blob: b5f0cd5d3d255dc82555e149cca8ae954d696a0c [file] [log] [blame]
cue trim -o - ./trim
cmp stdout expect-stdout
-- expect-stdout --
package trim
foo: [string]: {
_value: string
a: 4
b: string
d: 8
e: "foo"
f: ">> \( _value) <<"
n: 5
list: ["foo", 8.0]
struct: {a: 3.0}
sList: [{a: 8, b: string}, {a: 9, b: *"foo" | string}]
rList: [{a: "a"}]
rcList: [{a: "a", c: b}]
t: [string]: {
x: >=0 & <=5
foo: bar: {
_value: "here"
b: "foo"
c: 45
sList: [{b: "foo"}, {}]
foo: baz: {}
foo: multipath: {
t: [string]: {
// Combined with the other constraints, we know the value must be 5 and
// thus the entry below can be eliminated.
x: >=5 & <=8 & int
t: u: {
x: 5
// TODO: top-level fields are currently not removed.
group: {
for k, v in foo {
comp: "\(k)": v
comp: bar: {
aa: 8 // new value
comp: baz: {} // removed: fully implied by comprehension above
-- trim/trim.cue --
package trim
foo: [string]: {
_value: string
a: 4
b: string
d: 8
e: "foo"
f: ">> \( _value) <<"
n: 5
list: ["foo", 8.0]
struct: {a: 3.0}
sList: [{a: 8, b: string}, {a: 9, b: *"foo" | string}]
rList: [{a: "a"}]
rcList: [{a: "a", c: b}]
t: [string]: {
x: >=0 & <=5
foo: bar: {
_value: "here"
a: 4
b: "foo"
c: 45
e: string
f: ">> here <<" // TODO: remove
// 5 is an integer, so this can be removed.
n: int
struct: {a: 3.0}
list: ["foo", float]
sList: [{a: 8, b: "foo"}, {b: "foo"}]
rList: [{a: string}]
rcList: [{a: "a", c: "foo"}]
foo: baz: {}
foo: multipath: {
t: [string]: {
// Combined with the other constraints, we know the value must be 5 and
// thus the entry below can be eliminated.
x: >=5 & <=8 & int
t: u: {
x: 5
// TODO: top-level fields are currently not removed.
group: {
for k, v in foo {
comp: "\(k)": v
comp: bar: {
a: 4
aa: 8 // new value
comp: baz: {} // removed: fully implied by comprehension above
-- cue.mod --