blob: aba1e14ce8b90cfbbcf8fbe374cb6e071e0f7f36 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cue_test
import (
_ ""
func TestBuiltins(t *testing.T) {
test := func(pkg, expr string) []*bimport {
return []*bimport{{"",
[]string{fmt.Sprintf("import %q\n(%s)", pkg, expr)},
testExpr := func(expr string) []*bimport {
return []*bimport{{"",
[]string{fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", expr)},
testCases := []struct {
instances []*bimport
emit string
test("math", "math.Pi"),
}, {
test("math", "math.Floor(math.Pi)"),
}, {
test("math", "math.Pi(3)"),
`_|_(cannot call non-function math.Pi (type float))`,
}, {
test("math", "math.Floor(3, 5)"),
`_|_(too many arguments in call to math.Floor (have 2, want 1))`,
}, {
test("math", `math.Floor("foo")`),
`_|_(cannot use "foo" (type string) as number in argument 1 to math.Floor)`,
}, {
test("crypto/sha256", `sha256.Sum256("hash me")`),
`'\xeb \x1a\xf5\xaa\xf0\xd6\x06)\xd3Ҧ\x1eFl\xfc\x0f\xed\xb5\x17\xad\xd81\xec\xacR5\xe1کc\xd6'`,
}, {
test("crypto/md5", `len(md5.Sum("hash me"))`),
}, {
test("encoding/yaml", `yaml.Validate("a: 2\n---\na: 4", {a:<3})`),
`_|_(error in call to encoding/yaml.Validate: a: invalid value 4 (out of bound <3) (and 1 more errors))`,
}, {
test("encoding/yaml", `yaml.Validate("a: 2\n---\na: 4", {a:<5})`),
}, {
test("encoding/yaml", `yaml.Validate("a: 2\n", {a:<5, b:int})`),
`_|_(error in call to encoding/yaml.Validate: b: incomplete value int (and 1 more errors))`,
}, {
test("strconv", `strconv.FormatUint(64, 16)`),
}, {
test("regexp", `regexp.Find(#"f\w\w"#, "afoot")`),
}, {
test("regexp", `regexp.Find(#"f\w\w"#, "bar")`),
`_|_(error in call to regexp.Find: no match (and 1 more errors))`,
}, {
testExpr(`len([1, 2, 3])`),
}, {
}, {
test("encoding/json", `json.MarshalStream([{a: 1}, {b: 2}])`),
}, {
test("encoding/json", `{
x: int
y: json.Marshal({a: x})
`{x:int,y:_|_(cannot convert incomplete value "int" to JSON (and 1 more errors))}`,
}, {
test("encoding/yaml", `yaml.MarshalStream([{a: 1}, {b: 2}])`),
`"a: 1\n---\nb: 2\n"`,
}, {
test("struct", `struct.MinFields(0) & ""`),
`_|_(conflicting values struct.MinFields(0) and "" (mismatched types struct and string))`,
}, {
test("struct", `struct.MinFields(0) & {a: 1}`),
}, {
test("struct", `struct.MinFields(2) & {a: 1}`),
// TODO: original value may be better.
// `_|_(invalid value {a:1} (does not satisfy struct.MinFields(2)))`,
`_|_(invalid value {a:1} (does not satisfy struct.MinFields(2)): len(fields) < MinFields(2) (1 < 2))`,
}, {
test("time", `time.Time & "1937-01-01T12:00:27.87+00:20"`),
}, {
test("time", `time.Time & "no time"`),
`_|_(invalid value "no time" (does not satisfy time.Time): error in call to time.Time: invalid time "no time")`,
}, {
test("time", `time.Unix(1500000000, 123456)`),
for i, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(fmt.Sprint(i), func(t *testing.T) {
insts := cue.Build(makeInstances(tc.instances))
if err := insts[0].Err; err != nil {
v := insts[0].Value()
got := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", v)
if got != tc.emit {
t.Errorf("\n got: %s\nwant: %s", got, tc.emit)
// For debugging purposes. Do not remove.
func TestSingleBuiltin(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("error message")
test := func(pkg, expr string) []*bimport {
return []*bimport{{"",
[]string{fmt.Sprintf("import %q\n(%s)", pkg, expr)},
testCases := []struct {
instances []*bimport
emit string
test("list", `list.Sort([{a:1}, {b:2}], list.Ascending)`),
`_|_(error in call to list.Sort: less: invalid operands {b:2} and {a:1} to '<' (type struct and struct) (and 1 more errors))`,
for i, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(fmt.Sprint(i), func(t *testing.T) {
insts := cue.Build(makeInstances(tc.instances))
if err := insts[0].Err; err != nil {
v := insts[0].Value()
got := fmt.Sprint(v)
if got != tc.emit {
t.Errorf("\n got: %s\nwant: %s", got, tc.emit)
type builder struct {
ctxt *build.Context
imports map[string]*bimport
func (b *builder) load(pos token.Pos, path string) *build.Instance {
bi := b.imports[path]
if bi == nil {
return nil
type bimport struct {
path string // "" means top-level
files []string
func makeInstances(insts []*bimport) (instances []*build.Instance) {
b := builder{
ctxt: build.NewContext(),
imports: map[string]*bimport{},
for _, bi := range insts {
if bi.path != "" {
b.imports[bi.path] = bi
for _, bi := range insts {
if bi.path == "" {
instances = append(instances,
func (b *builder) build(bi *bimport) *build.Instance {
path := bi.path
if path == "" {
path = "dir"
p := b.ctxt.NewInstance(path, b.load)
for i, f := range bi.files {
_ = p.AddFile(fmt.Sprintf("file%d.cue", i), f)
_ = p.Complete()
return p