blob: ce8506667d7fc0c9772f39319967d67075f640af [file] [log] [blame]
// TODO: merge the resulting files. This can only be done if off-by-one handling
// is moved to expr handling too.
// For now this is better than panicking.
-- x.cue --
X="a-b": 4
foo: X
bar?: Y
Y="a-c": 5
-- y.cue --
baz: 3
X="d-2": E=[D="cue"]: C="foo\(baz)": {
name: "xx"
bar: X
baz: D
qux: E
-- out/definition --
X="a-b": 4
foo: X
bar?: Y
Y="a-c": 5
} & {
baz: 3
X_1="d-2": {
E=[D="cue"]: {
C="foo\(baz)": {
name: "xx"
bar: X_1
baz: D
qux: E
-- out/doc --
-- out/value --
== Simplified
"a-b": 4
foo: 4
baz: 3
"a-c": 5
"d-2": {}
== Raw
"a-b": 4
foo: 4
bar?: Y
baz: 3
Y="a-c": 5
"d-2": {}
== Final
"a-b": 4
foo: 4
baz: 3
"a-c": 5
"d-2": {}
== All
"a-b": 4
foo: 4
bar?: Y
baz: 3
Y="a-c": 5
"d-2": {}