blob: 1f95d00c8fdbc99295569841dec3f7e3008f4e14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cue
import (
func unifyType(a, b kind) kind {
const mask = topKind
isRef := (a &^ mask) | (b &^ mask)
return isRef | (a & b)
type kind uint16
const (
unknownKind kind = (1 << iota)
// customKind
// nonGround means that a value is not specific enough to be emitted.
// Structs and lists are indicated as ground even when their values are not.
// TODO: distinguish beteween nonGround and disjunctions?
// a referenceKind is typically top and nonGround, but is indicated with an
// additional bit. If reference is set and nonGround is not, it is possible
// to move the reference to an assertion clause.
atomKind = (listKind - 1) &^ unknownKind
addableKind = (structKind - 1) &^ unknownKind
concreteKind = (lambdaKind - 1) &^ unknownKind
// doneKind indicates a value can not further develop on its own (i.e. not a
// reference). If doneKind is not set, but the result is ground, it
// typically possible to hoist the reference out of a unification operation.
// For rational numbers, typically both intKind and floatKind are set,
// unless the range is restricted by a root type.
numKind = intKind | floatKind
comparableKind = (listKind - 1) &^ unknownKind
stringableKind = scalarKinds | stringKind
topKind = (referenceKind - 1) // all kinds, but not references
typeKinds = (nonGround - 1) &^ unknownKind
okKinds = typeKinds &^ bottomKind
fixedKinds = okKinds &^ (structKind | lambdaKind)
scalarKinds = numKind | durationKind
bottomKind = 0
func isTop(v value) bool {
_, ok := v.(*top)
return ok
func isCustom(v value) bool {
_, ok := v.(*customValidator)
return ok
// isDone means that the value will not evaluate further.
func (k kind) isDone() bool { return k&referenceKind == bottomKind }
func (k kind) hasReferences() bool { return k&referenceKind != bottomKind }
func (k kind) isConcrete() bool { return k&^(lambdaKind-1) == bottomKind }
func (k kind) isGround() bool { return k&^(nonGround-1) == bottomKind }
func (k kind) isAtom() bool { return k.isGround() && k&atomKind != bottomKind }
func (k kind) isAnyOf(of kind) bool {
return k&of != bottomKind
func (k kind) stringable() bool {
return k.isGround() && k&stringKind|scalarKinds != bottomKind
func (k kind) String() string {
str := ""
if k&topKind == topKind {
str = "_"
goto finalize
for i := kind(1); i < referenceKind; i <<= 1 {
t := ""
switch k & i {
case bottomKind:
case nullKind:
t = "null"
case boolKind:
t = "bool"
case intKind:
if k&floatKind != 0 {
t = "number"
} else {
t = "int"
case floatKind:
if k&intKind != 0 {
t = "float"
case stringKind:
t = "string"
case bytesKind:
t = "bytes"
case durationKind:
t = "duration"
case listKind:
t = "list"
case structKind:
t = "struct"
case lambdaKind:
t = "lambda"
case nonGround, referenceKind:
t = fmt.Sprintf("<unknown> %x", int(i))
if str != "" {
str += "|"
str += t
if str == "" {
return "_|_"
return str
// matchBinOpKind returns the result kind of applying the given op to operands with
// the given kinds. The operation is disallowed if the return value is bottomKind. If
// the second return value is true, the operands should be swapped before evaluation.
// Evaluating binary expressions uses this to
// - fail incompatible operations early, even if the concrete types are
// not known,
// - check the result type of unification,
// Secondary goals:
// - keep type compatibility mapped at a central place
// - reduce the amount op type switching.
