroyed, either because it is copied as a result of a reference or because
// it is invoked as a literal.
func (x *lambdaExpr) call(ctx *context, p source, args ...evaluated) value {
// fully evaluated.
if len(x.params.arcs) != len(args) {
return ctx.mkErr(p, x, "number of arguments does not match (%d vs %d)",
len(x.params.arcs), len(args))
// force parameter substitution. It is important that the result stands on
// its own and does not depend on its input parameters.
arcs := make(arcs, len(x.arcs))
for i, a := range x.arcs {
v := binOp(ctx, p, opUnify, a.v.evalPartial(ctx), args[i])
if isBottom(v) {
return v
arcs[i] = arc{feature: a.feature, v: v, cache: v}
lambda := &lambdaExpr{x.baseValue, &params{arcs}, nil}
defer ctx.pushForwards(x, lambda).popForwards()
obj := ctx.copy(x.value)
return obj
// Operations
type unaryExpr struct {
op op
x value
func (x *unaryExpr) kind() kind { return x.x.kind() }
func compileRegexp(ctx *context, v value) value {
var err error
switch x := v.(type) {
case *stringLit:
if == nil {, err = regexp.Compile(x.str)
if err != nil {
return ctx.mkErr(v, "could not compile regular expression %q: %v", x.str, err)
case *bytesLit:
if == nil {, err = regexp.Compile(string(x.b))
if err != nil {
return ctx.mkErr(v, "could not compile regular expression %q: %v", x.b, err)
return v
type binaryExpr struct {
op op
left value
right value
func mkBin(ctx *context, pos token.Pos, op op, left, right value) value {
if left == nil || right == nil {
panic("operands may not be nil")
if op == opUnify {
if left == right {
return left
if _, ok := left.(*top); ok {
return right
if _, ok := right.(*top); ok {
return left
// TODO(perf): consider adding a subsumption filter.
// if subsumes(ctx, left, right) {
// return right
// }
// if subsumes(ctx, right, left) {
// return left
// }
bin := &binaryExpr{binSrc(pos, op, left, right), op, left, right}
return updateBin(ctx, bin)
func updateBin(ctx *context, bin *binaryExpr) value {
switch bin.op {
case opMat, opNMat:
bin.right = compileRegexp(ctx, bin.right)
if isBottom(bin.right) {
return bin.right
return bin
func (x *binaryExpr) kind() kind {
// TODO: cache results
kind, _, _ := matchBinOpKind(x.op, x.left.kind(), x.right.kind())
return kind | nonGround
// unification collects evaluated values that are not mutually exclusive
// but cannot be represented as a single value. It allows doing the bookkeeping
// on accumulating conjunctions, simplifying them along the way, until they do
// resolve into a single value.
type unification struct {
values []evaluated
func (x *unification) kind() kind {
k := topKind
for _, v := range x.values {
k &= v.kind()
return k | nonGround
type disjunction struct {
values []dValue
// errors is used to keep track of all errors that occurred in
// a disjunction for better error reporting down the road.
// TODO: consider storing the errors in values.
errors []*bottom
hasDefaults bool // also true if it had elminated defaults.
// bind is the node that a successful disjunction will bind to. This
// allows other arcs to point to this node before the disjunction is
// completed. For early failure, this node can be set to the glb of all
// disjunctions. Otherwise top will suffice.
// bind node
type dValue struct {
val value
marked bool
func (x *disjunction) kind() kind {
k := kind(0)
for _, v := range x.values {
k |= v.val.kind()
if k != bottomKind {
k |= nonGround
return k
func (x *disjunction) Pos() token.Pos { return x.values[0].val.Pos() }
// add add a value to the disjunction. It is assumed not to be a disjunction.
func (x *disjunction) add(ctx *context, v value, marked bool) {
x.values = append(x.values, dValue{v, marked})
if b, ok := v.(*bottom); ok {
x.errors = append(x.errors, b)
// normalize removes redundant element from unification.
// x must already have been evaluated.
func (x *disjunction) normalize(ctx *context, src source) mVal {
leq := func(ctx *context, lt, gt dValue) bool {
if isBottom(lt.val) {
return true
s := subsumer{ctx: ctx}
return (!lt.marked || gt.marked) && s.subsumes(gt.val, lt.val)
k := 0
hasMarked := false
var markedErr *bottom
for i, v := range x.values {
// TODO: this is pre-evaluation is quite aggressive. Verify whether
// this does not trigger structural cycles (it does). If so, this can check for
// bottom and the validation can be delayed to as late as picking
// defaults. The drawback of this approach is that printed intermediate
// results will not look great.
if err := validate(ctx, v.val); err != nil {
x.errors = append(x.errors, err)
if v.marked {
markedErr = err
if v.marked {
hasMarked = true
for j, w := range x.values {
if i == j {
if leq(ctx, v, w) && (!leq(ctx, w, v) || j < i) {
// strictly subsumed, or equal and and the equal element was
// processed earlier.
continue outer
// If there was a three-way equality, an element w, where w == v could
// already have been added.
for j := 0; j < k; j++ {
if leq(ctx, v, x.values[j]) {
continue outer
// TODO: do not modify value, but create a new disjunction.
x.values[k] = v
if !hasMarked && markedErr != nil && (k > 1 || !x.values[0].val.kind().isGround()) {
x.values[k] = dValue{&bottom{}, true}
switch k {
case 0:
// Empty disjunction. All elements must be errors.
