blob: 28b112d5712e72898371045920dbe6a60bd8bb14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file implements scopes and the objects they contain.
package astutil
import (
// An ErrFunc processes errors.
type ErrFunc func(pos token.Pos, msg string, args ...interface{})
// TODO: future development
// Resolution currently assigns values along the table below. This is based on
// Go's resolver and is not quite convenient for CUE's purposes. For one, CUE
// allows manually setting resolution and than call astutil.Sanitize to
// normalize the ast.File. Manually assigning resolutions according to the
// below table is rather tedious though.
// Instead of using the Scope and Node fields in identifiers, we suggest the
// following assignments:
// Reference Node // an Decl or Clause
// Ident *Ident // The identifier in References (optional)
// References always refers to the direct element in the scope in which the
// identifier occurs, not the final value, so: *Field, *LetClause, *ForClause,
// etc. In case Ident is defined, it must be the same pointer as the
// referencing identifier. In case it is not defined, the Name of the
// referencing identifier can be used to locate the proper identifier in the
// referenced node.
// The Scope field in the original design then loses its function.
// Type of reference Scope Node
// Let Clause File/Struct LetClause
// Alias declaration File/Struct Alias (deprecated)
// Illegal Reference File/Struct
// Value
// X in a: X=y Field Alias
// Fields
// X in X: y File/Struct Expr (y)
// X in X=x: y File/Struct Field
// X in X=(x): y File/Struct Field
// X in X="\(x)": y File/Struct Field
// X in [X=x]: y Field Expr (x)
// X in X=[x]: y Field Field
// for k, v in ForClause Ident
// let x = y LetClause Ident
// Fields inside lambda
// Label Field Expr
// Value Field Field
// Pkg nil ImportSpec
// Resolve resolves all identifiers in a file. Unresolved identifiers are
// recorded in Unresolved. It will not overwrite already resolved values.
func Resolve(f *ast.File, errFn ErrFunc) {
walk(&scope{errFn: errFn, identFn: resolveIdent}, f)
// Resolve resolves all identifiers in an expression.
// It will not overwrite already resolved values.
func ResolveExpr(e ast.Expr, errFn ErrFunc) {
f := &ast.File{}
walk(&scope{file: f, errFn: errFn, identFn: resolveIdent}, e)
// A Scope maintains the set of named language entities declared
// in the scope and a link to the immediately surrounding (outer)
// scope.
type scope struct {
file *ast.File
outer *scope
node ast.Node
index map[string]entry
inField bool
identFn func(s *scope, n *ast.Ident) bool
nameFn func(name string)
errFn func(p token.Pos, msg string, args ...interface{})
type entry struct {
node ast.Node
link ast.Node // Alias, LetClause, or Field
func newScope(f *ast.File, outer *scope, node ast.Node, decls []ast.Decl) *scope {
const n = 4 // initial scope capacity
s := &scope{
file: f,
outer: outer,
node: node,
index: make(map[string]entry, n),
identFn: outer.identFn,
nameFn: outer.nameFn,
errFn: outer.errFn,
for _, d := range decls {
switch x := d.(type) {
case *ast.Field:
label := x.Label
if a, ok := x.Label.(*ast.Alias); ok {
// TODO(legacy): use name := a.Ident.Name once quoted
// identifiers are no longer supported.
label, _ = a.Expr.(ast.Label)
if name, _, _ := ast.LabelName(a.Ident); name != "" {
if _, ok := label.(*ast.ListLit); !ok {
s.insert(name, x, a)
// default:
name, isIdent, _ := ast.LabelName(label)
if isIdent {
v := x.Value
// Avoid interpreting value aliases at this point.
if a, ok := v.(*ast.Alias); ok {
v = a.Expr
s.insert(name, v, x)
case *ast.LetClause:
name, isIdent, _ := ast.LabelName(x.Ident)
if isIdent {
s.insert(name, x, x)
case *ast.Alias:
name, isIdent, _ := ast.LabelName(x.Ident)
if isIdent {
s.insert(name, x, x)
case *ast.ImportDecl:
for _, spec := range x.Specs {
info, _ := ParseImportSpec(spec)
s.insert(info.Ident, spec, spec)
return s
func (s *scope) isLet(n ast.Node) bool {
if _, ok := s.node.(*ast.Field); ok {
return true
switch n.(type) {
case *ast.LetClause, *ast.Alias, *ast.Field:
return true
return false
func (s *scope) mustBeUnique(n ast.Node) bool {
if _, ok := s.node.(*ast.Field); ok {
return true
switch n.(type) {
// TODO: add *ast.ImportSpec when some implementations are moved over to
// Sanitize.
case *ast.ImportSpec, *ast.LetClause, *ast.Alias, *ast.Field:
return true
return false
func (s *scope) insert(name string, n, link ast.Node) {
if name == "" {
if s.nameFn != nil {
// TODO: record both positions.
if outer, _, existing := s.lookup(name); existing.node != nil {
if s.isLet(n) != outer.isLet(existing.node) {
s.errFn(n.Pos(), "cannot have both alias and field with name %q in same scope", name)
} else if s.mustBeUnique(n) || outer.mustBeUnique(existing.node) {
if outer == s {
if _, ok := existing.node.(*ast.ImportSpec); ok {
// TODO:
s.errFn(n.Pos(), "conflicting declaration %s\n"+
"\tprevious declaration at %s",
name, existing.node.Pos())
} else {
s.errFn(n.Pos(), "alias %q redeclared in same scope", name)
// TODO: Should we disallow shadowing of aliases?