// - simplifies testing
func matchBinOpKind(op op, a, b kind) (k kind, swap bool, msg string) {
if op == opDisjunction {
return a | b, false, ""
u := unifyType(a, b)
valBits := u & typeKinds
catBits := u &^ typeKinds
aGround := a&nonGround == 0
bGround := b&nonGround == 0
a = a & typeKinds
b = b & typeKinds
if valBits == bottomKind {
msg := "invalid operation %[2]s %[1]s %[3]s (mismatched types %[4]s and %[5]s)"
k := nullKind
switch op {
case opLss, opLeq, opGtr, opGeq:
if a.isAnyOf(numKind) && b.isAnyOf(numKind) {
return boolKind, false, ""
case opEql, opNeq:
if a.isAnyOf(numKind) && b.isAnyOf(numKind) {
return boolKind, false, ""
if a&nullKind != 0 {
return k, false, ""
if b&nullKind != 0 {
return k, true, ""
return bottomKind, false, msg
case opUnify, opUnifyUnchecked:
if a&nullKind != 0 {
return k, false, ""
if b&nullKind != 0 {
return k, true, ""
switch {
case a.isGround() && !b.isGround():
msg = "invalid value %[2]s (must be %[5]s)"
case !a.isGround() && b.isGround():
msg = "invalid value %[3]s (must be %[4]s)"
msg = "conflicting values %[2]s and %[3]s (mismatched types %[4]s and %[5]s)"
return bottomKind, false, msg
case opRem, opQuo, opMul, opAdd, opSub:
if a.isAnyOf(numKind) && b.isAnyOf(numKind) {
return floatKind, false, ""
if op == opMul {
if a.isAnyOf(listKind|stringKind|bytesKind) && b.isAnyOf(intKind) {
return a | catBits, false, ""
if b.isAnyOf(listKind|stringKind|bytesKind) && a.isAnyOf(intKind) {
return b | catBits, true, ""
// non-overlapping types
if a&scalarKinds == 0 || b&scalarKinds == 0 {
return bottomKind, false, msg
// a and b have different numeric types.
switch {
case b.isAnyOf(durationKind):
// a must be a numeric, non-duration type.
if op == opMul {
return durationKind | catBits, true, msg
case a.isAnyOf(durationKind):
if opIn(op, opMul, opQuo, opRem) {
return durationKind | catBits, false, msg
case op.isCmp():
return boolKind, false, ""
return bottomKind, false, msg
switch {
case aGround && bGround:
// both ground values: nothing to do
case op != opUnify && op != opLand && op != opLor && op != opNeq:
swap = aGround && !bGround
// a and b have overlapping types.
switch op {
case opUnify, opUnifyUnchecked:
// Increase likelihood of unification succeeding on first try.
return u, swap, ""
case opLand, opLor:
if u.isAnyOf(boolKind) {
return boolKind | catBits, swap, ""
case opMat, opNMat:
if u.isAnyOf(stringKind | bytesKind) {
return boolKind | catBits, false, ""
case opEql, opNeq:
if u.isAnyOf(fixedKinds) {
return boolKind | catBits, false, ""
case opLss, opLeq, opGeq, opGtr:
if u.isAnyOf(fixedKinds) {
return boolKind | catBits, false, ""
case opAdd:
if u.isAnyOf(addableKind) {
return u&(addableKind) | catBits, false, ""
case opSub:
if u.isAnyOf(scalarKinds) {
return u&scalarKinds | catBits, false, ""
case opRem:
if u.isAnyOf(numKind) {
return floatKind | catBits, false, ""
case opQuo:
if u.isAnyOf(numKind) {
return floatKind | catBits, false, ""
case opIRem, opIMod:
if u.isAnyOf(intKind) {
return u&(intKind) | catBits, false, ""
case opIQuo, opIDiv:
if u.isAnyOf(intKind) {
return intKind | catBits, false, ""
case opMul:
if u.isAnyOf(numKind) {
return u&numKind | catBits, false, ""
// TODO: localize
msg = "invalid operation %[2]s %[1]s %[3]s"
msg += fmt.Sprintf(" (operator '%s' not defined on %s)", op, valBits)
return bottomKind, false, msg