// Take the first error as an example.
err := x.values[0].val
if !isBottom(err) {
// TODO: use format instead of debugStr.
err = ctx.mkErr(src, ctx.str(err))
return mVal{x.computeError(ctx, src), false}
case 1:
v := x.values[0]
return mVal{v.val.(evaluated), v.marked}
// TODO: do not modify value, but create a new disjunction.
x.values = x.values[:k]
return mVal{x, false}
func (x *disjunction) computeError(ctx *context, src source) evaluated {
var errors []*bottom
// Ensure every position is visited at least once.
// This prevents discriminators fields from showing up too much. A special
// "all errors" flag could be used to expand all errors.
visited := map[token.Pos]bool{}
for _, b := range x.errors {
positions := b.Positions(ctx)
if len(positions) == 0 {
positions = append(positions, token.NoPos)
// Include the error if at least one of its positions wasn't covered
// before.
done := true
for _, p := range positions {
if !visited[p] {
done = false
visited[p] = true
if !done {
b := *b
b.format = "empty disjunction: " + b.format
errors = append(errors, &b)
switch len(errors) {
case 0:
// Should never happen.
return ctx.mkErr(src, errors, "empty disjunction")
case 1:
return ctx.mkErr(src, errors, "empty disjunction: %v", errors[0])
return ctx.mkErr(src, errors, "empty disjunction: %v (and %d other errors)", errors[0], len(errors)-1)
type listComprehension struct {
clauses yielder
func (x *listComprehension) kind() kind {
return listKind | nonGround | referenceKind
type structComprehension struct {
clauses yielder
func (x *structComprehension) kind() kind {
return structKind | nonGround | referenceKind
// TODO: rename to something better. No longer a comprehension.
// Generated field, perhaps.
type fieldComprehension struct {
key value
val value
opt bool
def bool
doc *docNode
attrs *attributes
func (x *fieldComprehension) kind() kind {
return structKind | nonGround
type yieldFunc func(v evaluated) *bottom
type yielder interface {
yield(*context, yieldFunc) *bottom
type yield struct {
value value
func (x *yield) kind() kind { return topKind | referenceKind }
func (x *yield) yield(ctx *context, fn yieldFunc) *bottom {
v := x.value.evalPartial(ctx)
if err, ok := v.(*bottom); ok {
return err
if err := fn(v); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type guard struct { // rename to guard
condition value
value yielder
func (x *guard) kind() kind { return topKind | referenceKind }
func (x *guard) yield(ctx *context, fn yieldFunc) *bottom {
filter := ctx.manifest(x.condition)
if err, ok := filter.(*bottom); ok {
return err
if err := checkKind(ctx, filter, boolKind); err != nil {
return err
if filter.(*boolLit).b {
if err := x.value.yield(ctx, fn); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type feed struct {
source value
fn *lambdaExpr
func (x *feed) kind() kind { return topKind | referenceKind }
func (x *feed) yield(ctx *context, yfn yieldFunc) (result *bottom) {
if ctx.trace {
defer uni(indent(ctx, "feed", x))
source := ctx.manifest(x.source)
fn := x.fn // no need to evaluate eval
switch src := source.(type) {
case *structLit:
var err *bottom
src, err = src.expandFields(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
for i, a := range src.arcs {
key := &stringLit{
if a.definition || a.optional || a.feature&hidden != 0 {
val :=, i)
v :=, x, key, val)
if err, ok := v.(*bottom); ok {
return err
if err := v.(yielder).yield(ctx, yfn); err != nil {
return err
return nil
case *list:
for i := range src.elem.arcs {
idx := newInt(x, 0).setInt(i)
v :=, x, idx,, i))
if err, ok := v.(*bottom); ok {
return err
if err := v.(yielder).yield(ctx, yfn); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err, ok := source.(*bottom); ok {
return err
if k := source.kind(); k&(structKind|listKind) == bottomKind {
return ctx.mkErr(x, x.source, "feed source must be list or struct, found %s", k)
return ctx.mkErr(x, x.source, codeIncomplete, "incomplete feed source")