// This was the case, but it complicates the transition to
// square brackets. The spec says allow it.
// s.errFn(n.Pos(), "alias %q already declared in enclosing scope", name)
s.index[name] = entry{node: n, link: link}
func (s *scope) resolveScope(name string, node ast.Node) (scope ast.Node, e entry, ok bool) {
last := s
for s != nil {
if n, ok := s.index[name]; ok && node == n.node {
if last.node == n.node {
return nil, n, true
return s.node, n, true
s, last = s.outer, s
return nil, entry{}, false
func (s *scope) lookup(name string) (p *scope, obj ast.Node, node entry) {
// TODO(#152): consider returning nil for obj if it is a reference to root.
// last := s
for s != nil {
if n, ok := s.index[name]; ok {
if _, ok := n.node.(*ast.ImportSpec); ok {
return s, nil, n
return s, s.node, n
// s, last = s.outer, s
s = s.outer
return nil, nil, entry{}
func (s *scope) After(n ast.Node) {}
func (s *scope) Before(n ast.Node) (w visitor) {
switch x := n.(type) {
case *ast.File:
s := newScope(x, s, x, x.Decls)
// Support imports.
for _, d := range x.Decls {
walk(s, d)
return nil
case *ast.StructLit:
return newScope(s.file, s, x, x.Elts)
case *ast.Comprehension:
s = scopeClauses(s, x.Clauses)
walk(s, x.Value)
return nil
case *ast.Field:
var n ast.Node = x.Label
alias, ok := x.Label.(*ast.Alias)
if ok {
n = alias.Expr
switch label := n.(type) {
case *ast.ParenExpr:
walk(s, label)
case *ast.Interpolation:
walk(s, label)
case *ast.ListLit:
if len(label.Elts) != 1 {
s = newScope(s.file, s, x, nil)
if alias != nil {
if name, _, _ := ast.LabelName(alias.Ident); name != "" {
s.insert(name, x, alias)
expr := label.Elts[0]
if a, ok := expr.(*ast.Alias); ok {
expr = a.Expr
// Add to current scope, instead of the value's, and allow
// references to bind to these illegally.
// We need this kind of administration anyway to detect
// illegal name clashes, and it allows giving better error
// messages. This puts the burdon on clients of this library
// to detect illegal usage, though.
name, err := ast.ParseIdent(a.Ident)
if err == nil {
s.insert(name, a.Expr, a)
ast.Walk(expr, nil, func(n ast.Node) {
if x, ok := n.(*ast.Ident); ok {
for s := s; s != nil && !s.inField; s = s.outer {
if _, ok := s.index[x.Name]; ok {
"reference %q in label expression refers to field against which it would be matched", x.Name)
walk(s, expr)
if n := x.Value; n != nil {
if alias, ok := x.Value.(*ast.Alias); ok {
// TODO: this should move into Before once decl attributes
// have been fully deprecated and embed attributes are introduced.
s = newScope(s.file, s, x, nil)
s.insert(alias.Ident.Name, alias, x)
n = alias.Expr
s.inField = true
walk(s, n)
s.inField = false
return nil
case *ast.LetClause:
// Disallow referring to the current LHS name.
name := x.Ident.Name
saved := s.index[name]
delete(s.index, name) // The same name may still appear in another scope
if x.Expr != nil {
walk(s, x.Expr)
s.index[name] = saved
return nil
case *ast.Alias:
// Disallow referring to the current LHS name.
name := x.Ident.Name
saved := s.index[name]
delete(s.index, name) // The same name may still appear in another scope
if x.Expr != nil {
walk(s, x.Expr)
s.index[name] = saved
return nil
case *ast.ImportSpec:
return nil
case *ast.Attribute:
// TODO: tokenize attributes, resolve identifiers and store the ones
// that resolve in a list.
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
walk(s, x.X)
return nil
case *ast.Ident:
if s.identFn(s, x) {
return nil
return s
func resolveIdent(s *scope, x *ast.Ident) bool {
name, ok, _ := ast.LabelName(x)
if !ok {
// TODO: generate error
return false
if _, obj, node := s.lookup(name); node.node != nil {
switch {
case x.Node == nil:
x.Node = node.node
x.Scope = obj
case x.Node == node.node:
x.Scope = obj
default: // x.Node != node
scope, _, ok := s.resolveScope(name, x.Node)
if !ok {
s.file.Unresolved = append(s.file.Unresolved, x)
x.Scope = scope
} else {
s.file.Unresolved = append(s.file.Unresolved, x)
return true
func scopeClauses(s *scope, clauses []ast.Clause) *scope {
for _, c := range clauses {
switch x := c.(type) {
case *ast.ForClause:
walk(s, x.Source)
s = newScope(s.file, s, x, nil)
if x.Key != nil {
name, err := ast.ParseIdent(x.Key)
if err == nil {
s.insert(name, x.Key, x)
name, err := ast.ParseIdent(x.Value)
if err == nil {
s.insert(name, x.Value, x)
case *ast.LetClause:
walk(s, x.Expr)
s = newScope(s.file, s, x, nil)
name, err := ast.ParseIdent(x.Ident)
if err == nil {
s.insert(name, x.Ident, x)
walk(s, c)
return s
// Debugging support
func (s *scope) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "scope %p {", s)
if s != nil && len(s.index) > 0 {
for name := range s.index {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t%v\n", name)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "}\n")
return buf.String()